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Speech production and perception
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: New York : Peter Lang International Academic Publishers,

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"Learning and memory processes are basic features of human existence. They allow us to (un)consciously adapt to changes in our social and physical environment in a variety of ways and may have been a precursor for survival in human evolution. Through several reviews and original work the book focuses on three key topics that enhanced our understanding of the topic in the last twenty years: first, the role of real-time auditory feedback in learning, second, the role of motor aspects for learning and memory, and third, representations in memory and the role of sleep on memory consolidation"--

Form og formidling knytt til nynorsken
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing),

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Utgangspunktet for dette nummeret av Skriftkultur er at det no er 150 år sidan Ivar Aasen lanserte landsmålet, som den gongen var utan valfridom i form- og bøyingsverket, og at dette skriftspråket av bestemte historiske årsaker har utvikla seg til eit nynorsk skriftspråk som er kjenneteikna av stor valfridom jamført med dei aller fleste andre offisielle skriftspråk i verda. Stendig nye rettskrivingar gjennom det 20. hundreåret medførte både motstand mot og vanskar ved implementeringa av reformene. Forlag og avishus laga sine eigne husnormer, og ei rekkje studiar har vist at elevar, studentar og jamvel lærarar har hatt vanskar med å halde styr på kva som til ei kvar tid er tillatne former i nynorsk. Samstundes blir norske elevar og studentar truleg eksponerte for meir bokmål enn nynorsk jamvel i kjerneområda for nynorsken på Vestlandet, noko som kan skape utfordringar for nynorskbrukarar. Gjennom seks vitskaplege artiklar diskuterer forfattarane utfordringane og moglegheitene som knyter seg til bruk av, eksponering for og opplæring i det nynorske skriftspråket. Artiklane inkluderer spørsmål knytt til bruk av husnormer i nynorskorganisasjonar, avvik frå nynorskrettskrivinga i elevtekstar og eksponering for og opplæring i nynorsk i utdanningsinstitusjonar. I eit vidare perspektiv handlar spørsmålet om tradering av nynorsk også om kva plass og funksjonar språket fyller, det vil seie kva slags sosial praksis som ligg til grunn for nynorsken. Publikasjonen rettar seg mot studentar, forskarar og andre som er opptekne av det den nynorske skriftkulturelle praksisen. The starting point for this issue of Skriftkultur is the 150th anniversary of Ivar Aasen's launch of a national language, which at the time lacked freedom of choice in form and conjugation, but has since developed, for specific historical reasons, into today's Nynorsk, characterized by great freedom of choice compared to the vast majority of other official written languages in the world. Constant changes to the language's orthography throughout the 20th century led to both resistance to and difficulties in implementing the reforms. Publishers and newspapers created their own house rules, and a number of studies have shown that students at all levels and even teachers have had difficulty keeping track of what is correct in Nynorsk at any given time. Likewise, students probably have greater exposure to Bokmål than Nynorsk, even in the core area for Nynorsk in Western Norway, which can create challenges for Nynorsk users. In the six scholarly articles, the authors discuss the challenges and opportunities linked to the use of, exposure to and instruction in written Nynorsk. The articles include questions related to the use of house styles in Nynorsk organisations, deviations from standard Nynorsk orthography in student texts, and exposure to and instruction in Nynorsk in educational settings. In a broader perspective, the question of Nynorsk's continuing evolution also concerns the place and functions the language fills, that is to say, the kinds of social practices that are at the foundation of Nynorsk. This publication will be relevant for students, researchers and others who are interested in written Nynorsk practices.

Mehrsprachigkeit im Spiegel des Buchdrucks : Das spanische Italien im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
Year: 2016 Publisher: Cologne : Modern Academic Publishing,

