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The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks
ISBN: 9781400052189 9780307589385 Year: 2011 Publisher: New York : Broadway Paperbacks,

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Her name was Henrietta Lacks, but scientists know her as HeLa. She was a poor Southern tobacco farmer, yet her cells--taken without her knowledge--became one of the most important tools in medicine. The first "immortal" human cells grown in culture, they are still alive today, though she has been dead for more than sixty years. HeLa cells were vital for developing the polio vaccine; uncovered secrets of cancer and viruses; helped lead to in vitro fertilization, cloning, and gene mapping; and have been bought and sold by the billions. Yet Henrietta Lacks is buried in an unmarked grave. Her family did not learn of her "immortality" until more than twenty years after her death, when scientists began using her husband and children in research without informed consent. The story of the Lacks family is inextricably connected to the dark history of experimentation on African Americans, the birth of bioethics, and the legal battles over whether we control the stuff we are made of--From publisher description.

Ethical implications of the global use of digitised biomedical and biometric data : workshop proceedings [held in october 2010 in Warsaw, Poland]
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781607507208 9783898386494 Year: 2011 Publisher: Heidelberg : Akademische Verlagsges. AKA,

Taking Stock : An Update on Vietnam's Recent Economic Development.
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Prospects for the global economy have become less certain in the second half of 2011, with significant increase in downside risks. Developing countries in East Asia are growing faster than developed countries, but they too are facing challenges due to a combination of reasons including: slower expansion in demand in developed countries; the impact of global uncertainty on investor sentiments; natural disasters; and the withdrawal of stimulus policies. Vietnam's growth slowed in 2011 compared to 2010, though it is still expected to reach around 5.8 percent. The external sector has remained relatively stable. The current account deficit declined in 2011, as export performance outpaced imports and remittances grew robustly. Both import and export values saw a dramatic rise, mostly because of higher commodities prices. External debt remains sustainable, as the current account deficit was more than covered through medium-term capital inflows that are largely non debt-creating (foreign direct investments) or contracted on concessional terms (official development aid). Foreign direct investment inflows continued at a steady pace, although new commitments declined. International reserves increased in the first half of the year while the Vietnamese dong benefitted from a period of relative calm. In the last quarter of the year, however, exchange rate fluctuations increased due to volatility in gold prices, deepening uncertainties and the seasonal increase in demand for foreign currency as the year end approaches. In the longer run, Vietnam's ambition to maintain high growth into the next decade will require as bold a set of reforms as the one adopted with Doi Moi. The challenge is arguably more difficult than the previous one, and few countries in the world have accomplished it. Vietnam is endowed with a young and hard-working labor force. This is a vital asset to meet the country's ambitious goals, if the country manages to equip itself with relevant skills, and match it with necessary capital. It also needs a level-playing field to maximize its potential. As people become more educated and production becomes more sophisticated, demands for predictability, trust and a level playing field will grow. Transparency is a critical element in this. Concentration of economic power in a small number of large firms undermines efforts at creating a level playing field. Large firms and industries that circumvent rules to their advantage are promoting corruption, and undermining efficiency, which damages the country's potential. The governance challenges are complex, but Vietnam's medium term outlook will be much better if they are addressed sooner rather than later.

Sustainable Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa : Investment Practitioner Views of Sustainable Investment in Private Equity and Asset Management in South Africa, Nigeria, and Kenya.
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Sustainable investment (SI) has a strong niche foothold in Sub-Saharan Africa, anchored in the region's largest investment market, South Africa. Yet more work is needed, at policy and portfolio levels, to grow this investment theme. This report recommends measures to expand SI in Sub-Saharan Africa. It forecasts that over the next five years there will be considerable growth of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations applied to investment in South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria. While these three countries form the basis of the study, the lion's share of data and observations emerged from South Africa, which is home to the continent's most developed capital markets.

Tax Reform in Vietnam : Toward a More Efficient and Equitable System.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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In 2010, after two decades of rapid economic growth, Vietnam passed the threshold to become a lower-middle-income economy. Sustained market-oriented reforms combined with intensive efforts to integrate into the world economy are among the key drivers of this achievement. The reform of tax policy and administration has been a vital part of this transition. This is leading to a fundamental change in the composition of taxpayers, from large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and foreign-invested companies to a myriad of small and medium private enterprises. Economic transition is also leading to an equally important change in the sources of government revenue, away from cross-border trade-related taxes and revenue collection from crude oil toward a greater share of domestic tax revenue, in particular taxation of business profits, labor income, and capital gains on land. However, completing the transition to a market economy will require changes going beyond tax collection and administration procedures, and will involve changes to the tax instruments themselves. At the end of this process, Vietnam should have a set of taxes that is simple and transparent, secures a stable flow of revenues for the government, encourages an efficient allocation of resources, and does not risk constituting a source of inequality or unfairness. The purpose of the series of studies in this volume is to shed light on the issues Vietnam will be facing in the process of reforming its tax policy and administration. The studies are also expected to lead to concrete policy recommendations contributing to the preparation of key policies and legislative documents to ensure the achievement of the state budget revenue target and other tax administration reform targets in the SEDP 2011-2015. It is expected that the individual studies in this series will become useful inputs into the debate surrounding the issuance of new laws and regulations. It is also hoped that the volume will support the reform momentum in the tax policy area, leading to increased efficiency, transparency, and equity.

