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Le Communisme à contre-modernité
ISBN: 2379241236 2903981957 Year: 2020 Publisher: Saint-Denis : Presses universitaires de Vincennes,

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Nous savons aujourd’hui ce qu’était réellement le communisme et comment il s’est propagé à travers toute la planète, mais le problème de sa signification historique demeure entier. Pourtant la tragédie qu’il a provoquée a quelque chose à nous dire sur nous-mêmes et sur le monde dans lequel nous vivons. Il s’agit ici de déchiffrer le sens de ce message : de montrer que le communisme a été la dernière ligne de défense des sociétés agraires traditionnelles face au défi de la société individualiste moderne. À ce titre, l’apparition du communisme représenterait le prix que le monde a dû payer pour passer le cap de la modernité. Mais la crise mondiale qui l’a fait naître a-t-elle pour autant disparu avec lui ?


Communisme. --- Changement (sociologie) --- Communism --- Aspect politique. --- URSS --- Soviet Union --- Politique et gouvernement --- Politics and government. --- Bolshevism --- Changement culturel --- Changement socioculturel --- Crises sociales --- Transformations sociales --- (sociologie) --- Bolchevisme --- Communisme international --- Et le communisme --- Léninisme --- Péril rouge (mythe) --- Soiouz Sovetskikh sotsialistitcheskikh respoublik --- Sojuz Sovetskih Socialističeskih Respublik --- SSSR --- Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques --- Union soviétique --- Ex-URSS --- Pays de la CEI --- Russie --- Asie --- Europe --- Politics and government --- Civilisation --- Conditions économiques --- Conditions sociales --- Histoire --- Moeurs et coutumes --- Relations extérieures --- Vie intellectuelle --- Divisions politiques et administratives --- Innovation sociale --- Différenciation sociale --- Évolution sociale --- Imitation sociale --- Progrès --- Constructivisme (sociologie) --- Décivilisation --- Diffusion de la culture --- Innovation --- Histoire sociale --- Sociologie --- histoire --- modernité --- communisme --- marxisme --- Anticommunisme --- Communautés rurales --- Totalitarisme --- Communisme et relations amoureuses --- Communisme et sports --- Communistes --- Marxisme --- Nationalisme et communisme --- Postcommunisme --- Socialisme --- Aide économique communiste --- Babouvisme --- Communisme et sionisme --- Communisme municipal --- Démocratie populaire --- Déstalinisation --- Dictature du prolétariat --- Éducation communiste --- Espionnage communiste --- Eurocommunisme --- Femmes et communisme --- Gauchisme --- Centralisme démocratique --- Leadership communiste --- Maoïsme --- Morale communiste --- Néo-babouvisme --- Partis communistes --- Procès communistes --- Propagande communiste --- Révisionnisme communiste --- Société communiste --- Stalinisme --- Communisation --- Stratégie communiste --- Syndicats et communisme --- Trotskisme --- Communisme et agriculture --- Communisme et culture --- Communisme et médias --- Communisme et relations internationales --- Communisme et religion --- Communisme et sexualité --- Collectivisme --- Idées politiques

Satellites and Commissars : Strategy and Conflict in the Politics of Soviet-Bloc Trade
ISBN: 0691044147 Year: 1996 Publisher: Princeton (N.J.) : Princeton University Press,

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Why did the Soviet Union squander the political leverage afforded by its trade subsidy to Eastern Europe? Why did Soviet officials fail to bargain with resolve, to link subsidies to salient political issues, to make credible commitments, and to monitor the satellites' policies? Using an unprecedented array of formerly secret documents housed in archives in Moscow, Warsaw, and Prague, as well as interviews with former Communist officials across Eastern Europe, Randall Stone answers these questions and others that have long vexed Western political scientists. Stone argues that trade politics revolved around the incentives created by distorted prices. The East European satellites profited by trading on the margin between prices on the Western market and those in the Soviet bloc. The Soviet Union made numerous attempts to reduce its implicit trade subsidy and increase the efficiency of the bloc, but the satellites managed consistently to outmaneuver Soviet negotiators. Stone demonstrates how the East Europeans artfully resisted Soviet objectives. Stone draws upon recent developments in bargaining and principal-agent theory, arguing that the incentives created by domestic institutions weakened Soviet bargaining strategies. In effect, he suggests, perverse incentive structures in the Soviet economy were exported into Soviet foreign policy. Furthermore, Stone argues, incentives to smother information were so deeply entrenched that they frustrated numerous attempts to reform Soviet institutions.


