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ISBN: 9789046547427 9046547426 Year: 2012 Volume: *200 Publisher: Mechelen Kluwer

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De factuur speelt in het handelsverkeer een onmisbare rol. Gelet op haar bijzonder bewijswaarde tussen handelaren vervult zij een eerste rangs rol als contractueel document. Dit belang is nog toegenomen sinds de Wet Betalingsachterstand. Twintig jaar na het verschijnen van de eerste editie van dit standaardwerk [deze 'klassieker'] was een grondige herwerking noodzakelijk.In dit boek wordt de factuur in al haar aspecten besproken (bewijsfunctie, algemene voorwaarden, bevoegdheidsclausules, taalwetgeving, marktpraktijken, consumentenrecht, endossement enz.). Kortom dit boek is een onmisbaar werkinstrument voor iedere praktijkjurist en is het referentierecht bij uitstek voor de materie.Bron :


Facture --- --Factuur. --- Handelsrecht. --- 347.74 <493> --- Academic collection --- Comptabilité --- Facturation --- Droit commercial --- factuur --- 347.751.0 --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- U27 - Droit comptable - Boekhoudrecht --- 347.74 --- facturatie --- 347.74 <493> Handelsovereenkomsten. Wissels. Mandaat tot betaling. Assignaties--België --- Handelsovereenkomsten. Wissels. Mandaat tot betaling. Assignaties--België --- Boekhouding --- Facturering --- Handelsrecht --- facture --- Verkoop. Afstand. Aankoop (algemeenheden) --- handelsovereenkomsten --- facturen --- Tax law --- Commercial law. Economic law (general) --- Belgium --- Invoices --- Commercial law --- Handbooks, vade-mecums, etc. --- Factuur. --- --347.74 <493> --- Facturatie --- Handel --- Wetgeving --- Financieel recht --- Fiscaliteit --- Factures --- Evidence (Law) --- Preuve (Droit) --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- prawo handlowe --- kauppaoikeus --- commercial law --- drept comercial --- diritto commerciale --- obchodní právo --- kereskedelmi jog --- obchodné právo --- dritt kummerċjali --- трговско право --- handelsrecht --- direito comercial --- äriõigus --- komercinė teisė --- търговско право --- e drejta tregtare --- komerctiesības --- Derecho mercantil --- трговинско право --- trgovačko pravo --- handelsret --- handelsrätt --- εμπορικό δίκαιο --- trgovinsko pravo --- комерцијално право --- kauppalainsäädäntö --- legjislacion tregtar --- стопанско право --- kereskedelmi törvénykönyv --- Handelsgesetzgebung --- handelswetgeving --- Derecho comercial --- legislación comercial --- legislazione commerciale --- legislação comercial --- législation commerciale --- trgovinsko zakonodavstvo --- Handelsgesetzbuch --- affärsrätt --- prekybos teisė --- kaubandusõigus --- obchodná legislatíva --- legislație comercială --- äriseadusandlus --- komercdarbības likumdošana --- εμπορική νομοθεσία --- commercial legislation --- prekybos įstatymai --- obchodní legislativa --- handelslovgivning --- invoicing --- fatturazione --- fakturácia --- fakturiranje --- laskutus --- facturering --- τιμολόγηση --- facturare --- фактурисање --- фактуриране --- faktura --- arveldus --- Fakturierung --- sąskaitos faktūros pateikimas --- fakturace --- izstavljanje računov --- fakturering --- faturim --- фактурирање --- faktūrrēķina izrakstīšana --- facturación --- faturação --- számlázás --- fatturar --- faktuurarve --- räkning --- факторинг --- faktorings --- fatura --- affacturage --- Rechnung --- fattura --- factura --- faturë --- Factoring --- Ausfertigung einer Rechnung --- faktoring --- претфактура --- faktuur --- fakturování --- factură --- κατάρτιση τιμολογίου --- faktúra --- провизорна фактура --- factoring --- lasku --- sąskaitos faktūros išdavimas --- испостављање рачуна --- gestión de cobros --- invoice --- профактура --- descuento de facturas --- faktooring --- faktūrrēķins --- arve --- arvemüük --- Rechnungsausstellung --- számla kiállítása --- sąskaita faktūra --- facturação --- účtovníctvo --- kontabilità --- λογιστική --- grāmatvedība --- számvitel --- raamatupidamine --- kontabilitet --- contabilità --- contabilitate --- računovodstvo --- regnskabsvæsen --- kirjanpito --- accounting --- Buchführung --- účetnictví --- apskaita --- счетоводство --- рачуноводство --- contabilidade --- rachunkowość --- boekhouding --- cuntasaíocht --- сметководство --- bokföring --- contabilidad --- Buchhaltung --- Rechnungsführung --- Rechnungswesen --- comptabilité analytique --- könyvvezetés --- аналитичко конто --- аналитичка картица --- vzájemné zúčtování --- raamatupidamise arvestus --- водење деловни книги --- Betriebsbuchhaltung --- kalkulatorische Buchhaltung --- analytische boekhouding --- contabilidade analítica --- составување финансиски извештаи --- piano dei conti --- книговодство --- könyvvitel --- účetní evidence --- kostnadsbokföring --- методско и аналитичко работење --- raamatupidamisarvestus --- Juridische aspecten : Economisch en financieel recht --- Aspects juridiques : Droit économique et financier --- --Facturatie --- dlí tráchtála --- sonrascadh --- Belgique --- Comptabilité --- droit commercial --- facturation

Contrats spéciaux
ISBN: 9782807208797 2807208797 Year: 2022 Publisher: Anthemis

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Le droit des contrats spéciaux allie tradition et modernité. La tradition réside dans des contrats fort anciens qui sont régis par des dispositions millénaires. La modernité montre la façon dont ces textes sont appliqués aujourd’hui dans des hypothèses que les juristes romains n’auraient pu imaginer ; c’est ce qu’illustre excellemment l’étude de jurisprudence de Benoît Kohl et de Marie Lansmans consacrée au contrat de dépôt. Par ailleurs, Alexandre Rigolet se penche sur les dernières actualités en matière de convention de transaction. Les aspects de droit du crédit sont également à l’ordre du jour. Le cautionnement, contrat plein d’embûches, est analysé par André-Pierre André-Dumont. Toujours en droit du crédit, l’affacturage a pris une place importante dans la vie des affaires. Il est abordé par Denis Philippe et agrémenté de développements récents en matière de cession de créances.


Dépôt (droit) --- Transaction (droit) --- Cautionnement --- Affacturage --- Droit international privé --- Cession de créance --- Belgique. --- Deposits (Law) --- Compromise (Law) --- Suretyship and guaranty --- Factoring (Finance) --- Dépôt (Droit) --- Transaction (Droit) --- Droit --- BPB9999 --- BPB9999. --- BPB2206 --- code civil --- Belgique --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- Zivilgesetzbuch --- kodi civil --- burgerlijk wetboek --- občiansky zákonník --- polgári törvénykönyv --- kodiċi ċivili --- borgerlig lovbog --- граждански кодекс --- αστικός κώδικας --- civilinis kodeksas --- codice civile --- cód sibhialta --- građanski zakonik --- Código civil --- грађански законик --- civilkodekss --- civil code --- Código Civil --- siviilioikeuslakikirja --- civilni zakonik --- civilrättslig lagsamling --- občanský zákoník --- kodeks cywilny --- cod civil --- tsiviilseadustik --- граѓански законик --- tsiviilkoodeks --- законик за граѓанска постапка --- кодификација на граѓанското право --- Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch --- Contrats (droit) --- contrat --- avtal --- zmluva --- договор --- leping --- ugovor --- līgums --- kontratë --- sopimus --- kontrakt --- umowa cywilna --- pogodba --- conradh --- szerződés --- sutartis --- Vertrag des bürgerlichen Rechts --- contract --- kuntratt --- contrato --- smlouva --- уговор --- σύμβαση --- contratto --- zaključivanje ugovora --- lepinguline kokkulepe --- sopimuksen tekeminen --- e drejtë kontraktuale --- lepinguline kohustus --- angazhim kontraktual --- e drejtë e kontratave --- assinatura de contrato --- līgumsaistības --- afsluiten van een contract --- conclusion de contrat --- склучување на договор --- συμφωνία --- ugovorna obaveza --- angajament contractual --- szerződéskötés --- договорно право --- kontrakts --- verplichting --- ondertekening van een contract --- līgumattiecības --- sopimusperusteisuus --- договорна обврска --- Vertragsunterzeichnung --- overenskomst --- vertragliche Verpflichtung --- law of contract --- Vereinbarung des bürgerlichen Rechts --- līgumtiesības --- uzatvorenie zmluvy --- firma di un contratto --- contractual commitment --- Vertragsabschluss --- compromiso --- úmluva --- szerződéses kötelezettség --- forpligtelse --- droit des contrats --- aftaleret --- szerződések joga --- sutartinė prievolė --- conclusión de contrato --- συμβόλαιο --- diritto contrattuale --- lepinguõigus --- раскинување на договор --- zmluvná dohoda --- sutarčių teisė --- tecknande av kontrakt --- indgåelse af kontrakt --- contractual agreement --- signature de contrat --- bindende tilsagn --- slutande av avtal --- smluvní právo --- līguma slēgšana --- Vetragsrecht --- склучување договор --- stipulazione di un contratto --- zmluvný záväzok --- direito dos contratos --- contract law --- conclusão de contrato --- δίκαιο των συμβάσεων --- szerződés megkötése --- conclusion of a contract --- contractrecht --- ugovorno pravo --- susitarimas dėl sutarties --- sopimusoikeudet --- marrëveshje kontraktuale --- compromisso --- σύναψη συμβάσεως --- uzavření smlouvy --- firma de contrato --- υπογραφή συμβάσεως --- dohoda --- lepingu sõlmimine --- δέσμευση --- sutarties sudarymas --- avtalsrätt --- Derecho contractual --- szerződéses megállapodás --- sopimusvelvoite --- përfundim i një kontrate --- droit civil --- garantie --- facturation --- invoicing --- fatturazione --- fakturácia --- fakturiranje --- laskutus --- facturering --- τιμολόγηση --- facturare --- фактурисање --- фактуриране --- faktura --- arveldus --- Fakturierung --- sąskaitos faktūros pateikimas --- fakturace --- sonrascadh --- izstavljanje računov --- fakturering --- faturim --- фактурирање --- faktūrrēķina izrakstīšana --- facturación --- faturação --- számlázás --- fatturar --- faktuurarve --- räkning --- факторинг --- faktorings --- fatura --- affacturage --- Rechnung --- fattura --- factura --- faturë --- Factoring --- Ausfertigung einer Rechnung --- faktoring --- претфактура --- faktuur --- facture --- fakturování --- factură --- κατάρτιση τιμολογίου --- faktúra --- провизорна фактура --- factoring --- lasku --- sąskaitos faktūros išdavimas --- испостављање рачуна --- gestión de cobros --- invoice --- профактура --- descuento de facturas --- faktooring --- faktūrrēķins --- arve --- arvemüük --- Rechnungsausstellung --- számla kiállítása --- sąskaita faktūra --- facturação --- factuur --- građansko pravo --- Bürgerliches Recht --- an dlí