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Konfessioneller Fundamentalismus : Religion als politischer Faktor im europäischen Mächtesystem um 1600
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ISBN: 3110446480 3486581503 Year: 2007 Publisher: De Gruyter

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In europäischer und konfessionsvergleichender Perspektive konzentrieren sich die Beiträge auf das Zusammenspiel von Religion, Macht und Gewalt am Vorabend des Dreißigjährigen Krieges. Der Begriff "Konfessionsfundamentalismus" erschließt dabei bislang kaum beachtete religionssoziologische und konfessionskulturelle Zusammenhänge, die für die politische Krise in den Jahrzehnten um 1600 und die daraus hervorgegangenen großen europäischen Glaubens- und Staatenkriege verantwortlich waren. So öffnet sich zugleich eine Perspektive auf ähnlich gelagerte Probleme anderer Epochen, einschließlich der Gegenwart.

Inquisition et pouvoir

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En octobre 2002 se tenait à Aix-en-Provence un colloque international sur « Religion et pouvoir », dont le présent volume publie les actes. Il s'agit de concentrer le regard sur une composante de cette grande institution judiciaire ecclésiastique que fut l'Inquisition et, qui jusqu'ici, a été peu observée : son rapport au pouvoir. Celui-ci peut s'exprimer dans trois directions : le pouvoir au sein de l'Inquisition ; les rapports de celle-ci avec les divers pouvoirs (politique, économique, ecclésiastique, social) ; le pouvoir de l'Inquisition sur l'imaginaire. L'Inquisition est envisagée ici sous ses trois formes (médiévale, ibérique, romaine), du Moyen Âge à nos jours et dans l'aire méditerranéenne, à savoir les « quatre sœurs » latines (France, Espagne, Italie, Portugal) ainsi que leurs dépendances. Cette réflexion nouvelle de la recherche internationale s'insère dans ce champ de l'histoire toujours en renouvellement. Elle s'adresse aussi bien aux spécialistes qu'aux lecteurs intéressés et curieux.

Synod on the freedom of conscience
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9089640827 9786612067983 1282067982 9048507995 9789048507993 9789089640826 9781282067981 Year: 2008 Publisher: Amsterdam [Netherlands] Amsterdam Univ. Press

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The first complete English translation of Dirck Coornhert's 1630 Synod on the Freedom of Conscience, one of the most elaborate and powerful pleas for religious tolerance published in early modern Europe

Thick evaluation
ISBN: 0191841617 0198803435 0192525174 Year: 2017 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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The descriptions 'good' and 'bad' are examples of thin concepts, as opposed to 'kind' or 'cruel' which are thick concepts. Simon Kirchin provides one of the first full-length studies of the crucial distinction between 'thin' and 'thick' concepts, which is fundamental to many debates in ethics, aesthetics and epistemology.

Freedom of Religion : an Ambiguous Right in the Contemporary European Legal Order.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 17578124 ISBN: 9781509935864 150993586X 1509935894 1509935886 1509935878 1509954724 Year: 2020 Volume: 14 Publisher: London [England] : [London, England] : Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, Bloomsbury Publishing,

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"In most European societies today, religion and questions about religion are increasing in relevance and importance. This development can be explained in several ways, for example by continuous demographic changes and new societal standards and values. As a consequence, the debate on the interpretation and scope of the right to freedom of religion has intensified in politics, media and, of course, law. The right to freedom of religion is complex and varies within different legal contexts at the international, European and national levels. This has resulted in a right that is ambiguous and sometimes difficult for individuals to claim and for states to assert. This book presents a variety of perspectives on the concept of freedom of religion in different European countries against the background of the European Convention on Human Rights, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and other international treaties. It contains contributions from leading legal scholars working in these fields in Sweden, the Nordic countries and wider Europe."--

Säkularisierung und Religion : europäische Wechselwirkungen
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3666570933 3647570931 3525570937 9783525570937 Year: 2019 Publisher: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

