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L' acte notarié et sa lecture
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Year: 1998 Publisher: Bruxelles = Brussel Bruylant

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Tabellio, Notarius, Notaio: quale funzione? Una vicenda bimillenaria
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Year: 2022 Publisher: Milano Milano University Press

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The book is part of the multidisciplinary research project Languages ​​of notarial mediation from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age (LIMEN) of the University of Milan. It collects the point of view of jurists: it is a journey through time, which ranges from the origins of the notarial function to the exercise of it in our time. The book highlights the evolution of the role of the notary in different ages and cultural contexts, a role which has always guaranteed trust and impartiality in the drafting and conservation of legal documents.The collection offers a 'evolving' representation of the tasks of notaries, starting from the assumption that the recovery of historical, legal and cultural roots can provide a key for the understanding of today's profession as well as some points of reflection for the future. Il volume nasce nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca multidisciplinare Linguag­gi della mediazione notarile tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna (LIMEN) dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. Esso rappresenta un momento di confronto dedicato ai giuristi: un percorso diacronico, che spazia dalle origini della funzione notarile all’esercizio di essa nel nostro tempo. Si coglie, così, la varietà delle risposte che, in contesti cronologici e culturali variabili, mettono al centro un soggetto, il notaio, che dia garanzie di affidamento e di terzietà nella redazione e nella conservazione degli atti giuridici.La raccolta offre una raffigurazione ‘in movimento’ dei compiti dei notai, nel­la convinzione che il recupero delle radici storico-giuridiche e culturali possa fornire una chiave di lettura anche all’odierna pratica della professione, oltre a qualche spunto di apertura alle sollecitazioni del futuro.

Tabellio, Notarius, Notaio: quale funzione? Una vicenda bimillenaria
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Year: 2022 Publisher: Milano Milano University Press

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The book is part of the multidisciplinary research project Languages ​​of notarial mediation from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age (LIMEN) of the University of Milan. It collects the point of view of jurists: it is a journey through time, which ranges from the origins of the notarial function to the exercise of it in our time. The book highlights the evolution of the role of the notary in different ages and cultural contexts, a role which has always guaranteed trust and impartiality in the drafting and conservation of legal documents.The collection offers a 'evolving' representation of the tasks of notaries, starting from the assumption that the recovery of historical, legal and cultural roots can provide a key for the understanding of today's profession as well as some points of reflection for the future. Il volume nasce nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca multidisciplinare Linguag­gi della mediazione notarile tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna (LIMEN) dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. Esso rappresenta un momento di confronto dedicato ai giuristi: un percorso diacronico, che spazia dalle origini della funzione notarile all’esercizio di essa nel nostro tempo. Si coglie, così, la varietà delle risposte che, in contesti cronologici e culturali variabili, mettono al centro un soggetto, il notaio, che dia garanzie di affidamento e di terzietà nella redazione e nella conservazione degli atti giuridici.La raccolta offre una raffigurazione ‘in movimento’ dei compiti dei notai, nel­la convinzione che il recupero delle radici storico-giuridiche e culturali possa fornire una chiave di lettura anche all’odierna pratica della professione, oltre a qualche spunto di apertura alle sollecitazioni del futuro.

Tabellio, Notarius, Notaio: quale funzione? Una vicenda bimillenaria
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Milano Milano University Press

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The book is part of the multidisciplinary research project Languages ​​of notarial mediation from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age (LIMEN) of the University of Milan. It collects the point of view of jurists: it is a journey through time, which ranges from the origins of the notarial function to the exercise of it in our time. The book highlights the evolution of the role of the notary in different ages and cultural contexts, a role which has always guaranteed trust and impartiality in the drafting and conservation of legal documents.The collection offers a 'evolving' representation of the tasks of notaries, starting from the assumption that the recovery of historical, legal and cultural roots can provide a key for the understanding of today's profession as well as some points of reflection for the future. Il volume nasce nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca multidisciplinare Linguag­gi della mediazione notarile tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna (LIMEN) dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. Esso rappresenta un momento di confronto dedicato ai giuristi: un percorso diacronico, che spazia dalle origini della funzione notarile all’esercizio di essa nel nostro tempo. Si coglie, così, la varietà delle risposte che, in contesti cronologici e culturali variabili, mettono al centro un soggetto, il notaio, che dia garanzie di affidamento e di terzietà nella redazione e nella conservazione degli atti giuridici.La raccolta offre una raffigurazione ‘in movimento’ dei compiti dei notai, nel­la convinzione che il recupero delle radici storico-giuridiche e culturali possa fornire una chiave di lettura anche all’odierna pratica della professione, oltre a qualche spunto di apertura alle sollecitazioni del futuro.

