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Between technology and humanity : the impact of technology on health care ethics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9058672514 9789058672513 Year: 2002 Publisher: Leuven Leuven University Press

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In the last decade health care has witnessed a host of technological novelties in the field of diagnostic and therapeutic practices, as well as in the supportive information and communication technology and in various applications of genetics, microbiology and informatics. As a result a few questions need to be answered: -Is health care ethics due dor a splitting up into an ethics of technology (focusing on the ethical implications of new technologies) and an ethics of care (focusing on the ethical problems concerning chronic diseases, decay, disability, end of life)? -How to cope with dependence, limitation, finiteness, suffering, ... in spite of technological progress? -Could a better integration of technology and care preclude situations where patients are being dehumanised? Starting with a philosophical ethical reflection about the possibilities and dangers of technologies in health care, this book highlights both the relation between technology and care, and the normative aspects of economic analyses in health care. Finally, a series of concrete examples from various clinical fields (prenatal diagnosis, genetic tests, digital imaging in psychiatry, tube feeding in care for the elderly, and palliative sedation) will help the authors to consider how to integrate these technologies in a care context aimed upon humaneness. Since each topic is analysed by leading European clinicians and health care ethicists, this book clearly stands for the interdisciplinary approach in health care ethics. This book may be a rich source of material for reflection on the role, meaning and ends of technology and care, as harmonious aspects of clinical health care practice. However, the authors main concern is to show what such a reflection may consist of and how it can contribute to the inquiry into the experience of technology, the needs of humanity and the development of appropriate health care. This book highlights both the relation between technology and care, and the normative aspects of economic analyses in health care. A series of concrete examples from various clinical fields (prenatal diagnosis, genetic tests, digital imaging in psychiatry, tube feeding in care for the elderly, and palliative sedation) helps the authors to consider how to integrate these technologies in a care context aimed upon humaneness. Each topic is analysed by leading European clinicians and health care ethicists.


Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Ethique médicale --- Medische ethiek --- Medische technologie --- Technologie médicale --- Medical care --- Medical ethics --- Soins médicaux --- Technological innovations --- Congresses --- Innovations --- Congrès --- Medical technology --- Medical ethics. --- Nursing ethics. --- Genetic screening. --- Biomedical Technology --- Bioethical Issues --- Nursing ethics --- Genetic screening --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- bejaarden (ouderen) --- 670 Gezondheid --- Biomedical Technology. --- Health Care Rationing. --- Bioethics. --- Ethics, Medical. --- Bioethical Issues. --- 241.63*2 --- 61 --- 174.2 --- -Nursing ethics --- bio-ethiek --- gezondheidszorg --- #GGSB: Bio-ethiek --- #GBIB:CBMER --- #gsdb5 --- Caritas Catholica Vlaanderen (1982-heden) --- gezondheidszorg [verplegend] --- technologie --- abortus --- psychiatrie --- euthanasie --- christelijke ethiek --- C5 --- sociaal beleid --- 17.023.33 --- #A0301A --- 061 Ethische problemen --- biomedische technologie --- ethiek van de technologie (technologiekritiek, technologiemisbruik) --- zorgethiek (ethiek van de zorg, zorgrelatie) --- prenatale diagnostiek (prenatale test) --- genetische screening --- ouderenzorg --- palliatieve zorgen, (terminale, continue) sedatie, pijnbestrijding met levensverkortend effect, stervensbegeleiding --- Medische uitrusting --- Geneeskundige beeldvorming --- Genetica --- Psychiatrie --- Palliatieve zorgen --- Academic collection --- 603.1 --- aangeboren afwijkingen (congenitale afwijkingen, hartafwijkingen) --- abortus provocatus (vruchtafdrijving, zwangerschapsafbreking) --- dementie (dementia, dementia senilis) --- eetstoornissen --- ethiek (moraal) --- genetica --- genetisch advies --- gezondheidseconomie --- medische technologie --- palliatieve zorgen --- parenterale voeding (TPN) --- prenatale diagnose --- psychodiagnostiek --- stervensbegeleiding --- Nurses --- Nursing --- Professional ethics --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medicine --- Bioethics --- Social medicine --- Human chromosome abnormalities --- Medical screening --- Bioethical Issue --- Issue, Bioethical --- Issues, Bioethical --- Euthanasia --- Human Experimentation --- Patient Rights --- Animal Experimentation --- Medical Ethics --- Professionalism --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethicists --- Healthcare Rationing --- Rationing, Health Care --- Rationing, Healthcare --- Health Resources --- Patient Selection --- Biomedical Technologies --- Technology, Biomedical --- Technology, Health --- Technology, Health Care --- Health Care Technology --- Health Technology --- Biomedical Engineering --- Medical Informatics --- Health care technology --- Health technology --- Technology --- Theologische ethiek: medische ethiek: dokter; verpleegster; ziekenhuis --- Geneeskunde. Hygiëne. Farmacie --- Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Moral and ethical aspects --- soins de santé --- Maatschappelijke organisaties en maatschappelijk leven --- technologie biomédicale --- éthique de la technologie (critique de la technologie, abus de la technologie) --- éthique des soins --- diagnostic prénatal (test prénatal, DPN) --- dépistage génétique --- soins des personnes âgées --- soins palliatifs, lutte contre la douleur ayant pour effet d'abréger la vie, sédation palliative (terminale, continue), accompagnement de fin de vie --- Equipement médical --- Imagerie médicale --- Génétique --- Soins palliatifs --- (zie ook: orthopedie, seksuele ontwikkelingsstoornissen, vaatziekten) --- (zie ook: genetisch advies) --- (zie ook: dood, euthanasie, palliatieve zorgen, rouw, terminale zorgen) --- Diagnosis --- ethics --- 174.2 Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- 241.63*2 Theologische ethiek: medische ethiek: dokter; verpleegster; ziekenhuis --- Soins médicaux --- Ethique médicale --- Congrès --- Health Care Rationing --- medische ethiek --- Bio-ethiek

Ethiek in witte jas : zorgzaam omgaan met het leven
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9058261875 Year: 2002 Publisher: Leuven Davidsfonds

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Zij staan vaak voor ethisch moeilijke keuzes: niet alleen artsen, maar ook verplegers, hulpverleners, familie en de patiënt zelf. Bij het begin en het einde van het leven. Maar vaker nog in de dagelijkse praktijk van de gezondheidszorg. Krijgt de patiënt inspraak in de behandeling? Mogen ouderen mee beslissen? Hoe wordt de maaltijd 'verzorgd'? Deze verborgen 'details' kunnen een wereld van verschil maken. De auteurs van dit boek werken vanuit een verruimde zorgvisie: ze benaderen de mens in zijn totaliteit. En ze laten zien hoe de menselijke waardigheid bij grote, maar vooral ook bij de kleine ingrepen van alledaag centraal kan staan. (Bron: covertekst)


Bioethics. --- Ethics, Clinical. --- Ethics, Medical. --- 241.63*2 --- 17.023.33 --- 179 --- 614.22 --- #GBIB:CBMER --- #GGSB: Bio-ethiek --- #GGSB: Gezondheidszorg --- #gsdb5 --- Academic collection --- bio-ethiek --- ethiek --- euthanasie --- geestelijke gezondheidszorg (x) --- gezondheidszorg [verplegend] --- palliatieve zorg --- #A0301A --- 061 Ethische problemen --- 670 Gezondheid --- medische ethiek --- begin van het leven --- bio-ethiek (medische, biomedische ethiek, bio-ethische aspecten) --- commissie voor medische ethiek (ethisch comité, CME) --- geïnformeerde vrijwillige toestemming (instemming) --- levenseinde (einde van