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Weten is meer dan meten : Spraakmakende opinieleiders over de economisering van de samenleving
ISBN: 9789088030055 Year: 2012 Publisher: Hilversum Lias

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Economisering is al geruime tijd de trend. In diverse sectoren is die zakelijkheid verfrissend en nuttig. In een aantal sectoren echter, zoals de zorg, het onderwijs of organisaties waarbij creativiteit centraal staat, ondermijnt het nuttigheidsdenken kernwaarden en kan het leiden tot uitwassen, zoals recentelijk de diploma-affaire op de Hogeschool Inholland. Wat gaat er verloren als financiële en economische motieven de boventoon voeren? En wat zijn de alternatieven? Die actuele vragen staan centraal in "Weten is meer dan meten". M.m.v. Hans Achterhuis, filosoof en publicist * Frank Ankersmit, historicus * Jan Blokker, publicist * Peter Blom, directievoorzitter Triodos Bank * Arnoud Boot, hoogleraar financiële markten * Arjo Klamer, hoogleraar economie van kunst en cultuur * Jos van der Lans, cultuurpsycholoog en publicist * Grahame Lock, hoogleraar filosofie * Rob Riemen, directeur Nexus Instituut * Abram de Swaan, socioloog * Evelien Tonkens, bijzonder hoogleraar actief burgerschap * Marian Verkerk, hoogleraar zorgethiek * en anderen.


Economie --- Economie.

Mémoire d'habilitation à diriger des recherches : contribution à une analyse économique institutionnaliste de l'économie sociale et coopérative
Year: 2012 Publisher: Angers : Agrocampus Ouest,

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Innovation Systems in Small Catching-Up Economies
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781461415480 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York, NY Springer New York

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In several parts of the world, countries are undergoing economic, social, and political transitions, enhanced and accelerated by the forces of globalization. These transition economies can serve as laboratories for understanding the innovation process. This volume features original theoretical and empirical research. It offers the first comprehensive view of innovation system development in the context of small catching-up economies. Smallness, path dependency, and latecomer status of such economies create some inherent limitations for their innovation systems, but these special characteristics can offer advantages as well. For example, smallness is often related with increased flexibility and shorter reaction times, while latecomers can benefit from earlier experiences of their more advanced neighbors. Path-dependency highlights the fact that the innovation system development processes are considerably influenced by the past experience of a particular country or region. By incorporating these features into an integrated analysis, the authors address such questions as: ·         What special features characterize the innovation system development in small catching-up economies? ·         What are the causes for innovation success or failure? ·         How do organizational capabilities and internationalization tendencies relate to company level innovations? ·         What is the role of human capital and social factors in the innovation process? ·         How can various policies support innovation in an integrated manner?


Economics --- economie

Reimagining Democracy
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781461432593 Year: 2012 Publisher: Boston, MA Springer US

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In the journal articles, historiographical essays, and numerous references to the political thought of Adriano Olivetti, the term constantly used to characterize his thinking is ˜utopia'. It is from this word, or rather, the misuse of this word, where one can begin to shed light on Olivettian political thinking. The term ˜utopia', which has come to designate an entire vein of political literature, has also entered into common usage to define an impossible project, a wide-eyed dream; and a ˜utopian' is that individual who longs for abstract projects instead of concrete ideas. It would be unproductive to resort to the diverse arguments of Firpo, of Mannheim, or of Bloch, of the philosophers of the Frankfurt School or others, since, as Giovanni Sartori has observed, after the word ceases to exist - where utopia is understood to mean impossibility - the impossibilities still remain. So, precisely because the literature on the political thought of Olivetti appears to suffer greatly from ˜empirical' influences, it seems necessary to confront the complexities of his presumed utopianism with a methodological approach. This book investigates the inherent ˜impossibilities', if they indeed exist, in the political thought of Olivetti. It also seeks to understand, as a result, if the Olivettian ideal is lacking in any true consistency, since it is secluded from an adequate analysis of historical reality, or if it is, rather, an idealism which does not lose sight of reality, in an attempt to overturn it as the basis for a plausible global vision.   This book will be of interests to students and scholars in history, political economy and philosophy.


Economics --- economie

The Impact of Performance Budgeting on Public Spending in Germany’s Laender
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783834934833 Year: 2012 Publisher: Wiesbaden Gabler Verlag

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After several years of practice, the question arises whether performance budgeting as one part of the New Public Management reforms has been effective. Derived from the international literature on experiences with performance budgeting Christiane Lorenz identifies five elements which constitute performance budgeting as a comprehensive system. This new definition is then applied to the German states in order to investigate whether performance budgeting actually leads to a reduction of public expenditure. With a survey in the state Ministries of Finance the impact of the German performance budgeting reforms on their major aim, the enhancement of fiscal discipline, is empirically analyzed. The main result is that the potential of expenditure savings is prolonged by the enormous investments in the beginning.


Economics --- economie

Building Successful Partnerships
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783834940643 Year: 2012 Publisher: Wiesbaden Gabler Verlag

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Multi-stakeholder partnering has become the 'new mantra' of decision-makers in business, government and civil society. Yet our understanding of what drives success and failure in these institutions remains incomplete. The book introduces a production theory which describes how the relationship between contributions and outputs influences behaviour, and suggests how technology, leadership and governance should be aligned to make partnerships work.


Economics --- economie

Cross-Border Venture Capital Investments
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783834969392 Year: 2012 Publisher: Wiesbaden Gabler Verlag

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Hortense Tarrade analyses over 200,000 venture capital (VC) investments over the past 20 years to understand the investors' motivation to select national or foreign companies into their portfolio. She compares the sensitivity of US-based, non-US and German VC firms to the availability of local deal supply and demand as well as the relative importance of their intrinsic capabilities in their investment scope decision ("Why do VC firms invest on a national, continental or global scope?"). Further, she provides an in-depth analysis of the role of geographic and cultural distance in investments by German VCs ("Why do VC firms invest in a target location rather than another?").


Economics --- economie

The Liberation of the Serfs
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781461400851 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York, NY Springer New York

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In Europe, the liberation of the serfs was a project initiated in 1806 with a scheduled completion date of 1810. It was obvious to those who planned the project that the liberation of the serfs involved a complete overhaul of agriculture as it was then known as Europe moved from feudalism to capitalism. For this reason, Prussia was careful in implementing the reform, and did not rush, after seeing the Kingdom of Westphalia perishing under its crushing debt accumulated in part from Napoleon's failed Russian campaign.   The basic hypothesis of this book is that slave labor can never be efficient and will therefore disappear by itself. However, this process of disappearance can take many years. For instance, two generations after the importation of slaves to North America had ended, the states still fought over the issue, and this despite the fact that Ely Whitney had invented the Cotton Gin in 1793 and already then made slavery in cotton production literally superfluous.  While there have been several books on the economics of American slavery, few studies have examined this issue in an international context.  The contributions in this book address the economics of unfree labor in places like Prussia, Westphalia, Austria, Argentina and the British Empire.  The issue of slavery is still a hotly debated and widely studied issue, making this book of interest to academics in history, economics and African Studies alike.


Economics --- economie

Comprendre l'économie française.
Year: 2012 Publisher: Paris : La Documentation Française,

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Frankrijk --- economie.

Econoshock : hoe zes economische schokken uw leven fundamenteel zullen veranderen
Year: 2012 Publisher: Antwerpen Houtekiet

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