Trade adjustment assistance --- 815 Geschiedenis --- 830 Economie --- 831.1 Handelspolitiek --- 836 (Multi-)nationale ondernemingen --- 841 Politiek Bestel --- 841.5 Bestuur en beleid --- 884.1 Oost-Europa --- Adjustment assistance, Trade --- Domestic adjustment assistance --- Europe, Eastern --- East Europe --- Eastern Europe --- Foreign economic relations --- Foreign relations --- Commercial policy --- Economic assistance, Domestic --- Foreign trade and employment --- Manpower policy --- Subsidies --- relations internationales --- relations economiques internationales --- Aide à l'ajustement de la commercialisation --- URSS --- Europe de l'Est --- Pologne --- Hongrie --- Tchecoslovaquie --- Relations economiques exterieures --- Politique economique --- Accountability. --- Accounting. --- Adverse selection. --- Adviser. --- Balance of trade. --- Bargaining power. --- Behalf. --- Bilateral trade. --- Capitalism. --- Case study. --- Central Committee. --- Chairman. --- Comecon. --- Commodity. --- Consideration. --- Construction. --- Consumer Goods. --- Credibility. --- Currency. --- Czechoslovakia. --- Debt. --- East Germany. --- Eastern Bloc. --- Eastern Europe. --- Economic development. --- Economic integration. --- Economic planning. --- Economic policy. --- Economics. --- Economist. --- Economy of Poland. --- Economy of the Soviet Union. --- Economy. --- Employment. --- Exchange rate. --- Export. --- Foreign direct investment. --- Foreign policy. --- Gosplan. --- Government budget. --- Grand strategy. --- Hard currency. --- Ideology. --- Implementation. --- Incentive. --- Information asymmetry. --- Institution. --- International Monetary Fund. --- International relations. --- Investment. --- Iron ore. --- Joint venture. --- Liberalization. --- Market price. --- Mikhail Gorbachev. --- Multilateralism. --- Negotiation. --- Nikolai Baibakov. --- Obstacle. --- Payment. --- Perestroika. --- Perverse incentive. --- Planned economy. --- Planning Commission (India). --- Planning. --- Policy. --- Politburo. --- Politics. --- Position paper. --- Pricing. --- Principal–agent problem. --- Proclamation. --- Productive capacity. --- Quality control. --- Quantity. --- Raw material. --- Receipt. --- Regulation. --- Requirement. --- Research and development. --- Ruble. --- Scarcity. --- Second World. --- Shortage. --- Socialist economics. --- Socialist state. --- Soviet Union. --- Strategy. --- Subsidy. --- Supply (economics). --- Supply and demand. --- Tax. --- Technical progress (economics). --- Technology. --- Trade-off. --- Treaty. --- Uncertainty. --- Wojciech Jaruzelski. --- Working group. --- World economy. --- Советский Союз --- Ber. ha-M. --- Związek Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich --- ZSRR --- Związek Socjalistycznych Republik Sowieckich --- ZSRS --- Szovjetunió --- TSRS --- Tarybų Socialistinių Respublikų Sąjunga --- SRSR --- Soi︠u︡z Radi︠a︡nsʹkykh Sot︠s︡ialistychnykh Respublik --- SSSR --- Soi︠u︡z Sovetskikh Sot︠s︡ialisticheskikh Respublik --- UdSSR --- Shūravī --- Ittiḥād-i Jamāhīr-i Ishtirākīyah-i Shūrāʼīyah --- Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) --- Sovetskiy Soyuz --- Soyuz SSR --- Sovetskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- Soi︠u︡z SSR --- Uni Sovjet --- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics --- USSR --- SSṚM --- Sovetakan Sotsʻialistakan Ṛespublikaneri Miutʻyun --- SSHM --- Sovetakan Sotsʻialistakan Hanrapetutʻyunneri Miutʻyun --- Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas --- Berit ha-Moʻatsot --- Rusyah --- Ittiḥād al-Sūfiyītī --- Rusiyah --- Rusland --- Soṿet-Rusland --- Uni Soviet --- Union soviétique --- Zȯvlȯlt Kholboot Uls --- Związek Radziecki --- ESSD --- Sahaphāp Sōwīat --- KhSHM --- SSR Kavširi --- Russland --- SNTL --- PSRS --- Su-lien --- Sobhieṭ Ẏuniẏana --- FSSR --- Unione Sovietica --- Ittiḥād-i Shūravī --- Soviyat Yūniyan --- Russian S.F.S.R. --- Č.S.R. --- C.S.R.S. --- Č.S.S.R. --- Cecoslovacchia --- Ceho-Slovacia --- Čehoslovakija --- Česká a Slovenská Federatívna Republika --- Česká a Slovenská Federativní Republika --- Češkoslovaška --- Československa republika --- Československá socialistická republika --- Československo --- Checoslovaquia --- Chekhoslovakii︠a︡ --- Chekhoslovat︠s︡kai︠a︡ Sot︠s︡ialisticheskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Chieh-kʻo-ssu-lo-fa-kʻo --- Chieh-kʻo-ssu-lo-fa-kʻo she hui chu i kung ho kuo --- ChSFR --- ChSSR --- Cseh-Szlovákia --- Csehszlovákia --- ČSFR --- ČSR --- CSRS --- ČSSR --- Czech and Slovak Federal Republic --- Czecho-Slovakia --- Czechoslovak Socialist Republic --- Czechosłowacja --- Republika československa --- Tchécoslovaquie --- Tschechische Sozialistische Republik --- Tschechoslowakei --- Tsechoslobakia --- Tsechoslovakia --- Ts'ekhoslovaḳyah --- Tshīkūslūfākiyā --- Tsjechoslowakije --- Tsjekkoslovakia --- Czech Republic --- Slovakia --- Dēmokratia tēs Oungarias --- Gweriniaeth Hwngari --- Hanekeria --- Hangarī --- Hongaarse Republiek --- Hongaria --- Hongarije --- Hongarye --- Hŏnggari --- Hongria --- Honharije --- Hunakalia --- Hungara Respubliko --- Hungari --- Hungaria --- Hungariako Errepublika --- Hungarian Republic --- Hungariar Errepublika --- Hungario --- Hungarujo --- Hungaryah --- Hungría --- Hungrii --- Hwngari --- Jamhuri ya Hungaria --- Lepulika o Hungary --- Lýðveldið Ungverjaland --- Macaristan --- Macaristan Cumhuriyeti --- Macarıstan Respublikası --- Mađarska --- Mad̕arská republika --- Maďarsko --- Madi︠a︡rshchyna --- Madjaristan --- Madžarska --- Madźary --- Madzhar --- Madzhar Respublika --- Magyar Köztársaság (Republic) --- Magyar Népköztársaság --- Magyar Republic --- Magyar Tanácsköztársaság --- Magyarország (Republic) --- Majarstan Jȯmḣu̇rii︠a︡te --- Majoriston --- Mazharstan --- Mazharstan Respublikasy --- Ohorsʹka Respublika --- Ongaria --- Ongiri --- Ongria --- Oonguri --- Oungaria --- Oгорська Республіка --- Pobblaght ny h-Ungaar --- Poblacht na hUngáire --- Republic of Hungary --- República da Hungria --- República de Hungría --- República d'Hongria --- Republica d'Ongria --- Republica Ungară --- Republica Ungaria --- Republica Ungrese --- Republiek van Hongarye --- Republik bu Oonguri --- Republik Hongaria --- Republik Ungarn --- Republika e Hungarisë --- Republika Mađarska --- Republika Madžarska --- Republika ng Unggarya --- Republika Ungarija --- Republika Węgierska --- Republikang Unggaro --- Republiken Ungern --- Republikken Ungarn --- République de Hongrie --- Repúvlika de Madjaristan --- Respublica Hungarica --- Tjóðveldið Ungarn --- Tlācatlahtohcāyōtl Hungria --- Uhorshchyna --- Uhorsʹka Respublika --- Ungaar --- Ungaïa --- Ungáir --- Ungar --- Ungari --- Ungari Vabariik --- Ungaria --- Ungarii︠a︡ --- Ungārija --- Ungārijas Republika --- Ungarn --- Ungarskata republika --- Ungerija --- Ungern --- Unggarya --- Unggriya --- Ungheria --- Unghirìa --- Ungri --- Ungverjaland --- Unkari --- Unkarin tasavalta --- V.N.R. --- Vengerskai︠a︡ Narodnai︠a︡ Respublika --- Vengerskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Vengrėjė --- Vengrėjės Respoblėka --- Vengrii︠a︡ --- Vengrii︠a︡ Respublikasy --- Vengrija --- Vengrijos respublika --- Vengriya --- Vengriya Respublikasi --- Venhryi︠a︡ --- VNR --- Węgry --- Xiongyali --- Xiongyali gong he guo --- Xiongyali Gongheguo --- Ουγγαρία --- Δημοκρατία της Ουγγαρίας --- Република Унгарија --- Република Мађарска --- Унгар --- Унгарската република --- Унгария --- Унгарија --- Угорська Республіка --- Угорщина --- Мажарстан --- Мажарстан Республикасы --- Мађарска --- Мадярщина --- Маджар --- Маджар Республика --- Венгрыя --- Венгрия --- Венгрия Республикасы --- Венгерская Республика --- אונגארן --- רפובליקא דא מאגיאדיסטאן --- מאגיאדיסטאן --- הונגריה --- ハンガリー --- 匈牙利 --- 匈牙利共和國 --- 헝가리 --- Austro-Hungarian Monarchy --- Poyln --- Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa --- Polʹsha --- P.N.R. --- P.R.L. --- Polish Commonwealth --- Polonia --- Warsaw (Duchy) --- Polska --- Polsko --- T︠S︡arstvo Polʹskoe --- Królestwo Polskie --- Polʹskai︠a︡ Narodnai︠a︡ Respublika --- PNR --- PRL --- Poljska --- Lehastan --- Polin --- Būlūniyā --- Polonyah --- République populaire de Pologne --- Polen --- Ppolsŭkka --- Polish People's Republic --- Republic of Poland --- Poland (Territory under German occupation, 1939-1945) --- Generalgouvernement (Poland) --- Generalne Gubernatorstwo (Poland) --- General Government (Poland) --- Heneralʹna hubernii︠a︡ (Poland) --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- Polish Republic --- Congress Kingdom of Poland --- Congress Poland --- Królestwo Kongresowe Polskie --- Kongresówka --- Kingdom of Poland --- Lahistān --- لهستان --- Polandia --- Полшэ --- Polshė --- Pole --- Republiek van Pole --- Republik Pole --- Polaland --- Polisce Cynewise --- Полша --- Полониа --- بولندا --- Būlandā --- Polóña --- Tavakuairetã Polóña --- Польша --- Puluña --- Ripublika Puluña --- Polşa --- Polşa Respublikası --- Pulandia --- Ripublik Pulandia --- Pho-lân --- Pho-lân Kiōng-hô-kok --- Польшча --- Polʹshcha --- Рэспубліка Польшча --- Rėspublika Polʹshcha --- Polonya --- Република Полша --- Republika Polsha --- Poin --- Republika Poljska --- Польшо --- Polʹsho --- Bu̇gėdė Naĭramdakha Polʹsho Ulas --- Polská republika --- Polaki --- Gwlad Pwyl --- Gweriniaeth Gwlad Pwyl --- Republikken Polen --- Republik Polen --- Poola --- Poola Vabariik --- Πολωνία --- Pulógna --- Польша Мастор --- Polʹsha Mastor --- República de Polonia --- Pollando --- Respubliko Pollando --- Repúbrica de Poloña --- Poloniako Errepublika --- Pólland --- République de Pologne --- Poalen --- Poloonya --- Polonie --- An Pholainn --- Pholainn --- Poblacht na Polainne --- Yn Pholynn --- Pholynn --- Pobblaght ny Polynn --- A' Phòlainn --- Poblachd na Pòlainn --- Borandi --- Pô-làn --- Польшин Орн --- Polʹshin Orn --- 폴란드 --- P'ollandŭ --- Pōlani --- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth --- Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania --- Commonwealth of Poland --- Lehastani Hanrapetutʻyun --- Польшæ --- Polʹshæ --- Польшæйы Республикæ --- Polʹshæĭy Respublikæ --- IPoland --- IPolandi --- Lýðveldið Pólland --- Repubblica di Polonia --- פולין --- רפובליקת פולין --- Republiḳat Polin --- Poleni --- Kunngiitsuuffik Poleni --- Pòlskô Repùblika --- Poloni --- Polonye --- Polòy --- Puoleja --- Puolejis Republika --- Polija --- Polijas Republika --- Lenkija --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Polsca --- Republica de Polsca --- Pol'šu --- Polskas --- Bupoolo --- Bupolska --- Ripablik kya Bupoolo --- Lengyelország --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- General Government for Occupied Polish Territories --- Lithuania (Grand Duchy) --- BNUU --- БНУУ --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh Ungar Uls --- Ajustement de la commercialisation, Aide à l' --- Commerce international et emploi --- Politique de l'emploi --- Subventions --- Commerce extérieur --- Aide au développement économique régional --- Politique commerciale --- Politique industrielle --- Droit --- Soiouz Sovetskikh sotsialistitcheskikh respoublik --- Sojuz Sovetskih Socialističeskih Respublik --- Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques --- Union soviétique --- Ex-URSS --- Pays de la CEI --- Russie --- Asie --- Europe --- Československo --- République tchèque --- Slovaquie --- Magyarország --- Autriche-Hongrie --- Alföld (Hongrie) --- Europe du Centre-Est --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Opinion publique polonaise --- Pays slaves --- Groupe de Visegrad --- Civilisation --- Conditions économiques --- Conditions sociales --- Histoire --- Moeurs et coutumes --- Politique et gouvernement --- Relations extérieures --- Vie intellectuelle --- Divisions politiques et administratives --- Antiquités --- Étude et enseignement --- Frontières

Battling Western imperialism : Mao, Stalin, and the United States
ISBN: 0691016356 Year: 1997 Publisher: Princeton, N. J. ; Chichester, UK Princeton University Press

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One of the central issues in the study of the Chinese Communist Party and its foreign policy is its relations with Moscow. Was the CCP a Chinese nationalist party antagonistic to an intrusive Soviet Union or was it rather an internationalist party with ideological-political and strategic-military ties to Moscow, faithfully adhering to Marxist-Leninist principles as well as to Stalin's policy advice? For the past two decades a number of historians have argued that the CCP was a nationalist movement and that the United States missed its opportunity to establish friendly relations because U.S. leaders were blinded by fears of an international Communist threat. In his provocative book, Michael Sheng strongly challenges this position. On the basis of extensive new information obtained from recently available Chinese sources, Sheng demonstrates that the foreign policy of the CCP under Mao Zedong did, in fact, follow the directions recommended by Joseph Stalin.