het leven, levenseindebeslissing) --- ouderenzorg --- personalisme (personalistische geneeskunde) --- zorgethiek (ethiek van de zorg, zorgrelatie) --- 603.1 --- abortus provocatus --- klonen --- palliatieve zorgen --- Abortus --- Euthanasie --- Medische ethiek --- Palliatieve zorgen --- Rechten van de patiënt --- Verpleegkunde --- bejaardenzorg --- besluitvorming --- erfelijkheidsleer --- eten --- geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- gehandicapten --- geneeskunde --- gezondheidszorg --- inspraak --- patiëntenrecht --- prenatale diagnose --- waardigheid --- Aangeboren afwijkingen (congenitale afwijkingen) --- Abortus provocatus --- Antropologie (mensbeeld) --- België --- Bioethiek --- Commissie voor medische ethiek --- Deontologie (plichtenleer) --- Eten --- Ethiek (moraal, zedenleer) --- Euthanasie (actieve) --- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- Gehandicapten (handicap) --- Genetica (erfelijkheidsleer) --- Genetisch advies (erfelijkheidsvoorlichting) --- Genetisch risico --- Informed consent --- Inspraak (overleg, democratisering) --- Klonen --- Moraal (ethiek) --- Palliatieve zorgen (terminale zorgen) --- Prenatale raadpleging (prenatale diagnostiek) --- Stervensbegeleiding --- Versterven (niet-reanimeren, euthanasie (passieve), do not resuscitate) --- Wilsonbekwaamheid --- Woon- en zorgcentrum (verpleeghuis, rust- en verzorgingstehuis, bejaardentehuis) --- 610.17 )* MEDISCHE ETHIEK --- biomedische ethiek --- ethiek (gez) --- gehandicapte kinderen --- gezondheidszorg (gez) --- levenskwaliteit (gez) --- aangeboren afwijkingen (congenitale afwijkingen, hartafwijkingen) --- bejaarden (ouderen) --- beslissingsbekwaamheid --- biotechnologie --- eten (maaltijdgebeuren) --- ethiek (moraal) --- ethische commissie --- genetische manipulatie --- stervensbegeleiding --- therapie (behandeling) --- voedingshygiëne (voedingsgewoonten) --- 024861.jpg --- patiëntenparticipatie --- 614.22 Regulations concerning dissection, vivisection --- Regulations concerning dissection, vivisection --- 179 Algemene zedelijke vraagstukken --- Algemene zedelijke vraagstukken --- 17.023.33 Biologische doeleinden. Bio-ethiek; bioethiek. Übermensch. Medische deontologie --- Biologische doeleinden. Bio-ethiek; bioethiek. Übermensch. Medische deontologie --- 241.63*2 Theologische ethiek: medische ethiek: dokter; verpleegster; ziekenhuis --- Theologische ethiek: medische ethiek: dokter; verpleegster; ziekenhuis --- Medical Ethics --- Medicine --- Professionalism --- Bioethics --- Clinical Ethics --- Clinical Medicine --- Ethicists --- Ethics Committees, Clinical --- Ethics Consultation --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethics, Medical --- début de vie --- bioéthique (éthique médicale, biomédicale, aspects bioéthiques) --- comité d'éthique médicale (comité d'éthique, CEM) --- consentement libre et éclairé --- fin de vie (décision de fin de vie) --- soins aux personnes âgées --- personalisme --- éthique des soins --- medische ethiek, euthanasie --- Avortement --- Ethique médicale --- Soins palliatifs --- Droits du patient --- Nursing --- (zie ook: orthopedie, seksuele ontwikkelingsstoornissen, vaatziekten) --- (zie ook: terminale zorgen) --- (zie ook: instellingen voor gehandicapten) --- (zie ook: genetisch advies) --- (zie ook: dood, euthanasie, palliatieve zorgen, rouw, terminale zorgen) --- 179.7 --- 17 --- 362.1 --- 61 --- 362.11 --- ethics --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- patiëntenrechten --- Ethics, Clinical --- commissie voor medische ethiek (ethisch comité, CME) --- geïnformeerde vrijwillige toestemming (instemming) --- Rechten van de patiënt --- België --- patiëntenrecht --- voedingshygiëne (voedingsgewoonten) --- patiëntenparticipatie --- Biologische doeleinden. Bio-ethiek; bioethiek. Übermensch. Medische deontologie --- début de vie --- bioéthique (éthique médicale, biomédicale, aspects bioéthiques) --- comité d'éthique médicale (comité d'éthique, CEM) --- consentement libre et éclairé --- fin de vie (décision de fin de vie) --- soins aux personnes âgées --- éthique des soins --- Ethique médicale --- bejaarden --- Ethiek --- Levenskwaliteit --- Bejaarden --- Holisme --- Gezondheidszorg --- Hulpverlening --- Patiëntenbegeleiding --- Oudere --- Godsdienst --- Sport --- Duurzaamheid --- Filosofie --- Psychologie --- Sociologie --- Man --- Gemeenschap --- School --- Buurt --- Cultuur --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Technologie --- Voeding --- Maatschappij --- Drank --- Gezondheid --- Volwassene --- Bio-ethiek

