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¿Un nuevo ciclo regresivo en Argentina? : mundo del trabajo, conflictos laborales y crisis de hegemonía
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

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La crisis de los proyectos populares y progresistas de inicios del nuevo siglo se manifiesta en un giro a la derecha en la región que tiene significativas consecuencias en el mundo del trabajo. En nuestro país, el triunfo electoral de la alianza Cambiemos en diciembre de 2015 delinea un nuevo escenario, que articula una propuesta político-económica acorde a las necesidades del gran empresariado y una serie de dimensiones problemáticas que aparecen como estructurales en nuestro país. Este nuevo contexto abre una serie de interrogantes para las clases trabajadoras. Los capítulos que componen este libro recuperan los debates dados en las jornadas Pensamiento Crítico y Mundo del Trabajo sobre las diferentes formas que adoptan las problemáticas ligadas al mundo del trabajo (económicas, sociales, identitarias, organizativas) respecto al cambio de época que transita nuestra región.

The German historical school
ISBN: 1134620446 128031754X 058545163X 0203459970 0415208009 1138007323 042923239X 1134620454 9780585451633 9780203459973 9781134620456 9786610317547 6610317542 9780415208000 9781134620401 1134620403 9781134620449 9781138007321 Year: 2001 Publisher: London New York Routledge

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With the increasing acceptance of evolutionary and institutional thinking among economists, general interest in the German Historical School has risen steadily during the last decade. This book traces the development and transformation of the School, covering its leading figures such as Adam Muller, Wilhelm Roscher, Karl Knies and Lujo Brentano.

The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
ISBN: 3319703439 3319703447 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book was originally published by Macmillan in 1936. It was voted the top Academic Book that Shaped Modern Britain by Academic Book Week (UK) in 2017, and in 2011 was placed on Time Magazine's top 100 non-fiction books written in English since 1923. Reissued with a fresh Introduction by the Nobel-prize winner Paul Krugman and a new Afterword by Keynes’ biographer Robert Skidelsky, this important work is made available to a new generation. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money transformed economics and changed the face of modern macroeconomics. Keynes’ argument is based on the idea that the level of employment is not determined by the price of labour, but by the spending of money. It gave way to an entirely new approach where employment, inflation and the market economy are concerned. Highly provocative at its time of publication, this book and Keynes’ theories continue to remain the subject of much support and praise, criticism and debate. Economists at any stage in their career will enjoy revisiting this treatise and observing the relevance of Keynes’ work in today’s contemporary climate.

Marx e la critica del presente : Atti del convegno “Marx e la critica del presente (1818-2018)”, Roma, 27-29 novembre 2018
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 887885784X 8878857815 8878857823 Year: 2020 Publisher: Torino : Rosenberg & Sellier,

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Marx duecento anni dopo: un’eredità alla prova.

Almacenamiento prehispánico : Del Norte de México al Atliplano central

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En su obra Les Chasseurs-cueilleurs ou l’origine des inégalrtés (1982), Alain Testart insiste en el papel que la práctica del almacenamiento pudo haber cobrado en el origen de las desigualdades en el seno de los grupos humanos, en particular entre las bandas de cazadores recolectores y, especialmente, aquellas más o menos sedentarizadas. En un artículo famoso, Kent V. Flannery (1973), por su parte, afirmaba que la aparición del modo de vida sedentario más había tenido que ver con la invención de las fosas de almacenaje que con la de la agricultura. Eso ejemplifica el carácter central que tuvo el acto de almacenar en diferentes contextos de la historia humana universal. No cabe duda de que, en la Mesoamérica prehispánica también, el almacenaje desempeñó un papel importante. Sin embargo, la arqueología y la etnohistoria no han prestado mucha atención al tema y a los vestigios -de hecho a menudo efímeros- que pueden hablar de este aspecto esencial de la vida económica y social. Al revisar datos procedentes de diferentes partes del Norte y Centro del México antiguo -desde Chihuahua hasta Morelos y Puebla, pasando por Michoacán y la Cuenca de México-, este volumen pretende empezar a llenar un vacío. Por otra parte, más allá de la simple recopilación de informaciones factuales, sus páginas introducen a discusiones fundamentales sobre las múltiples cuestiones que el estudio del almacenamiento en sociedades del pasado lleva a abordar: sus aspectos tecnológicos, pero también económicos, sociales y políticos, en otras palabras su dimensión antropológica.

América Andina : integração regional, segurança e outros olhares
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: SciELO Books - EDUEPB

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O interesse sobre a região andina tem crescido diante de sua complexa realidade sociocultural, da grande instabilidade político-econômica, da controversa dinâmica de suas relações internacionais e das tensões e alianças formadas entre os países vizinhos. É justamente por tratar-se de uma região que passou por profundas transformações, ao longo da última década, que os estudos sobre a região andina ganham relevância e merecem destaque. O livro América Andina: integração regional, segurança e outros olhares se dedica à análise dessa região, a partir de um enfoque multidisciplinar e interdisciplinar, abordando temas como integração regional, segurança, democracia e relações internacionais. Simboliza, ainda, o esforço conjunto de pesquisadores de seis instituições diferentes pertencentes a três países - Brasil, Colômbia e México - que contribui com distintos olhares para a compreensão dessa sub-região americana.

"A Banca do Serviço do Povo" : política e economia durante o PREC (1974-75)
ISBN: 9899838888 9898956038 Year: 2018 Publisher: Imprensa de História Contemporânea

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This book deals with the nationalization of the bank sector in the context of the Portuguese revolutionary process of 1974-75. Based on a vast collection of documentary sources and inspired by a set of theoretical tools developed by Mario Tronti, Walter Benjamin and Michel Foucault, it starts with an inescapable interrogation: how could a measure that was not included in the Armed Forces Movement Program and had such considerable implications, both in the short and in the long term, obtained enough support to be included in the Constitution as an irreversible conquest of the working class? The response developed in the following pages establishes an articulation between social conflicts and political economy, identifying it as the centre of gravity of the process that would lead to the nationalization of the bank sector. In this sense, it analyzes the way in which social struggles contributed to a process of cumulative radicalization, initiated at the end of the Estado Novo and which would gain increasing intensity throughout the revolutionary process. At the same time, it seeks to understand why the diagnosis of the economic situation contributed to polarize the political struggle, by mapping the lines of force of a debate that underwent successive declinations and covered different aspects, such as inflation, labour laws or property relations. In a context of economic and revolutionary crisis, the banking sector became a critical point in the capital-labour relation: credit concession would take on decisive importance after 25 April, with labour-unions accusing bankers of pursuing destabilization strategies associated with the practice of "economic sabotage"; in the wake of its nationalization, in turn, government officials, managers and trade-unionists sought to put "the banks at the service of the people", in the context of a brief experience of "socialist transition" that would make its way into the text of the Constitution. The case of the bank sector is therefore a privileged interpretative-key to identify the set of problems and the horizon of possibilities that dominated the historical conjuncture following the 25th of April. This book is a contribution to the maturation of the historiographical field dedicated to the interpretation of the revolutionary process of 1975-75, establishing a critical dialogue with the works that have been produced on the subject over the last years.

AEA papers and proceedings
ISSN: 25740768 25740776 Volume: 109 Publisher: Philadelphia American Economic Association

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EA Papers and Proceedings is published once a year in May and contains selected papers and discussions of papers presented at the annual meeting published along with reports of the Secretary and Treasurer, Journal Editors and Committee Chairs. Starting in 2018, AEA Papers and Proceedings will be a standalone journal and will no longer be the May issue of the AER. Although it will continue to be published in May, it will now be known as the AEA Papers and Proceedings.

Smith Ricardo Marx Sraffa : Il lavoro nella riflessione economico-politica
ISBN: 8878858463 8878858447 8878858455 Year: 2020 Publisher: Torino : Rosenberg & Sellier,

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Il volume propone un percorso di lettura sull’economia politica classica, e su Marx, che si prolunga sino all’opera di Sraffa. Un primo filo conduttore è dato da una visione della teoria del valore che non la riduce a determinazione individuale dei prezzi, ma ne sottolinea l’aspetto macrosociale: in Smith (lavoro comandato) come giustificazione del capitalismo, in Ricardo (lavoro contenuto) come base contraddittoria della teoria della distribuzione, in Marx (lavoro vivo in quanto lavoro astratto in movimento) come indagine sulla costituzione del capitale nel rapporto sociale di produzione. Contrariamente alle interpretazioni più diffuse, le carte inedite di Sraffa, secondo l’autore, consentono di individuare una forte continuità dell’economista italiano con questo Marx. Un secondo filo conduttore consiste nella riflessione circa il destino del lavoro nel capitalismo e oltre, che passa per la messa in questione dell’antropologia smithiana del lavoro sino alla liberazione dal lavoro intravista da Keynes, a cui si oppone la marxiana liberazione del lavoro. Ne emerge una visione apertamente contraria alla centralità totalitaria dell’economico, che nelle due appendici al volume si articola con la questione della natura e la questione di genere. La trasformazione sociale è legata a doppio filo a un cambiamento strutturale della domanda come dell’offerta, e alla ripresa di un protagonismo conflittuale della classe lavoratrice a partire dai luoghi della produzione.

Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume II : Putting Theory into Practice
ISBN: 9781137466105 9781137535221 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York : Palgrave Macmillan US : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book shows that global population ageing is an opportunity to improve the quality of human life rather than a threat to economic competitiveness and stability. It describes the concept of the creative ageing policy as a mix of the silver economy, the creative economy, and the social and solidarity economy for older people. The second volume of Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy focuses on the public policy and management concepts related to the use of the opportunities that are created by population ageing. Klimczuk covers theoretical analyses and case study descriptions of good practices to suggest strategies that could be internationally popularized. Each chapter includes exercises and assignments for both students and those who are likely to apply the presented concepts in practice. .

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