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International contracting : contract management in complex construction projects
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1908979518 9781908979513 9781908979506 190897950X Year: 2014 Publisher: London : Imperial College Press,

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This book, about international contracting and contract management, is written from the angle of the contractor and discussed from an international perspective. It comments on real-life cases, taken from various kinds of projects: infrastructural works (roads, bridges, tunnels, rail roads), wind- and sunfarms, oil and gas installations, such as platforms, pipe lines, power generating works, and large buildings.The book is structured around the contracting cycle. Chapters include dealing with the role of the contractor in international contracting, the tender process, landing and negotiating

Energy-Efficient Architecture
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3764372532 9783764372538 3034608624 9783034608626 Year: 2012 Publisher: Basel

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How is an energy efficient building created? Which are the most important criteria pertaining to urban development or the conception of the floor plan? What are the optimal dimensions appropriate for the building's usage but also ensuring energy efficiency? Which building elements and systems are most suitable? This book systematically explains all relevant criteria and parameters as regards urban development, design and the subsequent construction of a sustainable building. The immense potential for cutting costs by modernising the energy systems in old buildings is also demonstrated.Completed projects are presented according to their usage and are analysed and evaluated in the light of the above criteria. For this purpose extensive plans and technical information are used to illustrate the "energy profile" of each building. This shows the particular importance of planning details carefully. An annotated subject index concludes the volume. This book systematically explains all relevant criteria and parameters as regards urban development, design and the subsequent construction of a sustainable building. The immense potential for cutting costs by modernising the energy systems in old buildings is also demonstrated. Completed projects are presented according to their usage and are analysed in the light of the above criteria.


Architecture and energy conservation. --- Buildings --- Energy conservation. --- Environmental engineering. --- energy conservation --- construction [discipline] --- Architecture --- Structural parts and elements of building --- architectuur --- ruimtelijke ordening --- Heating, climatisation, ventilation and air conditioning --- comprehensive plans [reports] --- Environmental planning --- energie-economie --- architecture [discipline] --- Relation between energy and economics --- Architectuur ; milieuaspecten ; energiebesparing --- Duurzame architectuur ; 1990-2005 --- Bouweconomie --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Natuurtechnische milieubouw ; alternatieve energiebronnen --- 72:574 --- 72.039 --- 72.02 --- 69.02 --- passiefhuizen --- duurzame architectuur --- duurzaam bouwen --- 504 --- 692 --- 728.1 --- 728.1 Woonhuizen. Woningbouw (algemeen) --- Woonhuizen. Woningbouw (algemeen) --- 72.039 Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- 692 Structural parts and elements of buildings --- Structural parts and elements of buildings --- 504 Environment. Environmental science --- Environment. Environmental science --- Architectuur en ecologie --- Architectuurgeschiedenis ; 2000 - 2050 --- bouwen - constructie-elementen, duurzaam bouwen --- Energy conservation and architecture --- Energy efficient buildings --- Environmental engineering (Buildings) --- sustainable architecture --- Building materials. Building technology --- Architecture and energy conservation --- Environmental engineering --- Sanitary engineering --- Energy conservation --- Human factors --- Zero energy buildings --- ARCHITECTURE ET ECONOMIES D'ENERGIE --- ENERGIE --- CONSERVATION

Duurzaam & gezond bouwen & wonen volgens de bio-ecologische principes
ISBN: 907585501X 9789075855012 Year: 1996 Publisher: Londerzeel Ecobooks

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Deze publicatie gaat uit van het standpunt dat de mens en natuur één zijn. Alles wat in de natuur als levensecht herkenbaar is, is bruikbaar. Alles wat levensvreemd en artificieel is, is in principe verdacht en kan maar na grondigonderzoek aanvaard worden.


