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Parlamentets natur : Utviklingen av norsk miljø- og petroleumspolitikk (1945–2013)
ISBN: 8215028144 8215028136 Year: 2017 Publisher: Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget)

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Sociology as a discipline is concerned with relationships. The relationship addressed in this book, is the one between society and nature. More specifically, the process of making pollution and the environmental condition relevant for – and in – parliament is used as an analytical prism to gain better understanding of that relationship. Building on theoretical perspectives from pragmatic moral-political sociology developed by Boltanski and Thévenot, the changing valuation of «nature» and «the environment» in Norwegian parliamentary debates is analysed: When and how is nature made a relevant for parliament? How is nature valued in these debates? How are decisions on environmental- and petroleum policy legitimated? What kind of knowledge is made relevant? In what ways have parliamentary debates changed over time and how can we understand these changes? Empirical data is an extensive sample of Norwegian parliamentary debates in the period 1945–2013. The book maps the historical trajectory of the political conflicts on the environmental consequences from industry in Norway, and the petroleum industry in particular. The analysis exposes how the form of valuable nature has changed substantially over time. That is, what makes nature valuable for parliament has changed over time. The changing form of valuable nature also has consequences for how pollution should be avoided and what kind of policy instruments that are considered relevant. In the early 20th century nature was primarily regarded as a robust and unchangeable entity. Starting from the early 1950s this understanding of nature is undergoing impor- 10 GISLE ANDERSEN | PARLAMENTETS NATUR tant changes. Rather than being viewed as a robust entity, nature is to larger extent seen as fragile and should be protected from humans: Nature should be conserved. During the next decades the relevant form of nature to protect is gradually redefined as «the environment». In contrast to the idea of protecting «nature» from humans, pollution was primarily a problem because it harmed the human environment. A significant change occurred during the 1990s. The Norwegian parliamentary debates from this period are characterised by a harsh ecological self-critique. This had several consequences, among them a new environmental statute in the Norwegian Constitution. A new way of valuing nature emerged: What is valued is not nature «itself» but the function that nature has for humans, the conservation of nature understood as a «life supporting production system» for humanity. This view of nature specified the valuation of nature as anthropocentric. Another important dimension of the new way of valuing nature is that it clearly limited what form of nature that should be protected: It is legitimate to pollute and to harm parts of nature, but only as long as one does not threaten the production system that humans depend upon. As long as an activity can go on without diminishing the functional utility of nature for humanity; use, change and destruction of nature can be considered legitimate. This could be understood as a minimum definition of sustainability. These changes are linked to the ways the modern societies today responds to, and tries to control, global environmental change.

OECD environmental performance reviews : Czech Republic 2018
ISBN: 9789264300958 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris, France : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,

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The Czech Republic has made progress in decoupling economic growth from freshwater abstractions, energy consumption, GHG and other air pollutants emissions. However, its strong industrial base and reliance on coal place the country among the most energy- and carbon-intensive in the OECD and air pollution is a serious health concern. Progressing towards sustainable development will require strengthening political commitment to a low-carbon economy and implementing more cost-effective environmental policies. This is the third Environmental Performance Review of the Czech Republic. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with special features on waste, materials management and circular economy and sustainable urban development.

W poszukiwaniu zielonego ładu
ISBN: 8382208711 Year: 2022 Publisher: Łódź : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego (University of Lodz Publisher),

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"Powstala w ramach inicjatywy EKOEkSoc ksia?z?ka W poszukiwaniu zielonego ladu jest efektem pracy autoro´w zwia?zanych zawodowo z Wydzialem Ekonomiczno-Socjologicznym Uniwersytetu Lo´dzkiego, kto´rzy w swej aktywnos´ci badawczej i dydaktycznej podejmuja? zagadnienia zwia?zane z problemami wyrastaja?cymi na styku systemo´w spoleczno-gospodarczych i s´rodowiska przyrodniczego. Jak zazieleniac´ zarza?dzanie zasobami czynniko´w produkcji? Jak koegzystowac´ z innymi gatunkami? Dlaczego warto poznawac´ ekologiczne uwarunkowania funkcjonowania miast, sektoro´w gospodarczych, przedsie?biorstw i gospodarstw domowych? Do czego moga? sie? przydac´ zielone podatki? Jak policzyc´ s´lad we?glowy i finansowac´ proekologiczne rozwia?zania? Czy wzrost PKB zawsze jest miara? sukcesu, a zwrot w kierunku zielonej gospodarki be?dzie inkluzywny? To przykladowe pytania, kto´re postawilis´my w publikacji. Znalezienie odpowiedzi wymagalo wyjs´cia poza utarte schematy mys´lenia, o kto´rych juz? wiemy, z?e zbyt cze?sto prowadza? do praktyk destrukcyjnych nie tylko wobec przyrody, lecz takz?e nas samych. Zapraszamy do lektury i aktywnego poszukiwania sposobo´w bar- dziej harmonijnego ukladania relacji z natura?."-- Provided by publisher.

