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Le piéton dans la ville : l'espace public partagé = Walking in the city : sharing public space : Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Lausanne, London, Lyon, Paris, Wien
Authors: ---
ISSN: 21010994 ISBN: 9782863642283 2863642286 Year: 2011 Publisher: Marseille : Parenthèses,

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Si l'automobile, puis les transports en commun ont longtemps été privilégiés par les politiques de mobilité des grandes villes européennes, la marche se trouve aujourd'hui au coeur des réflexions, comme réponse aux enjeux du développement durable. Elle s'impose en effet dans son rapport aux autres modes de déplacement, facilite l'accessibilité et relie l'ensemble des activités qu'offre la ville : consommation, travail, loisirs, culture, détente... L'enjeu des villes est non seulement de faire cohabiter les divers modes de déplacement dans l'espace public, mais aussi de relier les différents types d'usages et d'usagers. Les cas de Paris, Lyon, Amsterdam, Londres, Copenhague, Lausanne et Vienne sont ici analysés. Quel est le contexte spécifique de chacune de ces villes ? Quelles stratégies de partage développent-elles ? Quelles innovations conceptuelles et technologiques associent-elles à ces pratiques ? L'ouvrage éclaire la façon dont le piéton trouve sa place dans le processus de rééquilibrage de l'espace public et comment la lenteur peut représenter une culture garante d'une certaine qualité de vie.

Public spaces, public life
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8774071874 9788774071877 Year: 1996 Publisher: Copenhagen : Danish architectural press,

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A handbook on how to create human qualities in the city comparing European cities in general to what is obtained in Copenhagen. A metod of assessing urban quality and a thorough insight into how people use urban spaces.

Au-delà du Pentagone: le centre-ville métropolitain de Bruxelles
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789057189951 9782800417233 905718995X 2800417234 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bruxelles VUB Press

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Maakt de Brusselse binnenstad komaf met Koning Auto? Tussen 2015 en 2020 kreeg het stadscentrum haar eerste grote voetgangerszone, een van de grootste stadsprojecten van de afgelopen decennia. De centrale verkeersweg tussen het Fontainasplein en het De Brouckèreplein werd autovrij. Er kwam nieuwe publieke ruimte, groen, zitbanken en verlichting, maar ook nieuwe toegangen tot drie ondergrondse metrostations, twee fietsenstallingen en andere voorzieningen. Kan de binnenstad in breder kader dan de historische stadskern worden begrepen en zo het centrum van de Brusselse metropool worden waarin iedereen zich thuis voelt? Dit boek vat in woord en beeld én met concrete voorbeelden het onderzoek samen van vier jaar Brussels Centre Observatory (BCO). Het BCO is een kennis- en uitwisselingsplatform van 50 onderzoekers dat opgericht werd in 2015 binnen het Brussels Studies Institute met de steun van Stad Brussel. Dit onderzoek kwam tot stand dankzij de steun van Innoviris, Brussel Mobiliteit,, het Forum des Vies Mobiles, het FNRS en de VGC, en met de medewerking van heel wat partners waaronder BOZAR, de Brusselse bouwmeester, de Brussels Academy, Architecture Workroom Brussels, en de stadsorganisaties BRAL, Atelier Groot Eiland, Welkom op de Kleine Ring en vele anderen. Sinds 2012 draagt het werk van het Brussels Studies Institute, het onderzoeksplatform over Brussel tussen 5 universiteiten (ULB, VUB, USL-B, UCL & KU Leuven), bij tot meer geïntegreerde, multi-perspectieve kennis over Brussel door onderzoekers en experts met uiteenlopende profielen samen te laten kijken naar grootstedelijke uitdagingen. Het BSI hecht veel belang aan de brede verspreiding van die resultaten, hun valorisatie en het debat daaromtrent. Deze publicatiereeks is één van de communicatiekanalen om het resultaat van dat werk ter beschikking te stellen van wie geïnteresseerd is in Brussel.

