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Geschichte des Neukantianismus
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3631710720 3631676824 Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin, Germany : Peter Lang,

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Das Buch ist eine systematische Bearbeitung der neukantischen Philosophie und enthält einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Vertreter aller sieben neukantianischen Richtungen und Schulen: physiologische, metaphysische, relativistische, psychologische, realistische, so wie auch Badische Schule und Marburger Schule.

New approaches to Neo-Kantianism
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1316375315 131637131X 1316377318 1316378314 1316376311 1316374319 1139506714 1108456030 1107032571 1316373312 131636531X 9781316374313 9781139506717 9781107032576 9781316378311 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cambridge

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After the demise of German Idealism, Neo-Kantianism flourished as the defining philosophical movement of Continental Europe from the 1860s until the Weimar Republic. This collection of new essays by distinguished scholars offers a fresh examination of the many and enduring contributions that Neo-Kantianism has made to a diverse range of philosophical subjects. The essays discuss classical figures and themes, including the Marburg and Southwestern Schools, Cohen, Cassirer, Rickert, and Natorp's psychology. In addition they examine lesser-known topics, including the Neo-Kantian influence on theory of law, Husserlian phenomenology, Simmel's study of Rembrandt, Cassirer's philosophy of science, Cohen's philosophy of religion in relation to Rawls and Habermas, and Rickert's theory of number. This rich exploration of a major philosophical movement will interest scholars and upper-level students of Kant, twentieth-century philosophy, continental philosophy, sociology, and psychology.

Geography's quantitative revolutions
ISBN: 194919910X 9781949199109 9781949199086 9781949199093 1949199088 Year: 2019 Publisher: Morgantown

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"This book traces the recent history of geography, information, and technology through the biography of Edward A. Ackerman, an important but forgotten figure in geography's 'quantitative revolution.' It argues that Ackerman's work helped encode the hidden logics of a distorted philosophical heritage -- a dangerous, cybernetic form of thought known as militant neo-Kantianism -- into the network architectures of today's pervasive worlds of surveillance capitalism"--

Neo-Kantianism and Cultural Sciences
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Naples FedOA - Federico II University Press

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This volume aims to investigate, from both a historiographical and theoretical point of view, the peculiar relationship that was established between the various neo-Kantian schools of thought and other disciplines which in the late 19th and early 20th century were grouped under the name of cultural sciences or Geisteswissenschaften. In fact, Neo-Kantianism played a leading role in the formation of the German philosophical and cultural scenario of the 20th century, becoming on the one hand an inexhaustible source of ideas and methods for the so-called Kulturwissenschaften, and on the other hand embracing within its multifaceted development several crucial issues brought forward by these sciences. This volume attempts to circumscribe the vast issues by conducting historical-problematic incursions into and around certain scholars and central problems of the Neo-Kantian constellation. The themes addressed in the essays concern the systematic frameworks of neo-Kantian methodology and their reflections in multiple disciplinary applications, from jurisprudence to linguistics, from aesthetics to philosophical historiography, from sociology to psychology. Finally, there are also contributions that attempt to isolate the ultimate philosophical grounds of Neo-Kantian thinking on Kultur. Il volume si propone di indagare, dal punto di vista sia storiografico che teoretico, la peculiare relazione che si instaurò tra le diverse scuole di pensiero neokantiane e quelle discipline che tra fine Ottocento e inizio Novecento furono rubricate sotto il titolo di scienze della cultura o scienze dello spirito. Il neokantismo svolse, difatti, un ruolo di primissimo piano nella formazione dello scenario filosofico e culturale tedesco del secolo scorso, divenendo, da un lato, una fonte inesauribile di idee e metodi per le cosiddette Kulturwissenschaften, e accogliendo, dall’altro lato, entro il suo poliedrico sviluppo, alcune decisive istanze veicolate da tali scienze. Il volume prova a circoscrivere questa vasta problematica mediante incursioni storico-problematiche intorno ad alcune figure e problemi centrali della vasta costellazione neokantiana. I temi affrontati nei saggi concernono gli assetti sistematici della metodologia di impronta neokantiana e il loro riflettersi nelle molteplici applicazioni disciplinari, dalla giurisprudenza alla linguistica, dall’estetica alla storiografia filosofica, dalla sociologia alla psicologia. Non mancano infine contributi che provano ad isolare i motivi filosofici ultimi della riflessione neokantiana sulla Kultur.

