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History of Intellectual Culture. : Participatory Knowledge
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter,

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With concepts of participation discussed in multiple disciplines from media studies to anthropology, from political sciences to sociology, the first issue of the new yearbook History of Intellectual Culture (HIC) dedicates a thematic section to the way knowledge can and arguably must be conceptualized as "participatory". Introducing and exploring "participatory knowledge", the volume aims to draw attention to the potential of looking at knowledge formation and circulation through a new lens and to open a dialogue about how and what concepts and theories of participation can contribute to the history of knowledge. By asking who gets to participate in defining what counts as knowledge and in deciding whose knowledge is circulated, modes of participation enter into the examination of knowledge on various levels and within multiple cultural contexts. The articles in this volume attest to the great variety of approaches, contexts, and interpretations of "participatory knowledge", from the sociological projects of the Frankfurt School to the Uppsala-based Institute for Race Biology, from the Argentinian National Folklore Survey to current hashtag activism and Covid-19-archive projects. HIC sees knowledge as rooted in social and political structures, determined by modes of transfer and produced in collaborative processes. The notion of "participatory knowledge" highlights in a compelling way how knowledge is rooted in cultural practices and social configurations.

Cidadania e participação social
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2008 Publisher: SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein

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Pois é exatamente aqui que se coloca o presente livro: é um grupo de cidadãos/ãs que decidem dizer sua palavra, na nova “agorá”, que é a discussão e construção teórica que se realiza nas academias e nas práticas sociais. Esse livro não é somente “fala”: ele é ação, ele é dimensão essencial na construção da cidadania através da participação consciente e crítica dos diversos atores/ autores/as que a ABRAPSO vem congregando, incentivando e fundamentando para a construção de uma sociedade eticamente justa, economicamente equitativa, politicamente participativa, culturalmente plural, socialmente democrática e solidária.

Kinder in Kita und Gesellschaft 105 Reflexionskarten für die frühpädagogische Praxis
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3779958163 Year: 2023 Publisher: Weinheim : Beltz Verlagsgruppe,

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Kern des Kartensets ist es, das Konzept »Kinder als Akteure« im Zusammenspiel von Kita und Gesellschaft zu thematisieren und dabei auf grundlegende Ambivalenzen in Kitas, im Verhältnis von Kitas zu Familien und in Bezug auf die gesellschaftliche Positionierung von Kindern einzugehen. Das Bild vom aktiven Kind bildet die Grundlage der Bildungsarbeit in Kitas. Das Kartenset führt in Konzepte (wie Diskriminierung, Wohlbefinden, Armut, Adultismus, Generationale Ordnung, etc.) sowie Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der sozialwissenschaftlichen Kindheitsforschung ein. So wird der eigene Blick erweitert auf Kinder als Akteure in Kita und Gesellschaft. Wie Kinder aus unterschiedlichen Positionen heraus (z.B. als Mädchen, als migrantisches Kind, als sozial benachteiligtes Kind) zu Akteuren ihres Alltags werden, wird an Beispielsituationen aus der Kita-Praxis aufgezeigt. Ausführliche Reflexionssets zu Kindern als Akteuren von Zusammenarbeit, Kinderkultur, Partizipation, Bildung, Familie, Raum und Übergängen laden dazu ein, diesen Blickwechsel im konkreten Praxisbezug zu erproben. Das Kartenset eignet sich daher für Studium, Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung von Pädagog:innen ebenso wie für das Selbststudium und Reflexionen in Kita-Teams.

Book : confronting Inequality in the information society
Year: 2008 Publisher: SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein

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The topic of this book, the digital divide, refers to the unequal distribution of resources associated with information and communication technology between countries and within societies. We will explore how one factor, in this case information technology, can potentially support contradictory tendencies: towards greater freedom and social participation and to deeper social inequality and new forms of concentration of power --excerpt taken from the book's Introduction.

Document sobre els aspectes ètics del diàleg entre ciència i societat : Document on the ethical aspects of the science and society dialogue
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona

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El diàleg entre els agents de la recerca científica i el conjunt de la societat implica múltiples actors: investigadors, tècnics, polítics, empreses, pacients, associacions, sindicats, activistes, creatius, etcètera. Més enllà de la mera transferència d’informació, la comunicació té efectes transformadors i implica diferents tipus de conflictes o de col·laboracions entre els diversos actors. Aquest document sobre els aspectes ètics de la comunicació entre la ciència i la societat parteix de la base que aquest procés és essencial en una societat democràtica i constitueix un component fonamental de l’activitat científica

Mihin työelämä on menossa?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Tampere : Tampere University Press,

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Artikkelikokoelmassa etsitään vastausta kysymykseen "Mihin työelämä on menossa?" lujasti tutkimuksiin tukeutuen. Työelämän tilaan, muutoksiin ja kehittymiseen vaikuttavat monet tekijät lähtien globaaleista ilmiöistä työpaikkakohtaisiin tapahtumiin ja toimenpiteisiin. Kirja tarkastelee työelämän kehitysilmiöitä monitasoisesti kattaen niin muutoksen rakenteelliset kehityskulut, työvoimapolitiikan roolin, organisaatiokohtaiset käytännöt kuin yksilöiden kokemuksetkin. Kirjassa on vahvasti mukana hyödyntämisnäkökulma. Työelämän tutkimus tuottaa arvokasta tietoa niin työpaikoille kuin työelämäasioita käsitteleville päätöksentekijöille. In this edited book, the authors seek answers to the question "What is the future of working life?" with research-based approaches. The state of working life and its changes and development are affected by many factors starting from global phenomena to workplace level events, actions and procedures. The book examines working life trends on multiple levels covering structural development paths, the role of labor policy, organizational practices and subjective experiences of individuals. Working life research produces valuable information which is beneficial both at workplace level and at the use of decision-makers who regulate working life matters.

