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UNECE countries in figures
ISSN: 10205799 ISBN: 9789211170375 9789211170009 Year: 1995 Publisher: New York United Nations

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UNECE Countries in Figures presents a profile of social and economic indicators for each of the 56 UNECE member countries. It also includes information about certain territories of UNECE member countries for which separate data are available. These profiles, prepared by the UNECE Statistical Division, are intended to be of interest to readers not necessarily familiar with statistical terminology or with interpreting statistical tables. A glossary of terms and list of references is available at the back of the publication.


311:33 <4> --- 311 <7> --- #ANTIL9512 --- BPB1104 --- BPB0903 --- Statistique --- Europe --- Economische statistieken--Europa --- Statistische methoden--Noord-Amerika. Midden-Amerika --- Statistiek --- Europa --- Yearbooks --- Mathematical Sciences --- Statistics --- 311 <7> Statistische methoden--Noord-Amerika. Midden-Amerika --- 311:33 <4> Economische statistieken--Europa --- Eiropa --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- hEorpa --- Evropa --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder --- στατιστική --- statisztika --- estadística --- statistica --- estatística --- statistik --- statistiek --- statistics --- tilasto --- statistică --- статистика --- štatistika --- Statistik --- statistika --- statystyka --- statistički izvor --- donnée statistique --- statistiskt sammanställning --- dato estadístico --- statistické zdroje --- statistická data --- quadro estatístico --- статистички извор --- štatistická tabuľka --- statistical table --- analyse statistique --- statistinė analizė --- statistical information --- statistiskais kopsavilkums --- statistiline analüüs --- fuente estadística --- anchetă statistică --- statistische controle --- statistikas pārskats --- statistisk undersøgelse --- statistická kontrola --- vrojtim statistikor --- statistická tabulka --- збирка на податоци --- статистички регистар --- controlo estatístico --- Statistisches Amt --- tilastoanalyysi --- πηγή στατιστικών στοιχείων --- tableau statistique --- statistiskā pārraudzība --- statistički podatak --- statističko istraživanje --- статистичко истражување --- statistische Tabelle --- statistische Daten --- monitoraggio statistico --- στατιστικός πίνακας --- dado estatístico --- statisztikai információ --- burim statistikor --- source statistique --- statistiska data --- statistická informace --- statistische analyse --- analisi statistica --- статистичка област --- statistický údaj --- statistische tabel --- indagine statistica --- στατιστική πληροφορία --- štatistické informácie --- statistiline ülevaade --- παρακολούθηση στατιστικών στοιχείων --- tilastollinen seuranta --- статистичка анализа --- štatistický prehľad --- statistisk analyse --- statistische Beobachtung --- statistische Überwachung --- statistiniai duomenys --- statistický úřad --- statistisk kilde --- statistisk analys --- date statistice --- statistické šetření --- statistikas avots --- statistische bron --- statistické zjišťování --- στατιστικό δεδομένο --- statistinė apžvalga --- statistiline kokkuvõte --- enquête statistique --- Statistischer Dienst --- analiză statistică --- statistisk materiale --- rilevazione statistica --- analizë statistikore --- statisztikai adat --- štatistický výber --- statistisk oplysning --- control estadístico --- fonte statistica --- fonte estatística --- statistical analysis --- statistisk källa --- statistiline vaatlus --- statistikas informācija --- encuesta estadística --- στατιστική έρευνα --- статистички преглед --- inquérito estatístico --- análisis estadístico --- statistical source --- statistická analýza --- statisztikai elemzés --- statistilised andmed --- tilastolliset tiedot --- štatistická analýza --- statistisk tabel --- statisztikai táblázat --- statistical data --- statistische Information --- monitorim statistikor --- statistisch onderzoek --- statistički pregled --- statistinė santrauka --- statistička tablica --- statistische Analyse --- statistikas tabula --- statistical abstract --- statistical survey --- statistisch overzicht --- statistička analiza --- statistisk kontrol --- statistinė lentelė --- statistisk opgørelse --- statistischer Nachweis --- statistiskas dati --- statistische Quelle --- štatistický monitoring --- abstrakt statistikor --- statističko praćenje --- información estadística --- štatistické údaje --- статистички податок --- informacion statistikor --- statistický přehled --- tabelë statistikore --- tilastollinen taulukko --- statistische informatie --- статистичка доверливост --- information statistique --- στατιστικές καταστάσεις --- statistiline teave --- προέλευση στατιστικών στοιχείων --- cuadro estadístico --- štatistický zdroj --- informazione statistica --- të dhëna statistikore --- statistiskā analīze --- statistisk information --- informação estatística --- στατιστική ανάλυση --- statistical monitoring --- statistische Erhebung --- statistisk övervakning --- статистички годишник --- statistiline seire --- surveillance statistique --- statistisk undersökning --- relevé statistique --- statistinė informacija --- statistisk tabell --- statistisch gegeven --- statistiline info --- statistinės informacijos šaltinis --- tilastollinen tutkimus --- análise estatística --- tabla estadística --- dato statistico --- statisztikai felmérés --- statisztikai adatforrás --- tilastotiedot --- tabella statistica --- relação estatística --- tilastollinen yhteenveto --- quadro statistico --- tilastollinen lähde --- An Eoraip --- staidreamh

Het bestverkochte boek ooit (met deze titel) : hoe cijfers ons leiden, verleiden en misleiden
ISBN: 9789082821642 Year: 2018 Publisher: Amsterdam De Correspondent

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Van rapportcijfers tot je pensioenleeftijd, van het weerbericht tot verkiezingsuitslagen: overal bepalen cijfers hoe ons leven eruitziet. Met dit boek wil Sanne Blauw cijfers weer op hun plek zetten."Onmisbaar voor wie weleens cijfers tegenkomt - voor iedereen dus,' aldus Ionica Smeets, hoogleraar wetenschapscommunicatie.Van gezondheidsnieuws tot je pensioenleeftijd, van het weerbericht tot de verkiezingsuitslagen: overal bepalen cijfers hoe ons leven eruitziet.Maar meten is mensenwerk, dus cijfers zijn niet waardenvrij. Dat lijken politici, bedrijven, media maar al te vaak te vergeten - of juist in te zetten voor eigen gewin.En wij, cijferconsumenten, zijn ook niet onschuldig. We laten ons maar al te graag verleiden als de cijfers zeggen wat we willen geloven.Daarom schreef journalist en econometrist Sanne Blauw Het bestverkochte boek ooit (met deze titel).Met dit boek wil ze cijfers weer op hun plek zetten. Niet op een voetstuk, niet bij het vuilnis, maar waar ze horen: naast de woorden.Bron :


BPB9999 --- #SBIB:303h10 --- 454.52 --- mediawijsheid --- informatievaardigheden --- Quantitative methods in social research --- gegevensanalyse --- econometrie --- statistisch onderzoek --- statistiek --- 477.9 --- BPB1901 --- Statistique --- Sondage --- Méthode de recherche --- Sciences sociales --- Statistiek --- Steekproef --- Onderzoeksmethode --- Sociale wetenschappen --- Cognitive psychology --- Statistical science --- Social psychology --- Cognitieve psychologie --- Sociale psychologie --- Statistiekwetenschap --- kritisch denken --- sociale indicatoren --- sociaal onderzoek --- 308 --- 301.08 --- Cijfers --- Data --- Databanken --- Methodologie --- sondagem --- otantatutkimus --- steekproef --- испитување мостри --- sondaj --- istraživanje uzorka --- namátkový výzkum --- sondeo --- stħarriġ kampjunarju --- sample survey --- stickprovsundersökning --- stikprøve --- sondaggio --- valikvaatlus --- Stichprobenuntersuchung --- atrankusis tyrimas --- vrojtim kampioni --- prehľad na základe vzorky --- sondaż --- изследване на проба --- raziskava vzorca --- mintavételes felmérés --- izlases apskats --- истраживање на узорку --- στατιστική δειγματολειπτική έρευνα --- sondáž --- reprezentatív mintavétel --- encuesta por sondeo --- stikprøveundersøgelse --- истражување примерок --- reprezentatív minta --- enquête par sondage --- statistický výběr --- socialiniai mokslai --- družbene vede --- social sciences --- humanitní vědy --- κοινωνικές επιστήμες --- sociālās zinātnes --- științe