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Expériences de recherche en République démocratique du Congo : méthodes et contextes

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This journal features articles in French and English in the various fields of anthropology, without regional or time limitations. Civilisations is a peer-reviewed journal of anthropology. Published continuously since 1951, it features articles in French and English in the various fields of anthropology, without regional or time limitations. Revived in 2002 with a new editorial board and a new subtitle (Revue internationale d'anthropologie et de sciences humaines), Civilisations particularly encourage the submission of articles where anthropological approaches meet other social sciences, to better tackle processes of society making.

Cahiers d'Études Africaines

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The journal deals with all subjects related to Africa, from the West Indies to the African populations of the Americas, and favors an anthropological and historical approach.


Ethnology. Cultural anthropology --- Regional documentation --- Politics --- Sociology of the developing countries --- History of Africa --- Ethnology --- Blacks --- Anthropologie sociale et culturelle --- Noirs --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Africa --- Afrique --- Economic conditions --- Social conditions --- Conditions économiques --- Conditions sociales --- Ethnologie --- Blacks. --- Economic history. --- Ethnology. --- Africa. --- 321 <6> --- #SJ/LH/(6)TS --- Politieke organisatie. Staten als politieke machten. Regeringsvormen--Afrika --- Arts and Humanities --- Society and Culture --- Economics --- Regional and International Studies --- Business, Economy and Management --- Social Sciences --- Arts and Humanities. --- Regional and International Studies. --- Business, Economy and Management. --- Social Sciences. --- 321 <6> Politieke organisatie. Staten als politieke machten. Regeringsvormen--Afrika --- Périodiques --- Conditions économiques --- CAIRN-E EJANTHR EJECONO EJETUDE EJSOCIA EPUB-ALPHA-C EPUB-PER-FT JSTOR-E PERSEE-E REVORG-E --- Negroes --- Cultural anthropology --- Ethnography --- Races of man --- Social anthropology --- History, Economic --- Anthropology --- Human beings --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Sociologie van de ontwikkelingslanden --- Politiek --- Volkenkunde. Culturele antropologie --- Landelijke documentatie --- Geschiedenis van Afrika --- Periodicals. --- Economic history --- Black persons --- Black people --- Black people. --- Personnes noires --- Ethnology - Africa - Periodicals --- Blacks - Africa - Periodicals --- Africa - Periodicals --- Africa - Economic conditions - Periodicals. --- Africa - Social conditions - Periodicals --- sorcellerie --- l'Afrique --- religion --- justice --- colonialisme --- cultes --- religions universalistes --- maraboutage --- enfants-sorciers --- Etnologia --- Àfrica --- Condicions econòmiques --- Condicions socials

Homo deus : une brève histoire du futur
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782226393876 2226393870 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris : Albin Michel,

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"Sapiens retraçait l'histoire de l'humanité. Homo Deus interroge son avenir. Que deviendront nos démocraties quand Google et Facebook connaîtront nos goûts et nos préférences politiques mieux que nous-mêmes ? Qu'adviendra-t-il de l'Etat providence lorsque nous, les humains, serons évincés du marché de l'emploi par des ordinateurs plus performants ? Quelle utilisation certaines religions feront-elles de la manipulation génétique ? Homo Deus nous dévoile ce que sera le monde d'aujourd'hui lorsque, à nos mythes collectifs tels que les dieux, l'argent, l'égalité et la liberté, s'allieront de nouvelles technologies démiurgiques. Et que les algorithmes, de plus en plus intelligents, pourront se passer de notre pouvoir de décision. Car, tandis que l'Homo Sapiens devient un Homo Deus, nous nous forgeons un nouveau destin. Best-seller international - plus de 200 000 exemplaires vendus en France, traduit dans près de 40 langues - Sapiens interrogeait l'histoire de l'humanité, de l'âge de la pierre à l'ère de la Silicon Valley. Le nouveau livre de Yuval Noah Harari offre un aperçu vertigineux des rêves et des cauchemars qui façonneront le XXIe siècle."


