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The final solution : a genocide
ISBN: 9780199550340 9780199550333 0199550344 0199550336 128235471X 9786612354717 0191571237 019170153X Year: 2009 Publisher: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press,

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The Holocaust is frequently depicted in isolation by its historians. Some of them believe that to place it in any kind of comparative context risks diminishing its uniqueness and even detracts from the enormity of the Nazi crime. In reality, such a restricted understanding of 'uniqueness' has pulled the Holocaust apart from history and set up barriers to a better understanding of the racial onslaught unleashed within the Third Reich and its conquered territories.Working against the grain of much earlier writing, this innovative new history combines a detailed re-appraisal of the development of

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum : James Ingo Freed.
ISBN: 0714842206 9780714842202 Year: 2002 Publisher: London Phaidon

Repairing the past?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789050954921 9781839700798 Year: 2007 Volume: 1 Publisher: Cambridge Intersentia

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Human rights --- Law of armed conflicts. Humanitarian law --- Abuse of persons --- Attentats politiques --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Civil rights workers --- Compensation for victims of crime --- Crimes against the person --- Crimes et délits politiques --- Crimes politiques --- Criminal restitution --- Droits de l'homme --- Droits de la personne --- Droits fondamentaux --- Droits individuels --- Défenseurs des droits de l'homme --- Délits politiques --- Genoegdoening --- Genoegdoening (Strafrechtspraak) --- Grondrechten --- Indemnisation des victimes d'infractions --- Libertés publiques --- Mensenrechten --- Offenses against the person --- Outrages à la personne --- Person [Crimes against the ] --- Person [Offenses againt the ] --- Persons [Abuse of ] --- Political crimes and offenses --- Politieke misdaden en misdrijven --- Rechten van de mens --- Reparation --- Reparation (Criminal justice) --- Restitution (Criminal justice) --- Restitution for victims of crime --- Restitutions (Droit pénal) --- Rights [Human ] --- Rights of man --- Réparation (Droit) --- Réparation (Justice criminelle) --- Réparation civile --- Réparation d'un tort --- Verdedigers van de mensenrechten --- Vergrijpen tegen de persoon --- Victimes d'infractions--Indemnisation --- Human rights. --- Reparations for historical injustices. --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Réparations des crimes de l'histoire --- 342.7 --- Grondwettelijke rechten en vrijheden. Fundamentele rechten --- 342.7 Grondwettelijke rechten en vrijheden. Fundamentele rechten --- Direitos humanos --- Droits de l'Homme --- Menschenrechte --- Réparations des crimes de l'histoire --- Droit international public --- APARTHEID --- ESCLAVAGE --- HOLOCAUSTE JUIF (1939-1945, SHOAH) --- Protection des droits de l'homme

Comment devient-on génocidaire ? : et si nous étions tous capables de massacrer nos voisins
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782872910373 2872910379 Year: 2013 Volume: 4 Publisher: Bruxelles : GRIP,

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«Le barbare est celui qui ne s’oppose pas à la barbarie», disait Claude Lévi-Strauss. Au Rwanda, en ce sinistre printemps 1994, l’équation est certainement plus complexe pour celui qui se trouve au cœur de la tempête. Car résister, ce n’est pas seulement écouter sa conscience, faire preuve de courage, c’est aussi aller à contre-courant de certaines traditions, comme l’obéissance aux autorités. Quoi qu’il en soit, les paysans des collines sont nombreux à rejoindre le camp des tueurs… Un an après les faits, c’est ce pays traumatisé aux tombes encore fraîches que découvre Damien Vandermeersch. Juge d’instruction, il s’est vu confier les «affaires Rwanda» en Belgique et vient enquêter sur place. Il écoute des victimes, interroge les bourreaux. La noirceur de l’âme humaine, il veut la comprendre, l’éclaircir... Qu’est-ce qui amène un citoyen «ordinaire» à vouloir exterminer son semblable ? Cette question le tourmente et l’a poussé à prendre la plume. Avec l’idée de mettre à nu les grandes stratégies et logiques qui auront conduit au crime des crimes. Si la parole de centaines de Rwandais constitue le point de départ, l’auteur s’est aussi attelé à explorer le contexte historique, politique, voire sociologique de cette époque. Dans un langage vivant, imagé et accessible, il nous invite ainsi à découvrir les mille et une pièces d’un puzzle qui, une fois assemblées, expliquent pourquoi tant de Rwandais ont basculé... Et nous, sommes-nous vraiment à l’abri de pareil cataclysme ?


