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The Willermoz Rituals of Saint John : the three craft degrees of the Rectified Scottish Rite
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782805202292 Year: 2014 Publisher: Limal Peter John Smith

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Le calice d'amertume : de l'obscurantisme à la Lumière
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782960073416 Year: 2015 Publisher: Hennuyères Chrysomallos Viviane Starck

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Les trente-trois degrés écossais et la tradition.
ISSN: 09915788 ISBN: 285707316X 9782857073161 Year: 1989 Publisher: Paris,

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Le Martinisme.L'enseignement secret des MaîtresMartinès de Pasqually, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin et Jean-Baptiste Willermoz fondateur du Rite Ecossais Rectifié
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2913826709 Year: 2006 Publisher: Grenoble Le Mercure Dauphinois

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L'Esotérisme pour les nuls
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782754068871 Year: 2015 Publisher: Paris Editions First / Edi8

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sources de l'ésotérisme --- les Lumières et les illuminations --- occultisme --- icons --- mythes --- récits fondateurs --- naissance des religions --- illumination --- rites et rituels --- Corto Maltese --- cultes à mystères --- le Timée --- Isis --- Mozart --- Hécate --- Asclépios --- Cybele --- Dionysos --- Bacchus --- Pan --- orphisme --- les mystères d'Eleusis --- Pythagorisme --- Pythagore --- arithmosophie --- Mithra --- christianisme primitive --- néopythagorisme --- néoplatonisme --- théurgie --- théosophie --- les grands courants ésotéristes --- hérésie chrétienne --- gnosticisme --- l'Eglise chrétienne --- hermétisme --- les textes hermétiques --- systèmes ésotériques --- la Table d'Emeraude --- le message divin --- les secrets de la création --- le Corpus Hermeticum --- le Grand Oeuvre alchimique --- alchimie --- Ars Magna --- alchimistes de fantaisie --- philosophes et savants --- le Grand Oeuvre --- magnum opus --- opus magnum) --- les métaux --- le corps --- l'esprit --- Ora et Labora --- cryptage des travaux --- les symboles --- jeux de mots --- traités alchimiques --- créatures alchimiques --- homoncule --- homunculus --- la kabbale --- influences de la kabbale --- la merkabah --- merkavah --- le char --- islam --- tariqa --- les ismaéliens --- les haschischins --- sectes --- la divination --- numérologie --- arithmancie --- astrologie --- astronomie --- chiromancie --- le tarot de Marseille --- ésotérisme medieval --- ésotérisme de l'Eglise chrétienne --- les écrits apocryphes de saint Jean --- la kabbale chrétienne --- le catharisme --- la Prophétie de saint Malachie --- Prophétie des papes --- les ordres de chevalerie --- la légende templière --- Bretagne --- le cycle arthurien --- la quête du Graal --- le cryptage des livres de pierre --- maçons et francs-maçons --- humanisme et onirisme --- Rose-Croix --- les sources Rose-Croix --- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili --- Le Songe de Poliphile --- le Manuscrit de Voynich --- récits symboliques --- les grands dépositaires de l'ésotérisme --- franc-maçonnerie --- la franc-maçonnerie des Lumières --- les Constitutions d'Anderson --- rechristianisation --- la légende maçonnique --- la franc-maçonnerie des mystères --- la création du Rite écossais rectifié --- RER --- illuminés et charlatans --- Emmanuel Swedenborg --- Swedberg --- Franz Xaver von Baader --- le comte de Saint-Germain --- Franz Anton Mesmer --- le comte de Cagliostro --- Giuseppe Balsamo --- la filière rosicrucienne --- Egypte --- Elus Coëns --- le philosophe inconnu --- doctrine ésotérique --- Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin --- les Illuminati --- les complots --- le surnaturel --- la magie --- la pensée magique --- la sorcellerie --- l'Eglise chrétienne --- le vaudou --- vodoun --- le spiritisme --- Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail --- les séances