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Ermittlung der Teilhabeförderung und des Finanzierungsbedarfs bei Chronisch Mehrfachgeschädigt/Mehrfachbeeinträchtigt Abhängigkeitskranken : Modellierung und Evaluation eines Instrumentes (IBUT-CMA)
ISBN: 3658394870 3658394862 Year: 2023 Publisher: Wiesbaden Springer Nature

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Dieses Open-Access-Buch dokumentiert die Entwicklung des personenzentrierten Bedarfserfassungsinstrumentes „IBUT-CMA“ auf Grundlage der ICF. Ziel war es, die Bedarfe praxisnah zu erfassen, eine direkte, leistungsgerechte, monetäre Abbildung der Hilfen zu erreichen, die Mitwirkungsmöglichkeit und Teilhabe der Betroffenen am Erfassungsprozess zu verbessern und eine klare Kommunikationsstruktur zwischen Kostenträger und Leistungserbringer zu schaffen. Weitere neben dem Instrument vorgestellte Ergebnisse sind: die Definition des Begriffes „Teilhabe“ als dynamisches Modell, die Darstellung der Kausalkette der Bedarfserfassung sowie die Formulierung von Merkmalen arbeitsähnlicher Tätigkeiten. Mit dem Modell der Beeinträchtigung und Förderung der Teilhabe für CMA (MBFT) wird u.a. verdeutlicht, wie tagesstrukturierende Maßnahmen und die Rahmenbedingungen besonderer Wohnformen die personenzentrierte Teilhabe unterstützen können. Die Autorin Lydia Muth, geb. Hoppe, ist als diplomierte Psychologin und Geschäftsführerin im sozialtherapeutischen Familienunternehmen tätig, in welchem sie langjährig in direktem Kontakt mit CMA-Betroffenen arbeitet. Ihre Forschung ist vor allem auf Möglichkeiten der personenzentrierten Gestaltung der Bedarfserfassung und Therapieplanung für ALLE am Prozess Mitwirkenden gerichtet, sowie auf die transparente Verankerung und tatsächliche Umsetzung der Grundlagen der ICF und des Teilhabebegriffes als Zielkonstrukt im Praxisalltag der Eingliederungshilfe.

Nederlandse vertaling van de international classification of functioning, disability and health : children & youth version (ICF)
ISBN: 9789031369539 9789031360055 Year: 2008 Publisher: Houten Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum

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Dit boek bevat de Nederlandse vertaling van de 'International Classification of Functioning, Disablility and Health for Children and Youth' (ICF-CY). De ICF-CY is afgeleid van en volledig in overeenstemming met de 'International Classification onf Functioning, Disability and Health' (ICF) (WHO, 2001 Nederlandse vertaling WHO-FIC CC, 2002,2007). Als zodanig houdt deze een nadere detaillering in voor toepassing van de ICF ter beschrijving van kenmerken van kinderen en jongeren tot de leeftijd van 18 jaar. De oorspronkelijke inleiding en bijlagen van de ICF zijn onveranderd in dit boek opgenomen.De ICF-CY is als afgeleide classificatie ontwikkeld door de 'structuur en categorieen van de oorspronkelijke classificatie onveranderd te laten en aanvullende details toe te voegen' (WHO-FIC, 2004, pagina 5). De ICF-CY is gebaseerd op de richtlijnen van bijlage 8 van de ICF en stemt daardoor overeen met de organisatie en structuur van de oorspronkelijke classificatie.

Autonoom handelen met de rolstoel
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789045555331 Year: 2014 Publisher: Berchem De Boeck

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Autonoom handelen met de rolstoel reikt de nodige tools aan om het handelen van de cliënt in relatie tot zijn fysieke en sociale omgeving in kaart te brengen, om de geschikte rolstoel te adviseren en de cliënt gepast te begeleiden en te coachen.

(Psycho)motorische begeleiding bij kinderen : een praktische gids bij proces- en taakgerichte interventie
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789033493225 Year: 2013 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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De visie op psychomotorische begeleiding bij kinderen is de voorbije tien jaar aanzienlijk geëvolueerd. Taakgerichte interventies zijn duidelijk op de voorgrond getreden en Evidence Based Therapy is ook binnen de psychomotoriek niet meer weg te denken. Dit boek baseert zich hier duidelijk op en vertrekt vanuit het handelingsgericht onderzoek bij het opstellen van het klinische beeld. Op deze manier kunnen de therapeutische doelen bepaald worden waarbij ook het ICF-kader (International Classification of Functioning) een belangrijke rol speelt. Het voorstellen van een casus helpt om dit te concretiseren.Naast een korte theoretische duiding is het boek vooral praktisch opgebouwd door het bundelen van de jarenlange ervaring van de auteurs. Het is een verzameling van oefeningen om de grove motoriek, fijne motoriek en visuomotoriek in de grote en kleine ruimte te stimuleren. Er wordt stap voor stap uitgelegd hoe je de belangrijkste vaardigheden die je nodig hebt in het dagelijkse leven, kunt aanleren. Een lat kunnen hanteren in de meetkundeles of leren fietsen zijn hiervan slechts enkele voorbeelden.