Statistical confidentiality : principles and practice
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1441978011 9786613086341 144197802X 1283086344 Year: 2011 Publisher: New York : Springer,

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Because statistical confidentiality embraces the responsibility for both protecting data and ensuring its beneficial use for statistical purposes, those working with personal and proprietary data can benefit from the principles and practices this book presents. Researchers can understand why an agency holding statistical data does not respond well to the demand, “Just give me the data; I’m only going to do good things with it.” Statisticians can incorporate the requirements of statistical confidentiality into their methodologies for data collection and analysis. Data stewards, caught between those eager for data and those who worry about confidentiality, can use the tools of statistical confidentiality toward satisfying both groups. The eight chapters lay out the dilemma of data stewardship organizations (such as statistical agencies) in resolving the tension between protecting data from snoopers while providing data to legitimate users, explain disclosure risk and explore the types of attack that a data snooper might mount, present the methods of disclosure risk assessment, give techniques for statistical disclosure limitation of both tabular data and microdata, identify measures of the impact of disclosure limitation on data utility, provide restricted access methods as administrative procedures for disclosure control, and finally explore the future of statistical confidentiality. George T. Duncan is Professor of Statistics, Emeritus, Carnegie Mellon University. He chaired the National Academy of Sciences Panel on Confidentiality and Data Access. Mark Elliot is lecturer in social statistics at Manchester University in the UK, consultant to data stewardship organisations worldwide, and inventor of methods for assessing disclosure risk. J.J. Salazar is Professor of Statistics and Operations Research at University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain). He has participated in several EU research projects and his algorithms to protect tabular data. are available through the software τ-ARGUS He has taught courses on data protection for several national statistical offices.

La fin des paradis fiscaux ?

Religious confession privilege at the common law
ISBN: 1283119366 9786613119360 9047425790 9004172327 9789004172326 Year: 2011 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston [Mass.] : M. Nijhoff Publishers,

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Does religious confession privilege exist at common law? Most evidence law texts answer ‘no’. This analysis shows that most of the cases relied upon for the ‘no religious confession privilege conclusion’ are not authority for that conclusion. The origin of the privilege in the canon law in the first millennium AD is traced and its reception into common law is documented. Proof that religious confession privilege continues unbroken at common law through to the present day is of obvious importance in jurisdictions where there is no relevant statute. A correct understanding of the common law extant before statutes were passed will influence whether those statutes are broadly or narrowly interpreted. The book also brings the reader up to date on the state of religious confession privilege in the United States, Canada, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

Republic of Argentina : Principles for Insurance Supervision.
Authors: ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This assessment is focused on the Superintendencia de Seguros de la Nacion (SSN) in Argentina. SSN has responsibility for regulation and supervision of all players in the insurance market. In addition to its role as a supervisor, SSN has powers to issue regulations, is responsible for advising the executive on issues related to insurance, and can propose draft bills. The laws are passed by the national legislative branch and enacted by the national executive branch. The assessment was performed using the 2007 version of the core principles for insurance supervision issued by the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS). This paper is structured into following four parts: part one is information and methodology used for the assessment; part two is institutional and macro prudential setting, part three gives summary assessment; and part four gives authorities' responses.

ISBN: 9789048610860 9048610869 Year: 2011 Volume: 37 Publisher: die Keure / la Charte

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geheim geheimhouding / confidentialiteit geheimhoudingsplicht geheimhoudingsovereenkomst / geheimhoudingscontract - Beschrijving - Ondernemingen genieten van een concurrentieel voordeel wanneer zij over economisch relevante informatie beschikken waarvan hun concurrenten niet op de hoogte zijn. Geheimhouding is dan ook een fundamenteel onderdeel van het economisch succes van een onderneming omdat het toelaat dit feitelijk monopolie te beschermen tegen buitenstaanders. Een absolute geheimhouding is echter geen realistische beschermingsmethode. De economische waarde van informatie komt vaak pas ten volle tot haar recht bij het daadwerkelijke gebruik van deze kennis. Dit betekent dat de onderneming de informatie moet meedelen aan interne of externe vertrouwelingen voor het ontplooien van haar activiteiten. Het risico bestaat dat deze personen niet allemaal het vertrouwen van de onderneming waard zijn. In Geheimhoudingsovereenkomsten analyseert Ken Andries de juridische problemen die rijzen bij het gebruik van geheimhoudingsovereenkomsten. Hij onderzoekt hoe men geheime informatie zo effectief mogelijk kan beschermen door middel van het contractenrecht. Inhoudstafel & inleiding & totstandkoming van de geheimhoudingsplicht & partijen bij de geheimhoudingsplicht & voorwerp van de geheimhoudingsplicht & duurzaamheid van de geheimhoudingsplicht & algemeen besluit & bibliografie & trefwoordenregister


