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European journal of engineering education

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European Journal of Engineering Education examines the economic, cultural, and social factors which influence the education of engineers in different societies and provides a forum in which teachers and researchers in engineering schools, institutions and industry can share accounts of good practice and discuss methodology. Technological change constantly creates new demands on both engineers and the educational system that produces them. The Journal contributes to the development and improvement of engineering education necessary to meet those demands. While European Journal of Engineering Education puts a special emphasis on specific European developments in the field of engineering education, the Journal also welcomes papers presenting a worldwide perspective and with an international or intercultural dimension.

Het ingenieursblad : maandblad van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging KVIV
ISSN: 00201235 Year: 1964 Publisher: Antwerpen

ISBN: 9780750675451 0750675454 1493302957 9786611009656 1281009652 0080476651 9780080476650 9781281009654 6611009655 Year: 2005 Publisher: Amsterdam Boston Elsevier

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This practical reference provides in-depth information required to understand and properly estimate compressor capabilities and to select the proper designs. Engineers and students will gain a thorough understanding of compression principles, equipment, applications, selection, sizing, installation, and maintenance. The many examples clearly illustrate key aspects to help readers understand the ""real world"" of compressor technology.Compressors: Selection and Sizing, third edition is completely updated with new API standards. Additions requested by readers include a new section on di

De mens voorbij
ISBN: 9789085421085 908542108X Year: 2008 Publisher: Antwerpen Meulenhoff/Manteau

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'De mens voorbij' is een gedreven zoektocht naar de denkkaders die mee aan de basis lagen van de uitroeiing van mentaal, fysiek en raciaal gehandicapte mensen in de eerste helft van de 20ste eeuw. Dat was, anders dan we graag geloven, geen breuk in onze beschaving maar een ontsporing. Een catastrofale uitloper van de maakbaarheids- en vooruitgangsideologie, dat veelbelovende geesteskind van de VerlichtingDit boek beschrijft, in niet helemaal onpartijdige termen, hoe in de Verlichting het ideaal opkomt, radicaal en utopisch, van een maakbare wereld zonder intolerantie, ziekte, armoede en andere ellende. Alle kaarten worden gezet op het middel van de rede en de wetenschap, met als ultieme doel de rechten van de mens. Dit doel slaat om in zijn tegendeel zodra de biologie de eugenetica voortbrengt en de politiek de mogelijkheid krijgt om direct aan de mens zelf te sleutelen, met alle racistische consequenties van dien. De genetische kennis zal na WOII enorm toenemen, haar toepassing wordt commercieel en individueel. Maar het blijft een middel dat met menswaardigheid niet valt te verenigen


Civilization --- Eugenics. --- Social Darwinism. --- Social sciences --- Psychoanalyse --- History. --- Philosophy. --- cultuur en religie. --- Decroos, Johan. --- Eugenetica. --- Niet-confessionele zedenleer --- Verlichtingsfilosofie. --- Vooruitgangsgeloof. --- Secundair onderwijs. --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- anno 1600-1699 --- anno 2000-2099 --- anno 1800-1999 --- anno 1700-1799 --- Enlightenment --- Eugenics --- History --- Politieke filosofie. Sociale filosofie --- Civilisation --- Cultuurgeschiedenis --- Cultuurfilosofie --- Cultuursociologie --- Cultuurpsychologie --- Antropologie --- Social Darwinism --- biotechnologie --- eugenetica (eugenese, eugenetiek) --- evolutietheorie (darwinisme) --- transhumanisme (cyborg) --- BPB0901 --- Eugénique --- Génie génétique --- bio-ethiek --- Eugenetica --- evolutieleer --- filosofie --- geschiedenis --- S20090858.JPG --- Verlichtingsfilosofie --- #gsdb8 --- 17.023.33 --- 241.63*5 --- 572.1/.4 --- 061 Ethische problemen --- eugenetica --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- Social philosophy --- Social theory --- Darwinism, Social --- Competition --- Social change --- Social conflict --- Social evolution --- Homiculture --- Race improvement --- Euthenics --- Heredity --- Involuntary sterilization --- Cultural history --- 572.1/.4 Anthropogeny. Human development in general. Origin of the human species --- Anthropogeny. Human development in general. Origin of the human species --- 241.63*5 Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek); genetische experimenten; transplantatie; eugenetica --- Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek); genetische experimenten; transplantatie; eugenetica --- 17.023.33 Biologische doeleinden. Bio-ethiek; bioethiek. Übermensch. Medische deontologie --- Biologische doeleinden. Bio-ethiek; bioethiek. Übermensch. Medische deontologie --- genų inžinerija --- γενετική μηχανική --- genteknik --- ingeniería genética --- genetički inženjering --- генно инженерство --- geenitehnoloogia --- géntechnológia --- inżynieria genetyczna --- genetické inžinierstvo --- ingegneria genetica --- genetic engineering --- генетски инжењеринг --- innealtóireacht ghéiniteach --- geeniteknologia --- генетски инженеринг --- gēnu inženierija --- Gentechnologie --- genska tehnologija --- genetische genese --- inxhineri gjenetike --- genetické inženýrství --- inġinerija ġenetika --- engenharia genética --- inginerie genetică --- biogenetika --- biogenetik --- biogenetiikka --- genetische manipulatie --- genų manipuliavimas --- biogeneetika --- geneetiline manipulatsioon --- genetic manipulation --- bioģenētika --- биогенетички истражувања --- technologie génétique --- manipulación genética --- genetische Neukombinierung --- биогенетика --- genmanipulation --- ģenētiska manipulācija --- biogenetica --- manipolazione genetica --- genetisk manipulation --- ingénierie génétique --- genetická manipulácia --- ny genkombination --- manipulação genética --- biogenetics --- gensplejsning --- επεμβάσεις στο γενετικό υλικό --- geneettinen muuntelu --- манипулација генима --- Genmanipulation --- манипулација со гени --- genetikai manipuláció --- ricombinazione genetica --- genetická manipulace --- biogenética --- recombinaison génétique --- επεμβάσεις στον γενετικό κώδικα --- manipulim gjenetik --- Genetic Engineering --- biogénétique --- recombinant --- biogjenetikë --- manipulation génétique --- genetisk rekombination --- manipulare genetică --- genetska manipulacija --- recombinação genética --- biogenetică --- Biogenetik --- eigēnika --- evgenika --- eugenesia --- eugenie --- eugenik --- eugeenika --- eugeniikka --- eugenics --- eugenia --- еугеника --- евгеника --- ευγονική --- eugenika --- ewġenika --- eugjenetikë --- Eugenik --- eugenese --- eugénica --- ewġenetika --- eugenismo --- eugénisme --- Philosophy --- eugénisme (eugénique) --- théorie de l'évolution (darwinisme) --- transhumanisme --- 179.7 --- 575.8 --- 1 --- 94 --- eoiginic --- Cultuur en religie. --- Génie génétique --- Eugénique

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