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30 tips to become more organized and more accomplished
ISBN: 1605572667 9781605572666 9781607291725 1607291725 Year: 2010 Publisher: [United States?] [Electronic & Database Pub.]

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Behavior modeling training for developing supervisory skills : trainee manual
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1617352454 Year: 2009 Publisher: Charlotte, North Carolina : Information Age Publishing, Inc.,

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Behavior modeling training for developing supervisory skills.
ISBN: 1607528223 Year: 2009 Publisher: Charlotte, N.C. : Information Age Publishing, Inc.,

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Le changement climatique, mythes, réalités et incertitudes
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782800415352 2800415355 Year: 2013 Volume: 28 Publisher: Bruxelles: ULB,

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Le changement climatique est un sujet qui fait souvent la une de l’actualité. Les médias lui attribuent les ouragans violents, les inondations catastrophiques, la fonte accélérée des glaciers ou encore l’apparition du barracuda près des côtes bretonnes. Les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement se réunissent pour en discuter. Des associations, des entreprises, des citoyens se mobilisent. Mais les choses sont-elles si graves ? Que pourrions-nous ou que devrions-nous faire ? Les opinions sont partagées. Il y a les convaincus et les sceptiques, ceux qui sont sûrs de savoir et ceux qui ne savent pas quoi penser. Qu’il s’agisse de questions scientifiques ou de politiques à mener, les controverses sont nombreuses et parfois très vives. Dans un langage simple et direct, Pier Vellinga présente les enjeux scientifiques et sociétaux de ce dossier fondamental pour l’avenir de la planète sous une forme accessible au grand public. Afin de permettre au lecteur de se faire une opinion, il s’efforce avec objectivité et sans passion de faire le tri entre les mythes et les réalités et de mettre en lumière les incertitudes et les zones d’ombre qui persistent. Au texte original centré sur les Pays-Bas, la traduction française a ajouté des considérations relatives à d’autres pays européens, la France et la Belgique en particulier, et des informations sur les derniers développements de la question.

ISBN: 9789033466069 9033466066 Year: 2007 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Relativering van de alarmerende klimaatboodschappen.


Social costs. Social benefits --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Aarde--Opwarming --- Algemene opwarming van de aarde --- Changement climatique --- Changement des climats --- Changements climatiques --- Changes [Climatic ] --- Climat [Changement du ] --- Climat--Changements --- Climate change --- Climate changes --- Climatic change --- Climatic changes --- Climatic fluctuations --- Climats [Modification des ] --- Cycles climatiques --- Fluctuations climatiques --- Global climate changes --- Global climatic changes --- Global warming --- Klimaatveranderingen --- Modification des climats --- Modifications climatiques --- Opwarming [Algemene ] van de aarde --- Oscillations climatiques --- Réchauffement global --- Variations climatiques --- Veranderingen [Klimaat ] --- klimaat --- 551.58 --- Kyoto --- broeikaseffect --- klimaatverandering --- 540 Luchtverontreiniging --- Klimaatverandering --- leefmilieu --- AA / International- internationaal --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 331.061 --- 351.2 --- 355 --- 551.58 klimaat --- 551.58 klimaatkunde --- 551.583 klimaatverandering --- 620.91 --- 628 --- Duurzame energie --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Energiewinning --- Milieuproblematiek (Milieuvervuiling, Milieuzorg) --- Climatology --- environnement --- Economische vooruitzichten. --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling. --- Milieu --- 551.58 Climatology --- Aarde -- Opwarming --- Aquecimento global --- Climat -- Réchauffement --- Globale Erwärmung --- Klimaatopwarming --- Opwarming van de Aarde --- Réchauffement climatique --- Réchauffement de la Terre --- Réchauffement planétaire --- Terre -- Réchauffement --- Economic aspects --- Economische vooruitzichten --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling

World resources ...
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0195062299 0195062280 9780195062298 Year: 1990 Publisher: New York Oxford University Press