Kwetsbare waardigheid : ethiek aan het begin en einde van het leven
ISBN: 9789463372817 Year: 2021 Publisher: Kalmthout Pelckmans

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'Mag alles wat kan? is dé ethische vraag die zich opdringt bij het maken van keuzes aan het begin en einde van het leven. Velen beantwoorden deze vraag met de verruiming van de keuzemogelijkheden voor de patiënt. Anderen verkiezen de toepassing van oude ethische principes. In debatten over abortus en euthanasie staan deze benaderingen lijnrecht tegenover elkaar, met als gevolg dat holle slogans gaan primeren op diepgang. Hierdoor wordt volgens Chris Gastmans de weerbarstige complexiteit van ethische problemen miskend. Ethisch nadenken over leven en dood vereist zorgvuldigheid en diepgang en de aanvaarding dat gemakkelijke zwart-wit-antwoorden niet bestaan.Kwetsbare waardigheid reikt concrete oriëntaties aan voor het maken van goed overwogen keuzes in verband met prenatale diagnostiek, abortus, vroeggeboorte, euthanasie, ouderenseksualiteit en levensmoeheid. Deze oriëntaties houden het midden tussen een relativistische laisser-faire enerzijds en een principiële rigiditeit anderzijds.


Psychology --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Age group sociology --- Paediatrics --- Geriatrics --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- bejaarden --- abortus provocatus --- palliatieve zorgen --- euthanasie --- dood --- prenatale diagnose --- medische ethiek --- psychologie van leven en dood --- Ethics --- Right to Die --- Respect --- Dignity --- Personal Respect --- Respect, Personal --- Death with Dignity --- Dignity, Death with --- Euthanasia --- Advance Directives --- Living Wills --- Egoism --- Ethical Issues --- Metaethics --- Moral Policy --- Natural Law --- Situational Ethics --- Ethical Issue --- Ethics, Situational --- Issue, Ethical --- Issues, Ethical --- Law, Natural --- Laws, Natural --- Moral Policies --- Natural Laws --- Policies, Moral --- Policy, Moral --- Censorship, Research --- Ethiek --- Levenseinde --- Zwangerschap --- Neonatale sterfte --- Euthanasie --- Palliatieve zorgen --- Prenatale diagnose --- Dementie --- Levenskwaliteit --- BPB9999 --- Palliatieve zorg --- Godsdienst --- Sport --- Duurzaamheid --- Filosofie --- Psychologie --- Sociologie --- Man --- Cultuur --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Technologie --- Voeding --- Maatschappij --- Verpleegkunde --- Drank --- Gezondheid --- Volwassene --- BPB2110 --- abortus --- éthique --- organisatie van de gezondheid --- организация на здравеопазването --- organizatë e kujdesit shëndetësor --- organisation de la santé --- terveydenhoitojärjestö --- Gesundheitsorganisation --- organizarea sistemului sanitar --- organización sanitaria --- организација на здравствена заштита --- organizácia zdravotnej starostlivosti --- organizacija zdravstvenega varstva --- organizzazzjoni tal-kura tas-saħħa --- veselības aprūpes organizēšana --- sveikatos priežiūros organizavimas --- tervishoiukorraldus --- organizace zdravotnictví --- organizacija zdravstvene zaštite --- organização da saúde --- организација здравствене заштите --- organizzazione della sanità --- οργάνωση του τομέα της υγείας --- organisering av hälso- och sjukvård --- egészségügy megszervezése --- organizacja ochrony zdrowia --- organisation of health care --- organisation af sundhedsvæsenet --- gezondheidszorg --- sistema de salud --- organization of health care --- sveikatos sistema --- υγειονομική οργάνωση --- health system --- skemë shëndetësore --- health scheme --- sustav zdravstvene zaštite --- organización de la salud pública --- organización de la sanidad --- veselības