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Managerial economics.
ISBN: 0060444584 9780060444587 Year: 1988 Publisher: New York : Harper & Row,

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Economie des télécommunications : ouverture et réglementation
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2717822569 9782717822564 Year: 1992 Publisher: Paris : Economica,

Microeconomics for public policy. Helping the invisible hand.
ISBN: 0198773277 0198772882 9780198772880 9780198773276 Year: 1991 Publisher: Oxford : Clarendon Press,

Droits des brevets d'invention
ISSN: 17802369 ISBN: 9782804441371 2804441377 Year: 2020 Publisher: Larcier

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À une époque où l’innovation est plus que jamais au cœur de l’économie européenne, cet ouvrage a pour objectif d’exposer de manière à la fois simple et complète le droit des brevets en Belgique.Parce qu’il n’y a pas de bonne compréhension sans mise en perspective, il aborde tout d’abord l’histoire de la monopolisation des inventions, les justifications philosophiques données à celle-ci et la nature du droit. Il explique ensuite les conditions de brevetabilité, détaille les inventions non brevetables, et expose les procédures de délivrance belge et européenne ainsi que la problématique des pertes de droit et de la restauration du brevet. Sont ensuite abordées la question du droit à l’invention et celle du dépôt de brevet par une personne non habilitée. Les droits et obligations du breveté sont analysés, ainsi que les contrats dont le brevet peut faire l’objet (en ce compris les modes alternatifs de valorisation et la problématique des licences FRAND).Enfin, une large partie de l’ouvrage est consacrée à la problématique de la contrefaçon et aux sanctions tant civiles que pénales qui y sont liées.


Patent laws and legislation --- Brevets d'invention --- Droit --- E-books --- BPB2006 --- brevet --- Belgique --- STRADALEX --- patents --- patent --- privattiva --- szabadalom --- Patent --- patentti --- patentë --- brevetto --- патент --- δίπλωμα ευρεσιτεχνίας --- patente --- octrooi --- patentas --- paitinn --- patentin myöntäminen --- registrering av patent --- patendi väljastamine --- issue of a patent --- patent på uppfinning --- vydanie patentu --- Patenterteilung --- brevet de invenție --- izgudrojuma patents --- verlening van een octrooi --- išradimo patentas --- патентиран пронајдок --- patentudstedelse --- регистрација на патент --- brevetto d'invenzione --- έκδοση διπλώματος ευρεσιτεχνίας --- délivrance de brevet --- patente de invención --- entrega de patente --- patente de invenção --- patenta izsniegšana --- zdokonalovací patent --- патентиран изум --- patentë për shpikje --- zlepšovací patent --- ochrana vynálezu --- ευρεσιτεχνία --- opfinderpatent --- издавање патент --- leiutispatent --- patent for invention --- patento išdavimas --- brevet d'invention --- průmyslový patent --- rilascio di brevetto --- patentierte Erfindung --- patent na vynález --- keksinnölle myönnetty patentti --- çështje patente --- meddelande av patent --- izdavanje patenta --- признавање на патент --- patentiranje --- Erfindungspatent --- dépôt de brevet --- szabadalmasított találmány --- ufficio centrale brevetti --- recherche et développement --- monopole --- investigación y desarrollo --- výzkum a vývoj --- istraživanje i razvoj --- Forschung und Entwicklung --- forskning och utveckling --- moksliniai tyrimai ir eksperimentinė plėtra --- badania i rozwój --- riċerka u żvilupp --- onderzoek en ontwikkeling --- cercetare și dezvoltare --- tutkimus ja kehitys --- investigação e desenvolvimento --- raziskave in razvoj --- kutatás és fejlesztés --- forskning og udvikling --- истражување и развој --- ricerca e sviluppo --- výskum a vývoj --- изследване и развитие --- истраживање и развој --- έρευνα και ανάπτυξη --- kërkim dhe zhvillim --- research and development --- pētniecība un attīstība --- uurimis- ja arendustegevus --- I+D --- forskning og innovation --- R&D --- F&U --- kutatás-fejlesztés --- I&D --- moksliniai tyrimai ir plėtra --- investigación y desarrollo tecnológicos --- επιστημονική και τεχνική έρευνα --- IDT --- FuE --- K+F --- монопол --- monopoli --- monopólio --- monopoly --- Monopol --- monopolie --- monopol --- μονοπώλιο --- monopolju --- monopolio --- monopols --- monaplacht --- monopólium --- monopolija --- monopolio commerciale --- marknadsföringsmonopol --- markedsføringsmonopol --- obchodný monopol --- monopole commercial --- handelsmonopolie --- monopolio de comercialización --- markkinointimonopoli --- trading monopoly --- monopolio comercial --- prekybos monopolija --- μονοπώλιο εμπορίας --- obchodní monopol --- handelsmonopol --- монополска позиција --- posizione di monopolio --- tirdzniecības monopols --- marketingový monopol --- trgovački monopol --- monopólio de comercialização --- kaubandusmonopol --- εμπορικό μονοπώλιο --- monopole de commercialisation --- monopólio comercial --- monopol tregtar --- monopol marketingu --- monopolista --- rigidità monopolistica --- Handelsmonopol --- commercialiseringsmonopolie --- monopol comercial --- monopolio di commercializzazione --- legislazione antimonopolistica --- turumonopol --- монополска управа --- marketing monopoly --- monopolio assoluto --- kereskedelmi monopólium --- fixação monopolística dos preços --- kaupan monopoli --- taighde agus forbairt --- recherche et développement