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Beheer van natuurlijke hulpbronnen --- Changement climatique --- Changement des climats --- Changements climatiques --- Changes [Climatic ] --- Climat [Changement du ] --- Climat--Changements --- Climate change --- Climate changes --- Climatic change --- Climatic changes --- Climatic fluctuations --- Climats [Modification des ] --- Cycles climatiques --- Environment and state --- Environmental control --- Environmental management (Government policy) --- Environmental policy --- Environnement [Politique de l'] --- Fluctuations climatiques --- Gestion des ressources naturelles --- Gestion des ressources renouvelables --- Global climate changes --- Global climatic changes --- Klimaatveranderingen --- Milieubeleid --- Modification des climats --- Modifications climatiques --- Natural resources -- Management --- Natuurlijke hulpbronnen -- Beheer --- Natuurlijke hulpbronnen -- Management --- Oscillations climatiques --- Politique de l'environnement --- Resource management (Natural resources) --- Resources management (Natural resources) --- Ressources naturelles -- Gestion --- Ressources renouvelables -- Gestion --- State and environment --- Variations climatiques --- Veranderingen [Klimaat ] --- AA / International- internationaal --- 338.013 --- 351.2 --- 355 --- 338.724 --- Belang, verdeling en beleid van de natuurlijke rijkdommen. Grondstoffen. --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling. --- Milieu --- Teelten. --- Latin America --- Natural resources --- Management --- Belang, verdeling en beleid van de natuurlijke rijkdommen. Grondstoffen --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling --- Teelten

La modification unilatérale du contrat : journée du juriste d'entreprise - 24.X.2002
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2802717537 9059285158 9782802717539 Year: 2003 Volume: 13 13 Publisher: Bruxelles : Dordrecht : Bruylant, Kluwer,

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VERBINTENISSEN UIT OVEREENKOMST - INDIVIDUEEL ARBEIDSRECHT - Einde arbeidsovereenkomst - OVERHEIDSOPDRACHTEN - Toetredingscontracten en standaardbedingen - VERZEKERINGSOVEREENKOMST & pacta sunt servanda & het ius variandi en zijn grenzen arbeidsrecht - arbeidsovereenkomst & eenzijdige wijziging van met de overheid (staat) gesloten contracten: overheidsopdracht(en) publieke - private samenwerkingscontract(en) (PPS ) en concessie(s) van openbare dienst & toetredingscontract(en) met autonome overheidsbedrijven (overheidsbedrijf): NMBS & distributiecontract(en) mededinging & verzekering(srecht): aanpassing van de lopende contracten en mogelijkheden van opzegging (opzeg) & het voorzien van een eventuele niet - uitvoering: heeft de anticipatory breach een plaats in het Belgisch recht? & vergelijking met het Engels recht (Engeland): unilateral variation of contracts from the Englisch Law perspective

New paradigms for software development.
ISBN: 0818607076 0818647078 0444701249 9780818607073 9780444701244 Year: 1986 Volume: EH0245-1 Publisher: Washington (D.C.) IEEE computer society press

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Programming --- Computer software --- Logiciels --- Development --- Développement --- -681.3*D0 --- 681.3*D21 --- 681.3*D2m --- 681.3*I22 --- Software, Computer --- Computer systems --- Computerwetenschap--?*D0 --- Requirements/specifications: languages; methodologies; tools (Software engineering)--See also {681.3*D31} --- Rapid prototyping; reusable software (Software engineering) --- Automatic programming: automatic analysis of algorithms; program modification; program synthesis; program transformation; program verification (Artificialintelligence)--See also {681.3*D12}; {681.3*F31} --- 681.3*D22 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 654 --- Tools and techniques: decision tables; flow charts; modules and interfaces; programmer workbench; software libraries; structured programming; top-down programming; user interfaces (Software engineering) --- Informatieverwerking. Bureautica. --- 681.3*I22 Automatic programming: automatic analysis of algorithms; program modification; program synthesis; program transformation; program verification (Artificialintelligence)--See also {681.3*D12}; {681.3*F31} --- 681.3*D2m Rapid prototyping; reusable software (Software engineering) --- 681.3*D21 Requirements/specifications: languages; methodologies; tools (Software engineering)--See also {681.3*D31} --- 681.3*D22 Tools and techniques: decision tables; flow charts; modules and interfaces; programmer workbench; software libraries; structured programming; top-down programming; user interfaces (Software engineering) --- 681.3*D0 --- Development of computer software --- Software development --- Informatieverwerking. Bureautica --- Computer software - Development --- Software engineering --- Proceedings

Verslaving en motivationele gesprekstechnieken : handboek: het motivationele gesprek
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9053509771 Year: 2000 Publisher: Leuven/Apeldoorn Garant

