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Les maladies professionnelles.
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ISBN: 9782804431433 2804431436 Year: 2008 Publisher: Bruxelles Larcier

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1. Le secteur privé - 2. Le secteur public - 3. Le fonds d'indemnisation des victimes de l'amiante - 4. Annexes


Social law. Labour law --- Belgium --- Occupational diseases --- Maladies professionnelles --- Insurance, Disability --- Social security --- Industrial hygiene --- Law and legislation --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 332.822 --- V19 - Suspension du contrat de travail - Opschorting van een arbeidscontract --- Maladies professionnelles Beroepsziekten --- Sécurité sociale Sociale zekerheid --- BPB0905 --- Maladie professionnelle --- Belgique --- 351.84*5 <493> --- 06.01.B --- Beroepsziekten. Invaliditeit. --- Beroepsziekte --- België --- Arbeidsongevallen. Beroepsziekten--België --- Arbeidsongevallen ; Beroepsziekten ; België --- 351.84*5 <493> Arbeidsongevallen. Beroepsziekten--België --- Diseases of occupations --- Employees --- Industrial diseases --- Occupation diseases --- Occupations --- Work-related diseases --- Diseases --- Medicine, Industrial --- Beroepsziekten. Invaliditeit --- malattia professionale --- nemoc z povolání --- ammattitauti --- erhvervssygdom --- occupational disease --- choroba z povolania --- професионално обољење --- Berufskrankheit --- profesinė liga --- doença profissional --- galar ceirde --- yrkessjukdom --- foglalkozási betegség --- beroepsziekte --- професионална болест --- profesionalna bolest --- enfermedad profesional --- choroba zawodowa --- sëmundje profesionale --- boli profesionale --- poklicna bolezen --- професионално заболување --- επαγγελματική νόσος --- kutsehaigus --- marda okkupazzjonali --- arodslimība --- azbestoza --- pölykeuhko --- pneumokonioza --- choroba z povolání --- pneumoconiosi --- asbestinė pneumokoniozė --- pramonės profesinė liga --- asbestose --- pneumokonioz --- støvinhalationssygdom --- silicose --- asbestosis --- πνευμονοκονίωση --- zaprášení plic --- Asbestose --- azbestóza --- silikóza --- азбестоза --- pneumokonióza --- asbestinė plaučių dulkialigė --- prevenzione delle malattie professionali --- keszonbetegség --- pneumoconiose --- neumoconiosis --- industrial disease --- asbestoosi --- πυριτίαση --- stendammslunga --- силикотуберкулоза --- priemyselné choroby --- asbestoos --- azbestoză --- profesionālā slimība --- pneumoconiosis --- епикондилитис --- tüdőfibrózis --- sëmundje industriale --- pneumokoniózis --- витилиго --- silikoos --- asbestozė --- pneumokoniose --- profesionalno oboljenje --- silicoză --- azbestoze --- kopsutolmustus --- stoflong --- asbestos --- asbestosi --- Pneumokoniose --- Staublunge --- αμιαντίαση --- azbesztózis --- silikos --- foglalkozási megbetegedés --- сидероза --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- Occupational diseases - Belgium --- Insurance, Disability - Law and legislation - Belgium --- Social security - Law and legislation - Belgium --- Industrial hygiene - Law and legislation - France --- Occupational diseases - France --- Droit social --- Sécurité sociale --- Victimes de l'amiante --- Secteur privé --- Secteur public --- Fonds d'indemnisation

Crisis . Manuels
ISSN: 20311966 ISBN: 9782804156831 2804156834 Year: 2008 Volume: *1 Publisher: Bruxelles De Boeck