sociale --- társadalomtudományok --- општествени науки --- socialvidenskaber --- shkenca sociale --- scienze sociali --- Sozialwissenschaften --- xjenzi soċjali --- yhteiskuntatieteet --- samhällsvetenskap --- ciências sociais --- spoločenské vedy --- nauki społeczne --- eolaíochtaí sóisialta --- друштвене науке --- социални науки --- društvene znanosti --- sociale wetenschappen --- ciencias sociales --- sotsiaalteadused --- menswetenschappen --- sociální vědy --- bölcsészettudományok --- științe umane --- humanističke znanosti --- duchovědy --- humanvetenskap --- scienze umane --- humanities --- společenské vědy --- ühiskonnateadused --- културологија --- studime klasike --- humanidades --- ciências humanas --- sciences humaines --- humanitārās zinātnes --- humanitné vedy --- хуманистички науки --- Gesellschaftswissenschaften --- geesteswetenschappen --- humaniora --- humanitariniai mokslai --- Kulturwissenschaften --- επιστήμες του ανθρώπου --- духовни науки --- samfundsvidenskaber --- humanitaarteadused --- scienze dell'uomo --- метод на истражување --- истраживачки метод --- metodă de cercetare --- mokslinių tyrimų metodas --- forskningsmetod --- metoda badawcza --- Forschungsmethode --- výskumná metóda --- pētījumu metode --- metodu ta’ riċerka --- istraživačka metoda --- metodo di ricerca --- método de investigación --- metoda e kërkimit --- ερευνητική μέθοδος --- raziskovalna metoda --- forskningsmetode --- uurimismeetod --- research method --- kutatási módszer --- tutkimusmenetelmä --- výzkumná metoda --- método de investigação --- изследователски метод --- onderzoeksmethode --- tyrimo metodas --- módszertan --- methodologie --- μεθοδολογία --- metodología --- vědecko-výzkumná metoda --- metodologija --- methodology --- metodologji --- metodoloogia --- metodológia --- metodologia --- méthodologie --- методологија --- metodologi --- Methodik --- στατιστική --- statisztika --- estadística --- statistica --- estatística --- statistik --- statistics --- tilasto --- statistică --- статистика --- štatistika --- Statistik --- statistika --- statystyka --- statistički izvor --- donnée statistique --- statistiskt sammanställning --- dato estadístico --- statistické zdroje --- statistická data --- quadro estatístico --- статистички извор --- štatistická tabuľka --- statistical table --- analyse statistique --- statistinė analizė --- statistical information --- statistiskais kopsavilkums --- statistiline analüüs --- fuente estadística --- anchetă statistică --- statistische controle --- statistikas pārskats --- statistisk undersøgelse --- statistická kontrola --- vrojtim statistikor --- statistická tabulka --- збирка на податоци --- статистички регистар --- controlo estatístico --- Statistisches Amt --- tilastoanalyysi --- πηγή στατιστικών στοιχείων --- tableau statistique --- statistiskā pārraudzība --- statistički podatak --- statističko istraživanje --- статистичко истражување --- statistische Tabelle --- statistische Daten --- monitoraggio statistico --- στατιστικός πίνακας --- dado estatístico --- statisztikai információ --- burim statistikor --- source statistique --- statistiska data --- statistická informace --- statistische analyse --- analisi statistica --- статистичка област --- statistický údaj --- statistische tabel --- indagine statistica --- στατιστική πληροφορία --- štatistické informácie --- statistiline ülevaade --- παρακολούθηση στατιστικών στοιχείων --- tilastollinen seuranta --- статистичка анализа --- štatistický prehľad --- statistisk analyse --- statistische Beobachtung --- statistische Überwachung --- statistiniai duomenys --- statistický úřad --- statistisk kilde --- statistisk analys --- date statistice --- statistické šetření --- statistikas avots --- statistische bron --- statistické zjišťování --- στατιστικό δεδομένο --- statistinė apžvalga --- statistiline kokkuvõte --- enquête statistique --- Statistischer Dienst --- analiză statistică --- statistisk materiale --- rilevazione statistica --- analizë statistikore --- statisztikai adat --- štatistický výber --- statistisk oplysning --- control estadístico --- fonte statistica --- fonte estatística --- statistical analysis --- statistisk källa --- statistiline vaatlus --- statistikas