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Working Women in the Sandwich Generation: Theories, Tools and Recommendations for Supporting Women's Working Lives
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 1802625011 1802625046 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bingley Emerald Publishing

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Women more often than men take care of their ageing relatives together with their own children or grandchildren. These Sandwich Generation (SG) women constitute an expanding vulnerable group on the labour market at higher risk of discrimination, work-family conflict, burnout, and withdrawal from the labour market and unemployment. Working Women in the Sandwich Generation helps present a clearer view of how to support this group both now and in the future. Beginning with a presentation of quantitative and qualitative research that sheds light on the SG situation in Poland, Finland and Flanders, this volume provides insights into various components from the SG life domains such as personal development and learning, connection to the labour market, coping strategies, resources, and energy drainers. In the second part the book provides tools for SG women, their supervisors, educators, and coaches to help manage challenging situations and improving wellbeing at work. Working Women in the Sandwich Generation then introduces the results of international comparative research the purpose of which was to identify and characterise the SG in five European countries before concluding with recommendations for supervisors and policy makers in supporting SG women.

Sharing lives : adult children and parents
ISBN: 1315647311 1317297636 1138125717 1138596248 Year: 2016 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge,

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Sharing Lives explores the most important human relationships which last for the longest period of our lives: those between adult children and their parents. Offering a new reference point for studies on the sociology of family, the book focuses on the reasons and results of lifelong intergenerational solidarity by looking at individuals, families and societies. This monograph combines theoretical reasoning with empirical research, based on the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). The book focuses on the following areas: ● Adult family generations, from young adulthood to the end of life, and beyond ● Contact, conflict, coresidence, money, time, inheritance ● Consequences of lifelong solidarity ● Family generations and the relationship of family and the welfare state ● Connections between family cohesion and social inequality. Sharing Lives offers reliable findings on the basis of state-of-the-art methods and the best available data, and presents these findings in an accessible manner. This book will appeal to researchers, policymakers and graduate students in the areas of sociology, political science, psychology and economics.

Children's agency, children's welfare
ISBN: 9781847424891 1847424899 1447306295 9786612913440 1847424902 1447301838 1282913441 9781847424907 9781447306290 Year: 2010 Publisher: Bristol ; Portland, OR Policy Press

Crianza contemporánea : significados y comprensiones desde la voz de las familias
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9588943558 Year: 2020 Publisher: Medellín : Universidad Católica Luis Amigó,

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Este libro resultado de un proceso de investigación, vincula aspectos teóricos y metodológicos en la intervención de familias en el tema de crianza; con respecto al componente práctico, incluye estrategias y técnicas que pueden ser adoptadas por los profesionales del área psicosocial, especialmente psicólogos, trabajadores sociales, profesionales en desarrollo familiar y terapeutas familiares. El texto incluye, además, un análisis de los motivos de consulta que describen los padres de familia en el tema de crianza, en el contexto de un proceso de intervención profesional o institucional, y con ellos los desafíos para lograr su comprensión y análisis, direccionados al bienestar de las familias intervenidas. Finalmente, los resultados de la investigación colocan en reflexión las técnicas y estrategias que utilizan los profesionales psicosociales en el tema de crianza; en correspondencia con sus fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos, mediatizados por aspectos éticos.

Faire famille aujourd’hui : Normes, résistances et inventions
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782753581456 2753581452 2753585040 Year: 2021 Publisher: Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes,

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Qu’est-ce qu’être parent aujourd’hui ? À partir d’une importante enquête qualitative auprès de familles, diverses du point de vue de leur configuration et de leur origine sociale et géographique, et de divers professionnels de la petite enfance, notre ouvrage montre que les familles sont loin de rester passives face à l’imposition de règles de conduite d’une « bonne parentalité ». Elles interprètent différemment les normes, se les approprient, les rejettent ou s’y adaptent sur la base de compromis négociés avec les institutions et les professionnels de la petite enfance. Il est remarquable que le travail permanent exercé sur les normes familiales ne soit pas linéaire et aboutisse à la coexistence d’une pluralité de conceptions de la « bonne parentalité », plus ou moins innovantes, contestataires ou traditionnelles. Ce qui frappe aujourd’hui est cet enchevêtrement de normes traditionnelles résistantes, de normes contestées et négociées et de nouvelles normes inventées qui transforment les référentiels de la famille moderne. Plus qu’au déclin de l’institution familiale, souvent déploré dans le discours public et relayé par les spécialistes de l’enfance ou les observateurs de la vie sociale, notre enquête nous a confrontées à un processus permanent d’institutionnalisation de la famille tant par sa contestation des normes en place que par sa volonté d’inventer de nouvelles façons de « faire famille ».