Short-term valuation of power generation using the spark spread options
ISBN: 2872096507 9782872096503 Year: 2001 Volume: 3 Publisher: Louvain-la-Neuve Academia Bruylant

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Around the concept of a spark spread, the value differential between the price of one unit of power and the price of the natural gas volume required to produce that unit, the objective of this case study is to provide tools to assess the value of power generation units. The book describes some aspects of the gas and power markets in Europe, points out and explains the relevant academic literature on asset valuation and explores a pricing model which can be used to value spark spread options, i.e. generation units. The model is calibrated according to the physical reality of gas-fired plants as well as prevailing market conditions, leading to a value for power plants at different European locations.


Electric power --- Power-plants --- Pricing. --- Valuation. --- Opties. --- energiemarkten --- Relation between energy and economics --- prijsbepaling --- Capital structure --- Europe --- commerce mondial --- energie --- marches financiers --- monopole --- case studies --- elektriciteit --- energie, bevoorrading --- mathematische modellen, toegepast op economie --- openbare nutsbedrijven --- operations research --- overname ondernemingen --- prijsvorming --- risk management --- #ECO:04.06:sectoren energie --- energiemanagement --- 620.9 --- Energiemarkt . Europa --- 303.8 --- 338.730 --- 338.753.2 --- AA / International- internationaal --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- CH / Switzerland - Zwitserland - Suisse --- ES / Spain - Spanje - Espagne --- NL / Netherlands - Nederland - Pays Bas --- NO / Norway - Noorwegen - Norvège --- 620.9 <4> --- 469 Energie --- #A0204A --- Factories --- Electric power supply --- Power supply, Electric --- Power resources --- 620.9 <4> Economics of energy in general--Europa --- Economics of energy in general--Europa --- Pricing --- Valuation --- wereldhandel --- financiele markten --- monopolie --- Econometrische behandeling van een onderwerp --- Extractieve nijverheid: algemeenheden --- Elektrische energie --- Opties- en futures --- Energiesector --- Risicomanagement --- Prijsvorming --- Plants, Power --- Power stations --- Powerhouses (Energy facilities) --- Stations, Power --- Energy facilities --- Derivaat (belegging) --- Electric power - Pricing. --- Power-plants - Valuation.