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In den vergangenen Jahren ist das Thema "Säkularisierung" zu einem beliebten Forschungsparadigma geworden. Geschichtliche Prozesse und gegenwärtige Phänomene werden unter der Perspektive von "Säkularisierung" beschrieben und gewinnen so ein besonderes Profil. Was aber steckt hinter der Begrifflichkeit und mit welchen Theorien und Theorieentwicklungen sind wir konfrontiert? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes versuchen dies zu klären und sowohl historische als auch gegenwartsbezogene Zugänge zu entwickeln. Dabei geht es um Säkularisierungsschübe und deren Auslöser in der Geschichte; um die Frage danach, wie Religion und religiöse Praxis in jeweils unterschiedlicher Weise auf Säkularisierungsphänomene reagierten. Denn Tatsache ist, dass die Religion - in welcher Ausprägung auch immer - nie ganz verdrängt wurde. Auch die Auswirkungen von Säkularisierung und Säkularisierungsschüben auf die gelebte Religion werden thematisiert, ebenso wie mögliche gesellschaftliche und politische Auswirkungen. Kam es zu einer Verdrängung der Religion aus der Öffentlichkeit oder zu einer Selbstbehauptung der Religion gegen säkularisierende Tendenzen? Um dies zu beleuchten werden verschiedene geographische und religiöse Räume abgeschritten, wobei auch geschichtliche Entwicklungen aufgezeigt werden sollen, um den Blick auf Säkularisierungen in der Gegenwart zu schärfen.

Between state and church : confessional relations from reformation to enlightenment : Poland - Lithuania - Germany - Netherlands
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783631626702 3631626703 3653023750 9783653023756 3653999022 Year: 2016 Publisher: Bern Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group

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"The different theoretical notions and practices of the relations between the state and religious communities in early modern Europe constitute one of the most interesting problems in histography. Moving away from a simple "toleration" versus "non-toleration" dichotomy, the author sets out to analyse the inter-confessional relations in selected European territories in a "longue duree" perspective, between Reformation and Enlightenment. Outliningthe relations between the state and the different Churches (confessions) in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Holy Roman Empire of Germany, and the Northern Netherlands serves to highlight the specificity of "free" (non-absolutist) composite states, where the particularly complex process of defining the raison d'etat determined the level of religious toleration that was politically feasible and socially acceptable."

O império da vontade e a raiz cristã da descristianização
ISBN: 9892613465 9892613457 Year: 2017 Publisher: Coimbra University Press

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O principal objectivo deste livro é determinar as bases do processo de secularização e laicização da sociedade portuguesa e tentar entender se o processo português é generalizável aos outros países da Europa Ocidental. A análise parte do processo de massificação da literatura de espiritualidade, que teve início em França no início do século XVII e conheceu prolongamentos em Portugal na segunda metade do século. Este processo levou a uma “secularização da devoção” e ao desenvolvimento de uma epistemologia, primeiro, e a uma psicologia, depois. Pretende-se demonstrar a forma como o iluminismo português, encarnado pelo Marquês de Pombal, veiculava uma visão do homem que se fundava na profunda introspecção resultante desse processo. Procura-se, igualmente, demonstrar a emergência de um partido agostiniano e anti-jesuítico em Portugal na segunda metade do século XVII, e que Pombal utilizou como base social crítica para o seu processo de reformas sociais.Trata-se de uma forma de abordar a questão da secularização que está nos antípodas da tese oficial de uma retirada progressiva de Deus do seio da sociedade humana. Paradoxalmente, a gradual emancipação da razão humana pode ter sido potenciada pela acção daqueles que mais a desprezavam.

Transitional justice and the historical abuses of church and state
ISBN: 1009027530 1009027727 100902597X 1316515540 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press,

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In this book, James Gallen provides an in-depth evaluation of the responses of Western States and churches to their historical abuses from a transitional justice perspective. Using a comparative lens, this book examines the application of transitional justice to address and redress the past in Ireland, Australia, Canada, the United States and United Kingdom. It evaluates the use of public inquiries and truth commissions, litigation, reparations, apologies, and reconciliation in each context to address these abuses. Significantly, this novel analysis considers how power and public emotions influence, and often impede, transitional justice's ability to address historical-structural injustices. In addressing historical abuses, power fails to be redistributed and national and religious myths are not reconsidered, leading Gallen to conclude that the existing transitional justice efforts of states and churches remain an unrepentant form of justice. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

Religion and the making of Nigeria
ISBN: 9780822373872 9780822362067 9780822362272 0822373874 0822362066 0822362279 Year: 2016 Publisher: Durham : Duke University Press,

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'In Religion and the Making of Nigeria', Olufemi Vaughan examines how Christian, Muslim, and indigenous religious structures have provided the essential social and ideological frameworks for the construction of contemporary Nigeria. Using a wealth of archival sources and extensive Africanist scholarship, Vaughan traces Nigeria’s social, religious, and political history from the early nineteenth century to the present. During the nineteenth century, the historic Sokoto Jihad in today’s northern Nigeria and the Christian missionary movement in what is now southwestern Nigeria provided the frameworks for ethno-religious divisions in colonial society. Following Nigeria’s independence from Britain in 1960, Christian-Muslim tensions became manifest in regional and religious conflicts over the expansion of sharia, in fierce competition among political elites for state power, and in the rise of Boko Haram.

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