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The Nature of Human Conflict
Authors: ---
Year: 1965 Publisher: Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall,

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Soft Power : The New Great Game
ISBN: 9781408711460 Year: 2020 Publisher: London : Little, Brown,

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The author reveals here the ways in which modern states are asserting themselves not through traditional realpolitik but through alternative means : business, language, culture, ideas, sport, education, music, even food - the texture and values of history and daily life. Moving from West to East, the book tells the story of soft power by exploring the varied ways in which it operates. Now there may be a new twist in this Great Game. With soft power's quiet ingredients - education, science, trade, cultural values - and a new emphasis on shared mutual interest, it may be the only force supple enough to tackle the challenges the future looks likely to pose - not least the slam-the-door reflexes pulling in the other direction.

People Power in an Era of Global Crisis : Rebellion, Resistance and Liberation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780415500098 Year: 2013 Publisher: Abingdon, UK : Routledge,

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L' Europe puissance, mythes et realites : une etude critique du concept d'Europe puissance
ISBN: 9791030002782 Year: 2019 Publisher: Pessac : Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux,

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Alors que les citoyens des Etats membres de l'Union europeenne (UE) sont a nouveau appeles a choisir leurs deputes europeens au printemps 2019, cet ouvrage interroge la signification et la pertinence d'un concept frequemment mobilise dans les debats politiques et academiques europeens : L'Europe puissance. Tensions avec la Russie, interrogations sur les relations transatlantiques et l'autonomie strategique europeenne a l'heure de l'administration Trump, incertitudes sur l'aptitude de l'UE a defendre ses interets et sa propre vision d'un monde multilateral a travers des enjeux comme le multilateralisme et le nucleaire iranien, questionnements permanents sur le role d'une UE eventuellement amputee du Royaume-Uni dans le vaste monde, ont renouvele des debats plus anciens. Pourquoi et comment parle-t-on d'Europe puissance alors que nombreux sont les sujets sur lesquels l'UE peine a faire entendre sa voix ? Comment rendre compte malgre tout de l'action et du role reels que joue l'Union sur la scene internationale ? En saisissant le concept d'Europe puissance comme un fragment de discours politique et mediatique mais aussi comme un objet universitaire etonnant, cet ouvrage etudie les liens complexes et parfois contradictoires entre la construction europeenne et la puissance, invitant a repenser l'une et l'autre dans le monde incertain d'aujourd'hui. Finalement, l'Europe puissance apparait comme un concept malleable dans le champ academique, et utile en tant que mythe de la construction europeenne comme fragment de discours politique et mediatique, ne decrivant pas une realite (l'UE telle qu'elle existe), mais un horizon, un ideal vers lequel la construction europeenne pourrait tendre selon ses partisans.

Dictators and Autocrats : Securing Power across Global Politics 
ISBN: 9780367607869 Year: 2022 Publisher: Abingdon, UK : Routledge,

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In order to truly understand the emergence, endurance and legacy of autocracy, this volume of engaging essays explores how autocratic power is acquired, exercised and transferred or abruptly ended, through the careers and politics of influential figures in more than 20 countries and six regions. The book looks at both traditional 'hard' dictators such as Hitler, Stalin and Mao, and more modern 'soft' or populist autocrats, who are in the process of transforming once fully democratic countries into autocratic states, including Erdogan in Turkey, Brasilian leader Bolsonaro, Duterte in the Philippines, Modi in India, and Orban in Hungary. The authors touch on a wide range of autocratic and dictatorial figures in past and present, including present-day autocrats, such as Putin and Xi Jinping, military leaders, and democratic leaders with authoritarian aspirations. They analyze the transition of selected autocrats from democratic or benign semi-democratic systems to harsher forms of autocracy, with either quite disastrous or more successful outcomes.

Knowledge, Power, and Networks : Elites in Transition in Modern China
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789004506985 Year: 2022 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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In the past decades, the world has watched the rise of China as an economic and military power and the emergence of Chinese transnational elites. What may seem like an entirely new phenomenon marks the revival of a trend initiated at the end of the Qing. The redistribution of power, wealth and knowledge among the newly formed elites matured during the Republican period. This volume demonstrates both the difficulty and the value of re-thinking the elites in modern China. It establishes that the study of the dynamic tensions within the elite and among elite groups in this epochal era is within reach if we are prepared to embrace forms of historical inquiry that integrate the abundant and even limitless historical resources, and to engage with the rich repertoire of digital techniques/instruments available and question our previous research paradigms. This renewed approach brings historical research closer to an integrative data-rich history of modern China.

Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783531941820 9783531184098 Year: 2012 Publisher: Wiesbaden : VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften,

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Die NATO, gegründet als Bündnis zur kollektiven Selbstverteidigung, hat sich in eine Organisation zur Bewältigung einer Vielzahl von Sicherheitsbedrohungen gewandelt. Vieles spricht dafür, dass die Anpassungsleistung der NATO einen wesentlichen Beitrag dazu geleistet hat, die andauernde Relevanz der NATO zu sichern. Andererseits läuft die NATO Gefahr, sich funktional zu überdehnen, was ihren Wesenskern als Verteidigungsbündnis in Frage stellt. Dieses Buch soll helfen, die Evolution der NATO verständlich zu machen. Es behandelt historische Entwicklungslinien, den institutionellen Aufbau der NATO und ihre politisch-strategische Grundkonzeption. Der Band analysiert außerdem die Themenfelder NATO Erweiterung, Militäreinsätze jenseits des Bündnisgebiets wie z.B. in Afghanistan, Partnerschaftsprogramme der NATO sowie Kooperationsbemühungen mit anderen internationalen Akteuren und skizziert künftige Herausforderungen, denen sich die NATO stellen muss.

The art of coercion: the primitive accumulation and management of coercive power
ISBN: 9781849040815 Year: 2011 Publisher: London Hurst

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The Clash of Ideas : The Ideological Battles that Made the Modern World and Will Shape the Future
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780876095300 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York : Foreign Affairs,

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The Ideology of Power in NATO Military Discourse : A Proposed Analytical Framework
ISBN: 9783631893173 Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin : Peter Lang,

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"This book proposes a framework of analysis tailored specifically for a critical investigation of the ideology of power as it is linguistically illustrated in the military discourse of the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization. Drawing on the achievements of critical discourse analysis as a qualitative method of linguistic investigation, this book attempts to merge a critical view on discourse with the analysis of ideological values. The investigative approach used throughout the manuscript is aimed at demonstrating that there is a tripartite connection between language, ideologies, and the notion of power"--

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