Civilisation moderne et contemporaine --- Sciences et civilisation --- Technologie et civilisation --- Futur --- BPB9999 --- 130.2 "20" --- toekomst (toekomstvisie) --- filosofie (filosofische aspecten) --- 130.2 "20" Filosofie van de cultuur. Cultuurfilosofie. Cultuursystemen. Kultuurfilosofie--?"20" --- Filosofie van de cultuur. Cultuurfilosofie. Cultuursystemen. Kultuurfilosofie--?"20" --- futur (avenir, vision du futur) --- philosophie (aspects philosophiques) --- Philosophie --- Culture --- BPB1811 --- Filosofie --- Cultuur --- Civilization, Modern --- Technology and civilization --- Science and civilization --- History, Modern --- Philosophical anthropology --- Civilisation --- Technologie et civilisation. --- Prévision technologique. --- Homme --- Anthropologie philosophique. --- Histoire --- Influence sur la nature --- kultur --- kulttuuri --- culture --- cultură --- cultuur --- kultura --- πολιτιστικός τομέας --- kultúra --- kultūra --- cultura --- Kultur --- kultuur --- култура --- livello culturale --- vita culturale --- културен живот --- erudizione --- filosofija --- filosofie --- filozofija --- filosofia --- filozofie --- philosophy --- filosofía --- филозофија --- φιλοσοφία --- filosoofia --- filozofi --- filozofia --- filozófia --- философия --- filosofi --- gnozeologie --- humanisme --- dialektika --- ontologie --- гносеологија --- epistemologie --- дијалектика --- епистемологија --- umanesimo --- bölcselet --- онтологија --- noetika --- cultúr --- fealsúnacht --- Société numérique --- Humanités numériques --- Vingt et unième siècle --- Transhumanisme --- Prévision. --- Prévisions. --- Société numérique --- Humanités numériques --- Vingt et unième siècle --- Prévisions --- anthropologie sociale et culturelle --- sociologie --- développement social --- zhvillim social --- forbairt shóisialta --- postęp społeczny --- општествен развој --- desarrollo social --- socialinė plėtra --- društveni razvoj --- dezvoltare socială --- социално развитие --- κοινωνική εξέλιξη --- sviluppo sociale --- sotsiaalne areng --- socialni razvoj --- sociálny rozvoj --- social udvikling --- desenvolvimento social --- social development --- soziale Entwicklung --- друштвени развој --- sociālā attīstība --- żvilupp soċjali --- sociale ontwikkeling --- společenský rozvoj --- samhällsutveckling --- sosiaalinen kehitys --- társadalmi fejlődés --- κοινωνική πρόοδος --- progresso social --- spoločenský pokrok --- společenský pokrok --- општествен напредок --- socialinis progresas --- sosiaalinen edistys --- sociale vooruitgang --- social fremgang --- sociālais progress --- sociální rozvoj --- progreso social --- social progress --- sozialer Fortschritt --- progres social --- sotsiaalne progress --- progrès social --- sociální pokrok --- evoluzione sociale --- socialinė pažanga --- progresso sociale --- društveni napredak --- sociología --- socjologia --- sosiologia --- sociologi --- κοινωνιολογία --- sotsioloogia --- soċjoloġija --- социологија --- социология --- sociologija --- szociológia --- sociológia --- socioloģija --- socheolaíocht --- sociology --- sociologia --- sociologji --- Soziologie --- gender studies --- Entwicklungssoziologie --- sociobiologie --- sociológia politického života --- social and cultural anthropology --- antropologia social e cultural --- социокултурна антропология --- társadalmi és kulturális antropológia --- sotsiaal- ja kultuuriantropoloogia --- sociokultūrinė antropologija --- sociálně-kulturní antropologie --- antraipeolaíocht chultúrtha agus shóisialta --- društvena i kulturna antropologija --- културна антропологија --- општества и културна антропологија --- antropologji sociale dhe kulturore --- antropologia sociale e culturale --- social og kulturel antropologi --- antropologia społeczna i kulturowa --- sociale en culturele antropologie --- antropoloġija soċjali u kulturali --- κοινωνική και πολιτιστική ανθρωπολογία --- Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie --- antropologie socială și culturală --- sociálna a kultúrna antropológia --- sociālkulturālā antropoloģija --- antropología social y cultural --- socialna in kulturna antropologija --- kulturantropologi --- sosiaali- ja kulttuuriantropologia --- etnoloģija --- folklivsforskning --- εθνολογία --- kultūrantropoloģija --- antropología cultural --- antropoloġija soċjokulturali --- antropologia społeczna --- antraipeolaíocht shóisialta --- volkenkunde --- социална и културна антропология --- etnoloġija --- kulturel antropologi --- social antropologi --- κοινωνικοπολιτιστική ανθρωπολογία --- sotsiaalantropoloogia --- antropologia cultural --- antropologie socială --- antropologia sociocultural --- socio-kulturna antropologija --- social- og kulturantropologi --- kulturna antropologija --- antropoloġija soċjali --- socijalna antropologija --- socio-kultúrna antropológia --- kulturális antropológia --- etnologija --- sociokultúrna antropológia --- sociální antropologie --- kultúrna antropológia --- ethnology --- Ethnologie --- sotsiokultuuriline antropoloogia --- antropoloġija kulturali --- sosiokulttuurinen antropologia --- antraipeolaíocht chultúrtha --- sosiaaliantropologia --- culturele antropologie --- општествена антропологија --- sociaal-culturele antropologie --- κοινωνική ανθρωπολογία --- kultūras antropoloģija --- ethnologie --- sociokulturel antropologi --- etnología --- socijalna i kulturna antropologija --- sociální a kulturní antropologie --- antropologia culturale --- κοινωνικο-πολιτιστική ανθρωπολογία --- antropologia kulturowa --- antropologie socioculturală --- sociale antropologie --- anthropologie sociale --- folkloristika --- Sozialanthropologie --- soziokulturelle Anthropologie --- eitneolaíocht --- etnoloogia --- antropologia socio-culturale --- folkloristik --- socialantropologi --- antropología sociocultural --- kulttuuriantropologia --- културна антропология --- етнологија --- socialinė antropologija --- kultūrinė antropologija --- етнология --- etnológia --- szociokulturális antropológia --- sociokulturna antropologija --- antropologia sociale --- néptudomány --- antropologie culturală --- antropologia social --- социална антропология --- socialna antropologija --- sociocultural anthropology --- anthropologie socioculturelle --- anthropologie culturelle --- antropología social --- egyetemes összehasonlító néprajz --- sociālantropoloģija --- socio-cultural anthropology --- πολιτιστική ανθρωπολογία --- kulturní antropologie --- socialinė ir kultūrinė antropologija --- sociálna antropológia --- antropologia socioculturale --- etnologie --- cultural anthropology --- etnologia --- kulturologie --- социјална антропологија --- etnologi --- Kulturanthropologie --- etnologji --- social anthropology --- antropologia społeczno-kulturowa --- Völkerkunde --- Civilisation moderne et contemporaine - 21e siècle --- développement social --- avenir de l'humanité --- démocratie --- Google et Facebook --- l'État providence --- marché de l'emploi --- ordinateurs --- religions --- manipulation génétique --- mythes collectifs --- nouvelles technologies démiurgiques --- algorithmes --- notre pouvoir de décision --- le XXIe siècle

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