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La Syrie antique
ISBN: 9782070764976 2070764974 Year: 2002 Publisher: [Paris] : Gallimard,

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De la Méditerranée aux rives de l'Euphrate, entre montagnes et déserts, la Syrie antique forme un vaste territoire d'échanges et de passage. Durant mille ans, d'Alexandre à Mahomet, Phéniciens, Araméens, Juifs, Arabes, Grecs puis Romains y mêlent leurs cultures. Antioche, Apamée, Tyr, Sidon, Bostra ou Palmyre forment le cadre urbain privilégié du développement de l'hellénisme, tandis que prospèrent les campagnes. Mais Grecs et Romains n'imposent ni modèle d'organisation sociale, ni langue, ni dieux. Sans perdre son identité, chacun peut adhérer ou non à la culture nouvelle, favorisant métissage et syncrétisme. Ouverte à tous les cultes, proche de lieux de naissance des grandes religions monothéistes, la Syrie devient aussi un des foyers du christianisme naissant. C'est cette vitalité dans la diversité que retrace ici Maurice Sartre.



L'Arabie chretienne
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 2856204252 9782856204252 Year: 2002 Publisher: Paris : Menges,

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Quelle est l'histoire de ces premières communautés chrétiennes venues s'installer dans la province romaine d'Arabie ? Comment ont-elles vécu dans une région qui fut, selon les périodes, un véritable carrefour de civilisations mais également un territoire dépeuplé que traversaient les seules tribus nomades ? Quels sont les vestiges de ce territoire qui correspondait à l'actuelle Jordanie, ainsi qu'à une partie de la Syrie et de l'Arabie Saoudite ? Le professeur Michele Piccirillo, spécialiste de la région et membre du Studium Biblicum Franciscanum de Jérusalem, nous propose une synthèse des principales découvertes archéologiques récentes, révélant ainsi l'extraordinaire patrimoine historique et archéologique de l'Arabie chrétienne. Issue de l'ancien royaume des Nabatéens, dont Pétra et Bosra étaient les villes principales, cette région fut annexée en 106 après J.-C par les Romains, qui constituèrent alors la province romaine d'Arabie. Aux IIIe et IVe siècles, le christianisme se répandit dans toute la région et à la fin du Ve siècle, sous l'influence de Byzance, émergèrent basiliques, églises, monastères et ermitages. Cette période de paix fut particulièrement favorable à l'expression architecturale et artistique, et imprima un nouvel élan à la grande tradition de la mosaïque. La conquête musulmane, qui chassa les Byzantins de l'ancienne province d'Arabie, n'interrompit en rien la vie des communautés chrétiennes ni leur production artistique et intellectuelle. Aujourd'hui, les sources archéologiques permettent en effet de décrire les églises, ornées de mosaïques, qui furent construites jusqu'au VIIIe siècle, sous le règne des Omeyyades. Mais au VIIIe siècle, les califes abbassides quittèrent Damas pour établir leur capitale à Bagdad et l'ancienne province d'Arabie se dépeupla progressivement. Rendue aux tribus nomades de Bédouins, la région demeura, jusqu'au début du XXe siècle, à l'écart des grands courants d'échange et de communication. En nous transportant en des lieux aussi différents que Madaba, Résafa ou le Yémen, Michele Piccirillo nous présente le panorama de l'une des plus éblouissantes provinces de l'art paléochrétien, contribuant ainsi à alimenter un débat scientifique d'une grande richesse

Bronnen van inspiratie uit het oude Syrië : tentoonstellingsmagazine
Year: 2002 Publisher: Heidelberg Vernissage-Verlag

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Tell Boueid II. A late neolithic village on the middle Khabur (Syria)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2503513441 9782503513447 Year: 2002 Volume: 11 Publisher: Turnhout : Brepols,

Les notables de Palmyre
ISBN: 2912738199 9782912738196 2821819935 2351594592 Year: 2002 Publisher: Presses de l’Ifpo