informācija --- encuesta estadística --- στατιστική έρευνα --- статистички преглед --- inquérito estatístico --- análisis estadístico --- statistical source --- statistická analýza --- statisztikai elemzés --- statistilised andmed --- tilastolliset tiedot --- štatistická analýza --- statistisk tabel --- statisztikai táblázat --- statistical data --- statistische Information --- monitorim statistikor --- statistički pregled --- statistinė santrauka --- statistička tablica --- statistische Analyse --- statistikas tabula --- statistical abstract --- statistical survey --- statistisch overzicht --- statistička analiza --- statistisk kontrol --- statistinė lentelė --- statistisk opgørelse --- statistischer Nachweis --- statistiskas dati --- statistische Quelle --- štatistický monitoring --- abstrakt statistikor --- statističko praćenje --- información estadística --- štatistické údaje --- статистички податок --- informacion statistikor --- statistický přehled --- tabelë statistikore --- tilastollinen taulukko --- statistische informatie --- статистичка доверливост --- information statistique --- στατιστικές καταστάσεις --- statistiline teave --- προέλευση στατιστικών στοιχείων --- cuadro estadístico --- štatistický zdroj --- informazione statistica --- të dhëna statistikore --- statistiskā analīze --- statistisk information --- informação estatística --- στατιστική ανάλυση --- statistical monitoring --- statistische Erhebung --- statistisk övervakning --- статистички годишник --- statistiline seire --- surveillance statistique --- statistisk undersökning --- relevé statistique --- statistinė informacija --- statistisk tabell --- statistisch gegeven --- statistiline info --- statistinės informacijos šaltinis --- tilastollinen tutkimus --- análise estatística --- tabla estadística --- dato statistico --- statisztikai felmérés --- statisztikai adatforrás --- tilastotiedot --- tabella statistica --- relação estatística --- tilastollinen yhteenveto --- quadro statistico --- tilastollinen lähde --- Cijfer --- Databank --- suirbhé samplach --- staidreamh --- modh taighde --- Méthode de recherche --- sciences sociales --- sondage --- statistique

Official Statistics 4.0
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030314928 303031491X 9783030314927 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer

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This book explores official statistics and their social function in modern societies. Digitisation and globalisation are creating completely new opportunities and risks, a context in which facts (can) play an enormously important part if they are produced with a quality that makes them credible and purpose-specific. In order for this to actually happen, official statistics must continue to actively pursue the modernisation of their working methods. This book is not about the technical and methodological challenges associated with digitisation and globalisation; rather, it focuses on statistical sociology, which scientifically deals with the peculiarities and pitfalls of governing-by-numbers, and assigns statistics a suitable position in the future informational ecosystem. Further, the book provides a comprehensive overview of modern issues in official statistics, embodied in a historical and conceptual framework that endows it with different and innovative perspectives. Central to this work is the quality of statistical information provided by official statistics. The implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the form of indicators is another driving force in the search for answers, and is addressed here. This book will be of interest to a broad readership. The topics of sociology, epistemology, statistical history and the management of production processes, which are important for official statistics and their role in social decision-making processes, are generally not dealt with in statistics books. The book is primary intended for official statisticians, but researchers and advanced students in statistics, economics, sociology and the political sciences will find the book equally stimulating. Last but not least, it offers a valuable source of reflection for policymakers and stakeholders.