National movements --- anno 1990-1999 --- Rwanda --- Genocide --- Génocide --- History --- Histoire --- Causes --- Politics and government --- Politique et gouvernement --- Génocide des Tutsi (1994) --- Criminels de guerre --- Comportement criminel --- Aspect psychologique --- Procès --- BPB1109 --- Crime contre l'humanité --- Torture --- Misdaad tegen de menselijkheid --- Foltering --- TortureRwanda --- Génocide --- 20th century --- Civil war, 1994 --- 1962-1994 --- Aspect psychologique. --- Procès. --- mučenje --- tortury --- torture --- мучење --- мъчение --- piinamine --- tortyr --- Folter --- mučenie --- tortură --- torturë --- βασανιστήρια --- foltering --- spīdzināšana --- kidutus --- kínzás --- тортура --- céasadh --- mučení --- tortur --- tortura --- kankinimas --- mishandling --- мачење --- нехумано однесување --- βασανισμός --- нехуман третман --- týrání --- Ρουάντα --- ir-Rwanda --- Руанда --- Ruanda --- Republika Rwandy --- Republic of Rwanda --- Република Руанда --- République du Rwanda --- Ruandska Republika --- Republiek Rwanda --- República de Ruanda --- Republiken Rwanda --- Rwanda Vabariik --- Repubblica del Ruanda --- Ruandas Republika --- República do Ruanda --- República Ruandesa --- Δημοκρατία της Ρουάντα --- Ruandan tasavalta --- Republikken Rwanda --- Republica Rwanda --- die Republik Ruanda --- Ruandai Köztársaság --- Republika e Ruandës --- ir-Repubblika tar-Rwanda --- Ruandos Respublika --- Ruandska republika --- Rwandská republika --- zločin protiv čovječnosti --- zločin proti človečnosti --- crimen contra la humanidad --- noziegums pret cilvēci --- zbrodnia przeciwko ludzkości --- έγκλημα κατά της ανθρωπότητας --- krim kundër njerëzimit --- misdaad tegen de menselijkheid --- emberiség elleni bűncselekmény --- Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit --- crime împotriva umanității --- forbrydelse mod menneskeheden --- brott mot mänskligheten --- zločin proti ľudskosti --- crimine contro l'umanità --- crime contra a humanidade --- nusikaltimas žmogiškumui --- crime against humanity --- rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan --- trestný čin proti lidskosti --- reat kontra l-umanità --- inimsusvastane kuritegu --- престъпление против човечеството --- кривично дело против човештвото --- злочин против човечности --- coir in aghaidh an chine dhaonna --- a nemzetközi jog szerint bűncselekménynek minősülő cselekmény --- brott enligt internationell rätt --- zločin proti lidskosti --- rikos kansainvälisen oikeuden nojalla --- genocída --- folkmord --- crime de droit international --- zločin ve smyslu mezinárodního práva --- holokaust --- холокауст --- polttouhri --- genocide --- delito de Derecho internacional --- holocausto --- etnocidio --- геноцид --- tautos naikinimas --- genocidium --- emberiesség elleni bűncselekmény --- crime de direito internacional --- Holocaust --- genocīds --- delitto contro l'umanità --- folkeretlig forbrydelse --- zločin podľa medzinárodného práva --- népirtás --- kansanmurha --- γενοκτονία --- folkrättsbrott --- кривични дела против човечноста и меѓународното право --- holokauszt --- Verstoß gegen das Völkerrecht --- krim sipas të drejtës ndërkombëtare --- génocide --- genocidas --- genocídio --- nusikaltimas tarptautinei teisei --- злостор против човештвото --- holocauste --- genocida --- crimine di diritto internazionale --- holokausts --- genocídium --- Völkermord --- noziegums, kas paredzēts starptautiskajās tiesībās --- olocausto --- rahvusvahelise õiguse vastane kuritegu --- folkedrab --- crimen de lesa humanidad --- holocaust --- Ολοκαύτωμα --- crime under international law --- Förintelsen --- genotsiid --- misdaad tegen het internationaal recht --- воено злосторство против цивилното население --- genocidio --- genocid --- έγκλημα Διεθνούς Δικαίου --- holokaustas --- Crime contre l'humanité --- Psychologie.

Recht en onafhankelijkheid : gerechtelijke macht in perspectief
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782804431273 2804431274 Year: 2008 Volume: 16.1 Publisher: Bruxelles De Boeck & Larcier

