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Flat Roof Construction Manual

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Das Flachdach - dieser bei Architekten beliebte und gerne als fünfte Fassade beschriebene Gebäudeteil - sollte im Wesentlichen den darunter liegenden Raum vor Witterungseinflüssen schützen. Darüber hinaus optimiert die Integration flacher Dächer als Gründach, Dachterrasse, Verkehrsfläche oder gar als ertragreiches Solardach den Nutzen. Die fachgerechte Realisierung in der Praxis ist jedoch anspruchsvoll: der "Flachdach Atlas" verschafft dem Planer neben grundsätzlichen Konstruktionsregeln einen Überblick über die Nutzungs- und Konstruktionsarten sowie die Regelaufbauten für Flachdächer. Zusammen mit den wichtigsten Normen und Regelwerken runden Konstruktionsdarstellungen der wesentlichen Anschlusspunkte die Publikation ab. often described as the "fifth façade", the flat roof is extremely popular with architects. Its essential task is to shelter the space beneath it from the elements. Beyond this, the use of flat roofs may be optimized by integrating them as green roofs, roof terraces, circulation areas, and even productive solar roofs. In practice, however, their correct and professional realization is a highly exacting task: in addition to providing the planner with basic rules of construction and design, the Flat Roof Manual also supplies an overview of the use and construction types as well as the standard assemblies for flat roofs. Together with the most important standards and bodies of regulations, construction drawings of the principal connection points round out the volume.

L'escalier : un parcours dénivelé / Oscar Tusquets Blanca, Martine Diot, Adélaïde de Savray ... [et al.] ; conception Marc Walter, Sabine Arqué
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782850885419 285088541X Year: 2012 Publisher: Paris : Citadelles & Mazenod,

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L'escalier est une invention fabuleuse : il suffit de quelques marches taillées dans le sol d'un chemin qui serait autrement impraticable pour s'en convaincre. Mais, au-delà de cette indiscutable utilité, l'escalier est une pièce d'architecture magique et chargée de sens. L'idée d'élévation spirituelle est présente aussi bien dans les degrés des pyramides mayas, des observatoires astronomiques d'Inde, que dans les escaliers des sanctuaires et des temples de toutes confessions. Symbole de l'ascension vers la connaissance, de la transfiguration, des profondeurs de l'inconscient et du savoir occulte, l'escalier est un thème récurrent dans l'art, de Piranèse à Escher, de William Blake à Marcel Duchamp. Plus prosaïquement, les escaliers monumentaux des palais 'et des édifices publics affirment haut et fort la puissance et le pouvoir 'de leurs commanditaires. Chefs-d'oeuvre de la Renaissance, classiques envolées ou délires baroques des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, grandioses escaliers d'apparat du XIXe siècle, fastes de l'Art nouveau, sensualité du Modernisme catalan, froids escaliers du Bauhaus, escaliers high-tech, créations oniriques urbaines contemporaines, art conceptuel..., les escaliers demeurent l'un des signes emblématiques de l'innovation technologique et artistique des temps nouveaux.

Facade Construction Manual
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783764371098 3764371099 1299863663 303461456X 9783034614566 3764370319 9783764370312 Year: 2012 Publisher: Basel

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Facades - they are the first feature of a building to be noticed, they determine its distinctive appearance and are often the subject of controversial debate. This new first edition of the Facade Construction Manual provides a systematic survey of contemporary expertise in the application of new materials and energy- efficient technologies in facade design, and represents an invaluable addition to our series of Construction Manuals. It surveys the facade design requirements made by various types of buildings, as well as the most important materials, from natural stone through to synthetics, and documents a diversity of construction forms for a wide range of building types. Over 100 international case-studies in large-scale, detailed drawings are presented in the comprehensive project section. «Facade Construction Manual» provides a systematic survey of contemporary expertise in the application of new materials and energy-efficient technologies in facade design. It surveys the facade design requirements made by various types of buildings, as well as the most important materials, from natural stone through to synthetics, and documents a diversity of construction forms for a wide range of building types.

Components and Connections
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783764386696 376438669X 3034610637 1299718752 9781299718753 9783034610636 Year: 2012 Publisher: Basel