Statistics. --- Statistical analysis --- Statistical data --- Statistical methods --- Statistical science --- Mathematics --- Econometrics --- Statistics . --- Social sciences. --- Economic theory. --- Production management. --- Applied Statistics. --- Methodology of the Social Sciences. --- Economic Theory/Quantitative Economics/Mathematical Methods. --- Operations Management. --- Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary. --- Manufacturing management --- Industrial management --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- applied sciences --- statistics --- digitisation --- digitalização --- digitiú --- digitalisointi --- дигитализација --- numérisation --- digitalisering --- skaitmeninimas --- digitaliziranje --- ciparošana --- digitalizácia --- digitalizace dokumentů --- digitalizacja --- diġitalizzazzjoni --- дигитализация --- numerizzazione --- digitalizare --- ψηφιοποίηση --- digjitalizim --- Digitalisierung --- digitalización --- digitalizálás --- digiteerimine --- digitalizacija --- skaitmeninis keitimas --- digitalisation --- numerizzazzjoni --- digitalizzazione --- transformace dat --- digitalizace dat --- στατιστική --- statisztika --- estadística --- statistica --- estatística --- statistik --- statistiek --- tilasto --- statistică --- статистика --- štatistika --- Statistik --- statistique --- statistika --- statystyka --- statistički izvor --- donnée statistique --- statistiskt sammanställning --- dato estadístico --- statistické zdroje --- statistická data --- quadro estatístico --- статистички извор --- štatistická tabuľka --- statistical table --- analyse statistique --- statistinė analizė --- statistical information --- statistiskais kopsavilkums --- statistiline analüüs --- fuente estadística --- anchetă statistică --- statistische controle --- statistikas pārskats --- statistisk undersøgelse --- statistická kontrola --- vrojtim statistikor --- statistická tabulka --- збирка на податоци --- статистички регистар --- controlo estatístico --- Statistisches Amt --- tilastoanalyysi --- πηγή στατιστικών στοιχείων --- tableau statistique --- statistiskā pārraudzība --- statistički podatak --- statističko istraživanje --- статистичко истражување --- statistische Tabelle --- statistische Daten --- monitoraggio statistico --- στατιστικός πίνακας --- dado estatístico --- statisztikai információ --- burim statistikor --- source statistique --- statistiska data --- statistická informace --- statistische analyse --- analisi statistica --- статистичка област --- statistický údaj --- statistische tabel --- indagine statistica --- στατιστική πληροφορία --- štatistické informácie --- statistiline ülevaade --- παρακολούθηση στατιστικών στοιχείων --- tilastollinen seuranta --- статистичка анализа --- štatistický prehľad --- statistisk analyse --- statistische Beobachtung --- statistische Überwachung --- statistiniai duomenys --- statistický úřad --- statistisk kilde --- statistisk analys --- date statistice --- statistické šetření --- statistikas avots --- statistische bron --- statistické zjišťování --- στατιστικό δεδομένο --- statistinė apžvalga --- statistiline kokkuvõte --- enquête statistique --- Statistischer Dienst --- analiză statistică --- statistisk materiale --- rilevazione statistica --- analizë statistikore --- statisztikai adat --- štatistický výber --- statistisk oplysning --- control estadístico --- fonte statistica --- fonte estatística --- statistical analysis --- statistisk källa --- statistiline vaatlus --- statistikas informācija --- encuesta estadística --- στατιστική έρευνα --- статистички преглед --- inquérito estatístico --- análisis estadístico --- statistical source --- statistická analýza --- statisztikai elemzés --- statistilised andmed --- tilastolliset tiedot --- štatistická analýza --- statistisk tabel --- statisztikai táblázat --- statistical data --- statistische Information --- monitorim statistikor --- statistisch onderzoek --- statistički pregled --- statistinė santrauka --- statistička tablica --- statistische Analyse --- statistikas tabula --- statistical abstract --- statistical survey --- statistisch overzicht --- statistička analiza --- statistisk kontrol --- statistinė lentelė --- statistisk opgørelse --- statistischer Nachweis --- statistiskas dati --- statistische Quelle --- štatistický monitoring --- abstrakt statistikor --- statističko praćenje --- información estadística --- štatistické údaje --- статистички податок --- informacion statistikor --- statistický přehled --- tabelë statistikore --- tilastollinen taulukko --- statistische informatie --- статистичка доверливост --- information statistique --- στατιστικές καταστάσεις --- statistiline teave --- προέλευση στατιστικών στοιχείων --- cuadro estadístico --- štatistický zdroj --- informazione statistica --- të dhëna statistikore --- statistiskā analīze --- statistisk information --- informação estatística --- στατιστική ανάλυση --- statistical monitoring --- statistische Erhebung --- statistisk övervakning --- статистички годишник --- statistiline seire --- surveillance statistique --- statistisk undersökning --- relevé statistique --- statistinė informacija --- statistisk tabell --- statistisch gegeven --- statistiline info --- statistinės informacijos šaltinis --- tilastollinen tutkimus --- análise estatística --- tabla estadística --- dato statistico --- statisztikai felmérés --- statisztikai adatforrás --- tilastotiedot --- tabella statistica --- relação estatística --- tilastollinen yhteenveto --- quadro statistico --- tilastollinen lähde --- toegepaste wetenschappen --- alkalmazott tudományok --- примењене науке --- tillämpad vetenskap --- soveltavat tieteet --- uporabne znanosti --- angewandte Wissenschaften --- științe aplicate --- sciences appliquées --- scienze applicate --- εφαρμοσμένες επιστήμες --- taikomieji mokslai --- приложни науки --- nauki stosowane --- aplikované vědy --- rakendusteadused --- aplikované vedy --- lietišķās zinātnes --- ciencias aplicadas --- применети науки --- primijenjene znanosti --- xjenzi applikati --- ciências aplicadas --- shkenca të aplikuara --- anvendte videnskaber --- užité vědy --- применета наука --- staidreamh --- eolaíochtaí feidhmeacha

Econometric Analysis of Count Data
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1281242039 9786611242039 354078389X 3540776486 3642096409 9783540776482 9783540783893 Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

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"The book provides graduate students and researchers with an up-to-date survey of statistical and econometric techniques for the analysis of count data, with a focus on conditional distribution models. Proper count data probability models allow for rich inferences, both with respect to the stochastic count process that generated the data, and with respect to predicting the distribution of outcomes. The book starts with a presentation of the benchmark Poisson regression model. Alternative models address unobserved heterogeneity, state dependence, selectivity, endogeneity, underreporting, and clustered sampling. Testing and estimation is discussed from frequentist and Bayesian perspectives. Finally, applications are reviewed in fields such as economics, marketing, sociology, demography, and health sciences. The fifth edition contains several new topics, including copula functions, Poisson regression for non-counts, additional semi-parametric methods, and discrete factor models. Other sections have been reorganized, rewritten, and extended."--Publisher.


Econometrics. --- Time-series analysis. --- Labor mobility --- Econometric models. --- Economics, Mathematical --- Statistics --- Mobility, Labor --- Migration, Internal --- Labor supply --- Labor turnover --- Analysis of time series --- Autocorrelation (Statistics) --- Harmonic analysis --- Mathematical statistics --- Probabilities --- Statistics. --- Statistics for Business, Management, Economics, Finance, Insurance. --- Statistical analysis --- Statistical data --- Statistical methods --- Statistical science --- Mathematics --- Econometrics --- Statistics . --- econometrics. --- economic model. --- information analysis. --- labour mobility. --- statistics. --- στατιστική --- statisztika --- estadística --- statistica --- estatística --- statistik --- statistiek --- tilasto --- statistică --- статистика --- štatistika --- Statistik --- statistique --- statistika --- statystyka --- staidreamh --- statistički izvor --- donnée statistique --- statistiskt sammanställning --- dato estadístico --- statistické zdroje --- statistická data --- quadro estatístico --- статистички извор --- štatistická tabuľka --- statistical table --- analyse statistique --- statistinė analizė --- statistical information --- statistiskais kopsavilkums --- statistiline analüüs --- fuente estadística --- anchetă statistică --- statistische controle --- statistikas pārskats --- statistisk undersøgelse --- statistická kontrola --- vrojtim statistikor --- statistická tabulka --- збирка на податоци --- статистички регистар --- controlo estatístico --- Statistisches