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La colonne : nouvelle histoire de la construction
ISBN: 9782880747145 2880747147 Year: 2008 Volume: *1 Publisher: Lausanne : Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes,

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Avec le temps, la colonne est devenue l'élément emblématique de l'architecture. Souvent perçue comme le symbole révolu d'une culture académique, elle continue pourtant à exister dans l'architecture contemporaine, essentiellement sous la forme du segment vertical d'une structure complexe visant à libérer le plan. Ce recueil d'essais propose une vision de cet élément à travers les siècles sous un angle qui privilégie, dans l'analyse, la construction, le matériau, la technique. Il plaide pour une histoire de l'architecture réintégrant les contributions décisives des savants et mathématiciens. Il veut être aussi le point de départ d'une collection d'ouvrages qui vise à décomposer l'architecture en éléments, pour parvenir à constituer une nouvelle histoire de la construction, à la fois technique et théorique, intéressant étudiants, architectes et ingénieurs.(quatrième de couverture)

Architectures de France à travers les croquis d'Albert Laprade
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2701304091 9782701304090 Year: 1980 Publisher: Paris : Berger-Levrault,

The function of form
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788496954731 8496954730 Year: 2009 Publisher: Barcelona ; New York : [Cambridge, Mass.] : Actar ; Harvard University, Graduate School of Design,

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Cet ouvrage est le résultat d'un enseignement professé à la Graduate School of design à l'université de Harvard. Moussavi présente une nouvelle théorie de la forme basée sur la répétition (tessellation) et la différenciation et qui élargit la production de formes et leur conceptualisation en recourrant à des notions de géométrie, de biologie et de techniques informatiques. Cet ouvrage présente des systèmes de structure et les nombreuses variétés de formes qu'ils peuvent produire selon différents effets (pliage, torsion, emboîtage, cambrure, etc). Sept sections : grilles et armatures, voûtes, dômes, voiles, coquilles, membranes, structures gonflables. De nombreux exemples historiques de structures réalisées du Moyen âge à 2009, du dôme de Sainte-Sophie à la CCTV de Pékin.

Glas =
ISBN: 9783955532024 3955532038 9783955532031 395553202X 3955532046 Year: 2014 Publisher: München Institut für Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG

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Glas prägt die Architektur, es bietet dem Architekten Möglichkeiten, mit Licht, mit der Beziehung "innen - außen" und dem Verhältnis des Menschen zum Raum und zur Natur zu spielen. Es dient der Steuerung von Licht und Wärme, von Raumatmosphären und Blickbeziehungen. Aber Glas braucht andere Materialien, die es halten, tragen, stützen und infolge dessen verlangt es einen integrativen Arbeitsansatz verschiedener Disziplinen: gute Glasarchitektur ist immer das Ergebnis eines gelungenen Zusammenspiels von Entwurf, Technik, Konstruktion und Umsetzung. Glas erscheint - je nach Zusammensetzung - transparent oder transluzent, farbig oder klar. Best of Detail: Glas bündelt die Highlights aus DETAIL und DETAILgreen zum Thema Glas, Transparenz und Transluzenz. Die Publikation setzt bei Grundsatzfragen an und bietet neben der theoretischen Basis mit einem umfangreichen Projektteil aus der Praxis jede Menge Inspirationen und konstruktive Lösungsbeispiele. Glass shapes architecture, offering architects scope for playing with the relationship between "inside and outside" and how people relate to space and nature. It influences interior light and warmth, offering special spatial atmospheres and views. Glass needs other materials to hold, carry and support it, so using it requires an integrative approach involving various disciplines. Good glass architecture is the result of a successful interaction between design, technology, construction and implementation. Depending on its composition, glass appears transparent or translucent, coloured or clear. Best of Detail: Glass combines highlights from DETAIL and DETAILgreen on the topic of glass, transparency and translucence. Starting with fundamental questions, the book offers a theoretical basis, details on many practically implemented projects, and plenty of inspiration and examples of successful structural solutions.