China --- Foreign relations --- Soviet Union --- United States --- Politique etrangere. --- Histoire. --- Communisme --- Imperialisme. --- Communisme. --- Aussenpolitik --- Diplomatic relations. --- HISTORY --- 15.75 history of Asia. --- Mao, Zedong. --- Mao, Zedong, --- Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič --- Stalin, Iosif, --- Mao, Zedong --- Parti communiste chinois. --- Parti communiste chinois --- Zhongguo gong chan dang. --- Sovetskaja Associacija Meždunarodnogo Prava --- Zhong guo gong chan dang --- Zhongguo gong chan dang --- History. --- USA. --- Sowjetunion. --- États-Unis. --- URSS. --- Chine. --- URSS --- Chine --- États-Unis --- USA --- United States. --- Soviet Union. --- China. --- Relations exterieures --- Acheson, Dean. --- Amerasia Case. --- Atlantic Charter. --- Bao Erhan. --- Beitaihe railway station. --- Bell Act. --- Braun, Otto. --- Cabot, John M. --- Cessation of Hostilities Order. --- Chen Jian. --- Chen Yun. --- Confucianism. --- Currie, Lauchlin. --- Deng Liqun. --- Deng Xiaoping. --- Diplomatic Clique. --- Dong Biwu. --- Eighth Congress (CCP). --- Export-Import Bank. --- Fengtian Clique. --- Fifth Plenum. --- Foreign Affairs Group. --- GMD-Japan joint force. --- Gao Shuxun. --- Great Wall, as symbol. --- Guangxi Clique. --- Guo Moruo. --- Han people. --- He Zizheng. --- Hu Zongnan. --- Huan Xiang. --- Ichigo campaign. --- Iriye, Akira. --- Jiang Qing. --- Jiaochangkou Incident. --- Keon, Michael. --- League of Nations. --- Limin Company. --- Liu Xiao. --- Manchu people. --- March Twentieth coup. --- Marshall Plan. --- Niu Jun. --- Qiao Guanhua. --- atomic bombs. --- bandits. --- cultural nationalism. --- gratification theory. --- identification theory. --- mobile warfare. --- monkey spirit. --- neorealism. --- open door policy. --- Annals --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- Chung-kuo kung chʻan tang --- Chūgoku Kyōsantō --- Chungguk Kongsandang --- 中国共产党 --- 中國共產黨 --- КПК --- KPK --- Komunistická strana Číny --- Komunistička partija Kine --- Communist Party of China --- Chinese Communist Party --- Communist Party (China) --- Gong chan dang (China) --- 共产党 (China) --- Коммунистическая партия Китая --- Kommunisticheskai︠a︡ partii︠a︡ Kitai︠a︡ --- Shina Kyōsantō --- Китайска комунистическа партия --- Kitaĭska komunisticheska partii︠a︡ --- Partido Comunista de China --- PCCh --- CCP --- Partito comunista cinese --- KPCh --- Kommunistische Partei Chinas --- К.П.К. --- K.P.K. --- CPC --- C.C.P. --- Partia Komuniste të Kinës --- Đảng cộng sản Trung quốc --- Zhong gong --- 中共 --- Pcc --- P.C. Chino --- ХКН --- KhKN --- Хятадын Коммунист нам --- Khi︠a︡tadyn Kommunist nam --- Chūgoku Kyōsant --- Khi͡atadyn Kommunist nam --- Kitaĭska komunisticheska partii͡ --- Kommunisticheskai͡a partii͡a Kitai͡ --- Shina Kyōsant --- PCC --- Gongchandang --- Kommunistische Partei --- Kommunističeskaja Partija Kitaja --- Communist Party --- Zhonggong-Zhongyang --- Zhongyang --- Ḥizb-i Kumūnīstī-i Čīn --- Zhong-Gong --- Chung-kuo-kung-ch'an-tang --- Zhongguo-Gongchandang --- Partei --- 1921 --- -Associacija Meždunarodnogo Prava --- Soviet Association of International Law --- Association of International Law --- Sowjetische Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht --- Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht --- Ассоциация Международного Права --- Sowjetunion --- Rossijskaja Associacija Meždunarodnogo Prava --- Cina --- Kinë --- Cathay --- Chinese National Government --- Chung-kuo kuo min cheng fu --- Republic of China (1912-1949) --- Kuo min cheng fu (China : 1912-1949) --- Chung-hua min kuo (1912-1949) --- Kina (China) --- National Government (1912-1949) --- China (Republic : 1912-1949) --- People's Republic of China --- Chinese People's Republic --- Chung-hua jen min kung ho kuo --- Central People's Government of Communist China --- Chung yang jen min cheng fu --- Chung-hua chung yang jen min kung ho kuo --- Central Government of the People's Republic of China --- Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo --- Zhong hua ren min gong he guo --- Kitaĭskai︠a︡ Narodnai︠a︡ Respublika --- Činská lidová republika --- RRT --- Republik Rakjat Tiongkok --- KNR --- Kytaĭsʹka Narodna Respublika --- Jumhūriyat al-Ṣīn al-Shaʻbīyah --- RRC --- Kitaĭ --- Kínai Népköztársaság --- Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku --- Erets Sin --- Sin --- Sāthāranarat Prachāchon Čhīn --- P.R. China --- PR China --- PRC --- P.R.C. --- Chung-kuo --- Zhongguo --- Zhonghuaminguo (1912-1949) --- Zhong guo --- République Populaire de Chine --- República Popular China --- Catay --- VR China --- VRChina --- 中國 --- 中国 --- 中华人民共和国 --- Jhongguó --- Bu̇gu̇de Nayiramdaxu Dundadu Arad Ulus --- Bu̇gu̇de Nayiramdaqu Dumdadu Arad Ulus --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh Dundad Ard Uls --- BNKhAU --- БНХАУ --- Khi︠a︡tad --- Kitad --- Dumdadu Ulus --- Dumdad Uls --- Думдад Улс --- Kitajska --- China (Republic : 1949- ) --- Советский Союз --- Ber. ha-M. --- Związek Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich --- ZSRR --- Związek Socjalistycznych Republik Sowieckich --- ZSRS --- Szovjetunió --- TSRS --- Tarybų Socialistinių Respublikų Sąjunga --- SRSR --- Soi︠u︡z Radi︠a︡nsʹkykh Sot︠s︡ialistychnykh Respublik --- SSSR --- Soi︠u︡z Sovetskikh Sot︠s︡ialisticheskikh Respublik --- UdSSR --- Shūravī --- Ittiḥād-i Jamāhīr-i Ishtirākīyah-i Shūrāʼīyah --- Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) --- Sovetskiy Soyuz --- Soyuz SSR --- Sovetskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- Soi︠u︡z SSR --- Uni Sovjet --- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics --- USSR --- SSṚM --- Sovetakan Sotsʻialistakan Ṛespublikaneri Miutʻyun --- SSHM --- Sovetakan Sotsʻialistakan Hanrapetutʻyunneri Miutʻyun --- Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas --- Berit ha-Moʻatsot --- Rusyah --- Ittiḥād al-Sūfiyītī --- Rusiyah --- Rusland --- Soṿet-Rusland --- Uni Soviet --- Union soviétique --- Zȯvlȯlt Kholboot Uls --- Związek Radziecki --- ESSD --- Sahaphāp Sōwīat --- KhSHM --- SSR Kavširi --- Russland --- SNTL --- PSRS --- Su-lien --- Sobhieṭ Ẏuniẏana --- FSSR --- Unione Sovietica --- Ittiḥād-i Shūravī --- Soviyat Yūniyan --- Russian S.F.S.R. --- ABŞ --- ABSh --- Ameerika Ühendriigid --- America (Republic) --- Amerika Birlăshmish Shtatlary --- Amerika Birlăşmi Ştatları --- Amerika Birlăşmiş Ştatları --- Amerika ka Kelenyalen Jamanaw --- Amerika Qūrama Shtattary --- Amerika Qŭshma Shtatlari --- Amerika Qushma Shtattary --- Amerika (Republic) --- Amerikai Egyesült Államok --- Amerikanʹ Veĭtʹsėndi︠a︡vks Shtattnė --- Amerikări Pĕrleshu̇llĕ Shtatsem --- Amerikas Forenede Stater --- Amerikayi Miatsʻyal Nahangner --- Ameriketako Estatu Batuak --- Amirika Carékat --- AQSh --- Ar. ha-B. --- Arhab --- Artsot ha-Berit --- Artzois Ha'bris --- Bí-kok --- Ē.P.A. --- EE.UU. --- Egyesült Államok --- ĒPA --- Estados Unidos --- Estados Unidos da América do Norte --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estaos Xuníos --- Estaos Xuníos d'América --- Estatos Unitos --- Estatos Unitos d'America --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Ètats-Unis d'Amèrica --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- Fareyniḳṭe Shṭaṭn --- Feriene Steaten --- Feriene Steaten fan Amearika --- Forente stater --- FS --- Hēnomenai