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Every building is composed of parts, or components, that may be organized in various ways. For example, there are different ways to configure walls so that they perform their primary functions - bearing, dividing, and sheltering - in an optimal manner.This book presents the most common load-bearing systems, such as plate, massive, and skeleton construction, and describes their impact on the structure as a whole. It explains how spaces can be vertically or horizontally connected and assembled into larger wholes. The individual elements, such as floor slabs, roofs, openings, and foundations, are described together with their functions and the various possibilities for connecting them.The book goes beyond the wealth of possible detail to demonstrate the basic principles of detailing. Numerous specially prepared drawings set forth the principles of components and then illustrate them with reference to realized projects. Jedes Gebäude besteht aus Teilen, die vielfältig organisiert werden können. Wände etwa lassen sich auf unterschiedliche Weise anordnen, um ihre Hauptfunktionen - Tragen, Trennen und Schützen - optimal wahrzunehmen. Das Buch stellt die gängigen Tragsysteme wie Scheiben-, Massiv- oder Skelettbauweise vor und zeigt deren Auswirkung auf das Gesamtgefüge. Es erklärt, wie Räume vertikal oder horizontal verbunden und zu einem Ganzen zusammengesetzt werden können. Die einzelnen Elemente wie Geschossdecken, Dächer, Öffnungen oder Fundamente werden in ihren Funktionen und mit ihren Verbindungsmöglichkeiten dargestellt.Das Buch zeigt hinter der Fülle der möglichen Details die Prinzipien der Detaillierung. Zahlreiche, eigens angefertigte Zeichnungen erklären die Prinzipien der Bauteile und verdeutlichen diese dann an realisierten Projekten.


Buildings --- Building materials. --- Architecture --- Structural engineering. --- Constructions --- Construction --- Technique de la construction --- Joints. --- Details. --- Articulations --- Matériaux --- Détails --- 624.07 --- 69 --- 69.01 --- 692 --- 691 --- 693 --- 69(035) --- Onderdelen en constructie-elementen van gebouwen --- Architectuur ; details ; plannen ; onderdelen --- Bouwconstructies ; componenten en connecties --- Bouwconstructies ; bouwcomponenten ; bouwelementen --- Structural elements. Load-bearing members --- Bouwtechniek --- Bouwconstructie --- Constructie --- Constructiesystemen --- Constructiedelen --- Constructie-elementen --- Bouwdelen --- Connecties --- Building materials. Building components --- Structural parts and elements of buildings --- Bricklaying and related building crafts --- Bouwwezen. Constructie ; handboeken --- 693 Bricklaying and related building crafts --- 692 Structural parts and elements of buildings --- 691 Building materials. Building components --- 624.07 Structural elements. Load-bearing members --- Matériaux --- Détails --- Engineering, Structural --- Structures, Engineering of --- Architectural details --- Details, Architectural --- Architectural materials --- Building --- Building supplies --- Construction materials --- Structural materials --- Building joints --- Details --- Materials --- Building materials --- Structural engineering --- Engineering --- Joints (Engineering) --- Architectural design --- Architectural drawing --- Joints

Dressed Stone
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783764372736 3764372737 1299863728 3034614640 9783034614641 Year: 2012 Publisher: Basel

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Der Einsatz von Naturwerkstein hat eine lange Tradition. Der Umgang mit diesem faszinierenden Material stellt jedoch hohe Anforderungen an das handwerkliche Können und stellt Planer und Ausführende vor neue Herausforderungen in neuen Anwendungsbereichen. Dieses Buch möchte hier Abhilfe schaffen: Der Einsatz von Naturstein wird in Detailzeichnungen im Maßstab 1:10 nachvollzogen, wobei besonderer Wert auf alle Anschlusspunkte und die damit verbundenen speziellen Probleme gelegt wird und worauf bei Entwurf und Planung als auch während der Ausführung zu achten ist. Gegenüber der erhältlichen deutschen Ausgabe wurde diese internationale Ausgabe im konstruktiven Teil ergänzt durch ein Kapitel zur Fassadentechnik, und die Steinkarten wurden um eine Auswahl der meistgefragten 80 europäischen Steine erweitert. Handling this traditional but still captivating building material has its quirks, today perhaps more than ever. On the one hand it can no longer be taken for granted that stonemasonry skills will be readily available, while there are also new requirements and applications, not to mention damaging environmental influences, that create uncertainty for planners and implementers. This book is designed to provide assistance. - From cornice to curtain-walling: all details in words and sectional drawings - Are you looking for a particular stone? The most important domestic types of stone with supplier details - Various surface treatments and their visual effect - Documentation of 15 selected example applications

Detail in contemporary retail design.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781856697415 185669741X Year: 2012 Publisher: London Laurence King

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Une bonne réalisation du détail doit attirer les clients, soutenir une image de marque ou de magasin, présenter un produit. Cet ouvrage présente 44 projets de boutiques spécialisées (mode, chaussure, alimentation...). Chaque projet est accompagné d'un texte descriptif, de photographies couleur, de plans, et de détails. Le livre est accompagné d'un cd-rom.

