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International Conference on Psychology, Education and Mental Health : Education Innovation and Mental Health in Industrial Era 4.0
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110679973 3110679981 Year: 2019 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Description Indonesian Psychology Research that primarily focuses on education and mental health, is trying to take a tremendous share to reveal the consequences of industrial development which influence psychological, educational, and mental health factors of humans. The 1st International Conference on Psychology, Education, and Mental Health has proven its commitment to arise the spirit of scientist which provide insight, innovation, and creativity to resolve the problems in psychological field which occurred in this industrial development era. Hundreds of scientists, professionals, and students has gathered to discuss, analyze, and express their opinions about current issues today. We are proud because we can bridge their efforts in a prestigious scientific gathering in Indonesia The 1st ICoPEM 2019. We are enthusiastic to welcome you at the 1st International Conference on Psychology, Education, and Mental Health 2019 to be held in Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia, 8-10 September 2019. Aims and Scope This event will bring together psychology experts, psychology researcher, psychology lecturer, and students worldwide. We expect it to be a great opportunity and an inspiring occasion for research development learning, especially to disseminating of new findings in psychology and to bridge the networking of psychology professional, psychology researcher and psychology educator. Scopes: Education Techniques of teaching and learning Literacy and skill development Digital technology on education Creativity and entrepreneurship education; Innovation and value on education; Health Profession Education. Psychology and Counseling Adult and Continuing Education Educational Theory Education Policy Civic Education and Leadership Special Education Rehabilitation Counseling Early Childhood Education Higher Education Lifelong Learning Philosophical issues in educational psychology and pedagogy. Multiculturalism in education. Gender, disability, sexuality, and marginalization in education. Pedagogy for marginalized groups. Indigenous pedagogy. Pedagogy for social transformations. Mental Health Parenting in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 Mental health issues in millennial; Professionalism on Mental Health Care in Industrial Era 4.0 School Well-Being. Adult/children counselling Cognitive Behavior therapy Multiple personality disorders Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) Advanced treatments in mental illness Gender differentiation Abusive minds Parent child interaction therapy Domestic violence Suicidal tendency Victims of sexual abuse Child maltreatment Child protection services Child homicide Instructions for Authors Journal Guidelines for Reviewers Criteria for publication The criteria for selection for publication in Proceedings Education Innovation and Mental Health in Industrial Era 4.0 are: Outstanding scientific excellence and importance that furthers the field, and improves or changes our understanding of it. Originality: research articles should report novel work that has not been published elsewhere. Manuscripts that lack novelty or only present an incremental advance over previous work are not acceptable. Review articles should cover the latest developments in a specific area of research, place it in a wider context and provide original insights into the topic. Potential interest for a wide spectrum of readers; findings should be put into a wide context and be understandable by readers who may not be familiar with the subject area. Conforming to recognised standards of scientific procedure in terms of methodology and ethical standards Reviewing instructions All submissions are confidential and please do not discuss any aspect of the submissions with a third party. If you would like to discuss the article with a colleague, please ask the editor first. Please do not contact the author directly. Ethical Issues: Plagiarism: If you suspect that an article is a substantial copy of another work, please let the editor know, citing the previous work in as much detail as possible Fraud: It is very difficult to detect the determined fraudster, but if you suspect the results in an article to be untrue, discuss it with the editor Other ethical concerns: For medical research, has confidentiality been maintained? Has there been a violation of the accepted norms in the ethical treatment of animal or human subjects? If so, then these should also be identified to the editor Organization and Clarity Title: Does it clearly describe the article? Abstract: Does it reflect the content of the article? Introduction: Does it describe what the author hoped to achieve accurately, and clearly state the problem being investigated? Normally, the introduction should summarize relevant research to