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This essay uses Greek and Latin epigraphy (thus preparing a corpus), Palmyrene Semitic epigraphy and the archaeological studies concerning the site to show the originality of Palmyra, which was a tribal society and became more and more influenced by the Roman Empire. The city shares some characteristics with the Roman province, despite its marginal position and its contacts with less hellenized areas, but is under a strong influence of oriental "cultures" (Aramaic, as well as Arabic, Iranian, Babylonian). The identity of the city can be defined and its leading inhabitants, notables who were part of the Greek city of Palmyra, are sometimes well-known. One can reconstruct their civic careers and note the prevailing role of some families. This rather classical aspect is only a part of the whole, with the permanence of local culture (language, art, religion, onomastic) being the other part. Caravan trade, one of the glories of Palmyra, is another area where the role of the notables, their influence, is to be seen, outside of the city and in the Empire. In Palmyra itself, it is possible to draw a map of their social position, thanks to their monuments built following the special ways of evergetism existing there. Around the leading citizens was an entourage of people less apparent in the epigraphic evidence (women and freedmen), but they are not to be underestimated as shown by the example of Zenobia. Notables, beyond their own life, used to put on stage the power of their family, by the construction of tombs. Those monuments are also signs of the penetration of ways that originated in the Roman Empire, which does not mean that the local traditions were disappearing, as shown by the constant use of Aramaic.

La construction nationale syrienne : légitimation de la nature communautaire du pouvoir par le discours historique
ISBN: 227105818X 9782271058188 Year: 2002 Publisher: Paris CNRS

The rare and excellent history of Saladin
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0754633810 Year: 2002 Volume: 7 Publisher: Aldershot : Ashgate,

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Nationalismes en mutation en Méditerranée orientale
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782271078131 Year: 2002 Publisher: CNRS Éditions

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Nationalism, minority, identity, community… These terms which made a comeback in the 1990s take on a particular resonance in the eastern Mediterranean, from the Balkans to Egypt, including Turkey and the Middle East. This is a space crossed by three major political dynamics: strong national affirmations to compensate for an often precarious state legitimacy, mobilization of ethnicity within existing political groups, transnational organization of identities in favour of development. diasporas and the rise of immigration. All these phenomena imperceptibly redefine the place of the State, the relations between groups, in short, the contours of nationalism on the eastern flank of the Mediterranean basin. This collective work which brings together French and foreign specialists aims, in a perspective linking history, sociology and political science, to identify the changes underway. The role of the state as agent of the production of nationalism through its institutions, its elites, its ideology are examined in turn; the persistence and reactivation of multiple affiliations (religious, ethnic); the constitution of transnational communities. All the contributions provide a better understanding of the many dynamics at work in this fragile Eastern Mediterranean.

Ex Mesopotamia et Syria lux : Festschrift für Manfried Dietrich zu seinem 65. Geburtstag
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3927120995 9783927120990 Year: 2002 Volume: 281 Publisher: Münster : Ugarit-Verlag,

Nationalismes en mutation en Méditerranée orientale
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2271060400 227107813X 9782271060402 Year: 2002 Publisher: CNRS Éditions

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Nationalism, minority, identity, community… These terms which made a comeback in the 1990s take on a particular resonance in the eastern Mediterranean, from the Balkans to Egypt, including Turkey and the Middle East. This is a space crossed by three major political dynamics: strong national affirmations to compensate for an often precarious state legitimacy, mobilization of ethnicity within existing political groups, transnational organization of identities in favour of development. diasporas and the rise of immigration. All these phenomena imperceptibly redefine the place of the State, the relations between groups, in short, the contours of nationalism on the eastern flank of the Mediterranean basin. This collective work which brings together French and foreign specialists aims, in a perspective linking history, sociology and political science, to identify the changes underway. The role of the state as agent of the production of nationalism through its institutions, its elites, its ideology are examined in turn; the persistence and reactivation of multiple affiliations (religious, ethnic); the constitution of transnational communities. All the contributions provide a better understanding of the many dynamics at work in this fragile Eastern Mediterranean.

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