La science des notaires : une longue histoire
ISBN: 2130509215 Year: 2000 Publisher: Paris : PUF - Presses Universitaires de France,

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Naming & shaming in het notariële tuchtrecht : moet bij een notariële tuchtrechtelijke uitspraak de naam van de betrokken notaris worden gepubliceerd?
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ISBN: 9789013097214 9013097219 Year: 2011 Publisher: Deventer Kluwer

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Piranske notarske knjige (Zvezek 5) = The Notary Books from Piran (Vol. 5) : Fragmenti (1289–1305) = Fragments (1289–1305)
Year: 2009 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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The work is a critical edition of the preserved fragments of five notary codices from Piran (1289–1305) with notes made by the notary Dominicus Petenarius. Notaries entered into notary codices the essential features of business transactions in stenographic form, specific writing and simple Latin. This is a valuable type of sources for the study of medieval and later history. The entries portray the economic and social life of cities and their surroundings, their administration, judicial system, everyday life, population development, urban image, as well as culture and arts, all of which serve the purposes of research conducted by experts in various fields. The edition is equipped with a standard critical apparatus and an accompanying study which is also translated into English. The main part of the text encompasses the transliteration of the manuscript comprising 518 agreements with different contents. Each is marked with a successive number, defined with regard to its content and dated. The specific features of the original and inconsistencies in writing are described in notes. The work comes with an index of names, a subject index and a list of entries in which each entry is marked with the original annotation of the page in the original, date, type of contents, short summary of the contents and the page in the publication. Piranska izpostava Pokrajinskega arhiva Koper hrani med svojim srednjeveškim gradivom 17 notarskih sešitkov in njih fragmentov. Fragmenti petih notarskih sešitkov, ki so predmet znanstvenokritične objave, vsebujejo kratke povzetke poslovnih dogovorov Pirančanov v poldrugem desetletju pred sedmimi stoletji. Zapisi so objektivni in zanesljivi, razkrivajo pa nekdanjo poslovno prakso od trgovskih družb, prek trgovanja na kredit, posojanja denarja, udinjanja pri delodajalcu, prodaje ali oddaje nepremičnin v zakup ipd.

Bouwbesluit : besluit houdende technische voorschriften omtrent het bouwen van bouwwerken en de staat van bestaande bouwwerken.
ISBN: 9026829884 Year: 1999 Publisher: Deventer Kluwer

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Le notaire : Entre métier et espace public en Europe VIIIe-XVIIIe siècle

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Qui est le notaire ? Quelle est sa formation, sa pratique quotidienne du métier ? Quels sont les liens que cet acteur de la justice civile a su tisser avec la société, le milieu de la judicature, les institutions, les pouvoirs, l'État du haut Moyen Âge à la fin de l'époque moderne ? Telles sont les questions auxquelles tente de répondre cet ouvrage qui prête une attention particulière à l'Europe occidentale (France, Italie, Portugal, Espagne et les « Indes », Suisse et Catalogne). Privilégiant une lecture plurielle, renouvelée et différenciée, selon les temps et les espaces, du notaire, de l'activité notariale et des actes, les études réunies ici permettent de saisir à la fois les techniques et le savoir-faire mis en œuvre par ce professionnel du droit, dont le rôle de médiateur assumé au sein de la Cité et des sociétés rurales anciennes est fondamental. Les analyses ainsi conduites mettent en lumière aussi bien l'existence de conflits politiques, sociaux et institutionnels dont le notaire est le centre, qu'elles révèlent les contours de l'identité professionnelle conférée par cette activité essentielle dans les sociétés d'Ancien Régime. Praticien du droit, au service des pouvoirs citadins et des familles, du VIIIe au XVIIIe siècle, le notaire figure au cœur des mécanismes de régulation liés à l'infrajudiciaire tout comme à la pacification des dissensions, en favorisant le recours à la justice institutionnelle et le maintien de l'ordre.

Piranske notarske knjige (Zvezek 7) = The Notary Book from Piran (Vol. 7) : Fragmenti (1301–1320 /1321/) = Fragments (1301–1320 /1321/)
ISBN: 9610504256 9610501397 Year: 2018 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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The subject of this publication is a critical edition of the preserved parts of the eleventh, twelfth, fourteenth, and sixteenth notary books from the Piran Branch Office of the Regional Archives of Koper. With notary books we are not dealing with literary readings, but with abstracts of a mass of business manuscript agreements of various contents. The fragments contain the models of documents created in the period 1301–1320 (1321). The writer of summaries in the preserved fragments of notary fascicle No. 11 was Almericus, while the notary Perinus Appolonii kept records of business transactions in codex No. 15. The writers of other fragments are not known. Znanstveno-kritična objava fragmentov notarskih knjig enote Piran Pokrajinskega arhiva Koper iz let 1301–1320 /1321/ kot sedmi, zadnji zvezek zaključuje enega od segmentov programa edicij virov za slovensko zgodovino, sprejetega leta 1972. Zajema pet rokopisov: enajstega, dvanajstega, štirinajstega, petnajstega in šestnajstega ter dodatnega neoštevilčenega, ki skupaj beležijo 287 latinskih predlog notarskih listin. Gre za dogovore v zvezi z zadolževanjem, poslovanjem z nepremičninami, za reševanje sporov, sklepanje dogovorov o delu, za ženitne dogovore, številne oporoke itd. Iz zapisov je razvidno gospodarsko, družbeno in vsakdanje življenje v nekdanjem Piranu in njegovi okolici. Objava vsebuje uvodno študijo, prepise izvirnikov s pojasnili, imenski in pojmovni seznam ter seznam vsebin vpisov. Znanstveno-kritični aparat je slovensko-angleški, seznam pojmov pa je zasnovan kot trojezični latinsko-slovensko-angleški slovar. Delo nudi podatkovno osnovo za interdisciplinarne (zgodovinske, umetnostnozgodovinske, jezikoslovne, pravnozgodovinske, urbanistične, historično-geografske) in primerjalne raziskave mediteranskih mest srednjega veka.

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