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Parlement européen - Vade-Mecum 2000.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 928231345X Year: 2000 Publisher: Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des communautés européennes = Office for official publications of the European communities = OPOCE,

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Les équipes parlementaires des eurodéputés
Authors: ---
ISSN: 23090073 ISBN: 9782879747118 2879747112 2879747309 Year: 2014 Publisher: Promoculture

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Cet ouvrage aborde le processus de rationalisation et d'institutionnalisation du travail politique au niveau européen à partir d'une enquête sociologique dans les coulisses du Parlement européen sur les équipes parlementaires des eurodéputés.Que nous apprennent les équipes parlementaires sur ce que font les eurodéputés dans l'exercice de leur mandat ? Quelles sont les missions des équipes parlementaires des eurodéputés ? Quel rôle jouent-elles dans l'activité des élus ? Selon quelles logiques sont-elles constituées et organisées ? Avec l'accroissement des pouvoirs du PE et des eurodéputés, se

Le linge du Palais-Bourbon : corps, matérialité et genre du politique à l'ère démocratique
ISBN: 9782356873651 Year: 2015 Publisher: Lormont Le Bord de l'eau

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Le temple national : prêtres et pasteurs au Parlement français depuis 1789
ISBN: 9782729712488 2729712488 Year: 2021 Publisher: Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon,

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À rebours d’une histoire nationale souvent résumée en un affrontement irréversible entre politique et religion, jusqu’à aboutir au régime de laïcité que l’on connaît aujourd’hui, la présence d’hommes d’Église, catholiques et protestants, dans les assemblées parlementaires a été un fait minoritaire peut-être, mais constant depuis 1789.Cette assiduité s’explique par la place qu'occupent les Églises au sein de la société, mais aussi par les sociabilités provinciales qui servent de cadre aux circonscriptions électorales de la France métropolitaine et de l’outremer. Elle illustre en outre la volonté de représenter les idéaux et les intérêts propres aux différentes confessions et sensibilités religieuses de l’opinion publique et des citoyens.Ce livre, écrit par les meilleurs spécialistes d’histoire religieuse et politique de la France contemporaine, invite à découvrir la contribution des Églises à l’apprentissage de la démocratie parlementaire.

Senatores populi romani : Realität und mediale Präsentation einer Führungsschicht.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3515086846 9783515086844 Year: 2005 Volume: 40 Publisher: Stuttgart Steiner

Political careers in Europe : career patterns in multi-level systems.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783832923211 3832923217 9783845239200 9781474259330 9781474259347 9781474259354 9781474259361 Year: 2015 Publisher: Baden-Baden Nomos

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Im Zuge der europäischen Integration haben sich die Karrieremöglichkeiten für Politiker gleichzeitig erweitert und verändert. Für ausgewählte Staaten Europas - sowie die USA als „klassischem“ Beispiel für ein Mehrebenensystem - nehmen die Autoren des Sammelbands typische Politikerkarrieren, vor allem parlamentarische Karrieremuster, unter die Lupe. Sie analysieren systematisch Karrieresprünge zwischen verschiedenen Ebenen, wobei das besondere Interesse den Auswirkungen institutioneller Veränderungen auf die Karriereverläufe gilt. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass traditionelle Muster des Aufstiegs - mit der nationalen Ebene als höchster Stufe der Karriereleiter - weiterhin relevant sind. Gleichzeitig ist aber ein deutlicher Trend zur Multidirektionalität von Karrieren zu verzeichnen.Die Beiträge richten sich vorwiegend an Interessierte in Wissenschaft, Politik, Publizistik und europäischen Einrichtungen.

Contratto o rivoluzione! : L’Autunno caldo tra operaismo e storiografia

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L’Autunno caldo, segnato dalle grandi lotte per il rinnovo dei contratti di numerose categorie di lavoratori, costituisce il culmine di una stagione di mobilitazioni che modificò profondamente gli assetti economici e sociali in Italia. Oltre a evidenziare un diverso equilibrio di potere tra industriali e organizzazioni dei lavoratori, quel ciclo di lotte mise in primo piano una classe operaia giovane e combattiva, portatrice di rivendicazioni e di desideri volti a contrastare un «Miracolo» che non era alla portata di tutti. Il presente volume nasce dalle riflessioni del convegno «1969-2019 – 50 anni di Autunno caldo: tra storiografia, eredità e testimonianza» organizzato all’Université Grenoble Alpes e all’Université Paris Nanterre tra il 15 e il 18 ottobre 2019, e dà largo spazio sia a storici e specialisti affermati, che a giovani ricercatori impegnati nello studio della stagione di lotta degli anni Sessanta e Settanta italiani. I saggi ripercorrono i dibattitti interni alla Sinistra, la nascita dei gruppi extraparlamentari, le conquiste giuridiche dei lavoratori, prendendo anche in considerazione la circolazione delle idee e delle lotte al di là del triangolo industriale e al di fuori della fabbrica. Il volume invita più generalmente a riflettere sulle tracce lasciate dall’Autunno caldo nell’immaginario individuale e collettivo di varie generazioni fino ai giorni nostri

Deliberative accountability in parliamentary committees
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0191943258 0192663712 0192663720 Year: 2022 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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In recent decades, we have seen an explosion in expectations for greater accountability of public policymaking. But, as accountability has increased, trust in governments and politicians has fallen. By focusing on the heart of public accountability-the reason-giving by policymakers for their policy decisions (i.e., deliberative accountability)-this work offers an empirical route for understanding why more accountability may not always deliver more public trust. The focus is on the British Parliament, where both the Treasury Select Committee and the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee hold hearings on monetary policy, financial stability, and fiscal policy. The intent in these hearings is to challenge policymakers to explain their decisions, and thus the dialogue is expected to be deliberative. But how do we judge the quality of this deliberative accountability? Three metrics are explored and measured: respect, non-partisanship, and reciprocity. The approach is multi-method, including (1) quantitative text analysis to gauge the verbatim transcripts in committee hearings; (2) qualitative coding combined with an experimental design to gauge the role of nonverbal communication in the hearings; and (3) interviews with the MPs, peers, central bankers, and Treasury officials who participated in the hearings. The first method measures the content of 'what' was said, the second examines 'how' the words and arguments were expressed, and the third provides a more reflective 'why' component by asking participants to explain their motivations. This merging of the 'what', the 'how', and the 'why' offers a novel template for studying both accountability and deliberation.

Walking the Gendered Tightrope: Theresa May and Nancy Pelosi as Legislative Leaders
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0472903721 0472056344 0472076345 Year: 2023 Publisher: University of Michigan Press

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Walking the Gendered Tightrope analyzes the gendered expectations for women in high offices through the examples of British Prime Minister Theresa May and U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Even at their highest positions, and while completing their greatest achievements, both May and Pelosi faced gendered critiques and intraparty challenges to their leadership. While other books have analyzed the barriers to higher office that women face, this book reveals how women in positions of power are still forced to balance feminine stereotypes with the perception of power as masculine in order to prove their legitimacy. By examining intraparty dynamics, this book offers a unique comparison between a majoritarian presidential and Westminster parliamentary system. While their parties promoted Pelosi and May to highlight their progressive values, both women faced continually gendered critiques about their abilities to lead their caucuses on difficult policy issues, such as the Affordable Care Act and two Trump impeachment votes for Nancy Pelosi, or finishing Brexit for Theresa May. Grounded in the legislative literature from the United States and Britain, as well as historical accounts and personal interviews, Walking the Gendered Tightrope contributes to the fields of gender and politics, legislative studies, American politics, and British politics.

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