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The age of women : why feminism also liberates men.
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ISBN: 9789057188633 Year: 2019 Publisher: Brussels ASP

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The future is now—and it is female. Women and women’s rights are the key to progress. We believe in the West that we have already solved gender issues; it is the rest of the world that still has a problem. Nothing could be further from the truth! We have to do better. Through his work as Deputy Prime Minister and Belgian Minister of International Development, Alexander De Croo has discovered that the role of women worldwide is filled with too little opportunity and too much bias. In this book, he makes an impassioned plea for gender equality with data and stories to demonstrate the far-reaching benefits.


Sex role --- Feminist theory

XY: de l'identité masculine
ISBN: 2253097837 9782253097839 Year: 1992 Volume: 9783 Publisher: Paris Jacob

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The pious sex : catholic constructions of masculinity and femininity in Belgium, c. 1800 - 1940
ISBN: 9789058679505 9058679500 Year: 2013 Volume: 12 Publisher: Leuven Leuven University Press

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Although women were called the "pious sex" much earlier, it was during the nineteenth century, when the differences between men and women were being made more explicit, that an intense bond between women and religion was developed. Religiosity was thought to be a 'natural' part of femininity and turned religious masculinity into an oddity. This clear-cut gender ideology, however, remains an ideology (prescribed and contested) that needs to be put in the perspective of its context of origin, the bourgeois milieu. How were these gender identities constructed and by whom? Tine Van Osselaer seeks to clarify how the gender differentiation was created among Belgian Catholics. She brings to light the extent to which religiosity was inscribed in these constructions and how religious teachings contributed to it. It is clear that the limitations of the "feminization" thesis, a master narrative that has strongly contributed to the introduction of women in religious history, have gradually become more visible. Documenting pastoral care, the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Catholic Action, this book offers critical commentaries on the master narratives, suggesting that even men could belong to a "pious sex".

Het lichaam (m/v)
ISBN: 9058671704 9789058671707 Year: 2001 Volume: 3 Publisher: Leuven Universitaire Pers

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Het op biologische gronden gedefinieerde sekseonderscheid, zoals wij dit vandaag kennen, is niet van alle tijden. Pas vanaf de zeventiende eeuw werden 'mannelijkheid' en 'vrouwelijkheid' als lichamelijk gedetermineerde en elkaar wederzijds uitsluitende categorieën gedefinieerd. De doorbraak van het twee-seksenmodel hing samen met een zich wijzigende wetenschappelijke en politieke context. In 'Het lichaam (m/v)' exploreren 13 auteurs hoe in de loop der eeuwen op diverse terreinen zoals theologie, politiek, literatuur en beeldende kunsten, betekenissen werden toegekend aan het mannelijk en het vrouwelijk lichaam. Er wordt niet alleen onderzocht hoe een beroep op lichamelijke categorieën is gedaan om mannelijkheid en vrouwelijkheid van elkaar te onderscheiden, maar ook hoe in nauw verband hiermee aan mannen en vrouwen specifieke rollen werden toegewezen.

Christian masculinity : men and religion in Northern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries
ISBN: 9789058678737 9058678733 Year: 2011 Volume: 8 Publisher: Leuven Leuven University Press

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From the mid-nineteenth century, when the idea of religion as a private matter connected to the home and the female sphere won acceptance in the bourgeois cultural elite, Christian religious practices began to be associated with feminity and soft values. Today's scholars talk about a feminisation of religion, and contemporary critics claimed that religion was incompatible with true manhood. But was this really the case ? What expression took male religiosity at a time when Christianity gradually lost its former status as the natural foundation of society ? This is the starting point for the research presented in this book. Here we meet Catholic and Protestant men struggling with and for their Christian faith as priests, missionaries and laymen, and ideas and reflections on Christian masculinity in media, fiction and correspondence of various kinds. Social and missionary engagement on confessional grounds and strivings to harness the masculine combative spirit to Christian ends was the case for some, while others were eager to show the genuine male character of Christian virtues or emphasised their transcendent, gender-crossing dimensions. The book illustrates the importance of religion for the understanding of gender constructions but also the need to take into consideration confessional and institutional aspects of religious identity.

Man en vrouw, één in de waanzin ... of niet ?
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9064170347 9789064170348 Year: 1980 Volume: vol 6 Publisher: Gent Masereel [Frans]-Fonds

Gender and Christianity in modern Europe : beyond the feminization thesis
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789058679123 9058679128 9461661045 Year: 2012 Volume: 10 Publisher: Leuven Leuven University Press

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Since the 1970s the feminization thesis has become a powerful trope in the rewriting of the social history of Christendom. However, this 'thesis'' has triggered some vehement debates, given that men have continued to dominate the churches, and the churches themselves have reacted to the association of religion and femininity, often formulated by their critics, by explicitly focusing their appeal to men. In this book the authors critically reflect upon the use of concepts like feminization and masculinization in relation to Christianity. By presenting case studies that adopt different gendered


