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Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften
ISSN: 25101358

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Linguistische Methodenreflexion Im Aufbruch : Beiträge Zur Aktuellen Diskussion Im Schnittpunkt Von Ethnographie und Digital Humanities, Multimodalität und Mixed Methods.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3111043614 3111042995 Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,

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Die Buchreihe Linguistik - Impulse & Tendenzen (LIT) ist ein attraktives Forum für hochwertige Arbeiten zur Sprachwissenschaft - insbesondere zur germanistischen Linguistik. Sie sucht aktuelle Tendenzen aufzunehmen und widerzuspiegeln, gleichzeitig aber wegweisende Impulse für das Fach und seine weitere Entwicklung zu geben. Im Fokus steht die synchrone Sprachwissenschaft mit all ihren Facetten.

On making in the digital humanities : the scholarship of digital humanities development in honour of John Bradley
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 180008420X 1800084218 Year: 2023 Publisher: London : UCL Press,

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On Making in the Digital Humanities fills a gap in our understanding of digital humanities projects and craft by exploring the processes of making as much as the products that arise from it. The volume draws focus to the interwoven layers of human and technological textures that constitute digital humanities scholarship. To do this, it assembles a group of well-known, experienced and emerging scholars in the digital humanities to reflect on various forms of making (we privilege here the creative and applied side of the digital humanities). The volume honours the work of John Bradley, as it is totemic of a practice of making that is deeply informed by critical perspectives. A special chapter also honours the profound contributions that this volume's co-editor, Stéfan Sinclair, made to the creative, applied and intellectual praxis of making and the digital humanities. Stéfan Sinclair passed away on 6 August 2020. The chapters gathered here are individually important, but together provide a very human view on what it is to do the digital humanities, in the past, present and future. This book will accordingly be of interest to researchers, teachers and students of the digital humanities; creative humanities, including maker spaces and culture; information studies; the history of computing and technology; and the history of science and the humanities.

Pensamiento, Pandemia y Big Data : el impacto sociocultural del coronavirus en el espacio iberoamericano
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Este volumen ofrece una cartografía de las reflexiones críticas producidas en el ámbito de la prensa y el pensamiento iberoamericano sobre el impacto social, político, económico y cultural de la pandemia de coronavirus con técnicas y herramientas de análisis del Big Data. A partir de más de 15.000 artículos publicados durante el primer año de pandemia en América Latina y España, el libro propone un estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo por campos epistémicos: i. geopolítico (por países, con especial atención a los del Sur y, por tanto, al replanteamiento de las relaciones Norte-Sur, paralelo al reenfoque de las relaciones Oriente-Occidente); ii. de género (cómo afecta a la mujer, cuerpos feminizados y colectivo LGTBIQ); iii. biopolítico (las principales ideas que han generado los discursos nacionales/transnacionales sobre las regulaciones sociales de nuestras formas de vida y de muerte durante la expansión de esta enfermedad); iv. filosófico-cultural, haciendo balance de los diferentes enfoques desde los que se ha abordado la pandemia de Covid-19, considerando cómo se han modulado en ellos las ideas de humanismo, cultura, arte, sociabilidad, ficción, afectos y otros conceptos del campo de la bioética.

Interventions in Digital Cultures
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Lüneburg : meson Press,

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How to intervene? Interventions are in vogue in digital cultures as forms of critique or political actions into public spheres. By engaging in social, political, and economic contexts, interventions attempt to interrupt and change situations-often with artistic means. This volume maps methods of interventions under the specific conditions of the digital. How are interventions shaped by these conditions? And how can they contribute to altering them? In essays and interviews, this book interrogates modes of intervening in and through art, infrastructures, techno-ecological environments, bio-technology, and political protests to highlight their potentials as well as their ambivalences.