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Etat et médicine --- Geneeskunde en staat --- Geneeskunde--Overheidsbeleid --- Geneeskunde--Regeringspolitiek --- Gezondheid [Internationale ] --- Gezondheidsbeleid --- Gezondheidszorg--Overheidsbeleid --- Gezondheidszorg--Regeringspolitiek --- Health [International ] --- Health policy --- International health --- Internationale gezondheid --- Medical care--Government policy --- Medical policy --- Medicine and state --- Médecine--Politique gouvernementale --- Médicine et état --- Policy [Medical ] --- Politique de santé --- Politique médicale --- Politique sanitaire --- Protection sanitaire --- Public health--Government policy --- Santé [Politique de ] --- Santé mondiale --- Santé publique--Politique gouvernementale --- Soins médicaux--Politique gouvernementale --- Staat en geneeskunde --- State and medicine --- World health --- Public health --- Older people --- Santé publique --- Personnes âgées --- Political aspects --- Medical care --- Health and hygiene --- Aspect politique --- Soins médicaux --- Santé et hygiène --- Chronic Disease --- Health Policy --- Health Care Costs --- prevention and control --- Maladie --- Installation sanitaire --- BPB0904 --- Soin de santé --- Ziekte --- Sanitaire installatie --- Gezondheidsverzorging --- Santé publique --- Personnes âgées --- Soins médicaux --- Santé et hygiène --- World Bank --- Chronic diseases --- Government policy --- Economics --- Primary prevention --- Political aspects. --- santechninė įranga --- водоинсталатерска опрема --- plumbing equipment --- санитарна опрема --- sanitær installation --- pajisje hidraulike --- instalații sanitare --- saniteettilaitteet --- sanitární instalace --- sanitaire installatie --- instalación sanitaria --- санитарно заведение --- instalação sanitária --- sanitära anläggningar --- sanitarna oprema --- vodoinstalaterska oprema --- veevarustusseadmed --- sanitárna inštalácia --- impianto sanitario --- Sanitäreinrichtung --- szaniterek --- sanitāri tehniskā ierīce --- urządzenie sanitarne --- εγκατάσταση ειδών υγιεινής --- tagħmir sanitarju --- izlietne --- prausyklė --- pesuallas --- tvättställ --- lavandino --- pisoárová mísa --- vannas istabas ierīce --- wasbak --- zdravotní instalace --- bath --- bidet --- ducha --- umývadlo --- vanna --- νιπτήρας --- baie --- kupaonica --- wash basin --- vann --- zdravotnická keramika --- bathroom equipment --- koupelnová vana --- pajisje tualeti --- Badewanne --- fürdőkád --- kupaonska oprema --- vasca --- mosdókagyló --- zuhanyzó --- kylpyhuonekalusteet --- lavan --- baignoire --- badkar --- водоинсталатерски алати --- lavabo --- håndvask --- chiuvetă --- badkuip --- fürdőszobai berendezések --- fürdőszobai felszerelések --- vonia --- dřez --- egészségügyi berendezések --- μπανιέρα --- kylpyamme --- zdravotechnika --- bañera --- echipament de baie --- badekar --- vaňa --- vaskë --- umyvadlo --- vonios kambario įranga --- záchodová mísa --- sauna --- Waschbecken --- vannitoavarustus --- kraanikauss --- betegség --- ziekte --- boli --- haigus --- illness --- choroba --- liga --- sygdom --- sairaus --- sjukdom --- bolezen --- enfermedad --- doença --- Krankheit --- sëmundje --- bolest --- malattia --- nemoc --- ασθένεια --- marda --- slimība --- болест --- saslimstība --- stonání --- akutní nemoc --- Erkrankung --- πάθηση --- neléčitelná choroba --- disease --- νόσος --- αρρώστεια --- onemocnění --- affection --- neduh --- morbo --- megbetegedés --- slimošana --- νόσημα --- trealamh pluiméireachta --- tinneas --- Chronic Disease - prevention and control --- Soin de santé --- installation sanitaire --- maladie

Burgerrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid voor arbeidsongevallen en beroepsziekten.
ISBN: 9782804430405 2804430405 Year: 2008 Volume: 2008/5-6 Publisher: Brussel Larcier

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1/ Aanprakelijkheid van de werkgever voor professionele risico's - 2/ De burgerlijke immuniteit van de werkgever, zijn lasthebbers en aangestelden - 3/ Verhaal en subrogatie