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De behandeling van mensen met een verslaving verloopt moeizaam. Een goed gevoerd motivationeel gesprek, in sessies, kan veel effect hebben, ook bij verslaafden die aanvankelijk ontkennen, ontwijken of verbergen. Het eerste deel van dit Handboek beschrijft de achtergronden van het motivationeel gesprek en de verankering ervan in de hulpverlening. Ook de opbouw van het motiveringsmodel en zijn gesprekstechnische aspecten worden toegelicht. Het tweede praktische deel schetst eerst de toepassingsmogelijkheden in vijf eerstelijnssectoren: huisartssetting, maatschappelijk werk, op school, in de bijzondere jeugdzorg, op het werk. Via een zesde sector, de residentiële hulpverlening, wordt de continuïteit aan zorg geïllustreerd. Het boek sluit af met oefeningen die leren omgaan met het model. Naast dit Handboek zijn er Video's, die de vele mogelijkheden in diverse situaties laten zien: werken met volwassenen of jongeren, individuele of groepsbenadering, legale en illegale producten, niet- of overgemotiveerde cliënten, ... Inhoudsopgave : Alcohol en andere drugproblemen: een eerstelijnsprobleem - Achtergronden van het motivationeel interview - Motiveren als proces - Motiverende gesprekstechnieken - In de OCMW-context - In de werksituatie - Binnen de leerlingenbegeleiding - In de bijzondere jeugdzorg - In een residentieel ontwenningsprogramma - Praktijkoefeningen.


communicatie in de hulpverlening --- verslaving --- Substance-Related Disorders --- Motivation. --- Behavior Therapy. --- Cognitive Therapy. --- 15 --- 658.300 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 499.4 --- druggebruik --- gesprekstechnieken --- jeugdzorg --- leerlingenbegeleiding --- motivatie --- motiveren --- verandering --- 364.272 --- Alcohol --- Begeleiding --- Drugs --- Gedragsstoornissen --- Motivatie --- 614.7 --- OCMW (Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn) --- alcoholisme --- drugs --- gesprekstherapie (groepsgesprekstherapie) --- huisarts --- jeugdbescherming (bijzonder jeugdzorg, jeugdbijstand) --- residentiële hulp --- Cognition Therapy --- Cognitive Behavior Therapy --- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy --- Cognitive Psychotherapy --- Therapy, Cognition --- Therapy, Cognitive --- Therapy, Cognitive Behavior --- Behavior Therapy, Cognitive --- Psychotherapy, Cognitive --- Behavior Therapies, Cognitive --- Behavioral Therapies, Cognitive --- Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive --- Cognition Therapies --- Cognitive Behavior Therapies --- Cognitive Behavioral Therapies --- Cognitive Psychotherapies --- Cognitive Therapies --- Psychotherapies, Cognitive --- Therapies, Cognition --- Therapies, Cognitive --- Therapies, Cognitive Behavior --- Therapies, Cognitive Behavioral --- Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral --- Therapy, Behavior --- Therapy, Conditioning --- Behavior Modification --- Conditioning Therapy --- Behavior Modifications --- Behavior Therapies --- Conditioning Therapies --- Modification, Behavior --- Modifications, Behavior --- Therapies, Behavior --- Therapies, Conditioning --- Mind-Body Therapies --- Behavior Control --- Disincentives --- Expectations --- Incentives --- Disincentive --- Expectation --- Incentive --- Motivations --- Drive --- 361.2 --- 613.8 --- therapy. --- Psychologie. --- Industriële psychologie en ergonomie. Arbeidsverrijking. --- Mondelinge communicatie --- Cognitive Therapy --- Gesprekstechnieken --- Motivatie. --- Verslaving --- Gezondheidszorg. --- Hulpverlening. --- Ethics and addiction --- Toxicology --- Communicatietechnieken --- Gesprekstechnieken ; gezondheidszorg --- Verslaving ; hulpverlening --- Motivation --- Behavior Therapy --- therapy --- Psychologie --- Industriële psychologie en ergonomie. Arbeidsverrijking --- Hulpverlening --- Alcoholisme : hulpverlening --- Behavior Treatment --- Treatment, Behavior --- Gesprekstechniek --- Gokken --- Internet --- Behavior Change Techniques --- Behavior Change Technique --- Technique, Behavior Change