provide context, and explain what other authors' findings, if any, are being challenged or extended. It should describe the experiment, the hypothesis(es) and the general experimental design or method. Method: Does the author accurately explain how the data was collected? Is the design suitable for answering the question posed? Is there sufficient information present for you to replicate the research? Does the article identify the procedures followed? Are these ordered in a meaningful way? If the methods are new, are they explained in detail? Was the sampling appropriate? Have the equipment and materials been adequately described? Does the article make it clear what type of data was recorded; has the author been precise in describing measurements? Results: This is where the author/s should explain in words what he/she discovered in the research. It should be clearly laid out and in a logical sequence. You will need to consider if the appropriate analysis has been conducted. Are the statistics correct? If you are not comfortable with statistics, please advise the editor when you submit your report. Interpretation of results should not be included in this section. Conclusion/Discussion: Are the claims in this section supported by the results, do they seem reasonable? Have the authors indicated how the results relate to expectations and to earlier research? Does the article support or contradict previous theories? Does the conclusion explain how the research has moved the body of scientific knowledge forward? Tables, Figures, Images: Are they appropriate? Do they properly show the data? Are they easy to interpret and understand? Scope - Is the article in line with the aims and scope of the journal? Education: Techniques of teaching and learning; Literacy and skill development; Digital technology on education; Creativity and entrepreneurship education; Innovation and value on education; Health Profession Education. Mental Health: Parenting in the era of industrial revolution 4.0; Mental health issues in millennial; Professionalism on Mental Health Care in Industrial Era 4.0; School Well-Being. Speed of refereeingThe committee endeavors to keep time from submission to publication as short as possible. Therefore, we ask referees to report back within 14 days of receiving the manuscript. In certain instances, an extension to this time may be granted by the editor, but should be agreed in advance. Next Steps Please complete the “Reviewer’s Comments” form by the due date to the receiving editorial office. Your recommendation regarding an article will be strongly considered when the editors make the final decision, and your thorough, honest feedback will be much appreciated. When writing comments, please indicate the section of comments intended for only the editors and the section of comments that can be returned to the author(s). Please never hesitate to contact the receiving editorial office with any questions or concerns you may have. Description The proceedings represent the latest in research, development, deployment and projects on a range of topics presented at International Conference on Psychology, Education and Mental Health. Topics covered include: Education Techniques of teaching and learning; Literacy and skill development; Digital technology on education ; Creativity and entrepreneurship education; Innovation and value on education; Health Profession Education. Mental Health Parenting in the era of industrial revolution 4.0; Mental health issues in millennial; Professionalism on Mental Health Care in Industrial Era 4.0; School Well-Being. The papers published under each conference are sorted according to the themes and topics defined under each event. Papers are published according to the events at which they were presented by the authors. They can be searched by theme, author, or title. All the papers published here are open access, thus free of charge. Complete versions of the conference proceedings are also available as PDF to download. Editorial Policy All articles submitted to ICoPEM will generally be reviewed by two experts who will be asked to evaluate whether the manuscript is scientifically sound and coherent, whether it duplicates the already published works, and whether or not the manuscript is sufficiently clear for publication. Review reports Reviewers are asked to evaluate whether the manuscript: Is original by stating the objectives and gap clearly Is methodologically sound Follows appropriate ethical guidelines Has results/findings which are clearly presented and support the conclusions Correctly references previous relevant work Reviewers are not expected to correct or copyedit manuscripts. Language correction is not part of the peer review process. Decision Reviewers advise the editor of ICoPEM, who is responsible for the final decision to accept, reject, or request revisions of referred papers based on the reviews and editorial insight of the supporting parties. In addition, Editors will have the option of seeking additional reviews when needed. Authors will be advised when Editors decide further review is needed.