Revalidatiepsychologie : praktische psychologie voor hulpverleners in de revalidatie
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789034193674 Year: 2011 Publisher: Antwerpen Standaard

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Dit boek over revalidatiepsychologie belicht de talrijke psychologische processen die inherent zijn aan de revalidatie van mensen met een lichamelijke en/of neurocognitieve aandoening. Het boek is vooral bedoeld voor alle andere hulpverleners in de revalidatiesetting zoals artsen, verpleegkundigen, ergotherapeuten, logopedisten, kinesitherapeuten en maatschappelijk werkers. Als hulpverlener moet je immers de nodige kennis en vaardigheden bezitten om te kunnen omgaan met de psychologische fenomenen die het verloop en de uitkomst van de revalidatie sterk kunnen beïnvloeden. Het boek omvat zes delen die thematisch samenhangende hoofdstukken groeperen, gaande van revalidatie in biopsychosociaal perspectief, de revalidant als mens, de revalidant en zijn familie, de werkrelatie tussen hulpverlener en revalidant, het revalidatieproces en ten slotte de hulpverlener zelf. De hoofdstukken in deze delen worden telkens samengevat met als afsluiting praktische take home messages en een literatuur ...


159.91 --- 159.95*1 --- 159.944 --- 615.8 --- 174.2 --- 159.95*1 Cognitieve psychologie --- Cognitieve psychologie --- 159.91 Psychofysiologie. Neuropsychologie. Psychomotoriek. Psychomotorische therapie --- Psychofysiologie. Neuropsychologie. Psychomotoriek. Psychomotorische therapie --- 174.2 Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- 159.944 Werken en vermoeidheid. Efficiënt werken. Prestatie --- Werken en vermoeidheid. Efficiënt werken. Prestatie --- Fysiotherapie. Fysische therapie. Radiotherapie. Andere niet-medicinale therapeutische behandelingen --- #KVHB:Revalidatiepsychologie --- revalidatiepsychologie --- 608.9 --- Hulpverlening : psychologie --- Revalidatiepsychologie --- Psychologie ; gezondheidszorg --- Ziek zijn ; psychologie --- revalidatie, geneesmethoden, geneesmiddelen --- Klinische psychologie; algemeen --- Revalidatie --- Psychologie --- #KVHB:Gezondheidspsychologie --- #KVHB:Neuropsychologie --- psychologie --- revalidatie --- 612 --- patiënten --- 419.7 --- levenskwaliteit --- neuropsychologie --- 612.1 --- hulpverlening --- 615.851 --- Physiotherapy. Alternative treatments --- stress --- burn-out --- Psychology --- pijn --- stressmanagement --- meetinstrumenten (psychologie) --- medische psychologie --- motivatie --- coping --- Social policy and particular groups --- Orthopedagogiek --- fysieke handicaps. --- Rehabilitation --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- PXL-Healthcare 2016 --- chronische aandoeningen --- ICF; International Classification of Functioning --- patiëntenzorg

Early Child Development: From Measurement to Optimal Functioning and Evidence-based Policy
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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In the early years of life, the environments that interact with a child—including families, schools, and communities—play a key role in the child’s brain development. Early child development and overall children’s developmental trajectories have long-term implications for health, happiness, and earning potential as these children become adults. Importantly, failing to reach developmental potential contributes to global cycles of poverty, inequality, and social exclusion. There is little public understanding of the importance of a child’s first years and the critical developmental opportunity to reach optimal functioning. As such, global data on early child developments are crucial to inform the public and demand evidence-based policies and high-quality programs for children around the world. This book includes initiatives assessing the impact of programs and interventions related to children’s health, education, and participation that inform evidence-based policies worldwide. Importantly, this book raises global awareness of the importance of children’s first years of life and the crucial role of child–environment interactions where the child lives, plays, and grows. The culturally diverse content comprises international representation of studies and classifications tools. International experts contributed high-quality reviews that collate valuable information and guide the adoption of a rights-based approach in early child development globally.


child development --- motor skills --- vision disorders --- evaluation --- physical therapy --- optometry --- congenital Zika syndrome --- user participation --- mobility --- intervention --- child vocabulary --- maternal mental health --- Peru --- routines --- intervention planning --- collaborative consultation --- international --- implementation --- developmental delay --- child health --- birth weight --- growth measurement --- responsive caregiving --- parent–child interaction --- observational measurement --- thin slice methodology --- low- and middle-income countries --- Brazil --- functioning --- outcomes --- education --- measurement --- child development assessment --- academic achievement --- educational attainment --- wealth/socioeconomic status --- COVID-19 --- participation --- Routines-Based Model --- family-centered --- child --- pandemic --- teleintervention --- abilities --- rights --- children with cerebral palsy --- agreement --- stability --- communication function classification system --- early child development --- ICF --- health --- inequality --- potential --- disability --- absent learners --- biological mothers --- first 1000 days --- Foundation phase --- Early Development Instrument --- developmental health --- social determinants of health --- autism spectrum disorder --- measure --- assessment --- complex communication needs --- severe physical disabilities --- eye-gaze controlled computer --- communicative interaction --- n/a --- indicators --- global health --- validation --- cross-cultural --- cross-linguistic --- parent-child interaction

