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Risk Management by State-Owned Enterprises and their Ownership
ISBN: 9789264262249 9264262245 Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Taking risks is a fundamental driving force in business and entrepreneurship. To reap the full rewards of risk-taking, however, firms need to have in place effective risk management practices. This publication provides a stocktaking of ways in which SOEs and those exercising the state’s ownership role address the issue of risk management from the perspective of corporate governance (“risk governance”), as recommended in the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises. The report looks at this issue from three perspectives: by taking stock, first, of national legal and regulatory SOE risk management frameworks, and then by taking stock of risk-management practices at the level of the SOE and then at the level of the state.

Improving Corporate Governance in India : Related Party Transactions and Minority Shareholder Protection
ISBN: 9789264220652 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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A concern that many markets around the world share in relation to poor corporate governance is the abuse of related party transactions (RPTs). This is particularly true in markets where controlling ownership is predominant. Judging by the frequent reporting of RPTs, this calls for the relevant authorities and companies to be vigilant and have in place an effective oversight framework through which abusive RPTs can be identified, prevented or stopped. This book presents the findings of an OECD policy dialogue with Indian stakeholders on policies to improve the monitoring and prevension of abusive RPTs in India.  

Corporate governance in Israel 2011
ISBN: 9789264097698 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris : OECD,

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The Review of Corporate Governance in Israel was prepared as part of the process of Israel’s accession to OECD Membership. The report describes the corporate governance setting including the structure and ownership concentration of listed companies and the structure and operation of the state-owned sector. The Review then examines the legal and regulatory framework and company practices to assess the degree to which the recommendations of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises have been implemented.

OECD-Prüfungen im Bereich Regulierungsreform: Deutschland : Konsolidierung der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Erneuerung
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789264016125 Year: 2004 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Deutschlands Wirtschaft hat viele Jahrzehnte lang ausgezeichnete Ergebnisse erzielt. Der Ordnungsrahmen und das Regulierungssystem des Landes zeichnen sich durch besondere historisch gewachsene Stärken aus, nämlich klare, wohl durchdachte wettbewerbsrechtliche und wettbewerbspolitische Strukturen sowie ein solides Fundament von Regulierungsinstrumenten. Es ist mithin nicht weiter verwunderlich, dass die Regulierungsqualität in einem der Rechtsstaatlichkeit verpflichteten Land wie Deutschland mit seiner traditionell bewährten Verwaltung eines der zentralen Ziele ist. Regulierungsreformen, die auf diesen traditionellen Stärken aufbauen, können die Funktionsweise der Märkte verbessern helfen. Die Bundesregierung hat in jüngster Zeit ein breites Spektrum von Reformen, darunter die „Agenda 2010", mit dem Ziel eingeleitet, die Beschäftigung zu erhöhen, die öffentlichen Ausgaben zu reduzieren und die mit der raschen demographischen Alterung verbundenen Probleme zu meistern. Neben Arbeitsmarktreformen steht die Einführung von mehr Wettbewerb auf wichtigen Produktmärkten, so z.B. im Einzelhandel und im Handwerk, auf dem Programm. Bei der Öffnung der Infrastrukturmärkte müssen ebenfalls noch erhebliche Fortschritte erzielt werden. Der vorliegende Bericht plädiert für eine Anpassung des traditionellen Ordnungsrahmens an die neuen Gegebenheiten, damit die erforderlichen Umstellungen zügiger, zu möglichst geringen Kosten für die Volkswirtschaft sowie unter Einbeziehung aller wichtigen Akteure realisiert werden können. Eine bessere Aufklärung über Reformziele und -nutzen wird dazu beitragen, die Dynamik des Reformprozesses aufrechtzuerhalten und die Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung zu sichern. Deutschland hat ebenso wie viele andere OECD-Länder eine umfassende Prüfung seiner Regulierungspolitik und -reformen durch die OECD beantragt. Der vorliegende Bericht gibt unter Berücksichtigung des makroökonomischen Kontextes einen Überblick über Erfolge und Herausforderungen der Regulierungsreform, namentlich in den Bereichen Regulierungsqualität, Wettbewerbspolitik und Marktöffnung. Das besondere Augenmerk gilt dabei den Fortschritten bei der Regulierung der Strom-, Gas-, Pharmazeutik- und Telekommunikationsmärkte. In derselben Reihe sind erschienen (in Englisch und Französisch): Regulatory Reform in Canada Regulatory Reform in the Czech Republic Regulatory Reform in Denmark Regulatory Reform in Finland Regulatory Reform in France Regulatory Reform in Greece Regulatory Reform in Hungary Regulatory Reform in Ireland Regulatory Reform in Italy Regulatory Reform in Japan Regulatory Reform in Korea Regulatory Reform in Mexico Regulatory Reform in the Netherlands Regulatory Reform in Norway Regulatory Reform in Poland Regulatory Reform in Spain Regulatory Reform in Turkey Regulatory Reform in the United Kingdom Regulatory Reform in the United States Diese Prüfberichte knüpfen an den OECD Report on Regulatory Reform: Synthesis (1997) und den ergänzenden zweibändigen Bericht OECD Report on Regulatory Reform: Sectoral and Thematic Studies (1997) an.