Bejaarde ouders met een thuiswonende mentaal gehandicapte zoon of dochter : omgaan met de toekomst.
ISBN: 9061865832 Year: 1994 Volume: vol 15 Publisher: Leuven Universitaire pers Leuven

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Gezocht: pleitbezorgers voor het jonge kind : wie beschermt zijn affectieve rechten?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9053509828 Year: 2000 Publisher: Leuven/Apeldoorn Garant

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Dit boek gaat over de affectieve rechten van het zeer jonge kind. Het gaat over wat het prenatale kind en de baby in zijn eerste levensjaren nodig heeft om zich goed te voelen, om zich te kunnen ontwikkelen tot een gelukkig persoon.


Kiwi's --- Child psychology. --- Parent and child. --- Preschool children --- Sociale agogiek --- Psychology. --- Jeugdbescherming en kinderrechten. --- Ontwikkelingspsychologie ; kinderen --- Rechten van het kind --- Child psychology --- Parent and child --- 159.922 --- Emoties --- Gezin --- jeugdzorg --- Kinderen --- maatschappelijk werk --- opvoeding --- recht, jeugd --- Samenleving --- welzijnswerk --- 416.1 --- kinderen --- kinderpsychologie --- kinderrechten --- ouder-kind relatie (moeder-kind relatie) --- ouder-kind relatie --- Child and parent --- Children and parents --- Parent-child relations --- Parents and children --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Psychology, Child --- Psychology --- 34 --- 159.92 --- Recht --- Prenatale raadpleging --- Jeugdbescherming --- Kinderpsychologie --- Gezinssociologie --- Kindermishandeling --- Sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling --- Ontwikkelingspsychologie --- Baby's --- Peuters --- Kleuters --- Gezinnen --- Opvoeding en onderwijs --- Rechten --- Children and adults --- Interpersonal relations --- Parental alienation syndrome --- Sandwich generation --- Child development --- Developmental psychology --- emoties --- kinderpsychiatrie --- mishandeling --- ontwikkelingspsychologie --- ouder-kindrelatie --- pedagogiek --- Jeugdpsychologie --- Kind --- Kleuter --- Opvoeding --- Geschiedenis --- Thuiszorg --- Atlas --- Museum --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie --- Onderwijs --- Leerling --- Ouderenzorg --- Jongere --- Vlaanderen --- Emigratie

Childhood in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance : the results of a paradigm shift in the history of mentality
ISBN: 3110184214 9783110184211 3110895447 Year: 2005 Publisher: Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter,

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Earlier theses on the history of childhood can now be laid to rest and a fundamental paradigm shift initiated, as there is an overwhelming body of evidence to show that in medieval and early modern times too there were close emotional relations between parents and children. The contributors to this volume demonstrate conclusively on the one hand how intensively parents concerned themselves with their children in the pre-modern era, and on the other which social, political and religious conditions shaped these relationships. These studies in emotional history demonstrate how easy it is for a subjective choice of sources, coupled with faulty interpretations - caused mainly by modern prejudices toward the Middle Ages in particular - to lead to the view that in the past children were regarded as small adults. The contributors demonstrate convincingly that intense feelings - admittedly often different in nature - shaped the relationship between adults and children. Frühere Thesen zur Kindheitsgeschichte können mittlerweile zu den Akten gelegt werden, denn die Masse der Beweise dafür, dass auch im Mittelalter und in der Frühneuzeit enge emotionale Beziehungen zwischen Eltern und Kindern bestanden, erweist sich als erdrückend und ermöglicht einen fundamentalen Paradigmenwechsel. Die Beiträger zu diesem Band weisen einerseits zwingend nach, wie intensiv Eltern in der Vormoderne sich um ihre Kinder gekümmert haben, andererseits führen sie auch vor Augen, welche sozialen, politischen und religiösen Bedingungen diese Beziehungen gestalteten. Diese emotionsgeschichtlichen Untersuchungen demonstrieren, wie leicht eine subjektive Quellenauswahl und Fehlinterpretationen, meist bedingt durch moderne Vorurteile besonders gegen das Mittelalter, zu der Meinung führen können, dass Kinder in der Vergangenheit als kleine Erwachsene angesehen wurden. Die Beiträger weisen überzeugend nach, dass intensive, wenngleich oftmals anders gelagerte Gefühle das Verhältnis zwischen Erwachsenen und Kindern prägten.

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