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Gestion financière de l'entreprise
Year: 1963 Publisher: Paris Sirey

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Corporate governance : eigendom, bestuur en controle van vennootschappen
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9062159141 9789062159147 Year: 2003 Volume: 8 Publisher: Antwerpen Maklu

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Over "corporate governance" of behoorlijk bestuur in de social-profitsector
Year: 2001 Publisher: Antwerpen Ced.Samsom

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De financiële toestand van de Belgische ondernemingen
Publisher: Diegem

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The E.E.C. merger and parent-subsidiary directives of 23 july 1990 in practice : their implementation in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
ISBN: 2802705865 9782802705864 Year: 1992 Publisher: Brussels : Bruylant,

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Tax law --- European law --- Communautés européennes --- Droit commercial --- Droit international --- Europese Gemeenschappen --- Handelsrecht --- Internationaal recht --- Sociétés --- Vennootschappen --- Consolidation and merger of corporations --- Subsidiary corporations --- Law --- Entreprises --- Filiales --- Droit --- Taxation --- Law and legislation --- Fusion --- Impôts --- Droit fiscal --- 351.713*13 EC --- -Subsidiary corporations --- -Companies, Subsidiary --- Controlled corporations --- Subsidiaries (Corporations) --- Subsidiary companies --- Corporations --- Affiliated corporations --- Holding companies --- Acquisition of corporations --- Acquisitions and mergers --- Amalgamation of corporations --- Business combinations --- Business mergers --- Buyouts, Corporate --- Corporate acquisitions --- Corporate buyouts --- Corporate mergers --- Corporate takeovers --- Fusion of corporations --- Hostile takeovers of corporations --- M & A (Mergers and acquisitions of corporations) --- Merger of corporations --- Mergers and acquisitions of corporations --- Mergers, Corporate --- Takeovers, Corporate --- Corporate reorganizations --- Golden parachutes (Executive compensation) --- Industrial concentration --- Trusts, Industrial --- Vennootschapsbelasting--EC --- -Taxation --- -Consolidation --- Mergers --- -Vennootschapsbelasting--EC --- -Consolidation and merger of corporations --- 351.713*13 EC Vennootschapsbelasting--EC --- Impôts --- Companies, Subsidiary --- Consolidation --- European Union countries --- Fusion d'entreprises --- Subsidiary corporations - Taxation - European Economic Community countries --- Consolidation and merger of corporations - Taxation - Belgium

Mensenrechten in het bedrijfsleven : toch meer dan windowdressing
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9050952046 Year: 2001 Publisher: Antwerpen Groningen Intersentia

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Human rights --- Social law. Labour law --- Belgium --- Arbeidsvoorwaarden --- Conditions de travail --- Droits de l'homme --- Mensenrechten --- 821.5 Mensenrechten --- 836 Multinationale ondernemingen --- 252 Mensenrechten --- 461 Bedrijfsleven --- bedrijven, ethiek --- corporate governance --- duurzaam ondernemen --- mensenrechten --- ontwikkelingshulp --- Business ethics --- International business enterprises --- -Social responsibility of business --- Business --- Corporate accountability --- Corporate responsibility --- Corporate social responsibility --- Corporations --- CSR (Corporate social responsibility) --- Industries --- Social responsibility, Corporate --- Social responsibility of industry --- Issues management --- Business enterprises, International --- Corporations, International --- Global corporations --- International corporations --- MNEs (International business enterprises) --- Multinational corporations --- Multinational enterprises --- Transnational corporations --- Business enterprises --- Joint ventures --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Businesspeople --- Commercial ethics --- Corporate ethics --- Corporation ethics --- Professional ethics --- Wealth --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Social responsibility --- Social aspects --- Law and legislation --- Business ethics. --- Human rights. --- Social responsibility of business. --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Social responsibility of business --- 836 (Multi-)nationale ondernemingen --- Conferences - Meetings

Aspecten van continuïteit en revisorale tussenkomst = aspects de la continuité et intervention révisorale
Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 22944559 ISBN: 9789046607770 9046607771 Year: 2015 Volume: 2015/2 2015/2 Publisher: Brussel ICCI

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De continuïteit van een onderneming en de revisorale tussenkomst, het centrale thema van onderhavig boek, wordt ingeleid in het eerste hoofdstuk. Het tweede hoofdstuk focust op de probleemstelling en de situering van de continuïteit van de ondernemingen. Het huidig Belgisch vennootschapsrechtelijk kader inzake de aspecten van continuïteit van vennootschappen wordt geanalyseerd in het derde hoofdstuk. Het vierde hoofdstuk zoomt in op artikel 138 van het Wetboek van vennootschappen, de zogenaamde waarschuwingsprocedure. Het van toepassing maken van deze waarschuwingsprocedure op de vzw's, ivzw's en stichtingen vormt het onderwerp van het vijfde hoofdstuk.Hoofdstuk zes is specifiek gewijd aan het internationaal normatief kader inzake continuïteit, ISA 570. De recente aanpassingen in de artikelen 10, 12 en 17 van de wet van 31 januari 2009 betreffende de continuïteit van de ondernemingen en de rol van de economische beroepsbeoefenaar maken het onderwerp uit van het zevende hoofdstuk.Hoofdstuk acht schetst de sociale rechten in het kader van de continuïteit van ondernemingen. Het sociaal overleg, de continuïteit van ondernemingen en de rol van de bedrijfsrevisor vormt het onderwerp van het negende hoofdstuk. Hoofdstuk tien behelst de rol van de magistratuur bij de continuïteit van ondernemingen. De Ondervoorzitter van het IBR besluit het boek met de precisering dat de bedrijfsrevisor en de commissaris een leidende rol spelen in het voorkomen van discontinuïteit.Bron :