Marche et espace urbain de l'Antiquite à nos jours
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782804701543 2804701549 Year: 2013 Volume: 1 Publisher: Bruxelles : Faculté d'architecture La Cambre-Horta / ULB, Mardaga,

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Au croisement entre réflexion théorique et enjeux concrets, la revue annuelle CLARA Architecture/Recherche est une vitrine du travail des chercheurs associés au Centre des Laboratoires Associés pour la Recherche en Architecture de la faculté d’architecture de l’Université libre de Bruxelles, mais surtout un lieu de partage entre la Faculté et ceux qui pensent, écrivent, construisent ailleurs. L’ambition de la revue est à la fois d’aborder des thématiques qui correspondent à des enjeux concrets tout en prenant le recul nécessaire à une analyse globale. Ce premier dossier thématique mélange les genres et les disciplines de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Ces articles scientifiques s’accompagnent d’autres formes d’écriture propres au champ architectural et urbain opérationnel.

How to study public life
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1610914236 9781610914239 9781610915250 1597264458 1610915259 9781597264457 Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, DC

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How do we accommodate a growing urban population in a way that is sustainable, equitable, and inviting? This question is becoming increasingly urgent to answer as we face diminishing fossil-fuel resources and the effects of a changing climate while global cities continue to compete to be the most vibrant centers of culture, knowledge, and finance. Jan Gehl has been examining this question since the 1960s, when few urban designers or planners were thinking about designing cities for people. But given the unpredictable, complex and ephemeral nature of life in cities, how can we best design public infrastructure—vital to cities for getting from place to place, or staying in place—for human use? Studying city life and understanding the factors that encourage or discourage use is the key to designing inviting public space. In How to Study Public Life Jan Gehl and Birgitte Svarre draw from their combined experience of over 50 years to provide a history of public-life study as well as methods and tools necessary to recapture city life as an important planning dimension. This type of systematic study began in earnest in the 1960s, when several researchers and journalists on different continents criticized urban planning for having forgotten life in the city. City life studies provide knowledge about human behavior in the built environment in an attempt to put it on an equal footing with knowledge about urban elements such as buildings and transport systems. Studies can be used as input in the decision-making process,  as part of overall planning, or in designing individual projects such as streets, squares or parks. The original goal is still the goal today: to recapture city life as an important planning dimension. Anyone interested in improving city life will find inspiration, tools, and examples in this invaluable guide.


City planning --- Public spaces --- 316.334.56 --- 711.4 --- 711.61 --- 711.6 --- 711.73 --- 711.7 --- 711.13 --- 711.4(A) --- 711.558 --- Openbare plaatsen en stedelijkheid ; sociale aspecten --- Publieke ruimte ; sociale projecten ; participatie --- Stedenbouw ; openbare plaatsen ; parken ; straten ; pleinen --- Public places --- Social areas --- Urban public spaces --- Urban spaces --- Cities and towns --- Civic planning --- Land use, Urban --- Model cities --- Redevelopment, Urban --- Slum clearance --- Town planning --- Urban design --- Urban development --- Urban planning --- Land use --- Planning --- Art, Municipal --- Civic improvement --- Regional planning --- Urban policy --- Urban renewal --- Social aspects --- Urbane sociologie --- Stedenbouw --- Openbare ruimte --- Publieke ruimte --- Stadsplanning --- Straten --- Mobiliteit --- Verkeer (planologie) --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; sociale geografie ; socio-economische aspecten ; stadsgeografie --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; denken over de stedenbouw --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; recreatieterreinen --- Government policy --- Management --- City Planning --- Circulation urbaine --- Méthodologie du projet --- Piéton --- Espace public --- Sociologie urbaine --- Espaces publics --- Territorialité humaine --- City planning. --- Social aspects. --- public spaces --- Environmental planning --- stadsontwikkeling --- urban planning --- Social geography --- human geography --- Territorialité humaine. --- Environmental sciences. --- Design and construction. --- Architecture. --- Urban Ecology. --- Environment, general. --- Design, general. --- Building Types and Functions. --- Urban ecology --- Urban environment --- Social ecology --- Sociology, Urban --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Environmental science --- Science --- Environmental aspects --- Design and construction --- Sociologie urbaine. --- Espaces publics. --- PXL-Business 2020 --- verkeerskunde --- mobiliteit --- verkeersvraagstuk --- Environment. --- Design. --- Buildings. --- Urban ecology (Biology). --- City ecology (Biology) --- Ecology --- Edifices --- Halls --- Structures --- Architecture --- Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) --- Balance of nature --- Biology --- Bionomics --- Ecological processes --- Ecological science --- Ecological sciences --- Environment --- Environmental biology --- Oecology --- Environmental sciences --- Population biology --- Public spaces - Social aspects --- Built environment

