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Het altruïsme voorbij : de politieke economie van humanitaire hulp
ISBN: 9789038220932 Year: 2013 Publisher: Gent Academia Press

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Of het nu komt door nieuwsbeelden van overstromingen, tentenkampen met vluchtelingen en ondervoede Afrikaanse kinderen of door de fondsenwervingscampagnes door talrijke ngos en andere hulporganisaties, iedereen heeft wel een vaag idee als de term "humanitaire hulp" valt. Maar wat is het in realiteit en hoe werkt de humanitaire secto r? Waar komen humanitaire hulp en noodhulp vandaan en wie en waar zijn de ontvangers ervan ? Wat onderscheidt "humanitaire hulp" van "ontwikkelingshulp", en wat is de plaats en rol van de ngo's, de Verenigde Naties, het Internationale Rode Kruis en de verschillende regeringen die hulp financieren in het ganse verhaal ? En zijn de begunstigden en ontvangers van humanitaire hulp echt zo passief en hulpeloos als ze vaak worden afgebeeld ?Achter het populaire beeld van de humanitaire sector zit een heel diverse en complexe wereld van allerlei instellingen, organisaties en maatschappelijke groepen met een eigen aanpak, inbreng en eigen belangen. Dit boek, dat geschreven is door een oudgediende van de branche, bespreekt het ontstaan en de evolutie van de internationale humanitaire sector. Het plaatst ze op de achtergrond van een reeks mondiale politieke en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen, en gaat in detail in op de verschillende actoren van de humanitaire hulp. Ten slotte besteedt het boek ook speciale aandacht aan voedselhulp en aan een aantal mogelijke toekomstige ontwikkelingen binnen en rond de humanitaire wereld.Bron :

Why nations fail : the origins of power, prosperity and poverty
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780307719218 9780307719232 0307719219 Year: 2012 Publisher: London Random House

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Brilliant and engagingly written, 'Why nations fail' answers the question that has stumped the experts for centuries: why are some nations rich and others poor, divided by wealth and poverty, health and sickness, food and famine? Is it culture, the weather, geography? Perhaps ignorance of what the right policies are? Simply, no. None of these factors is either definitive or destiny. Otherwise, how to explain why Botswana has become one of the fastest growing countries in the world, while other African nations, such as Zimbabwe, the Congo, and Sierra Leone, are mired in poverty and violence?Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson conclusively show that it is man-made political and economic institutions that underlie economic success (or lack of it). Korea, to take just one of their fascinating examples, is a remarkably homogeneous nation, yet the people of North Korea are among the poorest on earth while their brothers and sisters in South Korea are among the richest. The south forged a society that created incentives, rewarded innovation, and allowed everyone to participate in economic opportunities. The economic success thus spurred was sustained because the government became accountable and responsive to citizens and the great mass of people. Sadly, the people of the north have endured decades of famine, political repression, and very different economic institutions-with no end in sight. The differences between the Koreas is due to the politics that created these completely different institutional trajectories. Based on fifteen years of original research Acemoglu and Robinson marshall extraordinary historical evidence from the Roman Empire, the Mayan city-states, medieval Venice, the Soviet Union, Latin America, England, Europe, the United States, and Africa to build a new theory of political economy with great relevance for the big questions of today, including: - China has built an authoritarian growth machine. Will it continue to grow at such high speed and overwhelm the West? - Are America's best days behind it? Are we moving from a virtuous circle in which efforts by elites to aggrandize power are resisted to a vicious one that enriches and empowers a small minority? - What is the most effective way to help move billions of people from the rut of poverty to prosperity? More philanthropy from the wealthy nations of the West? Or learning the hard-won lessons of Acemoglu and Robinson's breakthrough ideas on the interplay between inclusive political and economic institutions? 'Why nations fail' will change the way you look at -and understand- the world. Bron :