Amt --- tilastoanalyysi --- πηγή στατιστικών στοιχείων --- tableau statistique --- statistiskā pārraudzība --- statistički podatak --- statističko istraživanje --- статистичко истражување --- statistische Tabelle --- statistische Daten --- monitoraggio statistico --- στατιστικός πίνακας --- dado estatístico --- statisztikai információ --- burim statistikor --- source statistique --- statistiska data --- statistická informace --- statistische analyse --- analisi statistica --- статистичка област --- statistický údaj --- statistische tabel --- indagine statistica --- στατιστική πληροφορία --- štatistické informácie --- statistiline ülevaade --- παρακολούθηση στατιστικών στοιχείων --- tilastollinen seuranta --- статистичка анализа --- štatistický prehľad --- statistisk analyse --- statistische Beobachtung --- statistische Überwachung --- statistiniai duomenys --- statistický úřad --- statistisk kilde --- statistisk analys --- date statistice --- statistické šetření --- statistikas avots --- statistische bron --- statistické zjišťování --- στατιστικό δεδομένο --- statistinė apžvalga --- statistiline kokkuvõte --- enquête statistique --- Statistischer Dienst --- analiză statistică --- statistisk materiale --- rilevazione statistica --- analizë statistikore --- statisztikai adat --- štatistický výber --- statistisk oplysning --- control estadístico --- fonte statistica --- fonte estatística --- statistical analysis --- statistisk källa --- statistiline vaatlus --- statistikas informācija --- encuesta estadística --- στατιστική έρευνα --- статистички преглед --- inquérito estatístico --- análisis estadístico --- statistical source --- statistická analýza --- statisztikai elemzés --- statistilised andmed --- tilastolliset tiedot --- štatistická analýza --- statistisk tabel --- statisztikai táblázat --- statistical data --- statistische Information --- monitorim statistikor --- statistisch onderzoek --- statistički pregled --- statistinė santrauka --- statistička tablica --- statistische Analyse --- statistikas tabula --- statistical abstract --- statistical survey --- statistisch overzicht --- statistička analiza --- statistisk kontrol --- statistinė lentelė --- statistisk opgørelse --- statistischer Nachweis --- statistiskas dati --- statistische Quelle --- štatistický monitoring --- abstrakt statistikor --- statističko praćenje --- información estadística --- štatistické údaje --- статистички податок --- informacion statistikor --- statistický přehled --- tabelë statistikore --- tilastollinen taulukko --- statistische informatie --- статистичка доверливост --- information statistique --- στατιστικές καταστάσεις --- statistiline teave --- προέλευση στατιστικών στοιχείων --- cuadro estadístico --- štatistický zdroj --- informazione statistica --- të dhëna statistikore --- statistiskā analīze --- statistisk information --- informação estatística --- στατιστική ανάλυση --- statistical monitoring --- statistische Erhebung --- statistisk övervakning --- статистички годишник --- statistiline seire --- surveillance statistique --- statistisk undersökning --- relevé statistique --- statistinė informacija --- statistisk tabell --- statistisch gegeven --- statistiline info --- statistinės informacijos šaltinis --- tilastollinen tutkimus --- análise estatística --- tabla estadística --- dato statistico --- statisztikai felmérés --- statisztikai adatforrás --- tilastotiedot --- tabella statistica --- relação estatística --- tilastollinen yhteenveto --- quadro statistico --- tilastollinen lähde --- soghluaisteacht lucht saothair --- mobiliteit van arbeidskrachten --- покретљивост радне снаге --- pokretljivost radne snage --- мобилност на работна сила --- mobilità tas-suq tax-xogħol --- ruchliwość pracownicza --- tööjõu liikuvus --- arbetskraftens rörlighet --- darbo jėgos judumas --- Mobilität der Arbeitskräfte --- darbaspēka mobilitāte --- κινητικότητα του εργατικού δυναμικού --- mobilitatea forței de muncă --- mobilità della manodopera --- lëvizshmëria e fuqisë punëtore --- munkaerő mobilitása --- pracovná mobilita --- mobilité de la main-d'œuvre --- мобилност на работната сила --- arbejdskraftens bevægelighed --- työvoiman liikkuvuus --- movilidad de la mano de obra --- mobilita pracovní síly --- mobilnost delovne sile --- mobilidade da mão de obra --- movilidad del personal --- personalens rörlighet --- mobilitatea personalului --- výmena pracovníkov --- työntekijävaihto --- työntekijöiden liikkuvuus --- troca de trabalhadores --- keitimasis darbuotojais --- distacco --- töötajate liikuvus --- uitwisseling