sibhialta --- civilrätt --- e drejtë civile --- občianske právo --- drept civil --- гражданско право --- prawo cywilne --- граѓанско право --- civilno pravo --- tsiviilõigus --- грађанско право --- siviilioikeus --- polgári jog --- civillikums --- αστικό δίκαιο --- diritto civile --- dritt ċivili --- civil law --- civilinė teisė --- Derecho civil --- burgerlijk recht --- občanské právo --- direito civil --- civilret --- gemeen recht --- ligj i shkruar --- имотноправни односи --- borgerlig ret --- tavanomainen oikeus --- Zivilrecht --- civilní právo --- üldõigus --- ligj i zakonshëm --- allgemeines Recht --- предметно право --- diritto comune --- drept comun --- Derecho común --- Κοινό Δίκαιο --- облигациски односи --- ordinary law --- všeobecné právo --- civiltiesības --- allmän rätt --- droit commun --- direito comum --- statutory law --- įprastinė teisė --- ráthaíocht --- garantija --- гаранция --- garanti --- tagatis --- záruka --- garanzia --- biztosíték --- Bürgschaft --- гаранција --- säkerhet --- garantia --- garanzija --- gwarancja --- garanție --- εγγύηση --- takuu --- jamstvo --- garanci --- јемство --- garantía --- poroštvo --- guarantee --- fiducia --- pledge --- zalog --- óvadék --- borgen --- kautionering --- cauzione --- pantti --- Sicherheitsleistung --- fianza --- vinkulácia --- Pfand --- borgtocht --- dorëzani --- avallo --- Sicherheit --- caution --- kaution --- caução --- kaució --- fiança --- pand --- garancia --- saistību nodrošinājums --- caución --- sikkerhedsstillelse --- vakuus --- záruční smlouva --- kaucija --- Garantie --- borgenssumma --- galvojums --- залог --- drošības nauda --- kautionsstillelse --- fideiussione --- retlig sikkerhed --- kezesség --- garantias --- bail --- užstatas --- zálog --- ķīla --- cautionnement --- garantidisposition --- penhor --- aval --- fiduciarisk retshandel --- pant --- garantistillelse --- zástava --- kautsjon --- jistota --- pegno --- ručení --- sikkerhed --- įkeitimas --- kaucia --- rechtszekerheid --- Kaution --- deposito cauzionale --- gage --- gaj --- покритие --- Dépôt (droit) --- Droit international privé --- Cession de créance

Recht & elektronische handel
ISBN: 9789400012950 9400012950 Year: 2021 Publisher: Antwerpen : Intersentia,

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Het boek behandelt elke juridisch relevante fase in de cyclus van elektronische handel. Eerst wordt er ingegaan op de juridische aandachtspunten bij het opzetten van een online handel, zoals de registratie van een domeinnaam, het deponeren van een merk en het sluiten van contracten met dienstverleners voor bijvoorbeeld hosting en ontwikkeling van de website. Ook wordt er meer in detail ingegaan op een specifiek ICT-contract, namelijk het cloudcomputingcontract.Vervolgens behandelen de auteurs de juridische vragen rond het uitbaten van een elektronische handelszaak, van het online bestelproces tot het elektronisch betalen en de facturatie. Vanzelfsprekend wordt de nodige aandacht besteed aan online reclame en de verwerking van persoonsgegevens.Er wordt tevens ingegaan op de fiscale aandachtspunten rond elektronische handel. Zowel directe als indirecte belastingvragen komen aan bod. In een laatste deel wordt er ten slotte stilgestaan bij de problematiek van mogelijke geschillen en aansprakelijkheidsclaims, waarbij aandacht wordt besteed aan toepasselijk recht en de trend van online geschillenbeslechting. Ten slotte werpen de auteurs alvast een blik in de toekomst met de nakende regulering van artificiële intelligentie.