Economic development --- Economic history --- Economics --- Poverty --- Revolutions --- Political aspects. --- Economic aspects. --- Developing countries --- Economic policy. --- Social policy. --- Economic conditions. Economic development --- International economic relations --- Politics --- Third World: economic development problems --- World history --- BPB1210 --- Croissance économique --- Pauvreté --- Politique économique --- histoire economique --- nationalisme --- prospérité et bien-être --- #SBIB:327.1H10 --- #SBIB:33H041 --- #SBIB:93H3 --- 202 --- 321.2 --- 331.100 --- 331.31 --- 338.8 --- AA / International- internationaal --- LDC / Developping Countries - Pays En Développement --- 330.34 --- 338.22 --- Développement économique --- Pays en développement --- armoede --- Insurrections --- Rebellions --- Revolts --- Revolutionary wars --- History --- Political science --- Political violence --- War --- Government, Resistance to --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Economic conditions --- History, Economic --- 330.34 Economische ontwikkeling. Regionale economische ontwikkeling --- Economische ontwikkeling. Regionale economische ontwikkeling --- 338.22 Economische organisatieleer. Economisch beleid. Economische politiek --- Economische organisatieleer. Economisch beleid. Economische politiek --- Political aspects --- Economic aspects --- Economische groei --- Armoede --- Economisch beleid --- economische geschiedenis --- welvaart en welzijn --- Internationale betrekkingen: theorieën --- Economische ontwikkelingen en bewegingen --- Thematische geschiedenis --- Sociale organisatie --- Economisch beleid van de overheid --- Economische geschiedenis: algemeenheden --- Economische ontwikkeling --- Ontwikkelingsland --- pauvrete --- Emerging nations --- Fourth World --- Global South --- LDC's --- Least developed countries --- Less developed countries --- Newly industrialized countries --- Newly industrializing countries --- NICs (Newly industrialized countries) --- Third World --- Underdeveloped areas --- Underdeveloped countries --- Economie politique et politique --- Pauvreté --- Développement économique --- Révolutions --- Aspect économique --- Pays en développement --- Politique économique --- Politique sociale --- Developing countries: economic development problems --- Welvaart --- Macht --- Geschiedenis --- Politiek --- Economie --- Sociaal-economische geschiedenis --- Ontwikkelingslanden --- pajjiżi fil-fażi tal-iżvilupp --- αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες --- zemlje u razvoju --- развиващи се държави --- kraje rozwijające się --- arengumaad --- земји во развој --- fejlődő országok --- attīstības valstis --- țări în curs de dezvoltare --- developing countries --- rozvojové země --- države v razvoju --- país en desarrollo --- kehitysmaat --- utvecklingsland --- vende në zhvillim --- Entwicklungsland --- paese in via di sviluppo --- besivystančios šalys --- земље у развоју --- país em desenvolvimento --- rozvojové krajiny --- udviklingsland --- ontwikkelingsland --- Tredje Verden --- země s nízkou životní úrovní --- Lumea a Treia --- jaunattīstības valstis --- paese arretrato --- Α.