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Law of civil procedure --- Human rights --- Theory of the state --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- 100 Recht --- 342.56 <493> --- Rechterlijke macht--België --- 342.56 <493> Rechterlijke macht--België --- Civil procedure --- Procédure civile --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- State, the --- Etat --- Law --- Droit --- Philosophy --- Philosophie --- Judicial independence --- Indépendance judiciaire --- BPB --- science juridique --- constitution --- avocat --- crime contre l'humanité --- δικηγόρος --- advocaat --- odvetnik --- avvocato --- адвокат --- asianajaja --- odvjetnik --- adwokat --- ügyvéd --- abogado --- Rechtsanwalt --- advokat --- advokatas --- advokāts --- lawyer --- avokat --- avocat pledant --- advogado --- advokaat --- avukat --- advokát --- abogado del Estado --- attorney --- адвокатска дејност --- odvjetnička djelatnost --- адвокатура --- Anwalt --- barrister --- letrado --- advokacie --- адвокатска комора --- vandeadvokaat --- odvjetništvo --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- grondwet --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- zločin protiv čovječnosti --- zločin proti človečnosti --- crimen contra la humanidad --- noziegums pret cilvēci --- zbrodnia przeciwko ludzkości --- έγκλημα κατά της ανθρωπότητας --- krim kundër njerëzimit --- misdaad tegen de menselijkheid --- emberiség elleni bűncselekmény --- Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit --- crime împotriva umanității --- forbrydelse mod menneskeheden --- brott mot mänskligheten --- zločin proti ľudskosti --- crimine contro l'umanità --- crime contra a humanidade --- nusikaltimas žmogiškumui --- crime against humanity --- rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan --- trestný čin proti lidskosti --- reat kontra l-umanità --- inimsusvastane kuritegu --- престъпление против човечеството --- кривично дело против човештвото --- злочин против човечности --- coir in aghaidh an chine dhaonna --- a nemzetközi jog szerint bűncselekménynek minősülő cselekmény --- brott enligt internationell rätt --- zločin proti lidskosti --- rikos kansainvälisen oikeuden nojalla --- genocída --- folkmord --- crime de droit international --- zločin ve smyslu mezinárodního práva --- holokaust --- холокауст --- polttouhri --- genocide --- delito de Derecho internacional --- holocausto --- etnocidio --- геноцид --- tautos naikinimas --- genocidium --- emberiesség elleni bűncselekmény --- crime de direito internacional --- Holocaust --- genocīds --- delitto contro l'umanità --- folkeretlig forbrydelse --- zločin podľa medzinárodného práva --- népirtás --- kansanmurha --- γενοκτονία --- folkrättsbrott --- кривични дела против човечноста и меѓународното право --- holokauszt --- Verstoß gegen das Völkerrecht --- krim sipas të drejtës ndërkombëtare --- génocide --- genocidas --- genocídio --- nusikaltimas tarptautinei teisei --- злостор против човештвото --- holocauste --- genocida --- crimine di diritto internazionale --- holokausts --- genocídium --- Völkermord --- noziegums, kas paredzēts starptautiskajās tiesībās --- olocausto --- rahvusvahelise õiguse vastane kuritegu --- folkedrab --- crimen de lesa humanidad --- holocaust --- Ολοκαύτωμα --- crime under international law --- Förintelsen --- genotsiid --- misdaad tegen het internationaal recht --- воено злосторство против цивилното население --- genocidio --- genocid --- έγκλημα Διεθνούς Δικαίου --- holokaustas --- pravna znanost --- shkencë juridike --- tiesību zinātne --- jogtudomány --- právní věda --- Rechtswissenschaft --- teisės mokslas --- drept --- xjenza tad-dritt --- juridische wetenschap --- právna veda --- oikeustiede --- scienze giuridiche --- rättsvetenskap --- õigusteadus --- правна наука --- legal science --- retsvidenskab --- νομική επιστήμη --- nauka prawa --- ciencia jurídica --- ciência jurídica --- δίκαιο --- jog --- jura --- diritto --- ligj --- právo --- juridik --- pravo --- наука за правото --- věda o právu --- law --- право --- tieslietas --- droit --- Recht --- Derecho --- jurisprudence --- теорија на право --- recht --- ret --- Belgique --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- Comité P --- indépendance de la justice --- domstolenes uafhængighed --- neodvisnost sodstva --- onafhankelijkheid van de rechterlijke macht --- nezávislosť súdnictva --- independencia de la justicia --- tiesu neatkarība --- independence of the judiciary --- независимост на правосъдието --- kohtute sõltumatus --- teismų nepriklausomumas --- pavarësia e gjyqësorit --- independență a justiției --- rättsväsendets oberoende --- Unabhängigkeit der Justiz --- indipendenza della giustizia --- bíróság függetlensége --- ανεξαρτησία της δικαιοσύνης --- независност судства --- niezawisłość sędziowska --- indipendenza tal-ġudikatura --- neovisnost sudstva --- независност на судството --- independência da justiça --- oikeuslaitoksen riippumattomuus --- nezávislost soudnictví --- судска независност --- bírósági függetlenség --- pavarësi gjyqësore --- tiesas neatkarība --- nezávislost soudů --- независност на правосудството --- tiesu sistēmas neatkarība --- independența sistemului judiciar --- judicial independence --- independence of the justice system --- teisingumo sistemos nepriklausomumas --- domstolarnas oberoende --- pavarësi e sistemit të drejtësisë --- kohtusüsteemi sõltumatus --- onafhankelijkheid van de rechtbanken --- nezávislost soudního rozhodování --- независност на судскиот систем --- neovisnost pravosuđa --- teisėjų nepriklausomumas --- независност на судовите --- dlíodóir --- bunreacht --- eolaíocht dhlíthiúil --- neamhspleáchas na mbreithiúna --- crime contre l'humanité --- indépendance de la justice

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