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Markdown & vous : l'écriture académique au format texte avec Markdown et Pandoc
ISBN: 9782870193181 9782870193198 9782870193204 Year: 2023 Publisher: Liège : ULiège Library,

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Avec le numérique et ce qu’il peut nous offrir mais aussi ce qu’il a tendance à nous imposer, il devient nécessaire de s’arrêter un moment. Ce manuel est consacrés à l’écriture académique avec Markdown et Pandoc. À la fois plaidoyer pour l’écriture numérique ouverte et introduction à Markdown et à Pandoc, il propose une réflexion sur nos outils et méthodes d’écriture académique. Il n’en est pas pour autant limité aux seuls débutants. L’idée est de revenir aux fondamentaux et donc de ne pas essayer de reproduire coûte que coûte tout ce qui est possible avec un traitement de texte classique (dont on peut se passer). L’objectif de ce manuel est d’expliquer pourquoi il est possible de changer ses habitudes pour rédiger, structurer ses idées, produire des documents de qualité et de montrer ce qui est possible avec Markdown au travers de quelques méthodes.

Cavendish: The Experimental Life
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Edition Open Access

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Two gifted eighteenth-century Londoners, Charles Cavendish and his painfully preeminent son Henry were descendants of paired revolutions, one political and one scientific. Scions of a powerful revolutionary family, they gave an original turn to the duty of public service that attached to their social rank. The English aristocracy knew one of its finest hours when Henry Cavendish gently laid his delicate weights in the scales of the first great precision balance of the century. For this action to happen, it took two generations and two kinds of invention, one in social forms and the other in scientific methods. This joint biography of father and son tells how it came to pass. Henry Cavendish is best known for his researches in chemistry, electricity, and heat, but in truth he worked in every part of physical science, bringing to it his unique combination of experimental precision and mathematical penetration. His accomplishment is likened to the highest example: since the death of Newton, Humphry Davy wrote, England has suffered "no scientific loss so great as that of Cavendish." Through inheritance he became immensely rich. Regarding intellect and fortune, he is called "the wisest of the rich and the richest of the wise." In his exclusive devotion to science, he is compared with "the most austere anchorites," who were "not more faithful to their vows." With reference to his legendary shyness, he is described as a man of "most reserved disposition," of a "degree bordering on disease." He was, to be sure, all of these things: one of the best scientists of his time, one of the richest men in the kingdom, a member of one of the politically most influential aristocratic families, a scientific fanatic, and a person of extraordinary peculiarities. This biography, a major revision of the original published in 1999, offers an enlarged understanding of the eighteenth century world of science and a reevaluation both of the scientific genius and of the remarkable personality of Henry Cavendish. It is a comprehensive study of science, family, and society in the eighteenth century.


MPRL --- Edition Open Access

Drucke in der «Neuen Rundschau»
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Year: 2019 Publisher: Basel Schwabe Verlag

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In this volume, Robert Walser’s contributions printed in the journal “Neue Rundschau” are edited. Each of Walser’s texts is accompanied by a context documentation, which gives an insight into the contents of the whole journal issue. In the editors’ afterword, Walser’s relations with the journal and with the publisher S. Fischer are described. A documentary appendix with letters and further material illustrates the relations between Walser and the editors.


Robert Walser --- Essays --- Edition

Algebra in Cuneiform: Introduction to an Old Babylonian Geometrical Technique
Year: 2017 Publisher: Edition Open Access

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This textbook analyzes a number of texts in “conformal translation,” that is, a translation in which the same Babylonian term is always translated in the same way and, more importantly, in which different terms are always translated differently. Appendixes are provided for readers who are familiar with basic Assyriology but otherwise philological details are avoided. All of these texts are from the second half of the Old Babylonian period, that is, 1800–1600 BCE. It is indeed during this period that the “algebraic” discipline, and Babylonian mathematics in general, culminates. Even though a few texts from the late period show some similarities with what comes from the Old Babylonian period, they are but remnants. Beyond analyzing texts, the book gives a general characterization of the kind of mathematics involved, and locates it within the context of the Old Babylonian scribe school and its particular culture. Finally, it describes the origin of the discipline and its impact in later mathematics, not least Euclid’s geometry and genuine algebra as created in medieval Islam and taken over in European medieval and Renaissance mathematics.


