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All problems can never be solved
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789090286587 9090286586 Year: 2014 Publisher: Perk Mennomichieljozef vzw

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Asked to make a work of art in a modernist social housing complex called Cité Modèle (Model District) in Brussels, the artist and scenographer Jozef Wouters founded a temporary architecture office in one of the apartments. Over time, Bureau Des Architectes became a place where professional architects, artists and local residents gathered to solve problems, express desires or propose discussions. Restricting all participants only to work with scale models in order not to be distracted by reality, the project accumulated in an exhibition that questions the problem-solving nature of architecture by means of 46 scale models for possible and impossible desires. Two years after, Wouters joined forces with visual artist Pol Matthé to make this book. Using the three-dimensional software developed for architects to visualize the future, they made a replica of the past exhibition based on pictures and their own memory. While virtually rebuilding the past, they also rearranged, reimagined and reframed it. The result is a book that serves as a scale model of a project, articulating its desires and propositions more than documenting it.

ISBN: 9789046595985 9046595986 Year: 2017 Volume: *62 Publisher: Mechelen : Wolters Kluwer,

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Cohousing wordt beschouwd als een alternatieve woonvorm, gericht op betaalbare huisvesting waarbij privéwoningen die in één gebouw of in één gebouwencomplex tot één woonproject behoren, gecombineerd worden met gemeenschappelijke ruimten en voorzieningen, waaronder een leefruimte. Men spreekt ook wel van individueel wonen in groepsverband of wonen in gemeenschappelijkheid. Naast specifieke bouwkundige kenmerken is bij Cohousing de inzet van de deelnemers van groot belang doordat zij op een voluntaristische, participatieve en idealistische wijze deelnemen aan een woonmodel waar sociale cohesie een belangrijk bindend element is. Door het nieuwe Vlaamse decreet van 24 februari 2017 houdende instelling van een proefomgeving voor experimentele woonvormen wordt aan Cohousing niet alleen een juridisch kader maar ook een grote boost voor de praktijk gegeven. In het boek "Cohousing" worden, naast een grondige beschrijving van de wezenskenmerken van Cohousing, de verschillende gedaantes uitgediept waaronder deze rechtsfiguur verschijnt, namelijk Cohousing in zijn oorspronkelijke verschijningsvorm, Cohousing aangestuurd door professionele partijen, zoals bouwpromotoren, stadsontwikkelingsbedrijven en vastgoedadviseurs, en experimentele Cohousing.


BPB9999 --- vastgoed --- vlaanderen --- brussel --- wallonie --- ruimtelijke ordening --- immobilier --- flandre --- bruxelles --- amenagement du territoire --- Law of obligations. Law of contract --- Sociology of environment --- Belgium --- Logement --- Logement collectif --- Politique du logement --- BPB1710 --- Huisvesting --- Meergezinswoning --- Woningbeleid --- huisvesting --- cohousing --- 480 Wonen --- Congregate housing --- Joint tenancy --- Habitat collectif --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Logement coopératif --- Immeubles d'habitation coopératifs --- Copropriété --- Shared housing --- 480 Wonen. --- BPB1710. --- cohousing. --- huisvesting. --- mājokļu politika --- bytová politika --- politika e strehimit --- политика становања --- stambena politika --- housing policy --- boligpolitik --- στεγαστική πολιτική --- política da habitação --- politika tad-djar --- Wohnungspolitik --- asuntopolitiikka --- politica della casa --- woningbeleid --- bostadspolitik --- stanovanjska politika --- lakáspolitika --- политика за домување --- politika bývania --- elamumajanduspoliitika --- política de la vivienda --- жилищна политика --- politici pentru locuințe --- būsto politika --- polityka mieszkaniowa --- housing construction --- станбена политика --- construction de logement --- стратегија за изградба на социјални станови --- POS --- gradnja stanova za socijalne potrebe --- mājokļu celtniecība --- stambena štednja --- asuntojen rakentaminen --- bytová výstavba --- ανέγερση κατοικιών --- boligbyggeri --- ndërtim i banesave --- lakásépítés --- стратегија за домување --- construcții de locuințe --- bostadsbyggande --- sozialer Wohnungsbau --- изградња станова --- construcción de viviendas --- costruzione di alloggi --- výstavba bývania --- būsto statyba --- stanogradnja --- društveno poticana stanogradnja --- politique de l'habitat --- elamuehitus --- construção imobiliária --- Wohnungsbau --- изградба на станови --- gyvenamoji statyba --- gradnja stanova --- abitazzjoni kollettiva --- daudzstāvu dzīvojamā ēka --- flerfamiliehus --- mitmepereelamu --- daugiaaukštis namas --- viacposchodové obydlie --- činžovní dům --- bloc de locuințe --- жилищна сграда --- többszintes ház --- stambena višekatnica --- habitação coletiva --- Mehrfamilienhaus --- συλλογική κατοικία --- стамбена вишеспратница --- meergezinswoning --- станбена повеќекатница --- flerfamiljshus --- večstanovanjska hiša --- multi-storey dwelling --- banesë shumëkatëshe --- budownictwo wielorodzinne --- vivienda colectiva --- condominio --- kerrostaloasunto --- habitação colectiva --- apartmanház --- abitazione collettiva --- činžák --- daugiabutis namas --- palazzina condominiale --- повеќекатница --- block of flats --- obytný dům --- flatgebouw --- bloc de apartamente --- edificio de apartamentos --- bloque de pisos --- зграда за колективно домување --- condominio multipiano --- korterelamu --- condomino --- korrusmaja --- hyreshus --- Mietshaus --- Wohnblock --- dzīvojamās mājas bloks --- abitazione plurifamiliare --- πολυκατοικία --- Apartmenthaus --- immeuble d'appartements --- činžiak --- társasház --- višekatnica --- bllok pallatesh --- arranha-céus --- kerrostalo --- edifício de apartamentos --- bolig --- lakásügy --- aprūpinimas būstu --- housing --- dzīvojamās ēkas --- asuminen --- vivienda --- домување --- bydlení --- abitazione --- habitação --- bývanie --- stanovanje --- eluase --- bostad --- στέγη --- жилище --- strehim --- budownictwo mieszkaniowe --- Unterkunft --- locuință --- стан --- abitazzjoni --- woning --- obytný dom --- dzīvojamā māja --- οικία --- appartamento --- prédio de habitação --- dwelling --- banim --- habitación --- lakóépület --- alojamento --- godinë banimi --- būstas --- clădire rezidențială --- στέγαση --- residential building --- mājoklis --- edificio ad uso abitativo --- asuintalo --- obydlí --- obydlie --- korter --- edificación habitable --- oleskelu --- alojamiento --- alloggio --- habitation --- lakás --- Wohngebäude --- gyvenamasis namas --- Wohnhaus --- οίκημα --- elamu --- gyvenamasis pastatas --- casa --- elumaja --- Wohnung --- woonblok --- stambene zgrade --- beartas tithíochta --- teaghais ilstórach --- tithíocht --- Belgique --- Logement coopératif --- Immeubles d'habitation coopératifs

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