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Cambridge guide to mentalization-based treatment (MBT)
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 110890131X 110890193X 1108896057 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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An up-to-date and practical guide to mentalization-based treatment (MBT) for clinicians and researchers, covering the latest developments in mentalizing and MBT, the interventions refined in clinical practice for a range of psychological disorders, and the use of mentalizing in various contexts, described with illustrative clinical examples.

Biodegradability of benzothiazoles.
Year: 1995 Publisher: Leuven : KUL, Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen,

Mentalising and epistemic trust : the work of Peter Fonagy and colleagues at the Anna Freud Centre
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0191914193 0192644580 0192644599 019887118X Year: 2021 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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'Mentalising and Epistemic Trust' offers a critical overview of MBT, exploring its roots in attachment theory, and more broadly. The main theories and concepts in the work of Fonagy and colleagues are placed in an historical and social context, and changes occurring in the present moment are thoroughly appraised.

The new curator : exhibiting architecture and design
ISBN: 1351029827 9781351029803 1351029800 9781351029810 1351029819 9781351029827 9781351029797 1351029797 9781138492721 9781138492738 1138492736 Year: 2021 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge,

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"The New Curator: Exhibiting Architecture and Design examines the challenges inherent in exhibiting design ideas. Traditionally, exhibitions of architecture and design have predominantly focused on displaying finished outcomes or communicating a work through representation. In this ground-breaking new book, Fleur Watson unveils the emergence of the 'new curator'. Instead of exhibiting finished works or artefacts, the rise of 'performative curation' provides a space where experimental methods for encountering design ideas are being tested. Here, the role of the curator is not that of 'custodian' or 'expert' but with the intent to create a shared space of encounter with audiences. To illustrate this phenomenon, the book explores a diverse, international range of exhibitions. Divided into six themes, a series of project profiles are contextualized through conversations with influential curators and cultural producers such as Paola Antonelli, Kayoko Ota, Mimi Zeiger, Catherine Ince, Aric Chen, Zoë Ryan, Beatrice Leanza, Prem Krishnamurthy, Marina Otero Verzier, Brook Andrew, Carroll Go-Sam, Rory Hyde, Eva Franch i Gilabert, Patti Anahory and Paula Nascimento. Featuring over 100 color illustrations, this highly designed, beautiful book offers a highly innovative contribution to the field. An essential read for students and professionals in architecture, design, art, visual culture, museum studies, curatorial studies, and cultural theory"--

Marketing en Recht : de 4 P's op de weegschaal van Vrouwe Justitia : I. Promotie, Prijs
ISBN: 9057519917 Year: 2002 Volume: 1 Publisher: Brugge Die Keure

Adolescent Suicide and Self-Injury : Mentalizing Theory and Treatment
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030428753 3030428745 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This volume presents a comprehensive and practical approach to the treatment of suicide and NSSI for adolescents utilizing a mentalizing framework. The beginning of the text provides up-to-date information on the theory of a mentalizing therapy in order to ground the readers in the neuroscientific underpinnings of a mentalizing approach. Next chapters provide information on the fundamental building blocks of a mentalizing therapy at the individual and family level. These chapters provide step-by-step approaches in order to provide examples of the techniques involved in mentalizing treatment that can be employed to address suicidality and NSSI. The next chapter builds on these concepts as the reader learns about mentalizing failures involved in common co-morbidities in adolescents who are experiencing suicidality and/or employing NSSI. The next several chapters cover practical issues related to working within this patient population including the key concept of social systems and connections for both providers and adolescents, the ability of mentalizing theory and therapy to integrate with other effective therapies, how to approach sessions after a suicide attempt, resiliency for patient, family and the provider, along with important self-care for a therapist if a patient commits suicide. The final chapter brings all of the aforementioned elements together in order for the reader to conceptualize employing a mentalizing approach to adolescents and their families when suicide and NSSI concerns are a predominate focus of care. Illustrations of specific therapeutic approaches and a list of resources and guidelines where available are also included. Adolescent Suicide and Self-Injury is an excellent resource for all clinicians working with youths at risk for suicide and/or self-injury, including psychiatrists, psychologists, pediatricians, family medicine physicians, emergency medicine specialists, social workers, and all others.

Curating digital art : from presenting and collecting digital art to networked co-curation
ISBN: 9789493246010 9493246019 Year: 2021 Publisher: Amsterdam : Valiz,

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What is the role of the curator when organizing digital art exhibitions in offline and online spaces? Analyzing the influence and impact of curating digital art, the book focuses on how the experiments of curators, artists and designers opened the possibility to reconfigure traditional models and methods for presenting and accessing digital art. In the process, it addresses how web-based practices challenge certain established museological values and precipitate alternative ways of understanding art's stewardship, curatorial responsibility, public access and art history. Through more than twenty interviews with artists and curators in the course of the last ten years, and flanked by an extensive timeline, the reader of this publication is given an insight into the discourse on digital art and its curation today

Le régime juridique du classement tarifaire des marchandises dans l'Union européenne
ISBN: 9782802772057 2802772058 Year: 2022 Publisher: bruylant

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Cet ouvrage permet au lecteur d’avoir accès, dans un seul volume, à l’ensemble des éléments constituant le régime juridique du classement tarifaire des marchandises dans l’Union européenne, présentés de façon systématisée et structurée. Il s’avérera fort utile pour les importateurs et les exportateurs ainsi que pour leurs représentants en douane et constituera sans doute un outil à avoir « sous la main » également pour tous ceux qui, dans les administrations douanières et dans les juridictions nationales, ou au sein d’organisations internationales, sont concernés par le fonctionnement de l’union douanière de l’Union européenne.