Law of obligations. Law of contract --- geheimhouding --- verbintenissenrecht --- contracten --- Belgium --- Ebooks --- Academic collection --- BPB1108 --- Confidentialité --- Contrat --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 347.754 --- 347.775 --- 347.40 --- U36 - Droit des sociétés - Vennootschappenrecht --- avtal --- zmluva --- договор --- leping --- ugovor --- līgums --- kontratë --- sopimus --- kontrakt --- umowa cywilna --- pogodba --- szerződés --- sutartis --- Vertrag des bürgerlichen Rechts --- contract --- kuntratt --- contrato --- smlouva --- уговор --- σύμβαση --- contratto --- zaključivanje ugovora --- lepinguline kokkulepe --- sopimuksen tekeminen --- e drejtë kontraktuale --- lepinguline kohustus --- angazhim kontraktual --- e drejtë e kontratave --- assinatura de contrato --- līgumsaistības --- afsluiten van een contract --- conclusion de contrat --- склучување на договор --- συμφωνία --- ugovorna obaveza --- angajament contractual --- szerződéskötés --- договорно право --- kontrakts --- verplichting --- ondertekening van een contract --- līgumattiecības --- sopimusperusteisuus --- договорна обврска --- Vertragsunterzeichnung --- overenskomst --- vertragliche Verpflichtung --- law of contract --- Vereinbarung des bürgerlichen Rechts --- līgumtiesības --- uzatvorenie zmluvy --- firma di un contratto --- contractual commitment --- Vertragsabschluss --- compromiso --- úmluva --- szerződéses kötelezettség --- forpligtelse --- droit des contrats --- aftaleret --- szerződések joga --- sutartinė prievolė --- conclusión de contrato --- συμβόλαιο --- diritto contrattuale --- lepinguõigus --- раскинување на договор --- zmluvná dohoda --- sutarčių teisė --- tecknande av kontrakt --- indgåelse af kontrakt --- contractual agreement --- signature de contrat --- bindende tilsagn --- slutande av avtal --- smluvní právo --- līguma slēgšana --- Vetragsrecht --- склучување договор --- stipulazione di un contratto --- zmluvný záväzok --- direito dos contratos --- contract law --- conclusão de contrato --- δίκαιο των συμβάσεων --- szerződés megkötése --- conclusion of a contract --- contractrecht --- ugovorno pravo --- susitarimas dėl sutarties --- sopimusoikeudet --- marrëveshje kontraktuale --- compromisso --- σύναψη συμβάσεως --- uzavření smlouvy --- firma de contrato --- υπογραφή συμβάσεως --- dohoda --- lepingu sõlmimine --- δέσμευση --- sutarties sudarymas --- avtalsrätt --- Derecho contractual --- szerződéses megállapodás --- sopimusvelvoite --- përfundim i një kontrate --- kunfidenzjalità --- εμπιστευτικότητα --- povjerljivost --- поверителност --- Vertraulichkeit --- förtrolighet --- confidențialitate --- rúndacht --- konfidencialitāte --- поверљивост --- confidencialidad --- fortrolighed --- důvěrná informace --- zaupnost --- dôverný charakter informácií --- vertrouwelijkheid --- poufność informacji --- confidencialidade --- carattere confidenziale --- confidentiality --- titoktartás --- konfidentsiaalsus --- luottamuksellisuus --- konfidencialiteti --- konfidencialumas --- доверливост --- information confidentielle --- informação confidencial --- neskelbtinumas --- доверлива информација --- εμπιστευτική πληροφορία --- confidential information --- εμπιστευτικός χαρακτήρας --- vertrouwelijke informatie --- dôverná informácia --- класифицирани информации --- vertrauliche Mitteilung --- bizalmas információ --- utajovaná skutečnost --- konfidentsiaalne teave --- informazione confidenziale --- дискреција --- povjerljiva informacija --- konfidentiell information --- slepena informācija --- informacion konfidencial --- poslovna tajna --- důvěrné sdělení --- slaptumas --- důvěrný charakter informace --- tajni podatak --- neskelbtina informacija --- klasificirani podatak --- konfidenciāla informācija --- luottamukselliset tiedot --- информации од доверлив карактер --- poslovnatajna --- informații confidențiale --- información confidencial --- titkos információ --- diskrecija --- Verhuur van diensten. Ondernemingscontract. Arbeidscontract. Dienstcontract. Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten --- Fabrieksgeheim --- Algemene theorie van de verbintenissen. Soorten en vormen van verbintenissen --- E-books --- 347.4 --- 347.7 --- 347.7 Handelsrecht --- Handelsrecht --- 347.4 Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten --- Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten --- conradh --- Confidentialité --- contrat --- Contracts --- Confidential communications --- Contrats --- Secret professionnel --- Comparative law --- Droit comparé --- Belgique

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