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During the sixteenth and seventeenth century large parts of Italy were under Spanish dominion, the consequence of which was a linguistic contact that lasted over 200 years. However, due to the traditionally tight link between Italian language historiography and national historiography, the multilingual communicative space of Spanish Italy has only recently become an object of research. By focusing on four Spanish-dominated areas - the two metropolises of Naples (Regno di Napoli) and Milan (Milanesado), as well as the two islands of Sicily (Regno di Sicilia) and Sardinia (Regno di Sardegna) - the present work therefore presents a fundamental, extensive, and comparative case study of the history of plurilingualism and of letterpress printing in Italia spagnola. For the first time, even methodologically, letterpress printing will be considered as an indicator of plurilingualism, and not simply as a gauge for Tuscanisation, as scholars have previously concluded. The corpus, which has been elaborated on the basis of a specifically developed online title-database consisting of over 3.000 Spanish, bi- and multilingual printed works, is analyzed by combining quantification and qualification methods. The statistical evaluation of book production and distribution of languages and domains associated therewith have been integrated, or rather validated, by qualitative comments on exemplary single works. Herein, the following questions have been examined: How is multilingualism generally, and with regard to the Spanish language in particular, reflected in book production? How often and in which domains of discourse is Spanish used? Which profiles of competence of the producers (authors and printers) and the recipients can be qualitatively traced through single printed works? What evidence of the conventionalization of multilingualism in the form of linguistic teaching material can be provided? Which plurilinguistic practices can be reconstructed on the basis of the prints? Is bilingualism or multilingualism reflected on (and eventually how), and, if so, how is it discussed and assessed? How does the respective communicative space, characterized by the constant presence of the Spanish language, configure itself in the consciousness of the communicants within the field of perceptive linguistics? Thus, the aim was to investigate the degree of Hispanicization of Spanish Italy on the basis of the quantified printed language, and to discuss the practices of multilingualism, the attitudes towards the Spanish language, and how plurilingualism was reflected in selected printed works and their paratexts. The overall segment of the Spanish book production can be defined as a marginal phenomenon with a limited target group, and therefore multilingualism in Spanish Italy, when considered through letterpress printing, assumes an elitist status. However, the respective empirical results of the four partial corpora offer prominent regional differences, with each of the four communicative spaces presenting with their own, specific profile of multilingualism. The contrast of the single cases thus leads to a typology between Spanish Sardinia and the other three areas. The case reconstructions furnish the evidence that Spanish Sardinia, for reasons beyond existing language politics, represents the exception, or rather, the extreme case of problem-focused plurilingualism and Hispanicization. The remaining three areas (Naples, Milan and Sicily) bundle to form a second type - on account of their indifference towards language diversity as well as their pragmatic, mostly implicit, conventionalized handling of multilingualism, they can be classified as normal cases of language contact.

Wege zu einer erklärungsorientierten Linguistik im systemtheoretischen Paradigma : Grundlagentheoretische Untersuchungen
Year: 2021 Publisher: Bern : Peter Lang International Academic Publishers,

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Was der Verhaltensbiologie gelungen ist - nämlich die Entwicklung von einer beschreibenden zu einer erklärenden Wissenschaft - das sollte auch Ziel der Linguistik sein. Der Autor zeigt auf, wie sich dieses Ziel im systemtheoretischen Rahmen erreichen lässt. Zunächst ist das Grundlagenproblem unzureichender Begriffsdefinitionen und Testverfahren zu lösen, um zu korrekten Beschreibungen und induktiv abgeleiteten Gesetzmäßigkeiten zu gelangen. Dadurch lassen sich bereits viele neue Erkenntnisse gewinnen. Sodann kann man für empirisch ermittelte Sachverhalte nach Erklärungen suchen, die auf allgemeinen Prinzipien oder Erwartungen beruhen. Diese Suche ist unter anderem dann zumeist erfolgreich, wenn sie durch Symmetriebrüche und eine konsequente Faktorenanalyse erleichtert wird.

Picturing fiction through embodied cognition : drawn representations and viewpoint in literary texts.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1003225306 1003225306 1000575233 Year: 2022 Publisher: New York, NY ; Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge,

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"This concise volume addresses the question of whether or not language, and its structure in literary discourses, determines individuals' mental 'vision,' employing an innovative cross-disciplinary approach using readers' drawings of their mental imagery during reading. The book engages in critical dialogue with the perceived wisdom in stylistics rooted in Roger Fowler's seminal work on deixis and point of view to test whether or not this theory can fully account for what readers see in their mind's eye and how they see it. The work draws on findings from a study of English and Dutch across a range of literary texts, in which participants read literary text fragments and were then asked to immediately draw representations of what they had seen envisioned. Building on the work of Fowler and more recent theoretical and empirical language-based studies in the area, Klomberg, Schilhab and Burke argue that models from embodied cognitive science can help account for anomalies in evidence from readers' drawings, indicating new ways forward for interdisciplinary understandings of individual meaning construction in literary textual interfaces. This book will be of interest to students and scholars in stylistics, cognitive psychology, rhetoric, and philosophy, particularly those working in embodied cognition"--