Left-Kantianism in the Marburg School.
ISBN: 3111331849 Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,

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Widmer sheds light on a neglected aspect of the Western philosophical tradition. Following an era of Hegelianism, the members of the neo-Kantian "Marburg School," such as Friedrich Albert Lange, Hermann Cohen, Rudolf Stammler, Paul Natorp, and Ernst Cassirer defended socialism or left-wing ideals on Kantian principles. In doing so, Widmer breaks with two mistaken assumptions. First, Widmer demonstrates that the left-Hegelian and Marxist traditions were not the only significant philosophical sources of socialist critique in nineteenth-century Germany, as the left-Kantians identified problems of normativity that the left-Hegelians could not adequately address. Second, Widmer challenges the prevailing assumption that the political philosophies developed in the Marburg School can be comprehensively characterized as a unified school of "ethical socialism." By showing that they varied fundamentally regarding their political views and their philosophical foundations of socialism, Widmer fills a gap in the studies of neo-Kantianism that is long overdue.

Restless Reason and Other Variations on Kantian Themes
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783030841973 9783030841966 9783030841980 9783030841997 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer

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This book, combining integratively-revised previously-published papers with entirely new chapters, challenges and treats some major problems in Kant’s philosophy not by means of new interpretations but by suggesting some variations on Kantian themes. Such variations are, in fact, reconstructions made according to Kantian ideas and principles and yet cannot be extracted as such directly from his writings. The book also analyses Kant's philosophy from a new metaphysical angle, based on the original metaphysics of the author, called panenmentalism. It reconstructs some missing links in Kant's philosophy, such as the idea of teleological time, which is vital for Kant's moral theory. Although these variations cannot be found literally in Kant’s works, they can be legitimately explicated, developed, and implied from them. Such is the case because these variations are strictly compatible with the details of the texts and the texts as wholes, and because they are systematically integrated. Their coherence supports their validation. The target audiences are graduate and PhD students as well as specialist researchers of Kant's philosophy. .

Le donné en question dans la phénoménologie et le néokantisme : Des critiques du positivisme au débat avec Kant
ISSN: 00791350 ISBN: 9783319737966 9783319737973 3319737961 331973797X Year: 2018 Volume: 224 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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Cet ouvrage explore les critiques du donné dans le néokantisme et la phénoménologie allemands. Il révèle la portée considérable de ces critiques, qui impliquent en même temps une controverse avec le positivisme de la fin du XIXème siècle et un dialogue substantiel avec l’Esthétique transcendantale de Kant. En posant les questions de la sensation et de la perception, la présente monographie permet de ménager un accès privilégié aux enjeux fondamentaux de la philosophie austro-allemande au tournant du XXème siècle. Lorsqu’il est question du donné ou des critiques du donné dans le discours philosophique contemporain, et cela arrive souvent dans les débats sur la perception en philosophie de l’esprit, c’est toujours à la controverse analytique autour du « mythe du donné » que l’on fait référence – controverse, qui a vu le jour en 1956, lorsque le philosophe américain Wilfrid Sellars publie Empirisme et philosophie de l’esprit. Or, il est intéressant d’observer que la critique sellarsienne du « mythe du donné » a été préfigurée, en un sens partiel mais important, par les objections que les néokantiens et les phénoménologues ont adressées à la notion de donné au tournant du XXe siècle. La présente monographie comble cette lacune béante de l’historiographie classique, qui a jusqu’ici accordé peu d’attention à la constance de cette critique dans toutes les philosophies marquées par l’héritage de Kant. .

La pensée herméneutique de Dilthey : Entre néokantisme et phénoménologie
ISBN: 2859397752 2757426737 Year: 2020 Volume: 13 Publisher: Villeneuve d'Ascq : Presses universitaires du Septentrion,

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Bien que la pensée de Dilthey relève d’une philosophie de la vie, son intention de prolonger la philosophie kantienne par une « critique de la raison historique » a souvent été réduite au projet épistémologique de fonder la spécificité des sciences de l’esprit dites aussi humaines ou sociales. Autrement dit, cette spécificité tiendrait à l’instauration d’une différence d’ordre méthodologique entre expliquer et comprendre. Et dans une telle perspective, Dilthey élargirait à la sphère des productions sociales et historiques l’herméneutique générale fondée par Schleiermacher qui avait lui-même étendu son objet de l’interprétation des textes à la compréhension langagière. À l’encontre d’une telle réduction, les écrits diltheyens de la dernière décade du dix-neuvième siècle montrent que sa philosophie de la vie se caractérise par sa dimension herméneutique, dimension qui donne également son sens à ses travaux d’historien. Élaborée conjointement à ses recherches relatives à l’esthétique, cette herméneutique conduit à jeter les bases d’une nouvelle logique et, sur le fond d’une critique des catégories de la logique traditionnelle, à penser les catégories susceptibles de saisir la vie. Une double confrontation s’est avérée décisive pour l’élaboration d’une telle philosophie herméneutique : celle, pratiquement incontournable à l’époque, avec le courant philosophique alors prédominant, à savoir le néokantisme. Celle, plus tardive, avec la phénoménologie husserlienne. Si Dilthey est l’un des premiers à avoir salué les Recherches logiques de Husserl, leur impact sur sa pensée ne peut pas plus être méconnu que l’impact de leur rencontre sur les travaux ultérieurs de Husserl. Leur réception réciproque constitue du même coup le premier moment d’une confrontation entre herméneutique et phénoménologie qui sera également déterminante dans le déploiement de la pensée de Heidegger au cours des années vingt.

