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Spannungsfeld Pflege : Herausforderungen in klinischen und außerklinischen Settings
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG,

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Obwohl als eigener Berufsstand rechtlich abgesichert, steht Pflege nach wie vor im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem Arzt, dem Patienten und dessen Angehörigen. Der Tagungsband setzt sich einerseits mit Pflegebildern und damit verknüpften ethischen Leitideen auseinander, andererseits diskutiert er konkrete Herausforderungen des Pflegealltags. Ein wichtiger Beitrag widmet sich dem der Pflege inhärenten Gewaltpotential. Walter Schaupp war Professor für Moraltheologie an der Kath.-Theol. Fakultät der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz und Wolfgang Kröll Professor für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin an der Medizinischen Universität Graz. Beide beschäftigen sich in ihrer wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit weiterhin u. a. mit medizinethischen Fragestellungen. Mit Beiträgen von Christina Tax; Sabine Ruppert; Werner Hauser; Monique Weissenberger-Leduc; Hartmann Jörg Hohensinner, Christina Peyker; Angelika Feichtner; Andrea Schober; Renate Skledar, Wolfgang Kröll.


Medical ethics.

Den Hippokratischen Eid neu denken : Medizinethik für die Praxis
Year: 2021 Publisher: Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG,

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Der Hippokratische Eid prägt bis heute die ärztliche Praxis - und das zu Recht. Die Betonung ärztlicher Expertise und die Sorge um das Patientenwohl haben bis heute nichts von ihrer Aktualität eingebüßt. Allerdings fehlen Überlegungen zur Patientenselbstbestimmung und zur Gerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen. Heutige Konflikte am Lebensanfang, am Lebensende und im Bereich der Gesundheitsversorgung erfordern daher, den Eid neu zu denken. In diesem Buch, das sich an Studierende der Medizin, aber auch interessierte Laien und Fachkollegen wendet, werden die wichtigsten medizinethischen Konfliktfälle, u.a. Fragen zu Gentechnik, Enhancement, Organspende und Sterbehilfe, behandelt.


Medical ethics.

Ethik als Kommunikation : zur Praxis klinischer Ethik-Komitees in theologischer Perspektive
Year: 2008 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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"Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen fragen Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker -- oder das Klinische Ethik-Komitee in Ihrer Umgebung."Die Einrichtung von Klinischen Ethik-Komitees ist eine direkte Reaktion auf die Professionalisierung des Medizinbetriebs und die Erfolge in der Medizintechnik. Seit jeher bezeichnet man mit Fortschritt in der Medizin mehr als nur einen technischen Fortschritt. Gerade dessen unbestreitbare Erfolge stellen Mediziner, Pflegekräfte, Seelsorger und die Geschäftsführung zugleich vor neue Fragen und Probleme. Mit der Institutionalisierung klinischer Ethikberatung verbindet sich die Erwartung, die komplexen Verständigungsprozesse auf eine gemeinsame Grundlage zu stellen. Welche Aufgaben übernehmen Ethik-Komitees in Krankenhäusern? Wie wird dort Ethik zum Thema? Und wie kommunizieren Theologen und Pflegekräfte in diesen Gremien? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes fassen aus theologischer und philosophischer Sicht zentrale Forschungsergebnisse zusammen, die im Rahmen des DFG-geförderten Forschungsprojekts" Ethik und Organisation"zur Diskussion standen.

Aging between Participation and Simulation : Ethical Dimensions of Socially Assistive Technologies in Elderly Care
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3110677482 3110677407 Year: 2020 Publisher: De Gruyter

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With increasing urgency, decisions about the digitalized future of healthcare and implementations of new assistive technologies are becoming focal points of societal and scientific debates and addresses large audiences. Decisions require a careful weighing of risks and benefits and contextualizing in-depth ethical analysis with robust empirical data. However, up to now, research on social assistive technologies is mostly dispersed over different academic fields and disciplines. A comprehensive overview on discussions regarding values at stake and ethical assessment of recent developments especially in healthcare is largely missing. This publication initiates an interdisciplinary discourse on ethical, legal and social implications of socially assistive technologies in healthcare. Contributions include perspectives from nursing science, social sciences, philosophy, medical ethics, economics and law to present an – to our knowledge – first and comprehensive overview on different aspects of the use and implementation of socially assistive technologies from an ethical perspective. It combines practically relevant insights and examples from current research and development with ethical analysis to uncover exemplary moral tipping points between promotion of participation or well-being and risks and damages to these values. Healthcare professionals involved in implementation of smart technologies as well as scholars from the field of humanities, nursing and medicine, interested in the discussions on ethics and technology in healthcare, will benefit from this new contribution. The publication is part of the international DigitAs conference "Aging between Participation and Simulation – Ethical Dimensions of Socially Assistive Technologies" held at the Institute of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine (Ruhr University Bochum) from 4 February to 8 February 2019. Within this framework, twelve young scholars were invited to discuss their contributions with renowned experts in the field. The Institute of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine is one of the leading institutes in empirically informed ethical analysis in healthcare and medicine and is a member of the European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics (EACME).