Perspectives and research on play for children with disabilities : Collected papers

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Perspectives and research on play for children with disabilities. Collected Papers. This book includes eight chapters reflecting various approaches towards the theme of play for children with disabilities that characterised the work of the members of the COST Action TD1309 "LUDI-Play for Children with Disabilities": barriers and facilitators to play, guidelines on accessibility and usability of toys and technologies, literature reviews and parents' and studies on educators' perspectives on play are presented. Alongside these multifaceted points of view, some theoretical aspects emerged as a common background: the ICF-CY theoretical perspective, the vision of "play for the sake of play" and play as a fundamental right. ABSTRACTING & INDEXINGPerspectives and research on play for children with disabilities is covered by the following services: Baidu Scholar EBSCO Discovery Service Google Scholar J-Gate Naviga (Softweco) Primo Central (ExLibris) ReadCube Semantic Scholar Summon (ProQuest) TDOne (TDNet) WorldCat (OCLC)

Opfernarrative in transnationalen Kontexten
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3110693461 3110673592 Year: 2020 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Aus einer transnationalen Perspektive werden nach 1989 entstandene literarische und künstlerische Texte analysiert, die - unter Rückgriff auf vielstimmige Ästhetiken - differenzierte Sichtweisen auf die gedächtnispolitisch brisante Figur des Opfers eröffnen sollen. Um wenig produktive Opferkonkurrenzen zu transzendieren und Wege aus 'Opferfallen' im Sinne Daniele Gigliolis aufzuzeigen, werden vor allem Konzepte dialogischen (A. Assmann) bzw. multidirektionalen Erinnerns (M. Rothberg) fruchtbar gemacht, um Täter-Opfer-Binarismen zu überwinden. Neben der im Medium der Literatur möglichen Transgression schematisierender Täter-Opfer-Beziehungen geht es vor allem um die Repräsentation und Artikulation von Opfern bzw. Opfergruppen abseits von 'Opferkult' und (Selbst-)Viktimisierung.Gerade die dezidiert literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche sowie transnationale Perspektivierung von Opfernarrativen ebenso wie das Augenmerk auf europäische Literaturen der unmittelbaren Gegenwart heben den Sammelband von Publikationen zum selben Thema ab und bereichern die erinnerungspolitisch so brisante und aktuelle Diskussion um die Figur des Opfers auf innovative Art und Weise. This edited volume examines the representation of victims beyond the categories of the "victim cult," self-victimization, and the victim-perpetrator dichotomy. Adopting a transnational perspective, it mainly considers literature written after 1989, leveraging concepts of dialogical and multidirectional memory to facilitate differentiated perspectives in the politics of memory regarding the highly charged figure of the victim.

Cultural Techniques : Assembling Spaces, Texts & Collectives
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3110647044 3110644568 3110645343 Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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This volume presents the preliminary results of the work carried out by the interdisciplinary cultural techniques research lab at the University of Erfurt. Taking up an impulse from media studies, its contributions examine -from a variety of disciplinary perspectives-the interplay between the formative processes of knowledge and action outlined within the conceptual framework of cultural techniques. Case studies in the fields of history, literary (and media) studies, and the history of science reconstruct seemingly fundamental demarcations such as nature and culture, the human and the nonhuman, and materiality and the symbolical order as the result of concrete practices and operations. These studies reveal that particularly basic operations of spatialization form the very conditions that determine emergence within any cultural order. Ranging from manual and philological "paper work" to practices of opening up and closing off spaces and collective techniques of assembly, these case studies replace the grand narratives of cultural history focusing on micrological examinations of specific constellations between human and nonhuman actors.

Demographic Change in Japan and the EU : Comparative Perspectives

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This volume contains selected papers of the 2008 annual conference of the German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (Vereinigung für sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung e.V. - VSJF). The academic meeting has addressed the issue of demographic change in Japan in comparison to the social developments of ageing in Germany and other member states of the European Union. The conference was organized by the Institute for Modern Japanese Studies at Heinrich-Heine-University of Duesseldorf and took place at the Mutter Haus in Kaiserswerth (an ancient part of Duesseldorf). Speakers from Germany, England, Japan and the Netherlands presented their papers in four sessions on the topics "Demographic Trends and Social Analysis", "Family and Welfare Policies", "Ageing Society and the Organization of Households" and "Demographic Change and the Economy". Central to all transnational and national studies on demographic change is the question of how societies can be reconstructed and be made adaptive to these changes in order to survive as solidarity communities. The authors of this volume attend to this question by discussing on recent trends of social and economic restructuring and giving insight into new research developments such as in the area of households and housing, family care work, medical insurance, robot technology or the employment sector.

Handbuch kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung.

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Das Handbuch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick zu den Grundlagen, Schwerpunkten und Perspektiven der Beschäftigung mit kommunikativem Erinnern und medialem Gedächtnis. Damit erschließen seine Beiträge das Feld kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Erinnerungsforschung und verknüpfen es mit komplementären sozial-, geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen. Im Kompendium stehen originäre Beiträge aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum zu den Themenbereichen Journalismus und kollektive Erinnerung, Medienbilder in öffentlicher und privater Erinnerung sowie der Erinnerungskultur kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Fachgeschichte in Verbindung zu internationalen Sichtweisen. Neben der Darstellung erinnerungskultureller Konzepte und Kernfragen sowie ihrer interdisziplinären Anschlüsse werden die zentralen Arbeitsbereiche der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit medienkommunikativer Vergegenwärtigung kritisch aufgearbeitet. Auf diese Weise trägt das Handbuch zur Aufstellung und Ausrichtung einer kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Erinnerungsforschung bei. This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the principles, perspectives, and main emphases of studying processes of communicative remembering and media memory. Its chapters analyze the field of communication memory studies and link it to complementary approaches from the social sciences, the humanities, and cultural studies.