Homme (théologie chrétienne) --- Rôle selon le sexe --- Femmes et christianisme --- Masculinité --- Féminité (psychologie) --- Aspect religieux --- Christianisme --- Theological anthropology --- Sex role --- Masculinity --- Women --- Christianity --- Religious aspects --- Catholic Church --- gender en christendom --- Christianisme et femmes --- Femmes dans le christianisme --- Homme (Théologie chrétienne) --- Man (Christian theology) --- Mens (Christelijke theologie) --- Vrouwen in het christendom --- Women in Christianity --- Christian religion --- Sociology of religion --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- anno 1800-1999 --- Europe --- C1 --- vrouwen --- religieuzen --- christendom --- KADOC - Documentatie- en Onderzoekscentrum voor Religie, Cultuur en Samenleving (1977-) --- 305 --- 27 "18/19" --- 396.7 --- 270.082 --- 396.7 Vrouw en religie --- Vrouw en religie --- 305 Genderstudies. Rol van de sekse. Gender. Personen vanuit interdisciplinair gezichtspunt --- Genderstudies. Rol van de sekse. Gender. Personen vanuit interdisciplinair gezichtspunt --- Kerken en religie --- Kerkgeschiedenis--Hedendaagse Tijd --- Religion Christianity Women --- Anthropologie théologique --- Rôle selon le sexe --- Masculinité --- Femmes --- Christianity. --- Eglise catholique --- anno 1900-1999 --- anno 1800-1899 --- Belgium --- Netherlands --- Great Britain --- Germany --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity --- Gender role --- Sex (Psychology) --- Sex differences (Psychology) --- Social role --- Gender expression --- Sexism --- Masculinity (Psychology) --- Men --- Religious aspects&delete& --- Case studies --- Catholic Church. --- Femmes et christianisme. --- Féminité --- Christianisme. --- Aspect religieux. --- Woman (Christian theology) --- gender --- Theological anthropology - Christianity --- Sex role - Religious aspects - Christianity - Case studies --- Sex role - Religious aspects - Catholic Church - Case studies --- Masculinity - Religious aspects - Christianity --- Masculinity - Religious aspects - Europe --- Women - Religious aspects - Christianity --- Women - Religious aspects - Europe --- Gender roles --- Gendered role --- Gendered roles --- Role, Gender --- Role, Gendered --- Role, Sex --- Roles, Gender --- Roles, Gendered --- Roles, Sex --- Sex roles --- Gender --- Marian devotion --- Poverty --- Religion --- Members of congregations --- Book

Weten mannen waarom? : mannelijkheid feministisch bekeken.
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9054873477 9789054873471 Year: 2004 Volume: 3 Publisher: VUB Brussel

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Vanaf het einde van de jaren tachtig kwam er - vooral in de Angelsaksische landen - binnen vrouwenstudies, geleidelijk meer aandacht voor onderzoek naar mannen en mannelijkheid. Met deze bundel wil het VUB-Centrum voor Vrouwenstudies in Vlaanderen een lans breken voor deze 'mannenstudies'. Het boek vat aan met twee bijdragen van buitenlandse experts. Ursula Müller maakt een stand van zaken op van het onderzoek naar mannelijkheid in Europa. Daaruit blijkt de heterogeniteit van zowel de behandelde thema's als de theoretische invalshoeken. Michael Kimmel illustreert de vervlechting van bedreigde mannelijkheid en de weerstand tegen globalisering aan de hand van rechtse politieke mannenbewegingen in Noord-Amerika, Europa en de islamitische wereld. Peter Verstraten breekt een lans voor de studie van mannelijkheid als een maskerade en veranderlijke maskerade, door te onderzoeken hoe het ideaalbeeld van mannelijkheid in de film - de cowboy - door ironie werd ondergraven, ironie die echter tegelijk haar kritische kracht is verloren. Ignace Glorieux en Suzanne Koelet behandelen vervolgens mannelijkheid in een context van relatievorming en vaderschap. Op basis van hun onderzoek naar tijdsbesteding en taak verdeling verwijzen de onderzoekers het beeld van de nieuwe man in Vlaanderen naar het rijk der fabels.Christiane Timmerman onderzocht ten slotte de motivaties en verwachtingen van Marokkaanse en Turkse nieuwkomers in Vlaanderen en stelt daarbij onder meer sterk gendergebonden verschillen vast.


#SBIB:316.346H01 --- gelijke kansen --- 657 Vrouwenemancipatie --- Man-vrouw verhouding --- Man-woman relationships. --- Relations entre hommes et femmes --- mannenemancipatie --- Feminism --- Gender identity --- Man-woman relationships --- Masculinity --- Sex role --- Gender role --- Sex (Psychology) --- Sex differences (Psychology) --- Social role --- Gender expression --- Sexism --- Masculinity (Psychology) --- Men --- Female-male relationships --- Male-female relationships --- Men-women relationships --- Relationships, Man-woman --- Woman-man relationships --- Women --- Women-men relationships --- Interpersonal relations --- Mate selection --- Sex identity (Gender identity) --- Sexual identity (Gender identity) --- Identity (Psychology) --- Queer theory --- Emancipation of women --- Feminist movement --- Women's lib --- Women's liberation --- Women's liberation movement --- Women's movement --- Social movements --- Anti-feminism --- Relations with women --- Relations with men --- Emancipation --- feminisme --- gender --- man-vrouw relatie --- 396 --- 159.91 --- 301.17 --- Sexology --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Feminism. --- Gender identity. --- Masculinity. --- Sex role. --- Masculinité --- Gender roles --- Gendered role --- Gendered roles --- Role, Gender --- Role, Gendered --- Role, Sex --- Roles, Gender --- Roles, Gendered --- Roles, Sex --- Sex roles --- Gender dysphoria --- Household work --- Images of men --- Men and masculinity studies --- Division of tasks --- Time allocation --- Care --- Book

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