Digital History : Konzepte, Methoden und Kritiken Digitaler Geschichtswissenschaft
Year: 2022 Publisher: München : De Gruyter,

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Die historische Forschung und Lehre haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten tiefgreifend verändert durch die Digitalisierung von Quellen, Methoden, Werkzeugen, Forschungsumgebungen und Publikationsinfrastrukturen. Massendigitalisierungsprojekte ermöglichen einen zeit- und ortsunabhängigen Zugang zu Quellen und Literatur. Kommerzielle und Open-Source-Programme stehen bereit, um mittels qualitativer und/oder quantitativer Datenanalyse verschiedene methodische Verfahren zur Erforschung und Interpretation dieser Quellen anzuwenden. Die Fachinformation, Wissenschaftskommunikation und das wissenschaftliche Publizieren haben sich ins Netz verlagert und schließen sowohl partizipative als auch kollaborative Medien ein. Zugleich hat die Bandbreite an digitalen Lehrmethoden stark zugenommen, während die Online-Präsentation von Forschungsergebnissen und Citizen-Science-Projekten den Dialog und das aktive Einbinden der breiten Öffentlichkeit in den Forschungsprozess ermöglicht. Der Band versammelt Beiträge einer Tagung, die 2021 stattfand und Bilanz zog: Welche Veränderungen in der Art, wie heute Geschichtsforschung durchgeführt und kommuniziert wird, ermöglicht die Digitalisierung? Welche neuen Objekte, Methoden und Werkzeuge der Analyse stehen den Forschenden heute zur Verfügung und zu welchen Forschungsergebnissen führen sie diese?

Digital history and hermeneutics : between theory and practice
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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For doing history in the digital age, we need to investigate the "digital kitchen" as the place where the "raw" is transformed into the "cooked". The novel field of digital hermeneutics provides a critical and reflexive frame for digital humanities research by acquiring digital literacy and skills. The Doctoral Training Unit "Digital History and Hermeneutics" is applying this new digital practice by reflecting on digital tools and methods.

Viral Networks : Connecting Digital Humanities and Medical History
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Blacksburg, VA : Virginia Tech Publishing,

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This volume of original essays explores the power of network thinking and analysis for humanities research. Contributing authors are all scholars whose research focuses on a medical history topic--from the Black Death in fourteenth-century Provence to psychiatric hospitals in twentieth-century Alabama. The chapters take readers through a variety of situations in which scholars must determine if network analysis is right for their research; and, if the answer is yes, what the possibilities are for implementation. Along the way, readers will find practical tips on identifying an appropriate network to analyze, finding the best way to apply network analysis, and choosing the right tools for data visualization. All the chapters in this volume grew out of the 2018 Viral Networks workshop, hosted by the History of Medicine Division of the National Library of Medicine (NIH), funded by the Office of Digital Humanities of the National Endowment for the Humanities, and organized by Virginia Tech.

Digitale Editionen im Spannungsfeld des Medienwechsels : Analysen und Lösungsstrategien aus Sicht der Informatik
Year: 2021 Publisher: Bielefeld : Bielefeld University Press,

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Im Spannungsfeld des Medienwechsels von der gedruckten zur digitalen Edition wirken komplexe und oft konfligierende Kräfte. Aus der Perspektive der Informatik identifiziert Andreas Oberhoff die Ursprünge und Wechselwirkungen dieser Kräfte, präzisiert sie als wesentliche Konflikte und analysiert sie systematisierend durch Adaption etablierter Konzepte. Gestützt auf diese theoretischen Erkenntnisse leitet er technische Anforderungen an moderne Editionsinfrastrukturen ab, entwickelt innovative Konfliktlösungsstrategien (u.a. mit Hilfe von Blockchain-Technologien) und stellt auf Basis der Revisionssicherheit erstmals eine Methodik für die bewertende Einordnung dieses austarierenden Technikeinsatzes bereit.

CLARIN in the Low Countries
Authors: ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: London : Ubiquity Press,

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"This book describes the results of activities undertaken to construct the CLARIN research infrastructure in the Low Countries, i.e., in the Netherlands and in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium). CLARIN is a European research infrastructure for humanities and social science researchers that work with natural language data. This book introduces the CLARIN infrastructure, describes various aspects of the technical implementation of the infrastructure, and introduces data, applications and software services created in the Low Countries for a wide variety of humanities disciplines. These enable researchers to accelerate their research activities and to base their conclusions on a much larger and richer empirical base than was possible before, thus providing a basis for carrying out groundbreaking research in which old questions can be investigated in new ways and new questions can be raised and investigated for the first time. Given CLARIN's focus on language data, linguistics and particularly syntax are prominently present. However, other humanities disciplines that work with natural language data such as history, literary studies, religion studies, media studies, political studies, and philosophy are represented as well. The book is a must read for humanities scholars and students who want to understand and use the potential that the Digital Humanities offer, as well as for computer scientists and developers of research infrastructures, in particular for researchers working on the CLARIN infrastructure in other countries.".

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