General ecology and biosociology --- architecture [discipline] --- sustainable architecture --- Architecture --- Bouwkunst --- Environnement --- Logements --- Milieu --- Woonhuizen --- 504.062 --- 69.504 --- bouwen --- duurzaamheid --- ecologie --- #A9701A --- 504 --- 69 --- 728 --- 69.02 --- duurzaam bouwen --- ecologisch wonen --- 613.5 --- 692.1 --- Aardstralen --- Architectuur --- Bio-ecologisch bouwen --- Bouw --- Bouwbiologie --- Bouwen --- Bouwmaterialen --- Ecologie --- Energie --- Isolatie --- Leem --- Radio-activiteit --- Radon --- Stedebouw --- Verlichting --- Vocht --- Wonen --- Woninghygiëne --- 719.6 --- architectuur --- binnenklimaat --- bio-ecologisch bouwen --- ecologisch bouwmateriaal --- ecologische verlichting --- natuurverf --- 718.8 --- binnenhuisarchitectuur --- bouwmaterialen --- ecologisch bouwen --- energiebesparing --- 69.504 Building and the environment. Sustainable building --- Building and the environment. Sustainable building --- 504.062 Protection, rational use, restoration of natural resources. Sustainable development --- Protection, rational use, restoration of natural resources. Sustainable development --- Duurzaamheid --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Bouwtechniek --- Bouwwezen --- Huizen (architectuur) --- Woningen (architectuur) --- Woonhuizen (architectuur) --- bouwen - constructie-elementen, duurzaam bouwen --- (zie ook: ecologisch bouwen) --- architectuur, geschiedenis volgens genres/doeleinden, hedendaagse woningbouw --- Housing --- Sustainable architecture --- Ecological aspects. --- Duurzaam bouwen

Sustainable Construction Techniques
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783955532383 3955532380 9783955532390 9783955532406 3955532399 3955532402 Year: 2015 Publisher: München

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Sustainable construction techniques bietet insbesondere Architekten eine fundierte Handhabe für den ökologisch optimierten Gebäudeentwurf und die Auswahl nachhaltiger Baukonstruktionen. Die Autoren geben einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Datenbanken und Gütezeichen für Bauprodukte und zeigen, wie Ökobilanzen erstellt werden. Sie identifizieren die Stellschrauben für eine ökologische Optimierung im Verlauf des Planungsprozesses und leisten Hilfestellung bei der Auswahl von Baumaterialien und -elementen. Das Buch versteht sich vor allem als Anleitung für eigene Projekte, denn: Ökologische Optimierung ist kontextabhängig. Abhängig von den Anforderungen an Nutzung, Dauerhaftigkeit, Schall- oder Brandschutz eines Gebäudes können ganz unterschiedliche Lösungen die "richtigen" sein. Die hiermit verbundenen Abwägungsprozesse illustrieren in diesem Buch fünf ausführliche Dokumentationen gebauter Objekte aus Europa und Nordamerika. What makes building materials sustainable? How can we reduce how much "grey energy" is produced in the building process? And how does a Life Cycle Analysis work? These are questions which are becoming increasingly more common in the context of sustainable construction. The DETAIL Green Book Sustainable construction techniques offers a thorough guide to ecological building design and sustainable construction methods, which will be particularly valuable for architects. The authors provide an overview of the most relevant databases and certification standards for building products and illustrate how a Life Cycle Analysis is conducted. They also identify key ways of optimising the planning process in line with ecological criteria, while offering advice for the selection of building materials and elements. Detailed documentation from five buildings constructed in Europe and North America serve to illustrate the associated assessment processes in this book.


Sustainable construction. --- 504 --- 69 --- 72:574(035) --- Architectuur en ecologie ; handboeken --- Constructie van duurzame gebouwen en interieurs ; handboeken --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Ecologisch bouwen en wonen ; 21ste eeuw --- Duurzame ; ecologische ; constructietechnieken --- Green construction --- Duurzame architectuur --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Ecologie --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Bouwtechniek --- Bouwwezen --- Construction durable --- Éco-matériaux --- Construction, Technique de la --- Habitations --- Résistance des matériaux --- Aspect environnemental --- Technique de l'environnement --- structural engineering --- sustainable architecture --- Building materials. Building technology --- interior design --- Architecture --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Building --- Sustainable engineering --- Sustainable construction --- Construction durable. --- Éco-matériaux. --- Technique de la construction --- Résistance des matériaux. --- Aspect environnemental. --- Technique de l'environnement. --- 69.02 --- duurzaam bouwen --- bouwen - constructie-elementen, duurzaam bouwen --- Construction industry --- Sustainable architecture. --- Sustainable buildings --- Ecologically sustainable design (Buildings) --- Environmentally sustainable design (Buildings) --- ESD design (Buildings) --- Green building design --- Green design (Buildings) --- Sustainable design (Buildings) --- Eco-architecture --- Environmentally conscious architecture --- Environmentally friendly architecture --- Green architecture --- Sustainable design --- Environmental aspects. --- Design and construction. --- Éco-matériaux --- Résistance des matériaux

Building from Waste
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783038213758 9783038219323 3038213756 3038219320 9783038213796 3038213799 9783038215844 3038215848 Year: 2014 Publisher: Basel