Elements of architecture
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783836556149 3836556146 Year: 2018 Publisher: Köln : Taschen,

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Derived, updated, and expanded from Koolhaas' exhaustive and much-lauded exhibition at the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale, this is an essential toolkit to understanding the pieces, parts, and fundamentals that comprise structure around the globe. Designed by Irma Boom and based on research from the Harvard Graduate School of Design, the 2,600-page monograph contains essays from Rem Koolhaas, Stephan Trueby, Manfredo di Robilant, and Jeffrey Inaba; interviews with Werner Sobek and Tony Fadell (of Nest); and an exclusive photo essay by Wolfgang Tillmans.

Best of DETAIL
ISBN: 3955532569 9783955532567 3955532577 9783955532550 3955532550 Year: 2015 Publisher: München

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Die Auftragslage im Gebäudebestand nimmt für Architekten stetig zu. Dies liegt zum Einen am zunehmenden Gebäudealter, zum Anderen am stetigen Wandel baulicher, aber auch gesellschaftlicher Anforderungen.Die gewünschten oder erforderlichen Maßnahmen sind jedoch immer individuell und variieren enorm. Es gibt daher keinen allgemeingültigen Begriff, der alle Baumaßnahmen an bestehenden Gebäuden beschreibt und der generell verstanden wird. Entsprechend umfassend präsentiert "best of DETAIL: Sanierung" die Highlights aus DETAIL zu den Themen Umbau, Anbau, Instandsetzung, Modernisierung und Umnutzung. Die Publikation bietet neben theoretischen Fachbeiträgen einen umfangreichen Projektbeispielteil. Dieser liefert von XS-Maßnahmen wie der Umgestaltung einzelner Räume oder Wohnungen bis zur XXL-Kategorie auf der Ebene der Stadtsanierung jede Menge Inspirationen und Lösungsansätze. For architects, the amount of work to be done on existing buildings is steadily increasing. This is partially a reflection of the advancing age of buildings, but it is also due to constant changes in building and social requirements. The desired or necessary measures, however, are always personalised and vary considerably. As a result, there is no standardised or widely understood term that can be used to describe the range of construction activities related to existing buildings. Reflecting this, "best of DETAIL: Refurbishment" presents a comprehensive range of highlights from DETAIL on the topics of renovation, extension, restoration, refurbishment and conversion. In addition to specialised theoretical contributions, the publication features an extensive section with examples of projects. From small-scale measures, such as the redecoration of single rooms or apartments, to the supersized category at the urban renewal level, it offers abundant inspiration as well as a variety of approaches to solving problems.

Matériaux composites souples
ISBN: 9783034607094 9783034613392 3034613393 3034607091 Year: 2013 Publisher: Basel

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Textile Architektur begeistert die Menschheit weltweit schon seit vielen Jahrhunderten. In den letzten Jahrzehnten und Jahren konnten durch innovative Materialien neue Möglichkeiten geschaffen werden, diesen faszinierenden Werkstoff in der Architektur, im Bauwesen und auch im Design einzusetzen.Textilien faszinieren wegen der besonderen Formen, die diese Gewebestrukturen ermöglichen und aufgrund ihres außergewöhnlichen Charakters als weiche Materialien. Gemeinsam mit ihren funktionalen und konstruktiven Eigenschaften bieten sie ein Leistungsspektrum, das bei spektakulären, wie auch alltäglichen Aufgaben genutzt wird.Das Buch widmet sich den technischen Textilien in drei Teilen: Im ersten Kapitel wird das Material in seinen spezifischen Eigenschaften vorgestellt, das zweite Kapitel befasst sich mit den Anwendungen in den Bereichen Architektur, textile Fassaden, Sonnenschutz und Innenarchitektur unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Verarbeitungsweisen und Konstruktionsprinzipien. Das dritte Kapitel dokumentiert eine Auswahl von 24 internationalen gebauten Projekten, um die verschiedenen Einsatzgebiete auch unmittelbar zu veranschaulichen. Textile architecture has been captivating humanity for many centuries. In recent years and decades, the emergence of innovative materials has created new opportunities to utilize this fascinating material in the fields of architecture, interior design, and design. Textiles derive their fascination from the special forms these fabric structures make possible and from their unusual character as soft materials. Together with their functional and structural properties, they possess a range of capabilities equally suitable for spectacular and everyday building tasks. This book deals with technical textiles in three sections: in the fi rst chapter, the material is introduced together with its specific properties; the second chapter deals with its uses in the areas of architecture, textile facades, solar protection, and interior design, with special attention to finishing techniques and construction principles. The third chapter illustrates the various fields of application with a selection of some twenty-four international built projects.


