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Srbi u Temišvaru
Authors: ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Etnografski institut SANU

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This book is dedicated to the customs, culture and way of life of Serbs in Timisoara. The emphasis is on the strategies of constructing and achieving community and layered identities (national/ethnic, dual, regional, local) within a historic discourse. The data presented in this book has been gathered through various means. Aside from archival material and statistical data on the life of the community, as well as relevant theoretical approaches in the study of ethnicity, the most important data was acquired through fieldwork. The research began in 2002, and took place over a series of short-term visits to the city in 2002, 2003 and 2005. The method of participant observation was applied to many everyday as well as festive situations in the family and social lives of Serbs in Timisoara. I have attended numerous liturgies, weddings, christenings, choir and folklore association rehearsals and performances, family and social celebrations and sporting events. Interviews, surveys and informal conversations were conducted with members of the community encompassing both sexes, all ages and varying social status, political and religious affiliations. Among my informants there were people whose connections to the church weren’t strong, as well as people from mixed marriages. Aside from this, I had tried to gather data on the lives of Serbs between the World wars or earlier indirectly – through the narratives of their descendants.

Potisnuta istina – Kolaboracija u Srbiji 1941-1944
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 8672081293 Year: 2006 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji

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Upravo doneti Zakon kojim se rehabilituju svi “ideološki” protivnici komunizma, počinje sa datumom od 6. aprila 1941. što je istovremeno i njegov najzanimljiviji deo. Imali smo priliku da slušamo predlagače i zagovornike zakona1 koji su svojom srčanom odbranom ratnih “ideoloških” protivnika komunizma, nedvosmisleno potvrdili da je čitava stvar i smišljena isključivo zbog njih, a da ih oni posle 1945. ustvari i ne zanimaju, odnosno, da su samo “kolateralna šteta” pokušaja rehabilitacije kvislinga iz vremena Drugog svetskog rata. Saopštili su nam i da bi čitav komunistički period trebalo jednostavno proglasiti zločinačkim čime bi, misle oni, po automatizmu bili rehabilitovani svi njegovi “ideološki” protivnici, a oni ratni proglašeni borcima za pravednu stvar. Zato možemo očekivati da će (kao što se već desilo sa četnicima) ovog puta “demokratama” biti proglašeni nedićevci i ljotićevci, pa će po automatizmu “demokrate” postati i balisti, hortijevci, ustaše, i na kraju, sam nemački Rajh. Svi oni zaista jesu bili “ideološki” protivnici komunizma, ali je, sasvim sigurno, Hitler bio najveći. Zato nije slučajno danas, njihov “ideološki” antikomunizam i početak i kraj svake argumentacije, uz prećutkivanje da su kao protivnici komunizma bili i aktivni protivnici celokupne antihitlerovske koalicije čiji je komunizam bio sastavni deo. Prećutkuje se i da je njihov “ideološki” antikomunizam u tadašnjem shvatanju pojma podrazumevao veličanje nacizma, antidemokratiju, i na prvom mestu, antisemitizam, “slučajno”, baš u vreme kada su milioni Jevreja ubijani u “Velikom Nemačkom Rajhu”.

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