Health Statistics : The Australian Experience and Opportunities
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Health statistics have progressed dramatically in Australia since the 1980s when the Australian Government created the (now) Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. The 12 papers in this Special Issue describe developments across a diverse range of topics, as well as providing an overview of the scope of health statistics in Australia and describing some ongoing gaps and problems. The papers will be of interest to international readers seeking to improve statistics about their health systems. Health statistics need to respect individuals’ personal information, be based on common data standards, and have adequate resourcing and committed staffing . The Australian experience provides valuable insights and examples. Australians will benefit from a comprehensive account of what has been achieved and what remains to be addressed. The papers in the Special Issue demonstrate the importance of continuing commitment to the statistical effort. Authors were chosen because of their known expertise in their respective fields.

Measures for children with developmental disabilities : an ICF-CY approach
ISBN: 9781908316455 1908316454 1908316489 1908316462 9781908316462 9781908316486 Year: 2012 Volume: 194-195 Publisher: London Mac Keith Press

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Presents and reviews outcome measures across a wide range of attributes that are applicable to children and youth with developmental disabilities. The book uses the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF-CY) as a framework for organizing the various measures into sections and chapters. Each chapter co-incides with domains within Body Functions, Activities and Participation, and Personal and Environmental Factors. Advances in measurement using neuroimaging technologies and genetic testing are also included, as are chapters addressing broad measures of health and quality of life.Each chapter provides a representative sample of useful measures, with more detailed descriptions of those with the best properties and potential utility. Most chapters follow a prescribed format: what is the construct, general factors to consider when measuring this domain; and overview of recommended measures.This book will be invaluable for clinicians and educators seeking an appropriate, psychometrically sound measure in a particular domain of functioning that can be used with an individual child or target population. The book will also be a useful resource for researchers in the field of childhood disability.


People with disabilities --- Outcome assessment (Medical care) --- Children with disabilities --- Disabled Children. --- Developmental Disabilities. --- Disability Evaluation. --- International Classification of Diseases. --- ergotherapie --- ontwikkelingsstoornissen --- kinderen --- ICD-10-CM --- ICD-9-CM --- International Classification of Disease Codes --- International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems --- ICD Codes --- ICD-10 --- ICD-9 --- Code, ICD --- Codes, ICD --- ICD Code --- Disability Evaluations --- Evaluation, Disability --- Evaluations, Disability --- Development Disorders, Child --- Child Development Deviations --- Child Development Disorders --- Child Development Disorders, Specific --- Developmental Delay Disorders --- Disabilities, Developmental --- Child Development Deviation --- Child Development Disorder --- Development Deviation, Child --- Development Deviations, Child --- Development Disorder, Child --- Developmental Delay Disorder --- Developmental Disability --- Deviation, Child Development --- Disability, Developmental --- Child, Disabled --- Children with Disabilities --- Children, Disabled --- Handicapped Children --- Children with Disability --- Children, Handicapped --- Disability, Children with --- Disabled Child --- Development and disabilities (Pediatrics) --- Disabilities and child development --- Assessment of outcome (Medical care) --- Outcome evaluation (Medical care) --- Outcome measures (Medical care) --- Outcomes assessment (Medical care) --- Outcomes measurement (Medical care) --- Outcomes research (Medical care) --- Patient outcome assessment --- Assessment of function of people with disabilities --- Functional assessment of people with disabilities --- Functional assessment. --- Development. --- Assessment of function --- Disabled Children --- Disability Evaluation --- Developmental Disabilities --- International Classification of Diseases --- ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) --- Developmental psychology --- Orthopedagogics --- kinderen met een beperking --- Social policy and particular groups --- Paediatrics --- Ontwikkelingsproblemen --- Internationale Classificatie voor het menselijk Functioneren --- Eligibility Determination --- Rehabilitation --- Workers' Compensation --- International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health --- Function tests (Medicine) --- Medical rehabilitation --- Psychological tests --- Child development --- Medical care --- Development --- Functional assessment --- Evaluation --- ICD-10 Procedure Coding System --- ICD-10-PCS --- ICD-11 --- ICD 10 Procedure Coding System --- Ontwikkelingsprobleem --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- International Classification of Disease --- Disease International Classification --- Disease International Classifications --- Developmentally disabled children --- Children with developmental disabilities --- Child development deviations --- Child study --- Children --- Development, Child --- Developmental biology --- Health and hygiene --- Testing.

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