Understanding L2 proficiency : theoretical and meta-analytic investigations
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9027211175 9027257698 9789027211170 Year: 2022 Publisher: Amsterdam John Benjamins Publishing Company

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This edited volume is a collection of theoretical and empirical overview of second language (L2) proficiency based on four skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Caroline grammairienne en herbe : ou comment les enfants inventent leur langue maternelle
ISBN: 2821866623 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle,

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Pour la plupart de nos contemporains le fait que tous les enfants réussissent sans problème à apprendre leur langue maternelle relève du banal. En revanche, pour le spécialiste du langage et des langues, il s’agit sans conteste de l’exploit le plus remarquable dans une vie d’homme. La thèse du présent ouvrage prend à contrepied l’idée reçue dominante selon laquelle le moteur principal de l’acquisition de la langue maternelle serait l’imitation. Pour l’auteur cette banalisation du processus d’appropriation de L1 est due à une véritable lacune culturelle dans notre système éducatif. C’est pourquoi il invite son lecteur à un véritable voyage initiatique dans le domaine du langage humain, en s’appuyant sur des données authentiques liées à la conquête du français par la petite Caroline. Le lecteur peut ainsi suivre pas à pas l’émergence d’une grammaire mentale, c’est-à-dire du code de chiffrement et de déchiffrement qui est à la base de toute communication interhumaine. Le fait que Caroline soit la petite-fille de l’auteur, linguiste connu en France et à l’étranger, ajoute une note d’authenticité et une touche affective à un essai qui apporte des vues résolument neuves sur l’invention de la langue maternelle par l’enfant perceur-de-code.

Recent Advances in Research on Island Phenomena
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3036563172 3036563164 Year: 2023 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute,

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In natural languages, filler-gap dependencies can straddle across an unbounded distance. Since the 1960s, the term "island" has been used to describe syntactic structures from which extraction is impossible or impeded. While examples from English are ubiquitous, attested counterexamples in the Mainland Scandinavian languages have continuously been dismissed as illusory and alternative accounts for the underlying structure of such cases have been proposed. However, since such extractions are pervasive in spoken Mainland Scandinavian, these languages may not have been given the attention that they deserve in the syntax literature. In addition, recent research suggests that extraction from certain types of island structures in English might not be as unacceptable as previously assumed either. These findings break new empirical ground, question perceived knowledge, and may indeed have substantial ramifications for syntactic theory. This volume provides an overview of state-of-the-art research on island phenomena primarily in English and the Scandinavian languages, focusing on how languages compare to English, with the aim to shed new light on the nature of island constraints from different theoretical perspectives. Read less.

Atypical Language Development in Romance Languages.
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company,

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This book presents a range of ongoing studies on atypical language development in Romance languages. Despite the steady increase in the number of studies on typical language development, there is still little research about atypical language development, especially in Romance languages. This book covers four main conditions causing atypical language development. Part I explores the linguistic and communicative characteristics of preterm children learning Romance languages. The focus of Part II centers on children with Specific Language Impairment. Hearing Loss in Part III is another relevant factor leading to atypical language development. The final part IV zeroes in on genetic syndromes coupled to cognitive impairment with special attention to language development. This book presents a much needed overview of the most recent findings in all relevant fields dealing with atypical language development in children speaking Romance languages.

Phonological Augmentation in Prominent Positions
Year: 2005 Publisher: New York : Taylor & Francis,

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Phonologically prominent or "strong" positions are well known for their ability to resist positional neutralization processes such as vowel reduction or place assimilation. However, there are also cases of neutralization that affect only strong positions, as when stressed syllables must be heavy, default stress is inserted into roots, or word-initial onsets must be low in sonority. In this book, Jennifer Smith shows that phonological processes specific to strong positions are distinct from those involved in classic positional neutralization effects because they always serve to augment the strong position with a perceptually salient characteristic. Formally, positional augmentation effects are modeled by means of markedness constraints relativized to strong positions. Because positional augmentation constraints are subject to certain substantive restrictions, as seen in their connection to perceptual salience, this study has implications for the relationship between functional grounding and phonological theory.

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