spirites --- l'Eglise catholique --- religion brésilienne --- spiritisme et telecommunication --- Pierre-Michel-Eugène Vintras --- Joseph-Antoine Boullan --- l'abbé Boullan --- Joseph Paul Oswald Wirth --- Paul Le Cour --- Lecour --- Jules Doinel --- Jean Bricaud --- Joanny Bricaud --- Constant Chevillon --- René Adolphe Schwaller 'de Lubicz' --- Jules Eugène Boucher --- Raymond Abellio --- Georges Soulès --- Docteur Encausse et mister Papus --- le martinisme --- les martinismes --- Robert Amadou --- a Société Théosophique --- les théosophies --- Mme Blavatsky --- Annie Bessant --- Ramakrishna Paramahamsa --- Gadadhar Chattopadhyaya --- Jiddu Krishnamurti --- la Fraternité blanche universelle --- Mikhaël Aïvanhov --- Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov --- le diable --- symbolisme --- danses macabres --- vanité --- la naturphilosophie --- ésotérisme et création --- l'art --- Poussin et Borges --- le mage d'Epinal --- sâr Péladan --- les Bons Cousins --- la SRIA --- la Golden Dawn --- l'Argentum Astrum --- Astrum Argentinum --- l'Ordo Templi Orientis --- OTO --- scientisme --- Léo Taxil --- tradition --- mystère et nazisme --- pérennialisme --- René Guénon --- Abd al-Wahid Yahya --- les guénonistes --- Fulcanelli --- l'Ancien et Mystique Ordre de la Rose-Croix --- AMORC --- anthroposophie --- Rudolf Steiner --- chakra --- médecine chinoise et psychiatrie --- Georges Gurdjieff --- le chamanisme --- néochamanisme --- les racines occultes du nazisme --- racisme et pseudosciences --- les Aryens --- la croix gammée --- armanisme --- ariosophie --- la société du Vril --- l'Atlantide --- l'Agartha --- Shambhala --- Hyperborée --- la Lémurie --- le pays cathare --- occultisme nazi --- le IVe Reich --- néopaganisme du Nord --- psychanalyse et ésotérisme --- l'anathor de Jung --- taoïsme --- Paracelse --- le Yi King --- la langue des oiseaux --- le zodiaque --- parapsychology --- rejet de la communauté scientifique --- pseudoscience --- la France --- perceptions extrasensorielles --- PES --- états modifiés de conscience --- EMC --- la psychokinèse --- PK --- le paranormal --- la zététique --- New Age --- l'Ere du Verseau --- Yakov Mikhailovich Berger --- Jacques Bergier --- Louis Pauwels --- réalisme magique --- Lobsang Rampa --- Tuesday Lobsang Rampa --- James Redfield --- le Centre de la kabbale --- la Nouvelle Acropole --- le néo-évhémérisme --- théorie des anciens astronautes --- le mouvement hippie --- les théories Gaïa --- enfant indigo --- enfant des étoiles --- channeling --- channelling --- développement personnel --- l'homme et le macrocosme --- corps éthérique --- le voyage astral --- aura --- expérience de mort imminente --- EMI --- Near death experience --- NDE --- la révolution transhumaniste --- l'humanisme des alchimistes --- les nouveaux mouvements religieux --- le Centre pour l'étude des nouvelles religions --- CESNUR --- sectes et sociétés secrètes contemporaines --- la wicca --- Gerald Brousseau Gardner --- Aleister Crowley --- satanisme contemporain --- la démonologie --- l'Ars Goetia et la clavicule de Salomon --- le satanisme de La Vey --- le nombre démoniaque --- la magie du Chaos --- les Illuminés de Thanateros --- OIT --- messe noire --- Loudun --- le nouvel ordre mondial --- NOM --- légendes urbaines --- Protocoles des Sages de Sion --- le Bohemian Club --- la Table d'émeraude --- le Serpent vert --- la Science de l'occulte --- les Vers d'or --- les Tribulations héroïques de Balthasar Kober --- Blanche-Neige --- le Livre du Tao --- Novalis --- les Disciples à Saïs --- Henri d'Ofterdingen --- les doctrines hindoues --- le Pendule de Foucault --- le Jeu des perles de verre --- Histoire de la reine du matin et de Soliman, prince des génies --- les Noces chymiques --- la Divine Comédie --- Que ma joie demeure --- les Métamorphoses, ou l'Ane d'or --- Là-Bas --- l'Oeuvre au noir --- le Golem --- légendes --- Rennes-le-Château --- le curé Saunière --- Wisigoths --- Brocéliande --- Paimpont --- Glastonbury --- le Graal --- Arthur et Guenièvre --- Prague --- la chapelle de Rosslyn --- Troyes --- Rachi --- Montségur --- Notre-Dame de Paris --- Castel del Monte --- Venise