Commercial law --- Computer. Automation --- cloud computing --- handelsrecht --- internet --- intellectueel eigendomsrecht --- e-commerce --- Belgium --- BPB2106 --- 150 Economisch recht en handelsrecht --- internetadres --- provider --- facturering --- reclame --- eerbiediging van het privé-leven --- belasting --- aansprakelijkheidsvordering --- kártérítés iránti kereset --- civil liability proceedings --- постапка за утврдување граѓанска одговорност --- skadeståndstalan --- byla dėl civilinės atsakomybės --- vahingonkorvausmenettely --- kahju hüvitamise nõude menetlus --- tiesvedība civiltiesiskās atbildības lietā --- αγωγή αποζημίωσης --- imeachtaí dliteanais shibhialta --- tožba na ugotovitev civilne odgovornosti --- powództwo w sprawie odpowiedzialności --- претенция за обезвреда --- ação de responsabilidade civil --- acción por responsabilidad --- çështje për përgjegjësinë civile --- тужба за утврђивање грађанскоправне одговорности --- Haftungsklage --- proċedimenti dwar responsabilità ċivili --- erstatningssager --- procedură de stabilire a răspunderii civile --- tužba za utvrđivanje građanskopravne odgovornosti --- azione per accertamento della responsabilità --- action en responsabilité --- konanie o občianskoprávnu zodpovednosť --- žaloba na občanskoprávní odpovědnost --- барање за надомест на штета --- kahju hüvitamise hagi --- vahingonkorvausta koskeva kanne --- prasība par kaitējuma atlīdzināšanu --- azione per risarcimento --- tužba za naknadu štete --- Schadensersatzklage --- kártérítési kereset --- pretendim për dëmshpërblim --- prasība atlīdzināt zaudējumus --- тужба за надомест на штета --- реална штета --- polgári jogi felelősség megállapítása iránti kereset --- prasība par zaudējumu atlīdzināšanu --- action en dommages et intérêts --- загубена добивка --- plângere pentru daune --- постапка за надомест на штета --- nárok na náhradu škody --- acção de responsabilidade civil --- acțiune civilă pentru recuperarea unui prejudiciu --- acción por daños y perjuicios --- skadeståndsanspråk --- vordering tot schadevergoeding --- odštetni zahtjev --- kahju hüvitamise nõue --- žaloba o odškodnenie --- αγωγή αναγνώρισης ευθύνης --- квалификувана штета --- action for damages --- барање оштета --- vahingonkorvausvaatimus --- claim for damages --- ieškinys dėl nuostolių atlyginimo --- skatt --- tatim --- данок --- cáin --- porez --- nodoklis --- данък --- imposta (tassa) --- mokestis --- tax --- daň --- imposto --- impozit --- φόρος --- порез --- impuesto --- taxxa --- skat --- podatek --- vero --- Steuer --- adó --- maks --- impôt --- davek --- apmokestinimo norma --- Abgabe --- даночна стапка --- skattesats --- aliquota d'imposizione --- јавна давачка --- miera zdanenia --- maksumäär --- taxa fiscal --- tipo de gravamen --- verokanta --- az adózás mértéke --- porezna stopa --- gravamen fiscal --- finansiel ordning --- taxe fiscale --- maksustamismäär --- Steuersatz --- daňová sazba --- оданочување --- taxa de imposição --- fiskal avgift --- beskatningsprocent --- tasa --- taux d'imposition --- adómérték --- cotă de impozitare --- sadzba dane --- tasso d'imposizione --- φορολογικά τέλη --- Steuerschuld --- míra zdanění --- φορολογικός συντελεστής --- canone fiscale --- belastingtarief --- contribución --- rate of taxation --- fiscale retributie --- shkallë e tatimit --- illeték --- imposta --- belastingschijf --- tarifa impositiva --- veroprosentti --- tipo impositivo --- nodokļa likme --- imposizione fiscale --- járulék --- shkallë tatimore --- tax rate --- taxă fiscală --- mokesčio norma --- tributo --- privatumo apsauga --- beskyttelse af privatlivet --- varstvo zasebnosti --- eraelu puutumatuse kaitse --- Schutz der Privatsphäre --- заштита на приватноста --- protezione della vita privata --- заштита приватности --- ochrana soukromí --- proteção da vida privada --- protection of privacy --- privatlivets helgd --- privātās dzīves aizsardzība --- protección de la vida privada --- προστασία της ιδιωτικής ζωής --- a magánélet védelme --- ochrana súkromia --- prawo do prywatności --- неприкосновеност на частен живот --- yksityisyyden suoja --- mbrojtja e jetës private --- zaštita privatnosti --- protezzjoni tal-privatezza --- cosaint príobháideachais --- protection de la vie privée --- protecția vieții private --- Recht auf Respektierung der Privatsphäre --- тајност на писмата --- teisė į privatumą --- diritto della vita privata --- derecho a la intimidad --- tutela della vita privata --- a magán- és családi élet tiszteletben tartásához való jog --- právo na súkromie --- ochrana soukromého a rodinného života --- recht op privacy --- δικαίωμα σεβασμού της ιδιωτικής ζωής --- dreptul la respectatrea viații private --- õigus eraelu puutumatusele --- ret til privatliv --- right to privacy --- rätt till privatliv --- direito ao respeito da vida privada --- tiesības uz privāto dzīvi --- pravo na privatnost --- oikeus yksityisyyteen --- e drejtë për jetë private --- интегритет на личноста --- право на приватност --- právo na soukromí --- protecção da vida privada --- recht op privé-leven --- droit au respect de la vie privée --- derecho al honor --- rispetto della vita privata --- reklám --- reklamar --- reklame --- διαφήμιση --- publicité --- mainonta --- publicidade --- рекламирање --- reklama --- pubblicità --- огласување --- reklamavimas --- publicitet --- reklaam --- oglaševanje --- propagace --- reklam --- advertising --- publicitate --- oglašavanje --- fógraíocht --- publicidad --- reklāma --- реклама --- Werbung --- campanie publicitară --- reklamos kampanija --- пропагандна порака --- réclame --- reklāmas kampaņa --- reklamní kampaň --- mainoskampanja --- publiciteit --- διαφημιστική πληροφόρηση --- publicidad comercial --- publicidade comercial --- advertising campaign --- Werbeinformation --- hospodářská reklama --- reklamná kampaň --- lancio pubblicitario --- informação publicitária --- kommerciel reklame --- kommersiell reklam --- annoncekampagne --- reklamna kampanja --- annuncio pubblicitario --- Werbekampagne --- campanha publicitária --- campagna pubblicitaria --- reclameactie --- διαφημιστική προώθηση --- reklamiranje --- Werbefeldzug --- Reklame --- reklama (produkt) --- informazione pubblicitaria --- reklamní akce --- Werbeanzeige --- publicité commerciale --- commerciële reclame --- reklamekampagne --- reklamní inzerce --- advertisement --- manifesti --- propaganda publicitaria --- information publicitaire --- reklaamimine --- fushatë reklamash --- información publicitaria --- kereskedelmi hirdetés --- inzerce --- Werbeaktion --- ЕПП --- reklameinformation --- oglas --- advertentie --- reklamkampanj --- reclamecampagne --- pubblicità commerciale --- оглас --- reklaamikampaania --- campagne publicitaire --- mainos --- reclamă --- annonsering --- Wirtschaftswerbung --- campaña publicitaria --- reklamë --- εμπορική προβολή --- reklamní informace --- invoicing --- fatturazione --- fakturácia --- fakturiranje --- laskutus --- facturation --- τιμολόγηση --- facturare --- фактурисање --- фактуриране --- faktura --- arveldus --- Fakturierung --- sąskaitos faktūros pateikimas --- fakturace --- sonrascadh --- izstavljanje računov --- fakturering --- faturim --- фактурирање --- faktūrrēķina izrakstīšana --- facturación --- faturação --- számlázás --- fatturar --- faktuurarve --- räkning --- факторинг --- faktorings --- fatura --- affacturage --- Rechnung --- fattura --- factura --- faturë --- Factoring --- Ausfertigung einer Rechnung --- faktoring --- претфактура --- faktuur --- facture --- fakturování --- factură --- κατάρτιση