Méthodes formelles pour l'étude des programmes. 2
Authors: ---
ISSN: 09880569 ISBN: 2866012496 2866013956 9782866012496 9782866013950 9782746201316 2746201313 Year: 1994 Publisher: Paris : Editions Hermès,

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Présenté en deux volumes, "Logique" propose une mise au point complète sur l'utilisation de la logique, à partir des résultats et des méthodes d'exposition les plus récents. Le premier volume, "Méthodes pour l'informatique fondamentale", contient un exposé des calculs des propositions et des prédicats, ainsi qu'une introduction aux théories du premier ordre. L'accent est mis sur l'aspect calculatoire, essentiel pour l'application en informatique et intelligence artificielle. L'une des originalités du livre, premier manuel complet de logique en langue française, est de combiner le souci pratique avec une réelle rigueur conceptuelle. Cet ouvrage peut dès lors être un outil indispensable à tout approfondissement théorique.


Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Set theory --- Computer logic --- Logique symbolique et mathématique --- Théorie des ensembles --- Logique informatique --- 681.3*I22 --- Specifying anf verifying and reasoning about programs: assertions invariants mechanical verification pre- and post-conditions (Logics and meanings of programs)--See also {681.3*D21} {681.3*D24} {681.3*D31} {681.3*E1} --- Automatic programming: automatic analysis of algorithms program modification program synthesis program transformation program verification (Artificialintelligence)--See also {681.3*D12} {681.3*F31} --- Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction reasoning resolution metatheory mathematical induction logic programming (Artificial intelligence) --- Knowledge representation formalisms and methods: frames and scripts predicate logic relation systems representation languages procedural and rule-based representations semantic networks (Artificial intelligence) --- 681.3*I24 Knowledge representation formalisms and methods: frames and scripts predicate logic relation systems representation languages procedural and rule-based representations semantic networks (Artificial intelligence) --- 681.3*I23 Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction reasoning resolution metatheory mathematical induction logic programming (Artificial intelligence) --- 681.3*I22 Automatic programming: automatic analysis of algorithms program modification program synthesis program transformation program verification (Artificialintelligence)--See also {681.3*D12} {681.3*F31} --- 681.3*F31 Specifying anf verifying and reasoning about programs: assertions invariants mechanical verification pre- and post-conditions (Logics and meanings of programs)--See also {681.3*D21} {681.3*D24} {681.3*D31} {681.3*E1} --- Predicat (Logique) --- 681.3*F31 --- 681.3*I23 --- 681.3*I24 --- 681.3*I24 Knowledge representation formalisms and methods: frames and scripts; predicate logic; relation systems; representation languages; procedural and rule-based representations; semantic networks (Artificial intelligence) --- Knowledge representation formalisms and methods: frames and scripts; predicate logic; relation systems; representation languages; procedural and rule-based representations; semantic networks (Artificial intelligence) --- 681.3*I23 Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence) --- Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence) --- 681.3*I22 Automatic programming: automatic analysis of algorithms; program modification; program synthesis; program transformation; program verification (Artificialintelligence)--See also {681.3*D12}; {681.3*F31} --- Automatic programming: automatic analysis of algorithms; program modification; program synthesis; program transformation; program verification (Artificialintelligence)--See also {681.3*D12}; {681.3*F31} --- 681.3*F31 Specifying anf verifying and reasoning about programs: assertions; invariants; mechanical verification; pre- and post-conditions (Logics and meanings of programs)--See also {681.3*D21}; {681.3*D24}; {681.3*D31}; {681.3*E1} --- Specifying anf verifying and reasoning about programs: assertions; invariants; mechanical verification; pre- and post-conditions (Logics and meanings of programs)--See also {681.3*D21}; {681.3*D24}; {681.3*D31}; {681.3*E1} --- Logique symbolique et mathématique. --- AA / International- internationaal --- 654 --- 16 --- 51 --- NBB multivolumes --- Informatieverwerking. Bureautica. --- Logica. Dialectiek. --- Wiskunde. --- Informatieverwerking. Bureautica --- Logica. Dialectiek --- Wiskunde --- Informatique --- Computer science --- Probabilités. --- Prédicat (logique) --- Théorie de la démonstration. --- Théorie des ensembles. --- Ordinateurs --- Intelligence artificielle. --- Logique. --- Logique mathématique. --- Modalité (logique) --- Programmation. --- Artificial intelligence. --- Logique mathématique --- Computer science. --- Logique mathématique --- Data processing --- Logic

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