Aries : journal for the study of Western esotericism.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 15679896 15700593 Year: 2001 Publisher: [Leiden, the Netherlands] : Brill Academic Publisher

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Occultism --- Hermetism --- Occultisme --- Hermétisme --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Hermetism. --- Occultism. --- Arts and Humanities --- General and Others --- Regional and International Studies --- Social Sciences --- Health Sciences --- Religion --- Psychiatry & Psychology --- Arts and Humanities. --- Regional and International Studies. --- Social Sciences. --- Hermétisme --- Périodiques --- BRILL-E EBSCOASP-E EJPHILO EJRELIG EPUB-ALPHA-A EPUB-PER-FT --- Art, Black (Magic) --- Arts, Black (Magic) --- Black art (Magic) --- Black arts (Magic) --- Occult sciences --- Occult, The --- Hermeticism --- Religions --- Supernatural --- New Age movement --- Parapsychology --- Loagaeth --- Cosening --- John Dee --- Traité sur la reintegration des êtres --- gnostic science --- John Murray Spear --- yogic traditions --- sexual magick --- Aleister Crowley --- Anthroposophie --- Deutschland --- magic --- mysticism --- Western Esotericism --- Goldkreuzer --- Rosenkreuzer --- sexuality --- Aleksander Blok --- la philosophie naturelle --- Hermès --- Martinès de Pasqualy --- Aries --- Pythagoras --- number symbolism --- alchemy --- Disciplina Noua --- John Dec --- Monas Hieroglyphica --- Cabala --- music --- Protestantism --- Esoterik --- Jésus --- théosophie chrétienne --- le Traité de deux Natures --- Jean-Baptiste Willermoz --- book reviews --- Ben Kadosh --- Giovanni Giovano Pontano --- astrology --- religious morphology --- hermeneutics --- initiation --- Andrei Scrima --- Il Padre Spirituale --- occultism --- late classical physics --- esoterismo --- New Age --- mistica cristiana --- la dottrine del 'Cherchio Firenze 77' --- 'Magisterium eumantice artis sive scientiae magicalis' --- Berengario Ganello --- the Kabbalah --- the Philosophie Cosmique --- the Integral Yoga --- cross-cultural influence --- 'Fraulein Sprengel' --- modern Western magic --- theosophy --- Julius Evola --- the UR Group --- Satan --- contemporary Satanism --- locations of knowledge --- Medieval Europe --- early Modern Europe --- Esoteric discourse --- Western identities --- Frances Yates --- left-hand path magic --- Neopaganism --- Federico Gualdi --- Venise --- alchimie --- the Hermetic tradition --- contemporary religious Satanism --- les alchimistes grecs --- recettes alchimiques --- Holkhamikus --- Cosmas le Hiéromoine --- Chrysopée --- Aufklärung und Esoterik --- Andrei Vilnius --- early modern Russia --- pietism --- Gustav Merink --- Heather Wolffram --- June Leavitt --- Claire Nally --- Nevill Drury --- Andreas B. Kilcher --- the late nineteenth-century spirit cabinet --- Diane Long Hoeveler --- occulture and modern art --- the study of art --- science --- the visual culture of spiritualism --- surrealism --- gender --- spiritualism --- Gurdjieff --- contemporary Kabbalah --- Kabbalah in America --- R. Levi Isaac Krakovsky --- the occult underground of late Soviet Russia --- iconology --- gnostic mythmaking --- Sethianism --- Athanasius Kircher --- Arnaud de Villeneuve --- music and esotericism --- freemasonry --- Rosicrucianism --- spiritual regeneration --- collective reformation --- Christoph Besold --- Johannes Valentin Andreae --- the Farma Fraternitatis --- De Furore Britannico --- the Rosicrucian Manifestos in Britain --- Sendivogius in Sweden --- Elias Artista --- Fratres roris cocti --- AMORC --- Chaldaean Oracles and Theurgy --- Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi --- Ancient literature --- Einar Thomassen --- Béoralde de Verville --- Esotericism --- rejected knowledge in Western culture --- Magie --- Michel Tardieu --- scrittura ad occhi --- Liber misteriorum venerabilium --- Reginald W. Machell --- Blavatsky --- British symbolism --- American art --- Antoine Faivre --- the study of fairy tales --- Copernican Cosmotheism --- Johann Jacob Zimmermann --- the mystical light --- religion --- politics --- contemporary Esotericism --- magia ebraica medievale --- Solomon's secret arts --- the occult --- enlightenment --- Vril --- Theosophie --- esoterischen Neonazismus --- modern esoterica --- Shimmushei Torah --- Antiquity --- concealment --- pseudepigraphy --- the study of Esotericism in Antiquity --- secrets --- mystery --- Esotericism in early Jewish Mysticism --- Ancient Esotericism --- Esotericism in classical Rabbinic culture --- Esoteric discourse and the Jerusalem Temple in the Gospel of Philip --- Alchemy --- the Paraphrase of Shem --- Ancient Hermetism and Esotericism --- Theurgy --- Hermetic rebirth --- Renaissance Hermetism --- Madame Théon --- Alta Una --- Mother Superior --- Mary Ware --- the subliminal mind --- Aldous Huxley --- social reform --- theology --- science and religion --- religious revolutionaries and spiritualism in Germany --- global religious history --- superstition in Late Medieval Europe --- Laus Platonici Philosophi --- Marsilio Ficino --- Hermetik --- Mystik --- das Werden der Aufklärung --- spiritualistischer Literatur der frühen Neuzeit --- Margaret Alice Murray --- archaeology --- New Age spirituality --- discourse theory and enlightenment --- 'Western learned magic' --- Aurora --- concealment and revelation in Western, Gnostic, Esoteric, and Mystical traditions --- Eranos --- alternative intellectual history --- Esotericism and the cognitive science of religion --- the esoteric imagination --- theory of kataphatic practice --- cognitive semiotics of Western Esotericism --- Crowley's 'Liber Al' --- soul flights --- cognitive ratcheting --- the occult world --- Satanism --- Dämonologie --- Unbewussten --- Anthropologie --- 1800 --- natural geneoristy --- Naples --- Tommaso Campanella --- Adolf Hitler --- practical Kabbalah in WW2 --- Fidus --- Germany --- art --- Theosophy and Nazism --- Aufklärung --- Illuminismus --- Franz Josef Thun --- Francis Mercury van Helmont --- Christian Kabbalism --- India and the occult --- South Asian spirituality --- modern Western Occultism --- Anthroposohy and the politics of race in the fascist era --- practical Kabbalah --- Jewish magic --- the Jewish tradition of magic --- Kabbalistic practices in Early Modern East-Central Europe --- the magic of Kabbalistic trees --- Oracles, Platonists, and Esotericism in Late Antiquity --- Georgian England --- Satanic Feminism --- woman in nineteenth-century culture --- William Burroughs --- Brion Gysin --- geometry --- accessing intermediary beings --- Meister Crowley --- Buddhism --- the doctrine of Thelema --- hermetic Symbolism --- Andrei Bely --- the self-conscious soul --- Guillaume Postel --- the Zohar --- Hitler --- Jean Delville --- British Freemasonry --- the visual and the symbolic in Western Esotericism --- the Occult in Modernist art, literature, and cinema --- pictography --- Iranian Metaphysics --- the Enneagram --- G.I. Gurdjieff --- esoteric symbols --- the music and art of Franco Battiato --- Gurdjieff's Law of Three --- J.G. Bennett's Six Triads --- the Gospel Studies of RD. Ouspensky and Maurice Nicoll --- supernatural history of the Third Reich --- the Occult Revival --- alternative spiritual performance --- from 1875 to the Present' --- Esotericism and Narrative --- Occult fiction --- Charles Williams --- music and demonology --- Divine mania --- alterations of consciousness in Ancient Greece --- philosophic silence --- Plotinus --- magic and magicians in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time --- pre-modern sciences, medicine, literature, religion and astrology --- Christian Cabbala Gematria --- divination --- honorific poetry --- the German lands of the 18th Century --- the 'Great Invisibles' --- Surrealism --- myth --- modern esoteric imagination --- Hermes Trismegistus --- Egypt --- Hellenized wisdom --- transformations of ancient religion in the New Age --- reincarnation --- Blavatsky's Theosophy --- drugs --- esoterica --- visionary experience in the Seventies --- New Age in Norway --- Manuskriptologie --- Sufism --- near-death experience --- Christianity --- the Occult --- Thelema --- Brazil --- tai chi --- chiromancy --- Fernando Pessoa --- Austin Osman Spare --- Psychochirology --- Mantic Art --- Constantinople --- traditionalism --- personality fragmentation --- alternative selves --- occult and artistic circles --- Traditionalist movement --- René Guénon --- Maryamiyya Order --- Olavo de Carvalho --- rightist philosophy --- George Gurdjieff (1866–1949) --- Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man --- Vasily Shulgin (1878–1976) --- Gurdjieff movement --- Julius Spier --- hand-reading --- hand divination --- Casimir S. d’ Arpentigny --- chirognomy --- Adolphe Desbarrolles --- chirology --- chirosophy --- scientific naturalism --- Victorian Spirit Investigations --- William Fletcher Barrett --- psychical research --- vegetarianism --- dietetics --- British Paganism --- yoga --- orientalism --- harmonialism --- John Tyndall --- science and spiritualism --- Victorian spiritualism --- physics and psychics --- Anna Kingsford --- nutrition --- spiritualist movement --- esotericism --- spiritual belief --- disenchantment --- intuition --- women in medicine --- feminist epistemology of science --- scientific women --- animal cruelty --- vivisections --- diet --- body --- vegetarian movement --- Antoine Faivre (1934–2021) --- Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) --- film and literature --- biography --- religionism --- Christian Theosophy --- Martinism --- Rite Écossais Rectifié --- The Land of Mist (1925-1926) --- literature and esotericism studies --- biographical interpretation --- Professor Challenger --- afterlife writing --- textual amulets --- rolls --- scrolls --- compilation --- scribes --- Paracelsian --- Adamic magic --- pseudo-Solomonic --- Hebrew names of God --- Seven Olympian Spirits --- planets --- ritual magic --- seals --- sigils --- christian iconography --- prayers --- apotropaic text --- numerology --- medieval --- Renaissance --- early modern Germany --- Aratron --- indigenous esotericism --- sangoma --- shamanism --- Botswana --- colonialism

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