Privatization, public ownership, and the regulation of natural monopoly
ISBN: 0631184864 9780631184867 Year: 1992 Publisher: Oxford Cambridge : Blackwell,

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Public economics --- Great Britain --- Trade regulation --- Privatization --- Government ownership --- Monopolies --- 35.078 <410> --- 339.54 <410> --- #ECO:01.10:economie overheid financiën begroting beleid --- AA / International- internationaal --- GB / United Kingdom - Verenigd Koninkrijk - Royaume Uni --- US / United States of America - USA - Verenigde Staten - Etats Unis --- 380.22 --- 382.30 --- 330.548 --- 338.047 --- Vormen van overheidsbemoeing. Opheffing van overheidstussenkomst. Privatisering--?<410> --- Buitenlandse economische politiek. Buitenlandse handelspolitiek. Instrumentarium van de buitenlandse handel--?<410> --- Concurrentie. Monopolie, duopolie, oligopolie. --- Handels- en wisselpolitiek in hun verband met de buitenlandse handel: algemeenheden. --- Nationalisatie. Privatiseringen. --- Privé en openbare bedrijven. Openbare diensten. Gemengde economie. --- 339.54 <410> Buitenlandse economische politiek. Buitenlandse handelspolitiek. Instrumentarium van de buitenlandse handel--?<410> --- 35.078 <410> Vormen van overheidsbemoeing. Opheffing van overheidstussenkomst. Privatisering--?<410> --- Nationalisatie. Privatiseringen --- Privé en openbare bedrijven. Openbare diensten. Gemengde economie --- Concurrentie. Monopolie, duopolie, oligopolie --- Handels- en wisselpolitiek in hun verband met de buitenlandse handel: algemeenheden --- Entreprises publiques --- États-Unis --- Grande-Bretagne --- Trade regulation - Great Britain. --- Privatization - Great Britain. --- Government ownership - Great Britain. --- Monopolies - Great Britain. --- Trade regulation - United States. --- Privatization - United States. --- Histoire --- Monopole --- Privatisation --- Regulation

Aux frontières des marchés publics: réflexions sur les limites du champ d'application de la réglementation relative aux marchés publics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782807925588 2807925588 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bruxelles Larcier/Intersentia

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Les contours du champ d’application de la réglementation relative aux marchés publics présentent de nombreux flous. Dans de nombreux cas, l’applicabilité de cette réglementation à une situation donnée ne fait aucun doute ; dans d’autres, la soumission d’une entité ou d’une opération au droit des marchés publics est plus incertaine. Cet ouvrage tente d’apporter un peu de lumière dans les zones d’ombre entourant la définition du champ d’application de la réglementation relative aux marchés publics.