Tort and negligence --- Social law. Labour law --- Belgium --- 131 Arbeidsrecht --- BPB0902 --- Accident du travail --- Maladie professionnelle --- Droit civil --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 347.754 --- 332.821 --- 332.822 --- 05.04.b --- 06.01.B --- Arbeidsongeval --- Beroepsziekte --- Burgerlijk recht --- Verhuur van diensten. Ondernemingscontract. Arbeidscontract. Dienstcontract. Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten. --- Arbeidsveiligheid.Arbeidsongevallen. --- Beroepsziekten. Invaliditeit. --- Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering ; Beroeps- en bedrijfsaansprakelijkheid --- Arbeidsongevallen ; Beroepsziekten ; België --- građansko pravo --- Bürgerliches Recht --- civilrätt --- e drejtë civile --- občianske právo --- drept civil --- гражданско право --- prawo cywilne --- граѓанско право --- civilno pravo --- tsiviilõigus --- грађанско право --- siviilioikeus --- polgári jog --- civillikums --- αστικό δίκαιο --- diritto civile --- dritt ċivili --- civil law --- civilinė teisė --- Derecho civil --- burgerlijk recht --- občanské právo --- direito civil --- civilret --- gemeen recht --- ligj i shkruar --- имотноправни односи --- borgerlig ret --- tavanomainen oikeus --- Zivilrecht --- civilní právo --- üldõigus --- ligj i zakonshëm --- allgemeines Recht --- предметно право --- diritto comune --- drept comun --- Derecho común --- Κοινό Δίκαιο --- облигациски односи --- ordinary law --- všeobecné právo --- civiltiesības --- allmän rätt --- droit commun --- direito comum --- statutory law --- įprastinė teisė --- malattia professionale --- nemoc z povolání --- ammattitauti --- erhvervssygdom --- occupational disease --- choroba z povolania --- професионално обољење --- Berufskrankheit --- profesinė liga --- doença profissional --- galar ceirde --- yrkessjukdom --- foglalkozási betegség --- beroepsziekte --- професионална болест --- profesionalna bolest --- enfermedad profesional --- choroba zawodowa --- sëmundje profesionale --- boli profesionale --- poklicna bolezen --- професионално заболување --- επαγγελματική νόσος --- kutsehaigus --- marda okkupazzjonali --- arodslimība --- azbestoza --- pölykeuhko --- pneumokonioza --- choroba z povolání --- pneumoconiosi --- asbestinė pneumokoniozė --- pramonės profesinė liga --- asbestose --- pneumokonioz --- støvinhalationssygdom --- silicose --- asbestosis --- πνευμονοκονίωση --- zaprášení plic --- Asbestose --- azbestóza --- silikóza --- азбестоза --- pneumokonióza --- asbestinė plaučių dulkialigė --- prevenzione delle malattie professionali --- keszonbetegség --- pneumoconiose --- neumoconiosis --- industrial disease --- asbestoosi --- πυριτίαση --- stendammslunga --- силикотуберкулоза --- priemyselné choroby --- asbestoos --- azbestoză --- profesionālā slimība --- pneumoconiosis --- епикондилитис --- tüdőfibrózis --- sëmundje industriale --- pneumokoniózis --- витилиго --- silikoos --- asbestozė --- pneumokoniose --- profesionalno oboljenje --- silicoză --- azbestoze --- kopsutolmustus --- stoflong --- asbestos --- asbestosi --- Pneumokoniose --- Staublunge --- αμιαντίαση --- azbesztózis --- silikos --- foglalkozási megbetegedés --- сидероза --- munkahelyi baleset --- повреда на раду --- pracovní úraz --- nelaimingas atsitikimas darbe --- accident profesional --- nesreća na radu --- tionóisc thionsclaíoch --- aksident në punë --- arbetsolycksfall --- nelaimes gadījums darbā --- työtapaturma --- nesreča pri delu --- acidente de trabalho --- εργατικό ατύχημα --- tööõnnetus --- arbejdsulykke --- Arbeitsunfall --- wypadek przy pracy --- трудова злополука --- несреќа при работа --- pracovný úraz --- aċċident okkupazzjonali --- occupational accident --- arbeidsongeval --- infortunio sul lavoro --- accidente laboral --- accident at work --- nelaimingas atsitikimas darbo vietoje --- úraz na pracovisku --- incidente sul lavoro --- accident at the workplace --- повреда на работно место --- arbetsolycka --- accidente de trabajo --- negadījums darbā --- olycksfall i arbetet --- foglalkozási baleset --- työpaikalla tapahtunut tapaturma --- телесна повреда на работно место --- Betriebsunfall --- priemyselný úraz --- work accident --- nelaimingas atsitikimas pramonėje --- болест настаната на работното место --- повреда при работа --- accident de muncă --- yrkesskada --- negadījums darba vietā --- úraz pri práci --- несреќа на работно место --- úraz v práci --- úraz na pracovišti --- arbetsplatsolycka --- aksident në vendin e punës --- ozljeda na radu --- Verhuur van diensten. Ondernemingscontract. Arbeidscontract. Dienstcontract. Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten --- Arbeidsveiligheid.Arbeidsongevallen --- Beroepsziekten. Invaliditeit --- Sociale zekerheid : Arbeidsongevallen (socialezekerheidstak, niet-HRM) --- Sociale zekerheid : Beroepsziekten (socialezekerheidstak, niet-HRM) --- Burgerlijk wetboek : Aansprakelijkheid --- Sécurité sociale : Accidents de travail (branche de la sécurité sociale, non GRH) --- Sécurité sociale : Maladies professionnelles (branche de la sécurité sociale, non GRH) --- Code civil : Responsabilité --- an dlí sibhialta --- tionóisc cheirde