Enjeux éthiques et technologies biomédicales : Contribution à la recherche en bioéthique
Year: 1999 Publisher: Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal,

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Les innovations technologiques modifient en profondeur la pratique de la médecine et des autres disciplines de la santé. Elles transforment aussi les exigences des malades quant à leur traitement et leur qualité de vie, ainsi que les demandes de leurs proches. Dans ce contexte, les frontières sont souvent brouillées entre ce qui est moralement acceptable et ce qui ne l'est pas. Ce livre s'adresse aux professionnels de la santé et aux membres des comités d'éthique, que leur pratique amène régulièrement à traiter de ces enjeux. À partir de problèmes comme ceux de diagnostic prénatal, de demande d'aide au suicide ou d'alimentation artificielle, Jocelyne Saint-Arnaud établit des repères utiles pour s'y retrouver. Elle se rattache au courant de la bioéthique qu'on appelle l'approche par principes, qui effectue un aller-retour constant des possibilités ouvertes par la technologie aux principes qui devraient les encadrer minimalement.

Tissue engineering : rechtliche grenzen und Voraussetzungen
Year: 2012 Publisher: Göttingen, Germany : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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Tissue engineering, the creation of human tissue in the laboratory by the use and propagation of human cells to develop commercial products, faces many problems concerning its legal regulation. There have been numerous alterations to the laws governing biotechnology -derived medicinal products. However, difficulties remain regarding their legal classification. This work shall give a legal survey of the whole procedure of tissue engineering concerning German and European law.

Bioethics in Medicine and Society
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: London : IntechOpen,

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Bioethics is the application of ethics to the broad field of medicine, including the ethics of patient care, research, and public health. In this book, prominent authors from around the globe discuss the complexities of bioethics as they apply to our current world. Topics range from the philosophical bioethics of the evolution of thinking about marriage from a religious standpoint to the bioethics of radiation protection to value-based medicine and cancer screening for breast cancer. Bioethics in Medicine and Society is wide-ranging, with additional chapters on the ethics of geoengineering, complementary and alternative medicine, and end-of-life ethical dilemmas. Readers with find that the field of bioethics has broad implications throughout society from our most intimate interpersonal relationships to policies being implemented on a global scale.

Habitual Ethics?
Year: 2022 Publisher: London : Bloomsbury Academic,

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"Just like other experts, members of the professions develop their craft thanks to a deep internalisation of both complex cognitive structures and a mix of habits and intuitive understandings. These non-cognitive aspects of expertise can be what distinguishes the merely competent from the truly brilliant. Yet habits can also be what makes us blind to important features of the world we inhabit. In the life of a professional, these features include the vulnerability of those seeking her services, which in turn grounds the professional's particular ethical responsibility. This book develops an in-depth account of habit to understand its impact upon the way moral decisions are made in a professional context. Its central thesis is the following: what most often stands in the way of a professional meeting her ethical responsibility is not so much stupidity (or character defects) but rather the deleterious aspects of habituation. This book calls for renewed attention to be paid to habits and their relationship to ethical agency. Mostly neglected in moral and legal theory, such an inquiry not only conditions an adequate understanding of the risks inherent in a legal system's institutional structure. It is also essential if we are to come to grips with the challenges raised by the professions' growing reliance upon automated systems.".

Touch in the Helping Professions : research, practice and ethics
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Ottawa : University of Ottawa Press / Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa,

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Touch may well be one of the least understood or talked about subjects in the helping professions. A discussion on the importance and ethics of positive, caring, and appropriate touch in professions such as teaching, nursing and counselling is long overdue. Touch in the Helping Professions delivers just that, weaving together scholarly evidence, research and clinical practice from a wide range of perspectives encompassing philosophy, theology, psychology, and anthropology to challenge assumptions about the role of touch in the helping professions. The contributors to the volume focus not only on the overarching roles of gender, age, culture and life experience, but go beyond to encompass canine-assisted therapy, touch deprivation, sacred objects, as well as key ethical considerations. The prevailing lack of dialogue, due to fear of contravening ethical boundaries, has stood in the way of an open and responsible discussion on the use of touch in therapy. Touch in the Helping Professions is a welcome and much needed contribution to the field-a window onto a fundamental need.

Introduzione all'etica medica
ISBN: 8897523196 889752320X 889998249X Year: 2012 Publisher: Accademia University Press

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Quali rapporti ha l’etica con la medicina? Quali principi possono offrire un fondamento razionale alla deontologia professionale del medico, nella società pluralista contemporanea? Ha senso oggi parlare di beni che la medicina è chiamata a servire? Che criteri possono guidare il medico nella valutazione delle proprie azioni dal punto di vista etico? Esiste una differenza tra aspetto etico e aspetto giuridico nella decisione di che cosa è giusto fare? Che cos’è la responsabilità nella professione medica? Perché il medico può invocere l’obiezione di coscienza? Che cosa significa rispettare l’autonomia del paziente? Questo volume è dedicato a coloro che svolgono già o si stanno preparando a esercitare la professione medica, e intende essere un invito a intraprendere una riflessione sulle numerose questioni etiche insite nell’agire medico, attraverso il metodo filosofico. Ha perciò un carattere introduttivo, più che sistematico, e privilegia la semplicità espositiva rispetto alla sovrabbondanza di riferimenti alla storia del pensiero. Nasce dall’attività didattica svolta dall’autrice presso il corso di laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università del Piemonte Orientale, ed è quindi anche frutto della discussione svolta con gli studenti, occasione preziosa di approfondimento teoretico per chi si dedica alla ricerca, nella convinzione che la filosofia può essere una guida efficace, anche se non l’unica, per comprendere il senso e il valore della professione medica.

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