Better Policies for Board Nomination and Election in Asia
ISBN: 9789264204386 Year: 2013 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Established in 1999, the OECD-Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance serves as a regional forum for exchanging experiences and advancing the reform agenda on corporate governance while promoting awareness and use of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. The Roundtable brings together policy makers, practitioners and experts on corporate governance from the Asian region, OECD countries and relevant international organisations. This Roundtable report consist of three sections: 1) an overview of the current policy framework; 2) a summary of the challenges to establishing a formal and transparent board nomination and election process in Asia; and, 3) policy options to improve the transparency of the board nomination and election process in order to reinforce more effective boards.

Understanding the heterogeneity among agricultural cooperatives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782931051436 Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège : CIRIEC,

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Abstract: This paper discusses the importance of acknowledging and understanding the heterogeneity among cooperatives. Many studies on agricultural cooperatives, particularly on the impact of membership, do not account for the large differences in organisational and functional characteristics across cooperatives. We identify and discuss five core differences that have implications for theoretical and empirical research. We propose a classification that can be used by scholars in their research on understanding the evolution, performance and impact of producer cooperatives, and that can be used by policy makers in better targeting their support policies. Keywords: Cooperatives, agriculture, typology, transactions, governance, evolution, performance, impact. JEL Codes: L2, D23, Q13

De raad van commissarissen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9014022581 Year: 1974 Publisher: Brussel Samsom

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Partnership for democratic governance
ISSN: 20765789 20765797 Publisher: Paris OECD

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The ability to deliver essential public services and government functions is a prerequisite for well-functioning, legitimate states. It is also a necessity if states are to meet the most basic needs of their citizens while maintaining security and stability, bringing in foreign direct investment, pursuing poverty reduction objectives and strengthening governance. In order to take a more strategic approach to this key development challenge, several members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), together with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and a group of middleincome countries, launched the Partnership for Democratic Governance (PDG) in 2007. It is housed by the OECD and supported by UNDP. Books in this series are outputs of this Partnership.

De regels en het spel : gesprekken met Morris Tabaksblat
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789047000075 Year: 2007 Publisher: [Amsterdam] Amsterdam Antwerpen Het financieele dagblad Business Contact

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The governance of SOEs operating under monopoly situation
ISBN: 9782931051306 Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège : CIRIEC,

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This paper aims to treat specific issues about the governance of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) operating under monopoly situations, in particular the link between regulation, evaluation, control and modernisation of such enterprises. The survey of the literature reveals a lot of studies on some of these topics, but very few on the link between them and such SOEs’. The paper addresses in particular the asymmetries of information and expertise between public authorities and SOEs; the strategic role of the State in the EU context, rights and duties of public authorities; how to minimize asymmetries of information between monopoly situations and public authorities; what type of regulatory bodies can be set up; how to implement evaluation both of “regulation” and of the economic and social efficiency of each State-owned Enterprise (SOE); why and how to involve stakeholders’ participation.

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