Energy-Efficient Architecture
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3764372532 9783764372538 3034608624 9783034608626 Year: 2012 Publisher: Basel

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How is an energy efficient building created? Which are the most important criteria pertaining to urban development or the conception of the floor plan? What are the optimal dimensions appropriate for the building's usage but also ensuring energy efficiency? Which building elements and systems are most suitable? This book systematically explains all relevant criteria and parameters as regards urban development, design and the subsequent construction of a sustainable building. The immense potential for cutting costs by modernising the energy systems in old buildings is also demonstrated.Completed projects are presented according to their usage and are analysed and evaluated in the light of the above criteria. For this purpose extensive plans and technical information are used to illustrate the "energy profile" of each building. This shows the particular importance of planning details carefully. An annotated subject index concludes the volume. This book systematically explains all relevant criteria and parameters as regards urban development, design and the subsequent construction of a sustainable building. The immense potential for cutting costs by modernising the energy systems in old buildings is also demonstrated. Completed projects are presented according to their usage and are analysed in the light of the above criteria.


Architecture and energy conservation. --- Buildings --- Energy conservation. --- Environmental engineering. --- energy conservation --- construction [discipline] --- Architecture --- Structural parts and elements of building --- architectuur --- ruimtelijke ordening --- Heating, climatisation, ventilation and air conditioning --- comprehensive plans [reports] --- Environmental planning --- energie-economie --- architecture [discipline] --- Relation between energy and economics --- Architectuur ; milieuaspecten ; energiebesparing --- Duurzame architectuur ; 1990-2005 --- Bouweconomie --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Natuurtechnische milieubouw ; alternatieve energiebronnen --- 72:574 --- 72.039 --- 72.02 --- 69.02 --- passiefhuizen --- duurzame architectuur --- duurzaam bouwen --- 504 --- 692 --- 728.1 --- 728.1 Woonhuizen. Woningbouw (algemeen) --- Woonhuizen. Woningbouw (algemeen) --- 72.039 Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- 692 Structural parts and elements of buildings --- Structural parts and elements of buildings --- 504 Environment. Environmental science --- Environment. Environmental science --- Architectuur en ecologie --- Architectuurgeschiedenis ; 2000 - 2050 --- bouwen - constructie-elementen, duurzaam bouwen --- Energy conservation and architecture --- Energy efficient buildings --- Environmental engineering (Buildings) --- sustainable architecture --- Building materials. Building technology --- Architecture and energy conservation --- Environmental engineering --- Sanitary engineering --- Energy conservation --- Human factors --- Zero energy buildings --- ARCHITECTURE ET ECONOMIES D'ENERGIE --- ENERGIE --- CONSERVATION

Architectuur als klimaatmachine : handboek voor duurzaam comfort zonder stekker.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789461057266 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam SUN

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Architectuur als klimaatmachine biedt theorie en praktijktoepassingen van passieve en actieve systemen die het comfort in gebouwen, met name in woningbouw, kunnen verhogen. Dit boek gaat in op zowel stedenbouwkundige, architectonische als bouwkundige aspecten. De auteurs lichten vuistregels en achterliggende theorieën toe en bieden handvatten voor gebruik in het ontwerp. Ze brengen met dit boek de ontwerpconsequenties in beeld in ontwerpstudies en voorbeeldprojecten met een onderscheid tussen passieve en actieve klimaatbeheersing.


Heating, climatisation, ventilation and air conditioning --- Equipment, services, installations in buildings --- sustainable architecture --- green design [environmental concept] --- Architecture --- architecture [discipline] --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Duurzaam bouwen. --- Structural parts and elements of building --- duurzame architectuur --- duurzaam wonen --- 644.1 --- 502.13 --- 72:574(035) --- Duurzame architectuur ; handboeken --- Klimaatontwerp --- Architectuur en ecologie ; handboeken --- Duurzame architectuur --- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- Indoor climate control. Heating. Ventilation. Air conditioning --- Maatregelen en management betreffende het behoud van de natuur --- 644.1 Indoor climate control. Heating. Ventilation. Air conditioning --- 697 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- 504 --- 699 --- 69 --- 699.86 --- 697 --- 620.9 --- Bouweconomie --- 620.9 Economics of energy in general --- Economics of energy in general --- Duurzaamheid --- Bouwfysica --- Bouwtechniek --- Klimaatbeheersing --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Building design --- Architecture and climate --- Architecture and energy conservation --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Energy conservation and architecture --- Energy efficient buildings --- Energy conservation --- Climate and architecture --- Climatology --- Enviromental aspects --- Design and construction --- Climatic factors --- Influence of climate --- klimatisering --- duurzaam bouwen --- PXL-Tech 2019 --- bouwkunde --- architectuur --- klimaatveranderingen --- klimaatregeling --- duurzaam ontwerpen --- 69.02 --- klimaatbeheersing --- bouwen - constructie-elementen, duurzaam bouwen --- Zero energy buildings --- Architecture, Primitive

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