Materiau composite --- Textile --- Façade légère --- Structure légère --- Structure tendue --- Structure gonflable --- Comportement des matériaux --- Composite construction --- Building materials --- Industrial fabrics --- Synthetic fabrics in building --- Architecture --- Textile fabrics in interior decoration --- Details --- Composites --- Matériaux --- Architecture et technologie --- Textiles et tissus synthétiques dans la construction --- Architecture intérieure --- Innovations --- Composites. --- Architecture et technologie. --- Textiles et tissus synthétiques dans la construction. --- Innovations. --- Matériaux. --- Composite construction. --- Building materials. --- Industrial fabrics. --- Synthetic fabrics in building. --- Textile fabrics in interior decoration. --- Interior decoration --- Architectural details --- Buildings --- Details, Architectural --- Architectural design --- Architectural drawing --- Plastics in building --- Textile fibers, Synthetic --- Fabrics, Industrial --- Industrial textiles --- Textiles, Industrial --- Textile fabrics --- Architectural materials --- Building --- Building supplies --- Construction materials --- Structural materials --- Materials --- Beams, Composite --- Building, Composite --- Composite beams --- Composite building --- Composite girders --- Girders, Composite --- Building, Iron and steel --- Composite materials --- Concrete construction --- Concrete slabs --- Details. --- Architecture - Details --- Matériaux --- Textiles et tissus synthétiques dans la construction. --- Architecture intérieure --- Matériaux.

The details of modern architecture
ISBN: 026206121X 0262061856 0262562022 0262562014 9780262061858 9780262061216 9780262562010 Year: 1990 Publisher: Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press,

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VOLUME 1 : How did the great architects of this century reconcile their vision of architecture with the realities of building? This is a crucial question that every student of architecture must confront. The Details of Modern Architecture, the first comprehensive analysis of both the technical and the aesthetic importance of details in the development of architecture, provides not one answer but many.The more than 500 illustrations are a major contribution in their own right. Providing a valuable collective resource, they present the details of notable architectural works drawn in similar styles and formats, allowing comparisons between works of different scales, periods, and styles.Covering the period 1890-1932, Ford focuses on various recognized masters, explaining the detailing and construction techniques that distort, camouflage, or enhance a building. He looks at the source of each architect's ideas, the translation of those ideas into practice, and the success or failure of the technical execution.Ford examines Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House and Fallingwater Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye, and buildings by McKim, Mead & White, Lutyens, Mies van der Rohe, and Schindler from a point of view that acknowledges the importance of tradition, precedent, style, and ideology in architectural construction. He discusses critical details from a technical and contextual standpoint, considering how they perform how they add to or detract from the building as a whole, and how some have persisted and been adapted through time. VOLUME 2 : This second volume of The Details of Modern Architecture continues the study of the relationships of the ideals of design and the realities of construction in modern architecture, beginning in the late 1920s and extending to the present day. It contains a wealth of new information on the construction of modern architecture at a variety of scales from minute details to general principles. There are over 500 illustrations, including 130 original photographs and 230 original axonometric drawings, arranged to explain the technical, aesthetic, and historical aspects of the building form. Most of the modern movements in architecture have identified some paradigm of good construction, arguing that buildings should be built like Gothic cathedrals, like airplanes, like automobiles, like ships, or like primitive dwellings. Ford examines the degree to which these models were followed, either in spirit or in form, and reveals much about both the theories and techniques of modern architecture, including the extent to which the current constructional theories of High Tech and Deconstruction are dependent on the traditional modernist paradigms, as well as the ways in which all of these theories differ from the realities of modern building. Individual chapters treat the work of Eliel and Eero Saarinen, Eric Gunnar Asplund, Richard Neutra, Alvar Aalto, Le Corbusier, and Louis Kahn, as well as the Case Study, High Tech, Postmodern, and Deconstructivist architects. Among the individual buildings documented are Eliel Saarinen's Cranbrook School, Asplund's Woodland Cemetery, Fuller's Dymaxion house, the Venturi house, the Eames and other Case Study houses, the concrete buildings of Le Corbusier, Aalto's Saynatsalo Town Hall, and Kahn's Exeter Library and Salk Institute -- with many details published for the first time.