The Art of Distances : Ethical Thinking in Twentieth-Century Literature
ISBN: 0810136872 0810136864 0810136856 Year: 2018 Publisher: Evanston, Illinois : Northwestern University Press,

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In The Art of Distances, Corina Stan identifies an insistent preoccupation with interpersonal distance in a strand of twentieth-century European and Anglophone literature that includes the work of George Orwell, Paul Morand, Elias Canetti, Iris Murdoch, Walter Benjamin, Annie Ernaux, Günter Grass, and Damon Galgut. Specifically, Stan shows that these authors all engage in philosophical meditations, in the realm of literary writing, on the ethical question of how to live with others and how to find an ideal interpersonal distance at historical moments when there are no obviously agreed-upon social norms for ethical behavior.Bringing these authors into dialogue with philosophers such as Michel de Montaigne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, Helmuth Plessner, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Luc Nancy, Emmanuel Levinas, Peter Sloterdijk, Guillaume le Blanc, and Pierre Zaoui, Stan shows how the question of the right interpersonal distance became a fundamental one for the literary authors under consideration and explores what forms and genres they proposed in order to convey the complexity of this question.Stan demonstrates that these emblematically twentieth-century authors reimagined how people can live together and provided alternatives to established ways of thinking about community. In this way, she suggests, these literary authors are engaged, albeit unknowingly, in fleshing out what Roland Barthes called “a science, or perhaps an art, of distances.”

Democratic transformation and the vernacular public arena in India
ISBN: 1315777622 1317694031 0415738679 Year: 2014 Publisher: Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, N.Y. : Routledge,

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"Since the structural change in Indian society that began in the 1990s - the result of the liberalization of the economy, devolution of power, and decentralization of the government - an unprecedented, democratic transformation has been taking place. This has caused the emergence of unexpected coalitions and alliances across diverse castes, classes, and religious groups according to the issues involved. In this volume, we intend to understand this deepening of democracy by employing a new analytical framework of the "vernacular public arena" where negotiations, dialogues, debates and contestations occur among "vernacular publics." This reflects the profound changes in Indian democracy as diverse social groups, including dalits, adivasis and Other Backward Classes; minorities, women; individuals from rural areas, towns, and cities; the poor and the new middle classes - the "vernacular publics" - participate in new ways in India's public life. This participation is not confined to electoral politics, but has extended to the public arenas in which these groups have begun to raise their voice publicly and to negotiate and engage in dialogue with each other and the wider world. Contributors demonstrate that the participation of vernacular publics has resulted in the broadening of Indian democracy itself which focuses on the ways of governance, improving people's lives, life chances, and living environments. An original, comprehensive study that furthers our understanding of the unfolding political dynamism and the complex reshuffling and reassembling taking place in Indian society and politics, this book will be relevant to academics with an interest in South Asian Studies from a variety of disciplines, including Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies"--

Gestresste Eltern : Belastungsaspekte in unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsphasen der Familie
ISBN: 3658412240 3658412232 Year: 2023 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer VS,

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Dieses Open-Access-Buch setzt sich mit der übergeordneten Forschungsfrage auseinander, für welche Dimensionen subjektiven elterlichen Wohlbefindens das Kind eine Rolle spielt. Anhand eines systematischen Gangs durch den bestehenden Theorie- und Forschungsstand zum Verhältnis von kindlichen Anforderungen, erhöhten Anforderungen in der Elternrolle und elterlichem Wohlbefinden kristallisieren sich wesentliche Forschungslücken heraus. Der erste Teil der Arbeit fragt, im Rahmen eines Vergleichs von Eltern und kinderlosen Paaren, kritisch danach, ob Kinder unglücklich machen. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasst sich speziell mit dem Übergang zur Elternschaft als einer besonders anforderungsreichen Phase in der Familienentwicklung. Dabei steht im Zentrum der Untersuchung, wie frischgebackene Eltern mit den neuen, noch unbekannten Betreuungs- und Pflegeanforderungen des Babys umgehen. Kann die Partnerschaft dieser Bewährungsprobe standhalten? Die Autorin Hanna Maly-Motta promovierte an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München im Fach Pädagogik. Ihre Doktorarbeit entstand in enger Verknüpfung mit ihrer Forschungstätigkeit am Deutschen Jugendinstitut in München. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte umfassen elterliches und kindliches Wohlbefinden, Bedingungen von Elternschaft sowie Fragen rund um frühkindliche Betreuung, Erziehung und Entwicklung.

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