Apprendre à mourir.
ISBN: 9782246742111 2246742110 Year: 2008 Publisher: Paris Grasset

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Dans nos sociétés qui croyaient avoir éludé la mort, certaines fins de vie récemment médiatisées sont venues rappeler la tragédie qui se fait jour lorsque la médecine touche à ses limites. Face au vécu quotidien de la maladie, le débat ne peut se résumer à ce seul choix: pour ou contre l'euthanasie. Au-delà de la tentation actuelle de recourir à une législation d'exception, apprendre à mourir, c'est se doter des instruments qui nous permettront d'aborder avec humanité et qualité non seulement la mort mais aussi les moments qui la précèdent


Medical ethics --- Palliative treatment --- Ethics, Medical --- Palliative Care --- Religious aspects --- Catholic Church --- ethics --- BPB0901 --- Mort --- levenseinde (einde van het leven, levenseindebeslissing) --- euthanasie (hulp bij zelfdoding) --- menswaardigheid (waardigheid) --- Frankrijk --- recht op waardig sterven --- Dood --- fin de vie (décision de fin de vie) --- euthanasie (suicide médicalement assistée) --- dignité humaine --- France --- droit de mourir dans la dignité --- Respect for persons --- Right to die --- Terminally ill --- Dying persons --- Fatally ill --- Critically ill --- Death --- Death, Right to --- Death with dignity --- Natural death (Right to die) --- Life and death, Power over --- Advance directives (Medical care) --- Do-not-resuscitate orders --- Euthanasia --- Suicide --- Conduct of life --- Persons --- smrt --- Tod --- death --- mewt --- смрт --- смърт --- smrť --- död --- halál --- død --- vdekje --- dood --- muerte --- kuolema --- morte --- mirtis --- śmierć --- moarte --- θάνατος --- nāve --- surm --- surnukstunnistamine --- crematorio --- неизлечливо болен --- dichiarazione di scomparsa --- természetes halál --- umierający --- incinération --- halálos kimenetelű betegség --- cremazione --- ayuda pasiva a la muerte --- skon --- pohrebný akt --- cremation --- причина за смъртта --- Beerdigung --- laidotuvės --- naturlig bortgång --- Sterbender --- Ableben --- apglabāšana --- pogrebni zavod --- causa del fallecimiento --- upepelitev --- begravelse --- begravelsesvæsen --- i sëmurë pa shërim --- haldokló --- umirajoči --- funérailles --- ετοιμοθάνατος --- defunción --- spopolnenie --- śmierć naturalna --- κρεματόριο --- letāla slimība --- doodsoorzaak --- moarte naturală --- обявяване на смърт при безвестно отсъствие --- døende --- Todeserklärung --- неизлечиво болестан --- crematie --- odumírání --- mourant --- smrteľne chorý človek --- exequias --- mirties priežastis --- przyczyna zgonu --- funeraria --- vdekje natyrore --- nepagydomas ligonis --- kremacija --- végelgyengülés --- laidojimas --- przyczyna śmierci --- узрок смрти --- příčina úmrtí --- laidojimo apeigos --- prirodzená smrť --- pochovanie --- Verschollenheitserklärung --- naturlig død --- dfin --- elhalálozás --- přirozené úmrtí --- vzrok smrti --- погребване --- kuolinsyy --- nebožtík --- uznanie za zaginionego --- pompe funebri --- personas bezvēsts prombūtnes deklarēšana --- cause de décès --- mort naturelle --- erőszakos halál --- kremēšana --- αιτία θανάτου --- begrafenis --- surma põhjus --- dikjarazzjoni ta' assenza --- nāves cēlonis --- Bestattungsinstitut --- hautajaiset --- kremácia --- príčina úmrtia --- bisættelse --- причина за смртта --- muerte violenta --- pohřební obřad --- matused --- funeralii --- tanatorio --- morte natural --- eldbegängelse --- cremación --- pogreb --- Bestattung --- depósito de cadáveres --- incinerazione --- pohřeb --- incineración --- varrim --- inċinerazzjoni --- vyhlásenie za mŕtveho --- óbito --- dødsfald --- enfermo terminal --- kremavimas --- prijava pogrešanosti --- ligbrænding --- hautaustoimisto --- polttohautaus --- declaración de ausencia --- zesnutí --- sepultura --- природна смрт --- verassing --- трупоизгаряне --- vehículo funerario --- natural death --- tuhastamine --- matus --- kawża tal-mewt --- κηδεία --- cauză de deces --- paskelbinas nežinia kur esančiu --- dödsorsak --- décès naturel --- pohreb --- umírající --- a halál oka --- inhumación --- Einäscherung --- Leichenverbrennung --- döende --- úmrtie --- cadáver --- muerte natural --- hautaaminen --- begravning --- kremering --- pokop --- natürlicher Tod --- bolnav în fază terminală --- zgon --- marid terminali --- кремација --- loomulik surm --- ταφή --- přirozená smrt --- mewt naturali --- begravningsbyrå --- décès --- pompes funèbres --- bēres --- dödförklaring --- hamvasztás --- pogrzeb --- prirodna smrt --- φυσικός θάνατος --- cause of death --- естествена смърт --- pohrebná služba --- crémation --- deces --- falecimento natural --- terminally ill --- погреб --- pohřební ústav --- costumbres funerarias --- burial --- muerte senil --- shkak i vdekjes --- vermistverklaring --- temetés --- temetési szertartás --- natuurlijke dood --- spopielanie zwłok --- hautaus --- holttest --- parantumattomasti sairas --- stervende --- umierajúci --- сахрана --- príčina smrti --- sterfgeval --- begrafenisonderneming --- surija --- palenie zwłok --- dabīga nāve --- kremation --- féretro --- кремирање --- dødsformodningsdom --- pompe funebre --- funerale --- sežiganje --- moribundo --- morente --- holtnak nyilvánítás --- naturlig död --- ritos funerarios --- γραφείο τελετών --- kremace --- bijzetting --- declarație de dispariție --- jordfästning --- naravna smrt --- αποτέφρωση --- causa de morte --- morte per cause naturali --- entierro --- умиращ --- zgon naturalny --- Todesursache --- natūrali mirtis --- dödsfall --- погребение --- decesso --- pogibija --- погребално бюро --- kuolemansairas --- úmrtí --- pompas fúnebres --- funeral --- declaração de ausência --- declaración de fallecimiento --- kremacja --- déclaration d'absence --- decesso per cause naturali --- nebožka --- zakład pogrzebowy --- luonnollinen kuolema --- difunto --- fallecimiento --- kuolemansyy --- enterrement --- causa di decesso --- dødsårsag --- incinerare --- δήλωση θανάτου --- prohlášení za mrtvého --- kremazzjoni --- parandamatult haige --- djegie në kremator --- кремиране --- kuolemantapaus --- înmormântare --- умирање --- bás --- Medical ethics - Religious aspects - Catholic Church --- Palliative treatment - Religious aspects - Catholic Church --- Palliative Care - ethics

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