Χ. --- Derde-Wereldland --- Трет свет --- país do Terceiro Mundo --- szegény országok --- harmadik világ országai --- zemlje Trećega svijeta --- tredje världen --- vendet e Botës së Tretë --- tiers monde --- tretí svet --- armes Land --- Τρίτος Κόσμος --- PVD --- pays du tiers monde --- Terceiro Mundo --- trešās pasaules valstis --- land i tredje världen --- Land der Dritten Welt --- kolmannen maailman maat --- kolmas maailma --- Treći svijet --- PVS --- harmadik világ --- país em vias de desenvolvimento --- terzo mondo-paesi --- país en vías de desarrollo --- kolmas maailm --- krajiny tretieho sveta --- земји со низок животен стандард --- pays en voie de développement --- země třetího světa --- chudé země --- kolmanda maailma riigid --- trečiasis pasaulis --- paese sottosviluppato --- terzo mondo --- Bota e Tretë --- χώρες του τρίτου κόσμου --- χώρες υπό ανάπτυξη --- país del Tercer Mundo --- třetí svět --- Derde Wereld --- trešā pasaule --- uland --- Third World countries --- земји од Третиот свет --- trečiojo pasaulio šalys --- u-land --- țările Lumii a Treia --- dritte Welt --- taloudellinen kehitys --- wirtschaftliche Entwicklung --- majandusareng --- sviluppo economico --- economische ontwikkeling --- икономическо развитие --- economic development --- ekonomski razvoj --- økonomisk udvikling --- hospodársky rozvoj --- żvilupp ekonomiku --- desarrollo económico --- dezvoltare economică --- zhvillim ekonomik --- rozwój gospodarczy --- gospodarski razvoj --- hospodářský rozvoj --- привредни развој --- desenvolvimento económico --- ūkio plėtra --- економски развој --- οικονομική ανάπτυξη --- ekonomikas attīstība --- gazdasági fejlődés --- ekonomisk utveckling --- οικονομική άνθηση --- auge económico --- wirtschaftliche Erholung --- hospodářský rozmach --- Verbesserung der Wirtschaftslage --- noususuhdanne --- hospodářský vzestup --- zlepšení hospodářské situace --- economic upswing --- Wirtschaftsaufschwung --- risanamento dell'economia --- milagre económico --- ekonomiskt uppsving --- ekonomikos pakilimas --- slancio economico --- ekonomický rozvoj --- vlucht van de economie --- раст на економијата --- majanduse kasv --- економски пораст --- økonomisk fremgang --- progres economic --- hospodársky rozmach --- tautsaimniecības attīstība --- ρυθμός οικονομικής ανάπτυξης --- tautsaimniecības uzplaukums --- sviluppo del mercato --- consolidamento dell'economia --- alza económica --- ekonomikos plėtra --- a gazdasági helyzet javulása --- ngritje ekonomike --- økonomisk opgang --- раст на економската активност --- hospodářská konjunktura --- ekonomiskais uzplaukums --- essor économique --- politika ekonomike --- økonomisk politik --- majanduspoliitika --- hospodárska politika --- hospodářská politika --- política económica --- икономическа политика --- polityka gospodarcza --- ekonomikas politika --- ekonomisk politik --- Wirtschaftspolitik --- gazdaságpolitika --- talouspolitiikka --- economisch beleid --- οικονομική πολιτική --- beartas eacnamaíoch --- politică economică --- politica economica --- politika ekonomika --- economic policy --- ekonomska politika --- економска политика --- ekonominė politika --- wirtschaftspolitische Leitlinien --- ekonomisk inriktning --- hospodářské rozhodování --- escolha económica --- opzione economica --- gazdaságpolitikai elképzelések --- ekonomický prístup --- gestión económica --- gazdasági megközelítés --- orientamento economico --- taloudellinen lähestymistapa --- majanduslik lähenemisviis --- ekonomisk kurs --- gazdaságpolitikai döntés --- економски пристап --- ekonomiskt val --- obiettivo economico --- economische keuze --- opțiune economică --- Globalsteuerung der Wirtschaft --- qasje ekonomike --- wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidung --- gazdaságpolitikai iránymutatás --- choix économique --- orientation économique --- ekonominis pasirinkimas --- decisione economica --- orientação económica --- ekonomiskā izvēle --- økonomisk kurs --- ekonomický přístup --- стопанска политика --- økonomisk valg --- opción económica --- ekonomická volba --- ekonomiskā pieeja --- wirtschaftliche Zielvorstellungen --- οικονομική επιλογή --- obiectiv economic --- ekonomická politika --- economische koers --- metody řízení národního hospodářství --- ekonomická voľba --- ekonomski pristup --- taloudellinen valinta --- majanduslik valik --- zgjedhje ekonomike --- scelta economica --- economic approach --- οικονομικός προσανατολισμός --- ekonominis požiūris --- gospodarska politika --- economic choice --- povertà --- chudoba --- faqar --- siromaštvo --- ένδεια --- pobreza --- revščina --- vaesus --- fattigdom --- köyhyys --- Armut --- бедност --- nabadzība --- poverty --- сиромаштија --- ubóstwo --- skurdas --- сиромаштво --- szegénység --- varfëri --- sărăcie --- fattig --- nouze --- ενδεής --- ekonomiskt svag --- i dobët ekonomikisht --- economie slabă --- indigente --- lufta kundër varfërisë --- szegény --- ekonomicky slabé obyvatelstvo --- uusköyhät --- lidé s nízkými příjmy --- беда --- Einkommensschwacher --- немаштија --- szegénység elleni küzdelem --- săraci --- cīņa ar nabadzību --- nuevo pobre --- καταπολέμηση της φτώχειας --- οικονομικά ασθενής --- ekonomska slabost --- økonomisk svagt stillet --- ekonomiski vājš --- boj proti chudobe --- i varfër --- pauvre --- schudobnelý --- pauperism --- nouveau pauvre --- lucha contra la pobreza --- mendigo --- debilidade económica --- sociálně slabí občané --- fight against poverty --- poor --- лица со ниски примања --- menesteroso --- new poor --- neopovero --- bekæmpelse af fattigdom --- борба против сиромаштија --- wirtschaftlich Schwacher --- pauperismo --- võitlus vaesusega --- neue Armut --- povero --- majanduslikult nõrk --- економска слабост --- i varfër i ri --- oskudica --- neturtingieji --- ekonomiškai silpnas --- boj proti bídě --- nieuwe arme --- fattigdomsbekämpning --- nyfattig --- medellös --- economically weak --- lupta împotriva sărăciei --- vähävarainen --- πενία --- chudobný --- uusvaene --- Bekämpfung der Armut --- νεόπτωχος --- zproletarizované skupiny --- ubemidlet --- pobre --- bijeda --- zchudnutí --- lutte contre la pauvreté --- naujieji skurdžiai --- luta contra a pobreza --- neimaština --- φτώχεια --- bída --- köyhyyden torjuminen --- ekonomicky slabý --- meno abbiente --- borba protiv siromaštva --- économiquement faible --- φτωχός --- bestrijding van de armoede --- novo pobre --- lotta all'indigenza --- Armer --- köyhä --- economisch zwak --- kova su skurdu --- άπορος --- gazdaságilag gyenge --- vaene --- arm --- indigent --- Wirtschaftswachstum --- ekonomisk tillväxt --- ūkio augimas --- gospodarska rast --- crescimento económico --- taloudellinen kasvu --- wzrost gospodarczy --- hospodářský růst --- majanduskasv --- tkabbir ekonomiku --- rritje ekonomike --- economische groei --- creștere economică --- crescita economica --- икономически растеж --- привредни раст --- fás eacnamaíoch --- economic growth --- hospodársky rast --- crecimiento económico --- ekonomski rast --- økonomisk vækst --- економски раст --- ekonomikas pieaugums --- οικονομική μεγέθυνση --- gazdasági növekedés --- vækstrate --- zero growth --- miera rastu --- expansiune economică --- prieaugis --- pieauguma temps --- creștere zero --- nulový rast --- boom economico --- нулти раст --- crecimiento cero --- espansione economica --- talouden laajentuminen --- növekedés üteme --- nullkasv --- nulvækst --- kasvuvauhti --- ekonomisk expansion --- οικονομική επέκταση --- nulgroei --- nollakasvu --- nulti rast --- Nullwachstum --- ritmo de crecimiento --- növekedés mértéke --- μηδενική μεγέθυνση --- hospodársky vzostup --- tillväxttakt --- ρυθμός οικονομικής μεγέθυνσης --- kasvumäär --- nulles pieaugums --- míra hospodářského růstu --- nolltillväxt --- taxa de crescimento --- ekonomický růst --- nulinis augimas --- growth rate --- crescita zero --- gospodarski rast --- економска експанзија --- expansão económica --- stopa rasta --- økonomisk ekspansion --- rată de creștere economică --- croissance zéro --- majanduse laienemine --- expansion économique --- tasa de crecimiento --- zgjerim ekonomik --- economische expansie --- ekonomická expanze --- rritje zero --- augimo norma --- taux de croissance --- economic expansion --- nulový růst --- crescimento zero --- Wachstumsrate --- οικονομική αύξηση --- Wirtschaftsexpansion --- tasso di crescita --- zéró növekedés --- стапка на раст --- ECONOMICS--POLITICAL ASPECTS --- ECONOMIC HISTORY--POLITICAL ASPECTS --- Geneeskunde --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Atlas --- Museum --- Maatschappij --- Film --- Aardrijkskunde --- tíortha i mbéal forbartha --- forbairt eacnamaíoch --- bochtaineacht --- Croissance économique

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