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CDf II International Congress : proceedings : actes, actas : actes, Barcelona Jun. 2015 : II coupDefouet International Congress
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona

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[eng] The I coupDefouet International Congress was held in June 2013 to celebrate the tenth anniversary of coupDefouet, the magazine of the Art Nouveau European Route, an association of municipalities and other entities to promote and disseminate Modernista or Art Nouveau heritage. Its success and excellent scientific results led to its continuity with a second congress, held in 2015, whose acts are presented in this volume of Singularities. The congresses are organised by the Urban Landscape Institute (IMPUiQV) of the Barcelona City Council in partnership with GRACMON, a consolidated research group of the University of Barcelona. [cat] El primer Congrés Internacional coupDefouet se celebrà el juny de l’any 2013 per commemorar els deu anys de l’aparició de coupDefouet, la revista de la Ruta Europea del Modernisme, una associació de municipis i altres entitats per a la promoció i la difusió del patrimoni modernista o Art Nouveau. Gràcies a l’èxit i als bons resultats científics es va apostar per la seva continuïtat amb un segon congrés que tingué lloc el 2015, les actes del qual presentem en aquest volum de Singularitats. Aquestes jornades estan organitzades per l’Institut Municipal del Paisatge Urbà i la Qualitat de Vida de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona, amb la col·laboració de GRACMON, grup de recerca consolidat de la Universitat de Barcelona.

CDf International Congress : proceedings : actes, actas : actes, Barcelona Jun. 2013
Authors: ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona

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[eng] In 2013 the magazine coupDefouet reached its first decade of existence. As a way of celebrating this, the Art Nouveau European Route – the association of cities and other local institutions for the promotion and diffusion of Art Nouveau heritage that created the magazine – organised a magnificent international congress as a framework for scientific exchange and raising public awareness. The first coupDefouet International Congress on Art Nouveau was held in Barcelona, the city from which coupDefouet is published and one of the undisputable world capitals of Art Nouveau. This volume of the Singularitats series comprises the proceedings of that event. [cat] L’any 2013 va fer deu anys de l’aparició de coupDefouet, la revista de la Ruta Europea del Modernisme, una associació de municipis i altres entitats locals per a la promoció i la difusió del patrimoni modernista o Art Nouveau. Per commemorar-ho, s’organitzà un congrés internacional amb l’objectiu de contribuir al coneixement científic i la difusió d’aquest moviment artístic. El primer Congrés Internacional coupDefouet se celebrà a Barcelona, la ciutat en què s’edita coupDefouet i una de les capitals indiscutibles de l’Art Nouveau. En aquest volum de Singularitats s’apleguen les actes d’aquell esdeveniment.

Back to the Future. The Future in the Past. Conference Proceedings Book
Year: 2018 Publisher: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona

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ICDHS is the acronym of the International Committee of De­sign History and Design Studies, an organisation that brings together scholars from Spain, Cuba, Turkey, Mexico, Finland, Japan, Belgium, the Netherlands, Brazil, Portugal, the US, Tai­wan, Canada and the UK. Since 1999, when the Design and Art History departments of the University of Barcelona organised the first edition of the ICDHS, a conference has been held every two years at a different venue around the world. These conferences have had two dis­tinct aims: first, to present original research in the fields of Design History and Design Studies and, second, to include contributions in these fields from non-hegemonic countries, offering a speaking platform to many scientific communities that are already active or are forming and developing. For that reason, the structure of the conferences combines many paral­lel strands, including poster presentations and keynote speak­ers who lecture on the conferences’ main themes. The 2018 event is rather special. The Taipei 2016 conference was the 10th edition and a commemoration of the ten celebrations to date. Returning to Barcelona in 2018 marks the end of one stage and the beginning of a new one for the Committee. The numbering chosen—“10+1”—also means that Barcelona 2018 is both an end and a beginning in the ICDHS’s own history. The book brings together 137 papers delivered at the ICDHS 10th+1 Conference held in Barcelona on 29–31 October 2018. The papers are preceded by texts of the four keynote lectures and a written tribute from the ICDHS Board to its founder and figurehead, Anna Calvera (1954–2018). The Conference, and the book, are dedicated to her memory.

