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Postfaktisches Erzahlen? : post-truth - fake news - narration
ISBN: 3110693062 3110692732 Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Gibt es ein postfaktisches Erzählen? In öffentlichen Diskursen ist derzeit häufig kritisch von einem ,postfaktischen Zeitalter' die Rede. Zugleich wächst die Sehnsucht nach neuen, ebenso glaubhaften wie visionären Narrativen, die wesentliche Grundlagen unseres sozialen, kulturellen und politischen Miteinanders in einer als krisenhaft empfundenen Umbruchsituation neu erzählen und die sich, so die Hoffnung, gegen die Lügengeschichten der Populisten durchsetzen können. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist in jüngster Zeit eine Debatte um die Bedeutung, die Funktion und den Nutzen des Konzepts des ,postfaktischen Erzählens' entstanden. Unter Rückgriff auf Theorien, Erkenntnisse und Methoden der Erzählforschung wird in den Beiträgen dieses interdisziplinären Bandes das Verhältnis des ,Post-Faktischen' zum Narrativen untersucht und zugleich eine Bestimmung der Kernbegriffe der Debatte wie ,post-faktisch' und ,post-truth', ,Wirklichkeit' und ,Wahrheit', ,Ereignisse' und ,Geschehen' sowie ,Erzählungen', ,Geschichten' und ,Narrative' angestrebt. It is often claimed in contemporary public debate that we live in a "post-factual age." This interdisciplinary volume employs the theories and methods of narrative research to investigate the relationship between the "post-factual" and narrative. It seeks to make sense of the core concepts in the debate, such as post-factual, post-truth, reality and truth, events, tales, stories, and narratives.

False alarm : the truth about political mistruths in the Trump Era
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1108688330 1108750400 1108595073 1108705928 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Americans are not invulnerable to factual information. They do not 'backfire'; facts do not make them less accurate. Instead, they become more accurate, even when corrections target co-partisans. Corrections of fake news yield similar results. Among Republicans, Trump's misstatements are less susceptible to corrections than identical misstatements attributed to other Republicans. While we do not observe facts affecting attitudes, multiple instances of misinformation can increase approval of the responsible politician - but corrections can reduce approval by similar amounts. While corrections do not eliminate false beliefs, they reduce the share of inaccurate beliefs among subjects in this study nearly in half.

How algorithms create and prevent fake news : exploring the impacts of social media, deepfakes, GPT-3, and more
ISBN: 1484271556 1484271548 Year: 2021 Publisher: New York, New York : Apress Media LLC,

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From deepfakes to GPT-3, deep learning is now powering a new assault on our ability to tell what's real and what's not, bringing a whole new algorithmic side to fake news. On the other hand, remarkable methods are being developed to help automate fact-checking and the detection of fake news and doctored media. Success in the modern business world requires you to understand these algorithmic currents, and to recognize the strengths, limits, and impacts of deep learning---especially when it comes to discerning the truth and differentiating fact from fiction. This book tells the stories of this algorithmic battle for the truth and how it impacts individuals and society at large. In doing so, it weaves together the human stories and what's at stake here, a simplified technical background on how these algorithms work, and an accessible survey of the research literature exploring these various topics. How Algorithms Create and Prevent Fake News is an accessible, broad account of the various ways that data-driven algorithms have been distorting reality and rendering the truth harder to grasp. From news aggregators to Google searches to YouTube recommendations to Facebook news feeds, the way we obtain information today is filtered through the lens of tech giant algorithms. The way data is collected, labelled, and stored has a big impact on the machine learning algorithms that are trained on it, and this is a main source of algorithmic bias which gets amplified in harmful data feedback loops. Dont be afraid: with this book youll see the remedies and technical solutions that are being applied to oppose these harmful trends. There is hope.

Combating fake news with computational intelligence techniques
ISBN: 3030900878 303090086X Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer International Publishing,

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This book presents the latest cutting-edge research, theoretical methods, and novel applications in the field of computational intelligence techniques and methods for combating fake news. Fake news is everywhere. Despite the efforts of major social network players such as Facebook and Twitter to fight disinformation, miracle cures and conspiracy theories continue to rain down on the net. Artificial intelligence can be a bulwark against the diversity of fake news on the Internet and social networks. This book discusses new models, practical solutions, and technological advances related to detecting and analyzing fake news based on computational intelligence models and techniques, to help decision-makers, managers, professionals, and researchers design new paradigms considering the unique opportunities associated with computational intelligence techniques. Further, the book helps readers understand computational intelligence techniques combating fake news in a systematic and straightforward way.

Democracy and Fake News
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1003037380 0367479559 1000286819 Year: 2020 Publisher: Routledge

Data science for fake news : surveys and perspectives
ISBN: 3030626962 3030626954 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

Conspiracy! Theorie und Geschichte des Paranoiafilms.
ISBN: 3741000752 3894729473 Year: 2020 Publisher: Schüren Verlag