Zwischen nationalen und transnationalen Erinnerungsnarrativen in Zentraleuropa

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Im Zuge der europäischen Integration nach 1989 schien es, als könnten die transnationalen Erinnerungskulturen in Europa die nationalen ablösen und eine neue europäische Identität re/präsentieren. National geprägte Erinnerungstraditionen erweisen sich jedoch erstens als beharrlich, zweitens bilden sie dabei zugleich ein neues Verhältnis zu Europa aus, in welchem das Nationale teilweise eine neue Stoßrichtung erhält.Eine internationale Tagung in Regensburg zielte darauf ab, dieser Gleichzeitigkeit und Prozessualität des Nationalen und des Transnationalen auf die Spur zu kommen, woraus auch dieser Band hervorging. In den konkreten Einzelanalysen steht das Narrative im Fokus, zugleich geht es um die transmediale Betrachtung der Erinnerungsnarrative im weiteren Kontext. Analysiert werden fiktionale und non-fiktionale Texte sowie Repräsentationen der Vergangenheit in Fernsehen, Film, Fotografie und musealen Ausstellungen.Das Erstarken des nationalen Deutungsmusters im heutigen Europa lässt sich durch den Blick auf das "geteilte" Erinnern besser verstehen. Es geht dabei nicht zuletzt um die Frage, welche Chancen und Gefahren in den heute veränderten europäischen Gedächtniskulturen liegen.

Der Zweite Weltkrieg in postsozialistischen Gedenkmuseen : Geschichtspolitik zwischen der ,Anrufung Europas' und dem Fokus auf ,unser' Leid
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110722054 3110714817 Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Erstmals wird die Museumslandschaft aller postsozialistischen EU-Mitgliedsländer untersucht. Wie stellen Museen den Zweiten Weltkrieg, Holocaust und sowjetische Verbrechen dar? Im Zuge der EU-Beitrittsbemühungen betreiben einige eine 'Anrufung Europas' und wollen ihr Europäischsein beweisen, indem sie internationale Musealisierungstrends übernehmen. Andere verlangen von ,Europa', ihr Leiden unter den Sowjets als größeres Übel anzuerkennen. This volume is the first to examine the museum landscape of all post-socialist EU member states. How do museums present the Second World War, the Holocaust, and Soviet crimes? As part of their nations' attempts to join the EU, some "invoke" Europe, aiming to prove their Europeanness by adopting international museification trends. Others demand that "Europe" recognizes their suffering under Soviet rule as the greater evil.

Mikrogeschichten der Erinnerungskultur : "Am grünen Strand der Spree" und die Remedialisierung des Holocaust by bullets
ISBN: 3110745526 3110633671 Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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Die Erinnerungskultur entsteht nicht aus dem Nichts. Sie wird von sozialen Akteuren verhandelt und konstruiert. Anhand des Romans, des Hörspiels und der Fernsehserie Am grünen Strand der Spree (1955-1960), in denen eine Massenerschießung von Juden und Jüdinnen in der besetzten Sowjetunion während des Zweiten Weltkrieges geschildert wird, untersucht die Autorin die westdeutsche Zirkulation der Erinnerung an den sog. Holocaust by bullets. In drei mikrohistorischen Studien analysiert sie die Akteure, die Wirkung sowie die Materialität dieser Schilderungen. Dabei geht sie tief ins Detail, um die Mechanismen nachzuzeichnen, die das kulturelle Gedächtnis an die Massenerschießungen in Bewegung bzw. zum Stillstand bringen. Wie war es möglich, dass eine umfangreiche Darstellung eines NS-Verbrechens in der frühen Bundesrepublik erschien und fürs Radio und Fernsehen adaptiert wurde? Wieso wurden alle Fassungen von Am grünen Strand der Spree über Jahrzehnte nur Spezialist/-innen bekannt? Aus welchen Gründen gewinnen der Roman, das Hörspiel und die Fernsehserie allmählich wieder an Popularität? Who constructs memory culture? What kind of impact do conceptions of history have on their users? What kind of infrastructure activates cultural memory? In three microhistorical studies, this volume examines Through the Night as a novel, audio play, and TV series (1955–1960) to ask how memories of the mass shootings of Jews in the occupied Soviet Union during the Second World War circulated in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Futures of the Study of Culture : Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Global Challenges
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3110669390 9783110669398 3110655098 Year: 2020 Publisher: De Gruyter

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How can we approach possible but unknown futures of the study of culture? This volume explores this question in the context of a changing global world. The contributions in this volume discuss the necessity of significant shifts in our conceptual and epistemological frameworks. Taking into account changing institutional research settings, the authors develop pathways to future cultural research, addressing the crucial concerns of the cultural and social worlds themselves. The contributions thereby utilize contact zones within a wide range of disciplines such as cultural anthropology, sociology, cultural history, literary studies, the history of science and bioethics as well as the environmental and medical humanities. Examining emerging inter- and transdisciplinary points of reference, the volume invites scholars in the humanities and social sciences to take part in a conversation about theories, methods, and practices for the future study of culture.

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