La Formació del Sistema Disseny Barcelona (1914-2014), un camí de modernitat: assaigs d'història local
Year: 2014 Publisher: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona,

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Els precedents del disseny gràfic a Catalunya es remunten a les primeres dècades del segle xx, quan les arts de la modernitat vivien un moment de maduresa (cartellisme, gràfica, perfumeria, interiorisme, entre d’altres) i els artistes catalans participaven amb entusiasme en les avantguardes europees. Tots aquests fenòmens són tractats a La formació del Sistema Disseny Barcelona, com també la implementació de la indústria, l’aparició d’institucions creades pels dissenyadors i la reivindicació d’una professió que aspirava a convertir-se en disciplina, les quals han obert noves perspectives històriques i ens ofereixen una lectura transversal de l’evolució recent d’aquest art. Aquest llibre no sols aplega aportacions de procedències diverses, sinó que és, sens dubte, una obra de referència per a entendre el paper del disseny en un dels països en què gaudeix de més bona acollida

L'escultura a estudi: iniciatives i projectes
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona

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L’escultura ha estat, potser, la més desconeguda de les disciplines artístiques al llarg de la història. Tanmateix, en els darrers anys s’han endegat una sèrie d’iniciatives que palesen un reviscolament de l’interès per l’escultura moderna i contemporània,un moviment de recuperació en el qual la universitat ha pres part. Aquest llibre aplega estudis sobre aquesta matèria realitzats per diversos especialistes amb la voluntat de descobrir l’escultura i el seu univers creatiu, sovint desconegut però sempre sorprenent.

Modern sculpture and the question of status
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona

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One of the most fascinating yet least explored questions in art history is that of status in art. The analysis of how artists and artworks achieve recognition or not, both during their lifetimes and beyond, leads us into sociology of art, a field that, regarding modern sculpture, has received little attention internationally, and is largely untouched in terms of the Catalan and Spanish contexts. This objective of this volume is to contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms of status and success in nineteenth- and twentieth-century sculpture, especially in Spain and Catalonia. The authors, experts from Europe and America, address the topic both from theoretical viewpoints, and considering the impact on the construction of artists’ careers. They also explore the possibilities of sculpture as an object on the path to artistic recognition, and the particularities of status in specific historical circumstances, such as under Franco’s dictatorship, in which art is not always put at the service of an ideology.

Endophytes : potential source of compounds of commercial and therapeutic applications
Authors: ---
ISBN: 981159371X 9811593701 Year: 2021 Publisher: Singapore : Springer,

Breast cancer essentials : perspectives for surgeons
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030731472 3030731464 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

Comparative perspectives on school textbooks : analyzing shifting discourses on nationhood, citizenship, gender, and religion
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030687198 303068718X Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan,

Considering and interpreting leisure: pastimes, entertainments, hobbies and addictions in the Barcelona of 1900
Year: 2013 Publisher: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona

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In the throes of modernization, the Barcelona of 1900 was buzzing with energy and an unprecedented culture of leisure emerged. The city’s residents made full use of their free time, forging relationships with one another through a highly varied range of initiatives and activities, taking advantage of existing opportunities and creating new ones. In addition to the traditional celebration of civic festivals, popular meals and various types of processions, innovative new forms of cultural consumption sprang up to satisfy all tastes and budgets. Numerous cinemas opened, the first amusement parks threw open their gates and new theatres raised their curtains. Thanks to these developments, the vicinity around the avenue Paral·lel became the epicentre of Barcelona nightlife. This book offers a panoply of images of the diversions, entertainments and hobbies of that fascinating era of contrasts, the turn-of-the-century Barcelona of Modernisme.

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