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Piloter la police à l'aide des statistiques
ISBN: 9782802765721 Year: 2020 Publisher: bruylant

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Cet ouvrage lève pour la première fois le voile sur les mille et une tâches quotidiennes des analystes travaillant au sein des états-majors de la police locale belge. Leur fonction est au coeur de changements annoncés comme essentiels dans le fonctionnement de l’institution policière, en particulier en matière de planification de la politique policière et de pilotage des activités de terrain. Basée sur une recherche empirique de longue durée, cette investigation de la pratique éminemment technique de civils travaillant au sein de la police éclaire le sens de la fonction de police qu’elle contribue à (in)former. La pratiques de ces producteurs de données statistiques est resituée au cœur des relations établies et entretenues quotidiennement avec les policiers ; relations qui s’accompagnent d’enjeux suscités par les chiffres produits. Car si la production de savoirs et d’outils analytiques peut impacter la négociation de moyens et de priorités ou la justification d’un bilan, elle vient tout autant concurrencer les savoirs professionnels des policiers, ancrés dans leur expérience. Ainsi, cet ouvrage propose un regard original sur le travail des analystes de la police, à la fois opérateurs du développement d’instruments d’action et de gestion et premiers affectés par ceux-ci. Au travers du dévoilement de leurs routines quotidiennes et de l’adaptation incessante de leurs outils et productions, le présent ouvrage aborde la portée concrète, actuelle mais aussi potentielle, de telles innovations techniques pour l’institution policière, ses acteurs et leur vision de ce que fait et doit faire la police.

The Bologna process in higher education in Europe : key indicators on the social dimension and mobility.
ISBN: 9789279117701 927911770X Year: 2009 Publisher: Luxembourg Office for official publications of the European Communities

ISSN: 17251095 1831998X 23632739 ISBN: 9789279138157 9789279107283 9789279070822 9279035983 9279005693 9289484640 9289462442 9289441658 9289415606 Year: 2004 Publisher: Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des communautés européennes = Office for official publications of the European communities = OPOCE,

The EU in the world 2013 : a statistical portrait
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789279264566 Year: 2012 Volume: *9 Publisher: Luxembourg Publications Office of the European Union

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This publication provides a statistical portrait of the European Union (EU) in relation to the rest of the world. It presents a broad range of indicators for the EU and the G20 countries from the rest of the world. It treats the following areas: economy and finance; population; health; education and training; the labour market; living conditions and social protection; industry, trade and services, tourism and the information society; agriculture, forestry and fisheries; international trade; transport; the environment; energy; and science and technology. The publication, which complements information found in Europe in figures – Eurostat yearbook and in the Eurostat regional yearbook, may be viewed as an introduction to European and international statistics. It provides a starting point for those who wish to explore the wide range of data that are freely available from a variety of international organisations and on Eurostat's website at

International financial statistics
ISSN: 00206725 02523027 Publisher: Washington IMF

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International Financial Statistics is a standard source of statistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance. IFS publishes, for most countries of the world, current data on exhange rates, international liquidity, international banking, money and banking, interest rates, prices, production, international transactions (including balance of payments and international investment position), government finance, and national accounts.


Finance --- International finance --- Données statistiques. --- Finances internationales. --- Finances. --- Mensuels. --- FMI. --- Finance. --- International finance. --- Internationale financiën. --- Internationale Bank --- Statistik --- Monetäre Statistik. --- Welt. --- Internationale Bank. --- Statistik. --- Mathematische Statistik --- Statistische Mathematik --- Statistische Methode --- Statistisches Verfahren --- Statistiken --- Datensammlung --- Stochastik --- Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung --- Internationales Kreditwesen --- Multinationale Bank --- Bank --- Internationaler Kreditmarkt --- Auslandsbank --- International monetary system --- International money --- International economic relations --- Funding --- Funds --- Economics --- Currency question --- Internationaler Währungsfonds --- Internationaler Währungsfonds. --- Fonds Monétaire International --- International Monetary Fund --- IWF --- FMI --- IMF --- Fondo Monetario Internacional --- <> Internationale Währungsfonds --- I.M.F. --- Meždunarodnyj valjutnyj fond --- MVF --- Fundo Monetário Internacional --- Kansainvälinen Valuuttarahasto --- Międzynarodowy Fundusz Walutowy --- Monetary Fund --- Währungsfonds --- Fondo monetario international --- IMF Institute --- Internationale staatliche Organisation --- Internationale Organisation --- Währungspolitik --- 336.7 --- #ETEW:TSCAT --- #BA00803 --- 336.7 Geldwezen. Kredietwezen. Bankwezen. Financien. Monetaire econonomie. Beurswezen --- Geldwezen. Kredietwezen. Bankwezen. Financien. Monetaire econonomie. Beurswezen --- Periodicals --- Finances --- Finances internationales --- Statistics --- Periodicals. --- Statistiques --- Périodiques --- Business, Economy and Management --- Mathematical Sciences --- Statistiques financières

Women in european politics - time for action
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789279111228 9279111221 Year: 2009 Publisher: Luxemburg Publicatiebureau

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This report aims to raise awareness of the extent of gender inequality in politics by analyzing the current situation and investigating some of the reasons that the persistent deficit is proving so difficult to break down. The report is split into two sections, the main section covers the gender balance in politics at all levels and examines the current situation of women as elected representatives, the extent to which they are selected as candidates for election, how this links to electoral success and some of the reasons behind the limited progress to date. The second section briefly analyzes the situation in some other areas, including business and public administration.--Publisher's description.

Statistical portrait of the European Union 2007 : 50 years of the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9279027700 9789279027703 Year: 2006 Volume: *5 Publisher: Luxembourg Office for official publications of the European communities

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