L'apport de branche(s) d'activité ou de l'universalité des biens entre sociétés belges : impôts sur les revenus et impôts indirects
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2802702890 9782802702894 Year: 1982 Volume: 14

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Company law. Associations --- Tax law --- Belgium --- Droit fiscal --- Fiscaal recht --- Consolidation and merger of corporations --- Corporate reorganizations --- Double taxation --- Entreprises --- Double imposition --- Taxation --- Fusion --- Impôts --- Réorganisation --- Law and legislation --- 351.713*13 <493> --- -Taxation, Double --- -Consolidation and merger of corporations --- -Double taxation --- -impot sur le revenu --- impots indirects --- impot des societes --- belgique --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 347.720.1 --- 336.214 --- 336.210 --- 336.225 --- 336.222 --- 336.220 --- Archi-JU --- International taxation (Double taxation) --- Taxation, Double --- Conflict of laws --- Acquisition of corporations --- Acquisitions and mergers --- Amalgamation of corporations --- Business combinations --- Business mergers --- Buyouts, Corporate --- Corporate acquisitions --- Corporate buyouts --- Corporate mergers --- Corporate takeovers --- Corporations --- Fusion of corporations --- Hostile takeovers of corporations --- M & A (Mergers and acquisitions of corporations) --- Merger of corporations --- Mergers and acquisitions of corporations --- Mergers, Corporate --- Takeovers, Corporate --- Golden parachutes (Executive compensation) --- Industrial concentration --- Trusts, Industrial --- Reorganization of corporations --- Industrial management --- Vennootschapsbelasting--België --- -Taxation --- -inkomstenbelasting --- indirecte belastingen --- vennootschapsbelasting --- belgie --- Aard, definitie, eigenschappen van handelsvennootschappen. Bedrijfspatrimonium. Multinationale bedrijven. --- Belastingstelsel van de genootschappen. --- Directe belastingen: algemeenheden. --- Omzetbelasting, belasting over de toegevoegde waarde. --- Registratierechten. --- indirecte belastingen: algemeenheden. --- Consolidation --- Mergers --- Reorganization --- 351.713*13 <493> Vennootschapsbelasting--België --- Impôts --- Réorganisation --- impot sur le revenu --- inkomstenbelasting --- Directe belastingen: algemeenheden --- Belastingstelsel van de genootschappen --- indirecte belastingen: algemeenheden --- Registratierechten --- Omzetbelasting, belasting over de toegevoegde waarde --- Aard, definitie, eigenschappen van handelsvennootschappen. Bedrijfspatrimonium. Multinationale bedrijven --- Consolidation and merger of corporations - Taxation - Law and legislation - Belgium --- Corporate reorganizations - Taxation - Belgium --- Double taxation - Belgium

Bedrijven en mensenrechten : verantwoordelijkheid en aaspraakelijkheid : referaten van de negende studiedag van het Interuniversitair Centrum voor Mensenrechten (ICM) , Universiteit Gent, 21 februari 2003

Le Juriste dans l'entreprise = : Jursit in bedrijf
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2802704540 9782802704546 Year: 1989 Publisher: Bruxelles : Bruylant,

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Commercial law. Economic law (general) --- Belgium --- Droit --- Entreprises --- Ondernemingen --- Recht --- Business enterprises --- Lawyers --- Corporate legal departments --- Practice of law --- Law and legislation --- 347.7 <493> --- 347.96 <493> --- -Lawyers --- -Corporate legal departments --- -Practice of law --- -Business enterprises --- -340-057:347.725.03 <493> --- arbitrage --- droit reel --- droit des societes --- AA / International- internationaal --- 347.720.43 --- 347.92 --- 650 --- U100 - Juriste d'entreprise/Méthodologie et déontologie - Bedrijfsjurist/Methodologie en deontologie --- Business organizations --- Businesses --- Companies --- Enterprises --- Firms --- Organizations, Business --- Business --- Law --- Law practice --- Corporate counsel --- Corporate law departments --- Law departments, Corporate --- Legal departments, Corporate --- Corporations --- Law offices --- Advocates --- Attorneys --- Bar --- Barristers --- Jurists --- Legal profession --- Solicitors --- Representation in administrative proceedings --- Handelsrecht--België --- Juristen. Rechterlijke ambtenaren--(algemeen)--België --- -zakenrecht --- vennootschapsrecht --- Commissarissen. Revisoren. Censoren. --- Handelsrechtsvordering. --- Theorieën en grondbeginselen. Management. --- Practice --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- 347.96 <493> Juristen. Rechterlijke ambtenaren--(algemeen)--België --- 347.7 <493> Handelsrecht--België --- 340-057:347.725.03 <493> --- zakenrecht --- Commissarissen. Revisoren. Censoren --- Handelsrechtsvordering --- Theorieën en grondbeginselen. Management --- Persons --- Business enterprises - Law and legislation - Belgium --- Lawyers - Belgium --- Corporate legal departments - Belgium --- Practice of law - Belgium

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