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"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover!" ist heute die Leitlinie für nachhaltiges Bauen, die an die Stelle der Wegwerfmentalität der industriellen Moderne getreten ist. Das Autorenteam von der ETH Zürich und dem Future Cities Laboratory in Singapur gibt hier erstmals einen systematischen Überblick über die aus Abfall als erneuerbarem Rohstoff produzierten Baumaterialien und -elemente und über ihre Anwendung in Architektur, Innenraumgestaltung und Produktdesign. Die Bandbreite der dargestellten Baustoffe reicht von marktgängigen Produkten, wie Fassadepaneele aus Stroh oder selbstheilender Beton, bis hin zu Neuentwicklungen wie Holzbauelemente aus Zeitungspapier oder Isolierfasern aus Jeansdenim. Die Produkte werden auch in ihren Anwendung in gebauten oder prototypischen Projekten gezeigt. Das zugrunde liegende Konzept, Materialien in zusätzliche Lebenszyklen in der gebauten Umwelt zu überführen, geht über bloßes Recycling weit hinaus und umfasst fünf Gruppen von Produkten entsprechend ihrer Herstellungs- und Wirkungsweise: Verdichtung, physische Verwandlung, chemische Verwandlung, multifunktionale Gestaltung und biologisch-chemische Wachstumsprozesse. In einem weiteren Zugang werden die Produkte und Projekte nach ihren Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Tragwerk, als selbsttragende Elemente, für Wärmedämmung und Feuchteschutz sowie im Ausbau gegliedert und dargestellt. "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover" is the sustainable guideline that has replaced the "Take, Make, Waste" attitude of the industrial age. Based on their background at the ETH Zurich and the Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore, the authors provide both a conceptual and practical look into materials and products which use waste as a renewable resource. This book introduces an inventory of current projects and building elements, ranging from marketed products, among them façade panels made of straw and self-healing concrete, to advanced research and development like newspaper, wood or jeans denim used as isolating fibres. Going beyond the mere recycling aspect of reused materials, it looks into innovative concepts of how materials usually regarded as waste can be processed into new construction elements. The products are organized along the manufacturing processes: densified, reconfigured, transformed, designed and cultivated materials. A product directory presents all materials and projects in this book according to their functional uses in construction: load-bearing, self-supporting, insulating, waterproofing and finishing products.

Architectuur als klimaatmachine : handboek voor duurzaam comfort zonder stekker.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789461057266 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam SUN

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Architectuur als klimaatmachine biedt theorie en praktijktoepassingen van passieve en actieve systemen die het comfort in gebouwen, met name in woningbouw, kunnen verhogen. Dit boek gaat in op zowel stedenbouwkundige, architectonische als bouwkundige aspecten. De auteurs lichten vuistregels en achterliggende theorieën toe en bieden handvatten voor gebruik in het ontwerp. Ze brengen met dit boek de ontwerpconsequenties in beeld in ontwerpstudies en voorbeeldprojecten met een onderscheid tussen passieve en actieve klimaatbeheersing.


Heating, climatisation, ventilation and air conditioning --- Equipment, services, installations in buildings --- sustainable architecture --- green design [environmental concept] --- Architecture --- architecture [discipline] --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Duurzaam bouwen. --- Structural parts and elements of building --- duurzame architectuur --- duurzaam wonen --- 644.1 --- 502.13 --- 72:574(035) --- Duurzame architectuur ; handboeken --- Klimaatontwerp --- Architectuur en ecologie ; handboeken --- Duurzame architectuur --- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- Indoor climate control. Heating. Ventilation. Air conditioning --- Maatregelen en management betreffende het behoud van de natuur --- 644.1 Indoor climate control. Heating. Ventilation. Air conditioning --- 697 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- 504 --- 699 --- 69 --- 699.86 --- 697 --- 620.9 --- Bouweconomie --- 620.9 Economics of energy in general --- Economics of energy in general --- Duurzaamheid --- Bouwfysica --- Bouwtechniek --- Klimaatbeheersing --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Building design --- Architecture and climate --- Architecture and energy conservation --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Energy conservation and architecture --- Energy efficient buildings --- Energy conservation --- Climate and architecture --- Climatology --- Enviromental aspects --- Design and construction --- Climatic factors --- Influence of climate --- klimatisering --- duurzaam bouwen --- PXL-Tech 2019 --- bouwkunde --- architectuur --- klimaatveranderingen --- klimaatregeling --- duurzaam ontwerpen --- 69.02 --- klimaatbeheersing --- bouwen - constructie-elementen, duurzaam bouwen --- Zero energy buildings --- Architecture, Primitive

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