τιμολογίου --- faktúra --- провизорна фактура --- factoring --- lasku --- sąskaitos faktūros išdavimas --- испостављање рачуна --- gestión de cobros --- invoice --- профактура --- descuento de facturas --- faktooring --- faktūrrēķins --- arve --- arvemüük --- Rechnungsausstellung --- számla kiállítása --- sąskaita faktūra --- facturação --- factuur --- давалац приступа на интернет --- dostawca usług internetowych --- soláthraí rochtana Idirlín --- furnizor de servicii Internet --- fornecedor de acesso --- internetudbyder --- ofrues i shërbimit të internetit --- fornitore di accesso a Internet --- poskytovatel internetových služeb --- Internetleverantör --- davatelj pristupa internetu --- Internet access provider --- ponudnik dostopa do interneta --- Интернет доставчик --- Interneti-ühenduse pakkuja --- internetszolgáltató --- Internet-palveluiden tarjoaja --- poskytovateľ prístupu na internet --- interneto prieigos teikėjas --- давател на пристап до интернет --- proveedor de acceso --- interneta piekļuves sniedzējs --- fornitur tal-aċċess għall-internet --- παροχέας πρόσβασης --- fournisseur d'accès --- Internet-Provider --- ISP --- teikėjas --- ofrues interneti --- ofrues shërbimi interneti --- interneto paslaugų teikėjas --- Internet-Zugangsanbieter --- paslaugų teikėjas --- service provider --- poskytovatel přístupu na internet --- interneto teikėjas --- ofrues --- piekļuves sniedzējs --- Interneti-teenuse pakkuja --- internet service provider --- interneta pakalpojumu sniedzējs --- furnizor de Internet --- access provider --- ofrues aksesi --- Internet-Dienstanbieter --- Provider --- pakalpojumu sniedzējs --- провајдер приступа ан интернет --- internet provider --- ofrues shërbimi --- aanbieder --- szolgáltató --- prieigos teikėjas --- Интернет адрес --- endereço internet --- adresse internet --- internetcím --- internetska adresa --- indirizz tal-websajt --- Internetadress --- internetová adresa --- adresë interneti --- dirección de Internet --- interneta adrese --- indirizzo Internet --- internetadresse --- seoladh Idirlín --- διεύθυνση στο Διαδίκτυο --- Internet-osoite --- interneto adresas --- интернетска адреса --- Internetadresse --- adres internetowy --- adrese internet --- Interneti-aadress --- internetni naslov --- Internet address --- domeeninimi --- adres sieciowy --- interneta vietnes nosaukums --- URL-aadress --- domänadress --- nome del sito Internet --- sitio de Internet --- emërtim i domainit të internetit --- internetno domensko ime --- ονομασία δικτυακής θέσης --- webbadress --- adresse URL --- adresse Web --- web address --- web-adresse --- internet-domænenavn --- онлајн адреса --- Internet domain name --- endereço URL --- URL --- adres van de website --- domeinnaam voor internet --- indirizzo web --- URL-osoite --- www-osoite --- domænenavn --- tinklavietės adresas --- διεύθυνση URL --- webová adresa --- tīkla adrese --- indirizz tas-sajt --- nazwa domeny internetowej --- endereço web --- УРЛ --- URL-adresse --- internetové spojenie --- веб-адреса --- webadresse --- interneta vietne --- internetové spojení --- интернетски домен --- nombre de dominio de Internet --- διεύθυνση στο web --- nom de domaine internet --- página de Internet --- webcím --- indirizzo URL --- Globālā tīmekļa vietne --- nacionalna domena --- онлајн страница --- web adresa --- interneto domeno adresas --- Internet-aluetunnus --- URL-adress --- internetska domena --- spletni naslov --- netadresse --- nome de domínio internet --- veebiaadress --- BPB2106. --- E-books --- Commerce électronique --- Contrats électroniques --- Droit public économique --- Droit commercial --- Consommateurs --- Protection --- Belgique --- Electronic commerce --- Electronic data interchange

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