Net Zero+ : climate and economic resilience in a changing world
ISBN: 9264868798 Year: 2023 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Climate policy making today demands balancing the need for immediate, accelerated climate action with essential responses to punctual crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine. Meeting this challenge requires a new approach centred on systemic resilience and the need to develop future-proof climate and economic policies that will endure potential diverse disruptions. This report offers policy makers a cohesive set of recommendations on how to build such resilience, derived from climate-relevant work from across OECD policy domains including economic and tax policy, financial and fiscal affairs, development, science and technology, employment and social affairs, and environmental policy, among others. It provides fresh insights on how to ensure the transition to net-zero emissions is itself resilient, while simultaneously building resilience to the increasing impacts of climate change. This report provides a synthesis of the OECD Net Zero+ project, covering the first phase of an ongoing, cross-cutting initiative, representing a major step forward for an OECD whole-of-government approach to climate policy.

Zéro émission nette+ : Résilience climatique et économique dans un monde en mutation
ISBN: 9264625542 Year: 2023 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Pour les responsables de l'élaboration de la politique climatique, il s'agit aujourd'hui de concilier la nécessité d'agir immédiatement en faveur du climat en passant à la vitesse supérieure, et celle de répondre aux crises ponctuelles causées notamment par la pandémie de COVID-19 et la guerre d'agression de la Russie en Ukraine. Relever ce défi impose une approche nouvelle centrée sur la résilience systémique et la formulation de politiques climatiques et économiques qui résisteront aux éventuelles perturbations futures. Ce rapport propose aux responsables publics un ensemble de recommandations cohérent sur la façon de renforcer cette résilience, qui trouve son fondement dans les travaux concernant le climat menés dans les différents domaines d'activité de l'OCDE, dont la politique économique et budgétaire, la fiscalité, la finance, le développement, la science et la technologie, l'emploi et les affaires sociales, l'environnement. On y trouvera des éclairages nouveaux sur les moyens d'assurer la résilience de la transition vers la neutralité en gaz à effet de serre elle-même, et de renforcer parallèlement la résilience face aux répercussions croissantes du changement climatique. Ce rapport fait la synthèse du projet Neutralité GES + de l'OCDE, première phase d'une initiative transversale qui se poursuit et marque une avancée majeure vers une approche de l'OCDE à l'échelle de l'ensemble de l'administration en matière de politique climatique. La présente version abrégée contient la Préface, l'Avant-propos, le Résumé et le Chapitre 1 du rapport. Le rapport complet est disponible en anglais sur le site web de l'OCDE.

Just Transformations : Grassroots Struggles for Alternative Futures
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0745344798 074534481X 0745344771 Year: 2024 Publisher: London, England : Pluto Press,

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"The climate crisis is the greatest existential threat humanity faces today. The need for a radical societal transformation in the interests of social justice and ecological sustainability has never been greater. But where can we turn to find systemic alternatives? From India, Turkey and Bolivia, to Venezuela, Canada and Lebanon, Just Transformations looks to local environmental struggles for the answers. With each case study grounded in the social movements and specific politics of the region in question, this volume investigates the role that resistance movements play in bringing about sustainable transformations, the strategies and tools they utilise to overcome barriers, and how academics and grassroots activists can collaborate effectively. The book provides a toolkit for scholar-activists who want to build transformative visions with communities. Interrogating each case study for valuable lessons, the contributors develop a conceptualisation of a just transformation that focuses on the changes that communities themselves are trying to produce."

Supreme Court's Climate Change Decision : Massachusetts v. EPA
Authors: ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Washington, District of Columbia : Library of Congress Congressional Research Service,

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XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen: report of the Nomenclature Section, 17th to 21st July 2017 Special Issue
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Pensoft Publishers

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The International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants is a set of voluntary rules that govern the naming of these organisms. These rules are changed via a process that begins with the community suggesting amendments to the current Code and culminates in a meeting at which all the proposed changes are discussed, debated and voted upon, held every six years in association with an International Botanical Congress. The most recent meeting, five days of discussions and decisions of the Nomenclature Section of the XIX International Botanical Congress, took place in Shenzhen, China in July 2017. The resulting Shenzhen Code was published in 2018. This is the official report of the proceedings of the meeting for the historical record, covering the debate and decisions taken. It conveys a true and lively picture of the event, retaining the flavour of goodwill and humour that permeated the Nomenclature Section of the Shenzhen Congress.

Environment policy review
Publisher: Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

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NMR project "POP Multi-Flux Intercomparison (PMFI)" : Evaluation of sequentially-coupled POP fluxes estimated from simultaneous measurements in multiple compartments of an airwater- sediment system
Year: 2007 Publisher: Copenhagen, Denmark : Nordic Council of Ministers,

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Bulk atmospheric deposition fluxes, air-water exchange fluxes, particle settling fluxes out of the upper water column, sediment trap fluxes in deep waters, and sediment burial fluxes of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were simultaneously measured in the Koster Fjord, eastern Skagerak, on the Swedish west coast. The aim of the study was to compare the magnitude and direction of the compound fluxes in the system in order to diagnose key fate processes. The PCB and PAH fluxes via net atmospheric deposition, settling particles out of the surface and through deep waters, as well as into the accreting underlying sediments were shown to be remarkably similar, agreeing within a factor of a few for any given target compound. Fluxes of all PCB and PAH target compounds remained fairly constant with water column depth. Thus, there was no evidence for net desorption from sinking particles. The net unidirectional and near balancing of vertical fluxes suggests a net transport of PCBs and PAHs from the atmosphere to the continental shelf sediments in the Koster Fjord, which is consistent with the hypothesis that the shelf sediments are important sinks for these compounds.

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