programma --- ПЗУ --- приватна здравствена установа --- sveikatos priežiūros programa --- organizim i kujdesit shëndetësor --- sistem shëndetësor --- veselības sistēma --- egészségügyi szervezet --- sistem sanitar --- Ethik --- ethics --- etyka --- ética --- etikë --- etica --- ētika --- етика --- etika --- etică --- moral --- ηθική δεοντολογία --- eetika --- ethiek --- etik --- etiikka --- moralės mokslas --- dorovės mokslas --- veda o morálke --- moral science --- mravnost --- morale --- Moral --- morálka --- moraal --- erkölcsfilozófia --- moraali --- ethica --- morāles mācība --- filosofía moral --- erkölcstan --- morală --- shkencë morale --- dorotyra --- ηθική --- zedenleer --- eutanasi --- eutanázia --- eutanaasia --- euthanasia --- eutanazia --- ευθανασία --- eutanasia --- eutanazija --- еутаназија --- evtanazija --- eutanazie --- eutanazja --- eutanásia --- ewtanażja --- eutanasie --- евтаназия --- евтаназија --- eitanāzija --- e drejtë për eutanazi --- убиство од милосрдие --- droit à l'euthanasie --- rätt till dödshjälp --- ret til dødshjælp --- asistovaná sebevražda --- právo na milosrdnou smrt --- diritto all'eutanasia --- dödshjälp --- eutanáziához való jog --- убиство од благородни побуди --- milosrdná smrt --- dødshjælp --- direito à eutanásia --- derecho a la eutanasia --- aktív eutanázia --- kegyes halál --- dreptul la eutanasie --- recht op euthanasie --- tiesības uz eitanāziju --- teisė į eutanaziją --- õigus eutanaasiale --- kegyes halálhoz való jog --- δικαίωμα ευθανασίας --- oikeus eutanasiaan --- right to euthanasia --- pravo na eutanaziju --- Recht auf Euthanasie --- právo na eutanazii --- passzív eutanázia --- eagrú cúraim sláinte --- eitic --- eotanáis --- gezondheidszorg ; ethiek --- stervensbegeleiding --- geneeskunde ; medische ethiek --- Abortion --- Prenatal diagnosis --- Infants (Premature) --- Medical ethics --- levensmoeheid --- zwangerschapsafbreking --- prenatale diagnostiek --- Ethiek in de zorg --- 179.7 --- Moraal --- Bio-ethiek --- Levensbegin --- Seksualiteit --- éthique --- abort --- аборт --- abortas --- ndërprerje e shtatzanisë --- abortion --- aborts --- interrupcia --- avortement --- абортус --- raskauden keskeyttäminen --- aborto --- avort --- abortusz --- aborcja --- přerušení těhotenství --- umetna prekinitev nosečnosti --- прекид трудноће --- άμβλωση --- ginmhilleadh --- Abtreibung --- pobačaj --- voluntary termination of pregnancy --- dobrovoljni prekid trudnoće --- savanoriškas nėštumo nutraukimas --- umělý potrat --- míra potratovosti --- aborto provocato --- aborto spontaneo --- önkéntes terhességmegszakítás --- legale Abtreibung --- legal abort --- aborto legale --- prerušenie tehotenstva --- interruzione di gravidanza --- Schwangerschaftsunterbrechung --- Schwangerschaftsabbruch --- ndërprerje e ligjshme e shtatzënisë --- aborto natural --- IVG --- întrerupere de sarcină --- interrupce --- interrupção voluntária de gravidez --- abortti --- legális abortusz --- legální potrat --- interrupción voluntaria del embarazo --- dobrovoľné prerušenie tehotenstva --- νόμιμη άμβλωση --- avortement légal --- terhességmegszakítás --- interupce --- nėštumo nutraukimas --- dobrovolné přerušení těhotenství --- предвремен прекин на бременоста --- zwangerschapsonderbreking --- termination of pregnancy --- engedélyezett abortusz --- interrupção de gravidez --- vabatahtlik raseduse katkestamine --- művi abortusz --- seaduslik abort --- potratovost --- interruzione volontaria di gravidanza --- umělé přerušení těhotenství --- aborto legal --- ndërprerje e shtatzënisë --- interrupción del embarazo --- interruption volontaire de grossesse --- laillinen raskauden keskeyttäminen --- εθελουσία διακοπή της κύησης --- legal abortion --- aborto espontâneo --- spontánní potrat --- έκτρωση --- frivillig svangerskabsafbrydelse --- teisėtas abortas --- ndërprerje me dashje e shtatzënisë --- legálna interrupcia --- samovolný potrat --- brīvprātīga grūtniecības pārtraukšana --- raseduse katkestamine --- svangerskabsafbrydelse --- ukončení těhotenství --- διακοπή της κύησης --- legalni pobačaj --- prekid trudnoće --- legale abortus --- vapaaehtoinen raskauden keskeyttäminen --- legāls aborts --- atļauts aborts --- törvényes művi abortusz --- frivilligt avbrytande av graviditet