van arbeidskrachten --- darbinieku apmaiņa --- хоризонтална мобилност на работниците --- přidělení k výkonu služby --- mobilidade do pessoal --- worker exchange --- scambio di lavoratori --- henkilöstön liikkuvuus --- intercambio de trabajadores --- ανταλλαγή εργαζομένων --- κινητικότητα προσωπικού --- výměna pracovníků --- darbuotojų judumas --- mobilité de la main-d'oeuvre --- mobiliteit van personeel --- mobilita pracovnej sily --- arbejdskraftmobilitet --- Mobilität der Arbeitnehmer --- schimb de personal --- utbyte av arbetstagare --- shkëmbim i punonjësve --- udveksling af arbejdstagere --- personalemobilitet --- darbaspēka kustīgums --- detacheren --- erhvervsmæssig bevægelighed --- detașarea personalului --- darbo jėgos mobilumas --- inimtööjõu liikuvus --- détachement --- Mobilität des Personals --- töötajate vahetus --- staff mobility --- подвижност на работната сила --- manpower mobility --- Austausch von Arbeitskräften --- mobilidade da mão-de-obra --- mobilita pracovníkov --- mobilità del personale --- lëvizshmëri e personelit --- lëvizshmëri e fuqisë punëtore --- mobilita pracovníků --- munkavállalók mobilitása --- mobilité du personnel --- darbinieku mobilitāte --- échange de travailleurs --- anailís ar fhaisnéis --- analiza informacija --- analiza informacji --- informační analýza --- informationsanalyse --- analiza informației --- анализа на информации --- analizë e informacionit --- informačná analýza --- informacijos analizė --- analisi delle informazioni --- análise da informação --- analiżi tal-informazzjoni --- анализ на информация --- analyse de l'information --- analiza informacij --- informācijas analīze --- infoanalüüs --- análisis de la información --- informationsanalys --- tiedon sisällön analyysi --- információelemzés --- informatieanalyse --- Informationsanalyse --- анализа информација --- ανάλυση πληροφοριών --- dokumentinė analizė --- documentary analysis --- ανάλυση δεδομένων --- análise de dados --- análise documental --- gegevensanalyse --- dokumentanalyse --- dokumentační analýza --- dokumentumelemzés --- Datenanalyse --- analyse des données --- duomenų analizė --- dokumentanalys --- dokumendianalüüs --- dataanalys --- analisi documentaria --- analiza datelor --- analiza podataka --- tiedon analysointi --- asiakirjojen analysointi --- analizë dokumentuese --- ανάλυση τεκμηρίωσης --- Dokumentenanalyse --- datu analīze --- análisis de documentos --- analizim të dhënash --- dataanalyse --- data analysis --- dokumentālā analīze --- análisis de datos --- analisi dei dati --- analiză documentară --- analyse documentaire --- análisis documental --- raščlamba obavijesti --- adatelemzés --- dokumentačná analýza --- analýza údajov --- andmeanalüüs --- documentaire analyse --- ekonomický model --- Wirtschaftsmodell --- model ekonomiczny --- ekonominis modelis --- model ekonomik --- taloudellinen malli --- økonomisk model --- ekonomikas modelis --- modelo económico --- model economic --- икономически модел --- mudell ekonomiku --- majandusmudel --- gazdasági modell --- ekonomski model --- samhail eacnamaíoch --- modèle économique --- економски модел --- οικονομικό υπόδειγμα --- modello economico --- economisch model --- ekonomisk modell --- ekonometriskais modelis --- modèle économétrique --- økonometrisk model --- econometric model --- οικονομικό μοντέλο --- econometrisch model --- model econometric --- ekonometrinen malli --- modello econometrico --- model ekonometrik --- οικονομετρικό υπόδειγμα --- ökonomisches Modell --- ekonometrisk modell --- ökonomeetriline mudel --- gospodarski model --- ekonometrinis modelis --- економетриски модел --- οικονομετρικό μοντέλο --- ekonometrický model --- ökonometriai modell --- ökonometrisches Modell --- modelo econométrico --- ekonometrie --- економетрија --- econometría --- ökonomeetria --- econometrie --- økonometri --- οικονομετρία --- економетрия --- econometria --- économétrie --- eacnaiméadracht --- ekonometri --- ekonometria --- ökonometria --- ekonometrija --- Ökonometrie --- економетричар --- Time-series analysis --- 330.115 --- 519.2 --- 65 --- 303.5 --- 305.971 --- AA / International- internationaal --- Econometric models --- Kwantitatieve methoden (economie) --- Wiskundige statistiek --- Bedrijfseconomie --- Theorie van correlatie en regressie. (OLS, adjusted LS, weighted LS, restricted LS, GLS, SLS, LIML, FIML, maximum likelihood). Parametric and non-parametric methods and theory (wiskundige statistiek) --- Speciale gevallen in econometrische modelbouw

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