Architectuur details 1890-1932 --- 72.038 --- Architectuurgeschiedenis 1950 - 2000 --- Détails --- -Details --- -Déconstructivisme --- Saarinen, Eliel --- Graves, Michael --- Asplund, Erik Gunnar --- Buckminster Fuller, Richard --- Lewerentz, Sigurd --- Prouvé, Henri --- 1928-1988 --- Architectuur details 1928-1988 --- architectuurdetails --- 1890-1932 --- -Elément d'architecture --- Habitation individuelle --- Lutyens, Edwin, --- Cram, Ralph Adams --- Greene, Charles Sumner --- Greene, Henry Mather --- Richardson, Henry Hobson --- Schindler, Rudolf --- Voysey, C.f.a. --- Webb, Philip --- 72.036 --- 72.04 --- 72.03 --- Architectuur ; details ; 1928-1988 --- architectuur 20e eeuw --- architectuur --- architectuurgeschiedenis --- 72.036 Moderne bouwkunst. Architectuur van de 20e eeuw --- Moderne bouwkunst. Architectuur van de 20e eeuw --- Architectuurdetails --- Details (architectuur) --- Twintigste eeuw (architectuur) --- 20ste eeuw (architectuur) --- Architectuurgeschiedenis --- Architectuur (geschiedenis) --- Architectuurgeschiedenis ; 1950 - 2000 --- architecture [discipline] --- Architecture --- anno 1900-1999 --- anno 1800-1999 --- Industrialisation --- High tech --- Elément d'architecture --- Brutalisme --- Architecture moderniste --- Architecte --- Architecture, Modern --- Détail d'architecture --- Détail de construction --- Fonctionnalisme --- Details --- Venturi, Robert --- Scarpa, Carlo --- Saarinen, Eero --- Neutra, Richard Joseph --- Le Corbusier, Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, --- Kahn, Louis Isidore, --- Eames, Charles --- Breuer, Marcel --- Aalto, Alvar, --- Ellwood, Craig --- Foster, Norman --- Gehry, Frank O. --- Koenig, Pierre --- Murcutt, Glenn --- Nouvel, Jean --- Piano, Renzo --- Prouvé, Jean --- Rogers, Richard --- 20e siècle --- Arts and crafts --- Wright, Frank Lloyd, --- Wagner, Otto --- Mies Van Der Rohe, Ludwig --- Loos, Adolf --- Gropius, Walter --- 19e siècle --- Details. --- Détails (architecture) --- -Architecture, Modern --- -Modern architecture --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Design and construction --- Détails --- Gehry, Frank Owen --- Breuer, Marcel, --- Mies Van Der Rohe, Ludwig, --- 72.035 --- 19de eeuw (architectuur) --- Negentiende eeuw (architectuur) --- Fuller, Richard Buckminster, --- Wagner, Otto, --- Venturi, Robert, --- Architectuur ; details ; 1890-1932 --- Nouvel, Jean, --- Loos, Adolf, --- Rogers, Richard, --- Architecture, Primitive --- Architecture - - Details --- Déconstructivisme --- Architecture, Modern - 19th century. --- Architecture, Modern - 20th century --- Architecture, Modern. 19th century --- Architecture, Modern. 20th century --- Venturi, Robert, 1925-2018 --- Le Corbusier, Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, 1887-1965 --- Kahn, Louis Isidore, 1901-1974 --- Breuer, Marcel, 1902-1981 --- Aalto, Alvar, 1898-1976 --- Fuller, Richard Buckminster, 1895-1983 --- Nouvel, Jean, 1945 --- -Piano, Renzo --- Rogers, Richard, 1933 --- -Architecture - - Details --- Architecture, Modern - 19th century --- Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959 --- Wagner, Otto, 1841-1918 --- Mies Van Der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969 --- Lutyens, Edwin, 1869-1944 --- Loos, Adolf, 1870-1933 --- -Détails (architecture) --- Détails (architecture) --- -Architecture

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