The High line : foreseen, unforeseen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780714871004 0714871001 9781838660772 1838660771 Year: 2015 Publisher: London : Phaidon Press,

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The first-hand, behind-the-scenes account of the creative inspiration behind the High Line, the transformative public 'park in the sky' that has reshaped global perceptions of urban space - and become one of the most beloved and visited destinations in New York City. The first full documentation that visually charts the journey of this global landmark from the designer's point of view. Hundreds of illustrations showcase every aspect of the project and its unforeseen influence in its entirety. Includes previously unpublished archival materials such as the drawings behind the original proposal and exclusive images of construction. The book mirrors the architecture and composition of the park through its large landscape format with foldouts, surprising packaging and inserts. More than a visual masterpiece - its seven chapters are well-organized, legible, comprehensive and accessible. Detailed, obsessive, quirky, compelling, and beautiful, the book captures the essence of the High Line. THE book for design enthusiasts including architects, landscape designers and urban planners - as well as for general-interest lovers of New York City, culture, art, gardens, and city life. [Publisher]


land use --- urban parks --- public art --- Economic geography --- elevated railroads --- Environmental planning --- landscape gardening --- Architecture --- urban planning --- High Line [New York, N.Y.] --- New York City --- High Line (New York, N.Y. : Park) --- New York- Manhattan. --- Urban parks --- Land use --- City planning --- Railroads, Elevated --- Remodeling for other use --- Parcs --- Voies ferrées --- New York (N.Y.) --- 712.25 --- 712.07 --- 712.039 --- 72.07 --- Parkaanleg ; New York ; 2004-2011 ; de HIgh Line --- Stedenbouw ; herbestemming ; New York ; oude spoorweglijn wordt stadspark --- Openbaar groen ; New York ; 21ste eeuw ; High Line Park --- High Line Park --- Diller & Scofidio + Renfro --- James Corner Field Operations --- Oudolf, Piet °1944 --- Elevated railroads --- Local transit --- Street-railroads --- Land --- Land utilization --- Use of land --- Utilization of land --- Economics --- Land cover --- Landscape assessment --- NIMBY syndrome --- Central city parks --- City parks --- Municipal parks --- Parks --- Public spaces --- Remodeling for other use. --- Landschaps- en tuinarchitectuur ; vormgeving openbare groenvoorziening --- Landschaps- en tuinarchitectuur ; tuin- en landschapsarchitecten (A - Z) --- Landschaps- en tuinarchitectuur ; 2000 - 2050 --- Architecten. Stedenbouwkundigen A - Z --- Voies ferrées. --- Parc urbain --- Reconversion de site --- Friche urbaine --- Piéton --- Diller scofidio + renfro --- New york --- Cities and towns --- Civic planning --- Land use, Urban --- Model cities --- Redevelopment, Urban --- Slum clearance --- Town planning --- Urban design --- Urban development --- Urban planning --- Planning --- Art, Municipal --- Civic improvement --- Regional planning --- Urban policy --- Urban renewal --- Government policy --- Management --- Urban parks - New York (State) - New York --- Land use - New York (State) - New York --- City planning - New York (State) - New York --- Railroads, Elevated - Remodeling for other use --- Voies ferrées.

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