E-books --- openbare aanbesteding --- BPB9999 --- öffentliche Auftragsvergabe --- přidělení zakázky --- adjudication de marché --- award of contract --- dodjela ugovora --- ανάθεση σύμβασης με δημοπρασία --- adjudicación de contrato administrativo --- възлагане на договор чрез тръжна процедура --- oddaja javnega naročila --- adjudecarea unui contract --- pridelenie zákazky --- przyznanie kontraktu --- hankintasopimuksen tekeminen --- fitimi i kontratës --- tilldelning av kontrakt --- доделување договор --- licitation --- hankelepingu sõlmimine --- għoti ta' kuntratt --- додела уговора --- adjudicação por contrato --- sutarties sudarymas --- līgumslēgšanas tiesību piešķiršana --- közbeszerzési szerződés odaítélése --- aggiudicazione d'appalto --- apertura dell'appalto --- adjudication de travaux publics --- automatické verejné obstarávanie --- tájékoztató az eljárás eredményéről --- automaattinen kilpailuttaminen julkisella tarjouskilpailulla --- aankondiging van een aanbesteding --- award notice --- award procedure --- adjudicación por lotes --- Vergabe eines öffentlichen Lieferauftrags --- Durchführung der Auftragsvergabe --- adjudicación de contrato público --- appalto permanente --- διαρκής μειοδοτικός διαγωνισμός --- tilldelning av offentligt kontrakt --- πρόσκληση εκδήλωσης ενδιαφέροντος --- Dauerausschreibung --- parecer de adjudicação --- adjudicación del contrato --- aggiudicazione --- προκήρυξη διαγωνισμού --- opening van een aanbesteding --- myöntämismenettely --- adjudication --- meddelande om anbudsförfarande --- pranešimas apie laimėtą sutartį --- procedura d'appalto --- bando di gara d'appalto --- Eröffnung der Auftragsvergabe --- πλειοδοτικός διαγωνισμός --- anbudsförfarande --- procédure d'adjudication --- paziņojums par līguma piešķiršanu --- adjudicatario --- avviso di gara d'appalto --- procedură de adjudecare --- δημοπράτηση δημοσίου έργου --- aanbesteding door de overheid --- sutarties laimėtojo išrinkimo tvarka --- közbeszerzési eljárás --- Bekanntmachung der Auftragsvergabe --- procedura d'aggiudicazione --- pakkumisprotseduur --- διαδικασία μειοδοτικού διαγωνισμού --- poder adjudicador --- oznámenie o uzatvorení zmluvy --- Verfahren zur Auftragsvergabe --- tenderim publik automatik --- adjudicação de obras públicas --- kontraktstilldelning vid anbudsförfarande --- adjudication de fournitures --- capitolato d'appalto --- јавни набавки --- licitationsprocedure --- tilldelning av leveranskontrakt --- adjudicação por concurso público --- adjudicação de fornecimentos --- adjudicação --- pasūtījuma piešķiršanas kārtība --- processo de adjudicação --- aanbesteding --- teade lepingu sõlmimise kohta --- szerződés odaítéléséről szóló hirdetmény --- postup uzatvárania zmluvy --- προκήρυξη μειοδοτικού διαγωνισμού --- atklātais konkurss --- indizione di gara d'appalto --- μειοδοτικός διαγωνισμός --- njoftim për fitimin e kontratës --- javna dodjela ugovora --- attribuzione del contratto di appalto --- aanbestedingsprocedure --- ouverture d'adjudication --- δημοπρασία --- avis d'adjudication --- concurso público permanente --- automatic public tendering --- procedurë e fitimit të kontratës --- entidad adjudicadora --- offentlig licitation --- κατακύρωση σύμβασης με δημοπρασία --- διαγωνισμοί προμηθειών --- pravidla výběrového řízení --- myöntämisilmoitus --- criterio de adjudicación --- adjudication permanente --- automatiškas dalyvavimas viešajame konkurse --- adjudicação de contrato --- otorgamiento del contrato --- avalik võistupakkumine --- permanente aanbesteding --- aviz de adjudecare --- Vergabe eines öffentlichen Bauauftrags --- inledande av anbudsförfarande --- licitationsbekendtgørelse --- pályázati felhívás hirdetménye --- szerződés odaítélése --- sutarties skyrimas --- marché public --- contrat --- monopole --- монопол --- monopoli --- monopólio --- monopoly --- Monopol --- monopolie --- monopol --- μονοπώλιο --- monopolju --- monopolio --- monopols --- monaplacht --- monopólium --- monopolija --- monopolio commerciale --- marknadsföringsmonopol --- markedsføringsmonopol --- obchodný monopol --- monopole commercial --- handelsmonopolie --- monopolio de comercialización --- markkinointimonopoli --- trading monopoly --- monopolio comercial --- prekybos monopolija --- μονοπώλιο εμπορίας --- obchodní monopol --- handelsmonopol --- монополска позиција --- posizione di monopolio --- tirdzniecības monopols --- marketingový monopol --- trgovački monopol --- monopólio de comercialização --- kaubandusmonopol --- εμπορικό μονοπώλιο --- monopole de commercialisation --- monopólio comercial --- monopol tregtar --- monopol marketingu --- monopolista --- rigidità monopolistica --- Handelsmonopol --- commercialiseringsmonopolie --- monopol comercial --- monopolio di commercializzazione --- legislazione antimonopolistica --- turumonopol --- монополска управа --- marketing monopoly --- monopolio assoluto --- kereskedelmi monopólium --- fixação monopolística dos preços --- kaupan monopoli --- avtal --- zmluva --- договор --- leping --- ugovor --- līgums --- kontratë --- sopimus --- kontrakt --- umowa cywilna --- pogodba --- szerződés --- sutartis --- Vertrag des bürgerlichen Rechts --- contract --- kuntratt --- contrato --- smlouva --- уговор --- σύμβαση --- contratto --- zaključivanje ugovora --- lepinguline kokkulepe --- sopimuksen tekeminen --- e drejtë kontraktuale --- lepinguline kohustus --- angazhim kontraktual --- e drejtë e kontratave --- assinatura de contrato --- līgumsaistības --- afsluiten van een contract --- conclusion de contrat --- склучување на договор --- συμφωνία --- ugovorna obaveza --- angajament contractual --- szerződéskötés --- договорно право --- kontrakts --- verplichting --- ondertekening van een contract --- līgumattiecības --- sopimusperusteisuus --- договорна обврска --- Vertragsunterzeichnung --- overenskomst --- vertragliche Verpflichtung --- law of contract --- Vereinbarung des bürgerlichen Rechts --- līgumtiesības --- uzatvorenie zmluvy --- firma di un contratto --- contractual commitment --- Vertragsabschluss --- compromiso --- úmluva --- szerződéses kötelezettség --- forpligtelse --- droit des contrats --- aftaleret --- szerződések joga --- sutartinė prievolė --- conclusión de contrato --- συμβόλαιο --- diritto contrattuale --- lepinguõigus --- раскинување на договор --- zmluvná dohoda --- sutarčių teisė --- tecknande av kontrakt --- indgåelse af kontrakt --- contractual agreement --- signature de contrat --- bindende tilsagn --- slutande av avtal --- smluvní právo --- līguma slēgšana --- Vetragsrecht --- склучување договор --- stipulazione di un contratto --- zmluvný záväzok --- direito dos contratos --- contract law --- conclusão de contrato --- δίκαιο των συμβάσεων --- szerződés megkötése --- conclusion of a contract --- contractrecht --- ugovorno pravo --- susitarimas dėl sutarties --- sopimusoikeudet --- marrëveshje kontraktuale --- compromisso --- σύναψη συμβάσεως --- uzavření smlouvy --- firma de contrato --- υπογραφή συμβάσεως --- dohoda --- lepingu sõlmimine --- δέσμευση --- avtalsrätt --- Derecho contractual --- szerződéses megállapodás --- sopimusvelvoite --- përfundim i një kontrate --- σύναψη δημόσιων συμβάσεων --- verejné obstarávanie --- viešieji pirkimai --- zadávání veřejných zakázek --- avalik hange --- javno naročanje --- overheidsopdrachten --- akkwist pubbliku --- közbeszerzés --- Vergabe öffentlicher Aufträge --- contratação pública --- soláthar poiblí --- offentlig upphandling --- contratación pública --- appalto pubblico --- public procurement --- achiziții publice --- обществени поръчки --- Јавни набавки --- javna nabava --- udzielanie zamówień publicznych --- publiskais iepirkums --- offentligt udbud --- julkinen hankinta --- javna naročila --- offentlige indkøb --- BPB2102 --- Belgique --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- Marchés publics --- conradh --- conradh a dhámhachtain --- Government purchasing --- Marchés publics (Administration publique) --- Law and legislation --- adjudication de marché --- marché public

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