Politeiai Amerikēs --- Hēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- Hiwsisayin Amerikayi Miatsʻeal Tērutʻiwnkʻ --- Istadus Unidus --- Jungtinės Amerikos valstybės --- Mei guo --- Mei-kuo --- Meiguo --- Mî-koet --- Miatsʻyal Nahangner --- Miguk --- Na Stàitean Aonaichte --- NSA --- S.U.A. --- SAD --- Saharat ʻAmērikā --- SASht --- Severo-Amerikanskie Shtaty --- Severo-Amerikanskie Soedinennye Shtaty --- Si︠e︡vero-Amerikanskīe Soedinennye Shtaty --- Sjedinjene Američke Države --- Soedinennye Shtaty Ameriki --- Soedinennye Shtaty Severnoĭ Ameriki --- Soedinennye Shtaty Si︠e︡vernoĭ Ameriki --- Spojené obce severoamerické --- Spojené staty americké --- SShA --- Stadoù-Unanet Amerika --- Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá --- Stany Zjednoczone --- Stati Uniti --- Stati Uniti d'America --- Stâts Unîts --- Stâts Unîts di Americhe --- Steatyn Unnaneysit --- Steatyn Unnaneysit America --- SUA (Stati Uniti d'America) --- Sŭedineni amerikanski shtati --- Sŭedinenite shtati --- Tetã peteĩ reko Amérikagua --- U.S. --- U.S.A. --- United States of America --- Unol Daleithiau --- Unol Daleithiau America --- Unuiĝintaj Ŝtatoj de Ameriko --- US --- Usono --- Vaeinigte Staatn --- Vaeinigte Staatn vo Amerika --- Vereinigte Staaten --- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- Verenigde State van Amerika --- Verenigde Staten --- VS --- VSA --- Wááshindoon Bikéyah Ałhidadiidzooígíí --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amirīkīyah --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amrīkīyah --- Yhdysvallat --- Yunaeted Stet --- Yunaeted Stet blong Amerika --- ZDA --- Združene države Amerike --- Zʹi︠e︡dnani Derz︠h︡avy Ameryky --- Zjadnośone staty Ameriki --- Zluchanyi︠a︡ Shtaty Ameryki --- Zlucheni Derz︠h︡avy --- ZSA --- Η.Π.Α. --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής --- Америка (Republic) --- Американь Вейтьсэндявкс Штаттнэ --- Америкӑри Пӗрлешӳллӗ Штатсем --- САЩ --- Съединените щати --- Злучаныя Штаты Амерыкі --- ولايات المتحدة --- ولايات المتّحدة الأمريكيّة --- ولايات المتحدة الامريكية --- 미국 --- É.-U. --- ÉU --- Relations --- Auswärtige Angelegenheiten --- Auswärtige Politik --- Außenbeziehungen --- Politik --- Sicherheitspolitik --- Internationale Politik --- Diplomatie --- Bolchevisme --- Communisme international --- Et le communisme --- Léninisme --- Péril rouge (mythe) --- Außenpolitik --- Er shi ba hua sheng, --- Erh shih pa hua sheng, --- Ershiba hua sheng, --- Ershibahuasheng, --- Great Helmsman, --- Li, Desheng, --- Li, Te-sheng, --- Mā, Cē Tuṅ, --- Mācētuṅ, --- Mao, Ce-tung, --- Mao, Čhœ̄-tung, --- Mao, Čhœ̄tung, --- Mao, Jun-chih, --- Mao, Runzhi, --- Māʼo Sétung, --- Mao, Trạch Đông, --- Mao, Tsé Toung, --- Mao, Tse-tung, --- Mao, Tsetung, --- Mao, T͡Szė-dun, --- Mao, Tze-tung, --- Mao, Yongzhi, --- Mao, Yung-chih, --- Mao, Ze Dong, --- Mao, Zetong, --- Mao, Zhe Dong, --- Maočhœ̄tung, --- Maozedong, --- Mau, Tje-tung, --- Mau, Tze-toeng, --- Māvō, --- Māw, Tsī Tūngh, --- Mo, Tʻaek-tong, --- Mō, Taku-tō, --- Mō, Takutō, --- Shisanyazi, --- Tse-Tung, Mao, --- Tung, Mao Tse, --- Tūng, Māʼūze, --- Mao, Tsê-tung --- Mao, Czė-dun --- Mao Czė-dun --- Maŭ, Zedong --- Mao, Tse-toung --- Mao-Zedong --- Mao, Ze-dong --- Mao, Cze-Dun --- Mao, Czė-Dun --- Mao Cze-Dun --- Māvō Se Tuṅ --- Zedong, Mao --- Tse-Tung, Mao --- Tsé-tung, Mao --- Tse-Dung, Mao --- Mao, Tse-Dung --- Mao Tse-Tung --- Mao Tsé-toung --- Mā'ū Tsi Dūn --- Mao, Tse Tung --- Ma'o-rtse-tuṅ --- Ma'o-tse-tuṅ --- Mo, T'aek-tong --- Mau ze düng" --- Mau, Ze Düng --- Mao, Ze Düng --- Mao, Ze Döng --- Mao --- Mao Zedong --- Ershiba hua sheng --- Er shi ba hua sheng --- Mao, Tsetung --- Tsetung, Mao --- Mao, Tse-tung --- Mao Tse-Toung --- Mavo-kruvu-zhi --- Mao Tse-tung --- Mao, Zhuxi --- Máo, Zédōng --- Mao Tso-Tong --- Mao-Tse-Tung --- Mō Takutō --- Mō, Takutō --- 毛澤東 --- 毛, 澤東 --- 毛, 泽东 --- 二十八畵生 --- 二十八画生 --- 毛泽东 --- 毛主席 --- 毛, 沢東 --- 毛沢東 --- Politiker --- Kommunist --- Präsident --- Autor --- Lyriker --- Shaoshan --- Peking --- 23.12.1893-09.09.1976 --- 1893-1976 --- Céleste empire --- Chine (République populaire) --- Chine populaire --- Empire céleste --- Empire du Milieu --- Milieu, Empire du --- Pays BRICS --- Asie orientale --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- États-Unis --- États du Sun Belt (États-Unis) --- États-Unis (est) --- États-Unis (ouest) --- Middle West (États-Unis) --- Amérique du Nord --- 1949 --- -BNKhAU --- Chung-hua min kuo --- Jhonggu --- Khi͡atad --- Kin --- Kita --- Kitaĭskai͡a Narodnai͡a Respublika --- National Government --- Republic --- Republic of China --- Zhonghuaminguo --- Ittiḥād al-Sūfiyīt --- Ittiḥād-i Shūrav --- Russia --- Shūrav --- Soi͡uz Radi͡ansʹkykh Sot͡sialistychnykh Respublik --- Soi͡uz Sovetskikh Sot͡sialisticheskikh Respublik --- Soi͡uz SSR --- Sovetskiĭ Soi͡uz --- Szovjetuni --- Amerikanʹ Veĭtʹsėndi͡avks Shtattnė --- Si͡evero-Amerikanskīe Soedinennye Shtaty --- Soedinennye Shtaty Si͡evernoĭ Ameriki --- SUA --- Zʹi͡ednani Derz͡havy Ameryky --- Zluchanyi͡a Shtaty Ameryki --- Zlucheni Derz͡havy --- Nordamerika --- Amerika --- Etats Unis --- Etats-Unis --- Estados Unidos de America --- EEUU --- Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika --- Soedinennye Štaty Ameriki --- SŠA --- Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Północnej --- Hēnōmenai Politeiai tēs Boreiu Amerikēs --- Hēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- HēPA --- Ēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- ĒPA --- Etats-Unis d'Amérique --- Amerikaner --- Konföderierte Staaten von Amerika --- Soiouz Sovetskikh sotsialistitcheskikh respoublik --- Sojuz Sovetskih Socialističeskih Respublik --- Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques --- Union soviétique --- Ex-URSS --- Pays de la CEI --- Russie --- Asie --- Europe --- Civilisation --- Conditions économiques --- Conditions sociales --- Émigration et immigration --- Étude et enseignement --- Forces armées --- Histoire --- Opinion publique étrangère --- Politique et gouvernement --- Recensement --- Relations extérieures --- Relations interethniques --- Territoires et possessions --- Divisions politiques et administratives --- Frontières --- Moeurs et coutumes --- Vie intellectuelle --- Anticommunisme --- Communautés rurales --- Totalitarisme --- Communisme et relations amoureuses --- Communisme et sports --- Communistes --- Marxisme --- Nationalisme et communisme --- Postcommunisme --- Socialisme --- Aide économique communiste --- Babouvisme --- Communisme et sionisme --- Communisme municipal --- Démocratie populaire --- Déstalinisation --- Dictature du prolétariat --- Éducation communiste --- Espionnage communiste --- Eurocommunisme --- Femmes et communisme --- Gauchisme --- Centralisme démocratique --- Leadership communiste --- Maoïsme --- Morale communiste --- Néo-babouvisme --- Partis communistes --- Procès communistes --- Propagande communiste --- Révisionnisme communiste --- Société communiste --- Stalinisme --- Communisation --- Stratégie communiste --- Syndicats et communisme --- Trotskisme --- Communisme et agriculture --- Communisme et culture --- Communisme et médias --- Communisme et relations internationales --- Communisme et religion --- Communisme et sexualité --- Collectivisme --- Idées politiques

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