MPRL --- Edition Open Access

Auswahl vermischter Schriften
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Basel Schwabe Verlag

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This volume presents the amended version of Reinhold’s award-winning script on the question of what progress metaphysics has made since Leibniz and Wolf in Germany (asked by the Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften). The book includes the versions of the first main part, an introduction, and a detailed commentary.


Edition --- Reinhold --- Metaphysics --- Leibniz --- Wolff

Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : Wissenschaftliche Leiterin: Ilse Dorothee Pautsch.
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ISBN: 3486718231 3486560654 Year: 1995 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Auswärtigen Amts vom Institut für Zeitgeschichte. Hauptherausgeber: Hans-Peter Schwarz, Mitherausgeber: Helga Haftendorn, Klaus Hildebrand, Werner Link, Horst Möller und Rudolf Morsey. Wissenschaftlicher Leiter: Rainer Blasius. Als am 28. Juli Alexej Adschubej, der Schwiegersohn des sowjetischen Ministerpräsidenten, in Bonn von Bundeskanzler Erhard empfangen wurde, glaubten viele, dass damit eine Chance für die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands eröffnet sei. Doch die geheimnisumwitterte Unterredung verlief, wie das hier erstmals veröffentlichte Protokoll zeigt, eher unspektakulär. Wenige Wochen später zerstörte der Sturz Chruschtschows auch jene Hoffnungen, die sich an das Zustandekommen einer deutsch-sowjetischen Gipfelbegegnung geknüpft hatten. Anhand einer Fülle bislang geheimer Schriftstücke dokumentiert der vorliegende Jahrgang der "Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" diesen und weitere außenpolitische Themenschwerpunkte des Jahres 1964, wie etwa den Misserfolg der Bemühungen um eine Fortsetzung der europäischen Integration und das schwierige Vorantasten der "Politik der Bewegung" gegenüber den Ostblock-Staaten. Nicht zuletzt bietet der Band spannende Einblicke in die Vorgeschichte der Nahost-Krise, die mit dem Bekanntwerden der Waffenlieferungen an Israel im Oktober 1964 anhob.

Theory, Practice, and Nature In-between: Antonio Vallisneri's 'Primi Itineris Specimen'
Year: 2018 Publisher: Edition Open Access

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In the summer of 1704, Antonio Vallisneri (1661–1730), the preeminent Italian physician and natural philosopher of his time, traveled with a “daring soul” and “trembling feet” across the “silent horrors” of the northern Apennines: down the hills south of Reggio Emilia to northern Tuscany and the western edge of his native land, the Province of Garfagnana. He then wrote a report of this adventure, the Primi Itineris per Montes Specimen Physico-Medicum (“Physico-medical example of a first journey through the mountains"), and sent it to the Royal Society of London, hoping for its publication in Philosophical Transactions. Unfortunately this did not happen and the manuscript disappeared from sight. The original draft, however, survived in the State Archive of the Italian city of Reggio Emilia where it was found in 2009. With its exceptional array of geological, medical, geographical, technical, ethnographic, and historical data, the Primi Itineris Specimen is one of the earliest and most well-documented attempts to define a systematic approach to field research. Its frantically reworked pages and anxious marginal notes offer a new and precious opportunity to understand why and how experimental data and theories in the early modern period interacted and shaped the development of many crucial debates. These include the discovering of deep-time, the comprehension of geological phenomena (such as the hydrologic cycle and the origin of mountains and fossils), the perception of man’s place in nature, the constant search for new therapeutics, the tormented and charming relation between science and religion.

David Weiss : Die Wandlungen
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ISBN: 9783905929706 3905929708 Year: 2014 Publisher: Zürich Edition Patrick Frey

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David Weiss produced his first series of Wandlungen during his 1975 trip from Zurich and Carona, Switzerland, via Yorkshire, England, to Morocco, where he spent most of his time in Marrakesh. In 1976, Edition Stähli published the book Wandlungen in an edition of 200 signed and numbered copies. It contained a selection of 10 – in some cases uncompleted – series of drawings on 74 pages. Weiss continued the cycle over the following years. Whereas the first series were all drawn on recycled quad ruled paper and mostly in blue ballpoint pen, he later also used India ink on white and variously colored paper. By 1978 he had produced 83 series, varying from 1 to 37 pages each, on over 400 looseleaf sheets in A4 format. This is the first edition to include the complete Wandlungen. As in the first publication dating from 1976, which was authorized by David Weiss, all the drawings here are printed on a neutral white background. As far as possible, the series, only some of which were dated by the artist, are arranged in chronological order.

Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : Wissenschaftliche Leiterin: Ilse Dorothee Pautsch.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2002 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Auswärtigen Amts vom Institut für Zeitgeschichte. Hauptherausgeber: Hans-Peter Schwarz, Mitherausgeber: Helga Haftendorn, Klaus Hildebrand, Werner Link, Horst Möller und Rudolf Morsey. Wissenschaftliche Leiterin: Ilse Dorothee Pautsch. Im September 1971 reiste Bundeskanzler Brandt in die UdSSR. Die Gespräche mit Generalsekretär Breschnew auf der Krim, die von den Westmächten nicht ohne Misstrauen beobachtet wurden, markierten einen weiteren wichtigen Schritt in der Ausgestaltung der bilateralen Beziehungen ein Jahr nach Unterzeichnung des Moskauer Vertrags. Unversehens wurde der Kanzler jedoch mit dem sowjetischen Junktim zwischen der Ratifizierung des Moskauer Vertrags durch den Bundestag und der Unterzeichnung des Schlußprotokolls zu dem wenige Tage zuvor geschlossenen Vier-Mächte-Abkommen über Berlin konfrontiert. Damit drohte die in den Bonner Parteien ohnehin schon umstrittene Zustimmung zu den Ostverträgen noch schwieriger zu werden. Zudem konnten ohne eine Berlin-Regelung die Vorbereitungen für die Europäische Sicherheitskonferenz, auf die die Staaten des Warschauer Pakts, aber auch einige NATO-Partner zunehmend drängten, nicht beginnen. Darüber hinaus musste auch im Verhältnis beider deutscher Staaten zueinander ein Modus vivendi gefunden werden. In langwierigen Verhandlungen gelang es den Staatssekretären Bahr und Kohl mit dem Abkommen über den Transitverkehr von und nach Berlin (West), das am 17. Dezember unterzeichnet wurde, einen ersten Schritt in diese Richtung zu unternehmen.Die Bemühungen der DDR um internationale Anerkennung bildeten einen weiteren Schwerpunkt des Jahres 1971. Daneben brachte es mit dem EG-Beitritt Großbritanniens den Durchbruch in den langjährigen Bemühungen um eine Erweiterung der Gemeinschaften. Demgegenüber wurden die transatlantischen Beziehungen durch die Annäherung der USA an die Volksrepublik China sowie Diskussionen um eine Lastenteilung innerhalb der NATO und den Zusammenbruch des Bretton-Woods-Systems vor neue Herausforderungen gestellt.Die Neuregelung der Beziehungen zu den arabischen Staaten bei gleichzeitiger Wahrung deutschlandpolitischer Interessen und ohne Gefährdung der Beziehungen zu Israel stellte einen wichtigen Aspekt der Bonner Außenpolitik dar. Die Israel-Reise Außenminister Scheels und die Wiederaufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen zu Algerien und zum Sudan bildeten hierbei wichtige Stationen.Einen fundierten Überblick zu diesen und weiteren Themen bieten die 454 Dokumente des Jahresbandes 1971 der "Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland".

Culture and Cognition: Essays in Honor of Peter Damerow
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Edition Open Access

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Peter Damerow (1939–2011) was a visionary scholar of rare versatility. A key figure in the foundation and early development of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, he contributed to fields as wide-ranging as pedagogy, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, Near Eastern studies, as well as the history of knowledge and science. Through his work and his dynamic personality, he shaped the careers of many scholars worldwide. He was a paragon of the engaged scientist, having great sensitivity for political and social concerns and a perceptiveness that also shaped his scholarship. The present volume attempts to capture the vivacity of his ever-curious mind. It comprises contributions by some of his closest companions, colleagues, and friends, most of which were presented at a workshop held in Peter’s honor at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin in December 19–20, 2013. The contributions are organized in four parts, the first three of which cover some of the areas of Peter’s interests: the origins of writing and mathematics; the history of knowledge and science; and societal concerns and the role of information technologies for the humanities. The last part offers a glimpse at his life and also presents the scope of his scholarship with a bibliography of his writings.

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