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Long description: Im heutigen Zeitalter der Unsicherheit und Angst florieren konspirative Fantasien zuhauf. Verschwörungsfiktionen haben insbesondere in Film und Fernsehen Konjunktur. Im Zentrum des vorliegenden Bandes steht daher die Frage nach der medialen Konstruktion der kollektiven Imagination einer durch Verschwörung gesteuerten Welt. Dabei wird die These vertreten, dass die konspirationistische Fantasie als imaginäre Lösung und Reaktion auf die postmoderne Zersplitterung des Wissens zu begreifen ist, nachdem Jean-François Lyotard das Ende der “großen Erzählungen” der Moderne von Fortschritt und Emanzipation deklarierte. Gleichsam als Kompensation für diesen Sinnverlust bietet die konspirationistische Imagination neue, große Erzählungen an, nun freilich nicht mehr als optimistische Aufklärungsteleologie, sondern als dystopisches und mitunter apokalyptisches Narrativ. In der Inszenierung konspirativer und paranoider Szenarien kommt dabei dem Spielfilm eine privilegierte Rolle zu. Für die Gruppierung von Verschwörungsthrillern, paranoiden Dramen und mind-game-Filmen mit zunehmend vergrößerter konspirativer Reichweite hat sich in der Filmwissenschaft der ursprünglich aus der Fankultur stammende Begriff des Paranoiafilms durchgesetzt. Dieses zunehmend bedeutende mediale Phänomen wird hier erstmals umfassend in Theorie und Geschichte poetologisch und hermeneutisch gewürdigt. Im theoretischen Teil des Buches stehen genretheoretische, formale, narrative und motivische Aspekte des Paranoiafilms zur Diskussion, während dazu gleichzeitig die Themen Verschwörung, Paranoia und Verschwörungstheorie besprochen und in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Im historischen Teil werden in chronologischer Abfolge vier paradigmatische Narrative untersucht: der vorwiegend psychologisch ausgerichtete Meisterverbrecherfilm der 1910er bis 1930er Jahre; die paranoiden Spielarten des Film Noir in den 1940er und 50er Jahren, unter Einbezug des postklassischen Noir der 60er Jahre; der moderne, soziologische Verschwörungsfilm der 1960er bis 80er Jahre, in dem die Konspirationen zunehmend systemisch und unsichtbar werden; und schließlich die mind-game oder mindbender genannten Filme seit den 1990er Jahren, die sich im Zeichen der Metafiktion mit ontologischen und kosmologischen Verschwörungen beschäftigen. Zentrale Topoi sind unter anderem Mind Control, “Gehirnwäsche” und Überwachung. Nicht zuletzt geht es dabei auch um eine Allegorisierung der jeweils vorherrschenden Medien und ihrer Wirkungsmacht.

Myth of 'free media' and fake news in the post-truth era
ISBN: 9353286743 9353881277 935328676X 9353287855 9353286751 Year: 2020 Publisher: Mathura Road : SAGE Publications Pvt Ltd,

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Myth of Free Media and Fake News in the Post-truth Era reveals the story of fake news hysteria and myth of free media in the post-truth world order, starting from the question of whether there has really been a truth era.The book examines how the news media is battling for relevance in the age of Internet. It shows how the wave of media liberalization has weakened the basic premise of Libertarian Media Function Theory, which states that the media is the Fourth Estate that protects the citizens from abuse of power by the government. It analyses how excessive commercialization of the media and the commodification of news has changed journalism globally. The book recommends a new paradigm and explains how it can be used to transform news reporting from an adversarial model to a human-centric one.

Reality bites : rhetoric and the circulation of truth claims in U.S. political culture
ISBN: 0814276067 0814213618 0814254659 Year: 2018 Publisher: Columbus, Ohio : The Ohio State University Press,

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Fake news, alternative facts, post truth-terms all too familiar to anyone in U.S. political culture and concepts at the core of Dana L. Cloud's new book, Reality Bites, which explores truth claims in contemporary political rhetoric in the face of widespread skepticism regarding the utility, ethics, and viability of an empirical standard for political truths. Cloud observes how appeals to truth often assume-mistakenly-that it is a matter of simple representation of facts. However, since neither fact-checking nor "truthiness" can respond meaningfully to this problem, she argues for a rhetorical realism-the idea that communicators can bring knowledge from particular perspectives and experiences into the domain of common sense. Through a series of case studies-including the PolitiFact fact-checking project, the Planned Parenthood "selling baby parts" scandal, the Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden cases, Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Cosmos, the rhetoric of Thomas Paine and the American Revolution, and the Black Lives Matter movement-Cloud advocates for the usefulness of narrative, myth, embodiment, affect, and spectacle in creating accountability in contemporary U.S. political rhetoric. If dominant reality "bites"-in being oppressive and exploitative-it is time, Cloud argues, for those in the reality-based community to "bite back."

Why journalism still matters
ISBN: 9781509528059 9781509528080 9781509528042 1509528083 1509528040 1509528059 1509528067 1509528083 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cambridge Polity

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Can we talk about the news media without proclaiming journalism either our savior or the source of all evil? It is not easy to do so, but it gets easier if we put the problems and prospects of journalism in historical and comparative perspective, view them with a sociological knowledge of how newsmaking operates, and see them in a political context that examines how political institutions shape news as well as how news shapes political attitudes and institutions. Adopting this approach, Michael Schudson examines news and news institutions in relation to democratic theory and practice, in relation to the economic crisis that affects so many news organizations today and in relation to recent discussions of "fake news." In contrast to those who suggest that journalism has had its day, Schudson argues that journalism has become more important than ever for liberal democracies as the keystone institution in a web of accountability for a governmental system that invites public attention, public monitoring and public participation. For the public to be swayed from positions people have already staked out, and for government officials to respond to charges that they have behaved corruptly or unconstitutionally or simply rashly and unwisely, the source of information has to come from organizations that hold themselves to the highest standards of verification, fact-checking, and independent and original research, and that is exactly what professional journalism aspires to do. This timely and important defense of journalism will be of great value to anyone concerned about the future of news and of democracy.

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