Nomenclature douanière --- Droit européen. --- union douanière --- tarif douanier --- échange commercial --- Organisation mondiale des douanes --- importation --- exportation --- esportazione --- износ --- Export --- εξαγωγές --- vienti --- eksports --- uitvoer --- esportazzjoni --- exportação --- izvoz --- eksport --- exportación --- vývoz --- извоз --- onnmhairiú --- export --- eksportas --- kivitel --- eksportim --- vente à l'exportation --- shitje me eksportim --- export sale --- производи за извоз --- esportazione definitiva --- eksporto apribojimas --- eksportēšana --- извозна продажба --- flusso delle esportazioni --- vientikauppa --- predaj na export --- vendas à exportação --- eksportsalg --- eksporta tirdzniecība --- izvešana --- verkoop bij uitvoer --- ekspordimüük --- Ausfuhr --- exportförsäljning --- Ausfuhrgeschäft --- onnmhairiúchán --- pardavimas eksportui --- vendita all'esportazione --- išvežimas --- vânzare la export --- udførsel --- πώληση για εξαγωγή --- import --- dovoz --- importação --- importazzjoni --- importim --- allmhaire --- Import --- importas --- imports --- εισαγωγές --- behozatal --- внос --- увоз --- tuonti --- invoer --- uvoz --- importazione --- importación --- ievešana --- importazione definitiva --- Einfuhr --- importēšana --- indførsel --- įvežimas --- Organizzazione mondiale delle dogane --- Maailman tullijärjestö --- Svetová colná organizácia --- Werelddouaneorganisatie --- Organizația Mondială a Vămilor --- Světová celní organizace --- An Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Chustaim --- Svetovna carinska organizacija --- Organizata Botërore e Doganave --- Verdenstoldorganisationen --- Ülemaailmne Tolliorganisatsioon --- Organización Mundial de Aduanas --- Weltzollorganisation --- Светска царинска организација --- Pasaules Muitas organizācija --- Svjetska carinska organizacija --- Vámigazgatások Világszervezete --- Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Τελωνείων --- World Customs Organisation --- Światowa Organizacja Celna --- Organização Mundial das Alfândegas --- Световна митническа организация --- Organizzazzjoni Dinjija Doganali --- Världstullorganisationen --- Pasaulio muitų organizacija --- Rada Współpracy Celnej --- CCC --- Consejo de Cooperación Aduanera --- Conseil de coopération douanière --- KBD --- WDO --- OBD --- CCD --- Συμβούλιο Τελωνειακής Συνεργασίας --- Tullsamarbetsrådet --- Toldsamarbejdsrådet --- Tollikoostöö Nõukogu --- WCO --- Customs Cooperation Council --- Muitų bendradarbiavimo taryba --- CCA --- An Chomhairle um Chomhar Custaim --- tulliyhteistyöneuvosto --- WZO --- Vám-együttműködési Tanács --- Consiglio di cooperazione doganale --- IDR --- World Customs Organization --- Rada celní spolupráce --- ΠΟΤ (τελωνείο) --- Vijeće za carinsku suradnju --- СЦО --- Këshilli për Bashkëpunim Doganor --- Consiliul pentru Cooperare Vamală --- Rat für die Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiete des Zollwesens --- OMA --- ВЦО --- MBT --- CCC (An Chomhairle um Chomhar Custaim) --- Kunsill għall-Kooperazzjoni Doganali --- Wereld Douane Organisatie --- Conselho de Cooperação Aduaneira --- Svet za carinsko sodelovanje --- Internationale Douaneraad --- Савет за царинску сарадњу --- OMD --- TSR --- PMO --- Svetová organizácia ciel --- Rada pro celní spolupráci --- RZZ --- Rada colnej spolupráce --- Съвет за митническо сътрудничество --- scambio commerciale --- intercambio comercial --- operazzjoni ta’ negozju --- operacion tregtar --- obchodná operácia --- operațiuni comerciale --- prekybinė veikla --- obchodní operace --- търговска операция --- kaubandustegevus --- kereskedelmi forgalom --- трговска дејност --- trading operation --- obrót handlowy --- Handelsverkehr --- oibríocht trádála --- трговинска размена --- kaupallinen toiminta --- εμπορικές συναλλαγές --- trgovinski promet --- samhandel --- trocas comerciais --- tirdzniecības darbības --- handelsverkeer --- handelsutbyte --- Warenverkehr --- αγοραπωλησίες --- robna razmjena --- áruforgalom --- промет во трговијата на големо --- промет во трговијата на мало --- индекси на прометот во секторот трговија --- colný sadzobník --- tarif vamal --- taryfa celna --- tarifë doganore --- tollitariif --- царинска тарифа --- pauta aduaneira --- tariffa doganale --- muitas tarifs --- customs tariff --- muitų tarifas --- celní sazebník --- arancel aduanero --- δασμολόγιο --- taraif custam --- douanetarief --- tulltaxa --- tullitariffi --- tariffa doganali --- Zolltarif --- vámtarifa --- carinska tarifa --- митнически тарифи --- toldtarif --- muito tarifas --- тарифен број --- renta de aduanas --- uniune vamală --- muitų sąjunga --- muitas savienība --- τελωνειακή ένωση --- toldunion --- unjoni doganali --- царинска унија --- vámunió --- colná únia --- unia celna --- unión aduanera --- aontas custaim --- unione doganale --- carinska unija --- douane-unie --- celní unie --- tullunion --- bashkim doganor --- tulliliitto --- união aduaneira --- митнически съюз --- Zollunion --- customs union --- tolliliit --- territorio doganale unico --- Douanes --- Tarif douanier --- Commerce --- Droit européen. --- Réglementation --- Tariff --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Nomenclature et classification --- European Union

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