Children of Choice : Freedom and the New Reproductive Technologies
ISBN: 0691036659 1400821207 1400813131 Year: 1994 Publisher: Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press,

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Robertson examines the broad range of consequences of each reproductive technology and its possible ethical and legal implications. He establishes guidelines for its use by weighing the chance that the technology may enrich and give meaning to an individual's life, against the harm it may cause the larger community. Arguing for the primacy of reproductive freedom in most cases, Robertson offers a timely, multifaceted analysis of the competing interests at stake for patients, couples, doctors, policymakers, lawyers, and ethicists, and shows how they can best be reconciled. Reproductive freedom, Robertson maintains, has traditionally been a right taken for granted. Yet these new technologies, helpful as they may be to many people, carry a price - be it the financial, physical, or emotional strain that in vitro fertilization places on couples or the social danger posed by genetically shaping offspring characteristics. They also open up a multitude of fascinating legal questions: Do frozen embryos have the right to be born? Should parents select offspring traits? May a government make long-acting contraceptives compulsory for welfare recipients? Should a woman have the right to abort so she can provide fetal tissue to others, either altruistically or for financial gain? If one member of a lesbian couple has a child through artificial insemination, does the nonbiological parent have any rearing rights or duties in the event that the relationship ends? Cloning, genetic screening, embryo freezing, in vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, Norplant, RU486 - these are the technologies revolutionizing our reproductive landscape, enabling individuals to conceive or to avoid pregnancy and to plan the timing of their offspring, and even control their characteristics, in ways barely imaginable a generation ago. In this wide-ranging account of the reproductive technologies currently available, John Robertson goes to the heart of issues that confront increasing numbers of people - single individuals or couples, donors or surrogates, gays or heterosexuals - who seek to redefine family, parenthood, the experience of pregnancy, and life itself. Through the lens of procreative liberty, he analyzes the ethical, legal, and social controversies that surround each major technology, then determines to what extent individuals should be free to pursue the procedures available and whether government should be authorized to restrict them.


Status of persons --- Human reproductive technology --- Contraception --- Abortion --- Abortion, Induced --- Reproductive Techniques --- Bioethics --- Contraception Behavior --- reproductieve technologie (voortplantingstechnologie, medisch begeleide voortplanting, MBV, artificiële voortplanting, kunstmatige voortplanting) --- vrijheid --- abortus (vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking) --- anticonceptie (voorbehoedsmiddelen, contraceptie, geboortecontrole) --- in-vitrofertilisatie (bevruchting in vitro, proefbuisbaby's) --- prenatale diagnostiek (prenatale test) --- embryoreductie (meerlingzwangerschap) --- embryo-onderzoek (embryo's in vitro) --- foetaal weefsel --- ethiek (ethische aspecten) --- Conception --- Birth control --- Reproductive rights --- Contraceptive Behavior --- Contraceptive Method Switching --- Contraceptive Usage --- Contraception Behaviors --- Contraceptive Behaviors --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethics, Medical --- Ethicists --- Reproduction Technics --- Reproduction Techniques --- Reproductive Technologies --- Technology, Reproductive --- Reproductive Technology --- Reproduction Technic --- Reproduction Technique --- Reproductive Technique --- Technic, Reproduction --- Technics, Reproduction --- Technique, Reproduction --- Technique, Reproductive --- Techniques, Reproduction --- Techniques, Reproductive --- Technologies, Reproductive --- Selective Breeding --- Reproductive Medicine --- Reproductive Health Services --- Abortion (Induced) --- Abortion Failure --- Abortion History --- Abortion Rate --- Abortion Technics --- Abortion Techniques --- Abortion, Drug-Induced --- Abortion, Rivanol --- Abortion, Saline-Solution --- Abortion, Soap-Solution --- Anti-Abortion Groups --- Fertility Control, Postconception --- Induced Abortion --- Previous Abortion --- Embryotomy --- Abortion Failures --- Abortion Histories --- Abortion Rates --- Abortion Technic --- Abortion Technique --- Abortion, Drug Induced --- Abortion, Previous --- Abortion, Saline Solution --- Abortion, Soap Solution --- Abortions (Induced) --- Abortions, Drug-Induced --- Abortions, Induced --- Abortions, Previous --- Abortions, Rivanol --- Abortions, Saline-Solution --- Abortions, Soap-Solution --- Anti Abortion Groups --- Anti-Abortion Group --- Drug-Induced Abortion --- Drug-Induced Abortions --- Embryotomies --- Failure, Abortion --- Failures, Abortion --- Group, Anti-Abortion --- Groups, Anti-Abortion --- Histories, Abortion --- History, Abortion --- Induced Abortions --- Postconception Fertility Control --- Previous Abortions --- Rate, Abortion --- Rates, Abortion --- Rivanol Abortion --- Rivanol Abortions --- Saline-Solution Abortion --- Saline-Solution Abortions --- Soap-Solution Abortion --- Soap-Solution Abortions --- Technic, Abortion --- Technics, Abortion --- Technique, Abortion --- Techniques, Abortion --- Aborted Fetus --- Moral and ethical aspects --- technique de reproduction (technique de procréation, procréation médicalement assistée, PMA, assistance médicale à la procréation, AMP, procréation artificielle) --- liberté --- avortement (interruption volontaire de grossesse, IVG) --- contraception (contrôle des naissances) --- fécondation in vitro (fertilisation in vitro, FIV, FIVETE) --- diagnostic prénatal (test prénatal, DPN) --- réduction embryonnaire (grossesse multiple) --- recherche sur l'embryon (embryons in vitro) --- tissus foetaux --- ethique (aspects ethiques) --- Moral and religious aspects --- Prevention --- Humans --- Reproduction --- Ethics --- Contraception Behavior. --- Bioethics. --- Reproductive Techniques. --- Abortion, Induced. --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Feticide --- Foeticide --- Induced abortion --- Pregnancy termination --- Termination of pregnancy --- Fetal death --- Obstetrics --- ART (Assisted reproductive technology) --- Assisted reproduction --- Assisted reproductive technology --- Reproductive techniques --- Biotechnology --- Biology --- Biomedical ethics --- Life sciences --- Life sciences ethics --- Science --- Surgery --- Technological innovations --- Adoption. --- Alpha fetal protein. --- Ambivalence. --- American Fertility Society. --- Amniocentesis. --- Assisted reproduction. --- Baltimore school system. --- Bladerunner scenario. --- Cesarean section. --- Chorion villus sampling. --- Contraception. --- Copeland, Rhonda. --- Cystic fibrosis. --- Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. --- Eisenstadt v. Baird. --- Enhancement of offspring. --- Fetal surgery. --- Freedom of Choice Act. --- Gestational surrogacy. --- Griswold v. Connecticut. --- Human Genome Initiative. --- In utero interventions. --- Infertility. --- Kingdom, Elizabeth. --- Marshall, Thurgood. --- National Institutes of Health. --- Norplant. --- Ontario Law Reform Commission. --- Overpopulation. --- Parkinson’s disease. --- Phenylketonuria. --- Philadelphia Inquirer. --- Probation. --- RU486. --- Radin, Margaret. --- Reproductive revolution. --- Rothman, Barbara Katz. --- Shakespeare, William. --- Sickle cell anemia. --- Sterilization. --- Sullivan, Louis. --- Syngamy. --- Teenagers. --- Thirteenth Amendment. --- Undue burden test. --- Vatican. --- Viability. --- Victoria (Australia). --- Warnock Committee. --- Wyden, Ron. --- Wyeth-Atherst.

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