Rosenzweig and Heidegger
ISBN: 1282358928 9786612358920 0520932404 1597348791 9780520932401 0585456356 9780585456355 9780520236110 0520236114 9781597348799 0520236114 Year: 2003 Publisher: Berkeley, LA University of California Press

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Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929) is widely regarded today as one of the most original and intellectually challenging figures within the so-called renaissance of German-Jewish thought in the Weimar period. The architect of a unique kind of existential theology, and an important influence upon such philosophers as Walter Benjamin, Martin Buber, Leo Strauss, and Emmanuel Levinas, Rosenzweig is remembered chiefly as a "Jewish thinker," often to the neglect of his broader philosophical concerns. Cutting across the artificial divide that the traumatic memory of National Socialism has drawn between German and Jewish philosophy, this book seeks to restore Rosenzweig's thought to the German philosophical horizon in which it first took shape. It is the first English-language study to explore Rosenzweig's enduring debt to Hegel's political theory, neo-Kantianism, and life-philosophy; the book also provides a new, systematic reading of Rosenzweig's major work, The Star of Redemption. Most of all, the book sets out to explore a surprising but deep affinity between Rosenzweig's thought and that of his contemporary, the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. Resisting both apologetics and condemnation, Gordon suggests that Heidegger's engagement with Nazism should not obscure the profound and intellectually compelling bond in the once-shared tradition of modern German and Jewish thought. A remarkably lucid discussion of two notably difficult thinkers, this book represents an eloquent attempt to bridge the forced distinction between modern Jewish thought and the history of modern German philosophy-and to show that such a distinction cannot be sustained without doing violence to both.


Jews --- Jewish philosophy --- Judaism --- Judaism and philosophy. --- Philosophy, Jewish --- Philosophy, Israeli --- Philosophy and Judaism --- Philosophy --- History --- Heidegger, Martin, --- Rosenzweig, Franz, --- Rozentsṿaig, Frants, --- Rozentsṿaig, F. --- Rozentsṿig, Frants, --- Rozenzweig, Franz, --- רוזנזוויג, פרנץ --- רוזנצוויג, פראנץ, --- רוזנצוויג, פרנץ --- רוזנצוויג, פרנץ, --- רוזנצווייג, פראנץ --- רוזנצווייג, פראנץ, --- רוזנצווייג, פרנץ --- רוזנצווייג, פרנץ, --- רוזנצויג, פרנץ, --- רוזנצוייג, פרנץ, --- Khaĭdegger, Martin, --- Haĭdegger, Martin, --- Hīdajar, Mārtin, --- Hai-te-ko, --- Haidegŏ, --- Chaitenger, Martinos, --- Chaitenker, Martinos, --- Chaintenger, Martin, --- Khaĭdeger, Martin, --- Hai-te-ko-erh, --- Haideger, Marṭinn, --- Heidegger, M. --- Haideger, Martin, --- Hajdeger, Martin, --- הייגדר, מרתין --- היידגר, מרטין --- היידגר, מרטין, --- 海德格尔, --- Chaintenker, Martin, --- Hāydigir, Mārtīn, --- Hīdigir, Mārtīn, --- هاىدگر, مارتين, --- هىدگر, مارتين, --- architect. --- belief. --- emmanuel levinas. --- english language. --- existential. --- faith. --- german jew. --- german jewish. --- german philosophy. --- heidegger. --- jewish philosophy. --- jewish thinker. --- jewish. --- judaism. --- kant. --- leo strauss. --- martin buber. --- neo kantianism. --- philosopher. --- philosophical. --- philosophy. --- political theory. --- religion. --- renaissance. --- rosenzweig. --- the star of redemption. --- theology. --- walter benjamin. --- weimar period.

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