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Political Ideology, Quality at Entry and the Success of Economic Reform Programs
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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This study investigates how government ideology matters for the success of World Bank economic policy loans, which typically support market-liberalizing reforms. A simple model predicts that World Bank staff will invest more effort in designing an economic policy loan when faced with a left-wing government. Empirically, estimates from a Heckman selection model show that the quality at entry of an economic policy loan is significantly higher for governments with a left-wing party orientation. This result is robust to changes in the sample, alternative measures of ideology, different estimation techniques and the inclusion of additional control variables. Next, robust findings from estimating a recursive triangular system of equations indicate that leftist governments comply more fully with loan agreements. Results also suggest that World Bank resources are more productive-in terms of reform success-in the design of policy operations than in their supervision. Anecdotal evidence from several country cases is consistent with the finding that left-wing governments receive higher quality loans.

How we forgot the Cold War
ISBN: 1283003023 9786613823212 0520954254 9780520954250 0520271416 9780520271418 9780520271418 9780520954250 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berkeley University of California Press

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Hours after the USSR collapsed in 1991, Congress began making plans to establish the official memory of the Cold War. Conservatives dominated the proceedings, spending millions to portray the conflict as a triumph of good over evil and a defeat of totalitarianism equal in significance to World War II. In this provocative book, historian Jon Wiener visits Cold War monuments, museums, and memorials across the United States to find out how the era is being remembered. The author's journey provides a history of the Cold War, one that turns many conventional notions on their heads. In an engaging travelogue that takes readers to sites such as the life-size recreation of Berlin's "Checkpoint Charlie" at the Reagan Library, the fallout shelter display at the Smithsonian, and exhibits about "Sgt. Elvis," America's most famous Cold War veteran, Wiener discovers that the Cold War isn't being remembered. It's being forgotten. Despite an immense effort, the conservatives' monuments weren't built, their historic sites have few visitors, and many of their museums have now shifted focus to other topics. Proponents of the notion of a heroic "Cold War victory" failed; the public didn't buy the official story. Lively, readable, and well-informed, this book expands current discussions about memory and history, and raises intriguing questions about popular skepticism toward official ideology.

Retracing images : visual culture after Yugoslavia
Authors: ---
ISBN: 900421030X 9789004210301 9786613426321 1283426323 9004224238 9789004224230 Year: 2012 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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The essays in this collection disclose cultural and political dynamics as they occurred before and in the wake of Yugoslavia's dissolution (1991-92) by analyzing visual data such as film, art, graffiti, street-art, public advertisement, memorials, and monuments. Within the vast field of Balkan Studies such visual materials have rarely been taken for important empirical evidence. Against the still widely held presumption that the cultural production of allegedly 'totalitarian' states such as Yugoslavia can be neglected as they were penetrated by state ideology, the contributions offer a corrective image of the complex ideological dynamics and discoursive potentials in various artistic and cultural fields. Phenomena such as 'Titostalgia', nationalist mobilization, nation-branding, rewriting of history, inventing of traditions, and symbolic violence that have surfaced in recent years are interpreted in the light of Yugoslavia's legacy. Contributors include: Zoran Terzić, Elissa Helms, Miklavz Komelj, Nebojša Jovanović, Isabel Ströhle, Sezgin Boynik, Gregor Bulc, Davor Beganović, Robert Alagjozovski, Gal Kirn, Mitja Velikonja, Daniel Šuber, and Slobodan Karamanić.

Op weg naar Armageddon : de evolutie van fanatisme
ISBN: 9789461054630 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam Boom

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Religieus en seculier fanatisme is niet iets van deze tijd. Op weg naar Armageddon is de geschiedenis van gewelddadige pogingen om heilstaten te vestigen, van de middeleeuwen tot de dag van vandaag.Aan het einde van de middeleeuwen manifesteerde zich op diverse plaatsen in Europa een gewelddadig verlangen het Rijk van God op aarde te vestigen. Sindsdien is dit streven telkens opnieuw opgekomen, overal ter wereld en in alle mogelijke varianten. Bob de Graaff, terrorismedeskundige bij uitstek, laat religieuze en politiek-filosofische stromingen waarin fanatisme een rol speelde of speelt de revue passeren: van het christelijke radicalisme via seculiere vormen als het communisme, het anarchisme en het fascisme tot aan de hedendaagse vormen van islamistisch terrorisme en de theocratie van Iran. Bron :


Barth, Karl, --- Geschiedenis --- Godsdienst --- Politiek --- Geneeskunde --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Filosofie --- Psychologie --- Sociologie --- Atlas --- Museum --- Man --- Maatschappij --- Film --- Cultuur --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Verpleegkunde --- Volwassene --- 904 --- economische geschiedenis --- sociale geschiedenis --- geschiedenis --- Europa --- ideologie --- terrorisme --- BPB1305 --- Extrémisme --- Idéologie politique --- Histoire de l'Europe --- Analyse sociale --- Religion --- fe --- reiligiún --- uskonto --- náboženstvo --- vallás --- religión --- religioon --- godsdienst --- religie --- vjera --- religija --- religione --- reliģija --- religião --- náboženství --- religia --- религија --- reliġjon --- θρησκεία --- religion --- религия --- usutunnistus --- víra --- deismus --- светец --- теизам --- irreligiosità --- religiosità --- zbožnost --- věřící --- религиозност --- religiozita --- teismus --- деизам --- побожност --- světec --- kreacionismus --- panteismus --- Religionsgemeinschaft --- fideismus --- svatý --- vallási közösség --- Glaubensgemeinschaft --- pobožnost --- верници --- вера --- пантеизам --- κοινωνική ανάλυση --- sociální analýza --- samhällsanalys --- družbena analiza --- Sozialforschung --- análisis sociológico --- social analyse --- analiză socială --- društvena analiza --- општествена анализа --- социален анализ --- anailís shóisialta --- друштвена анализа --- análise social --- analisi sociologica --- socialinė analizė --- analiza społeczna --- yhteiskunnallinen analyysi --- analiżi soċjali --- sociálna analýza --- analizë sociale --- sociālā analīze --- társadalmi elemzés --- sociale analyse --- social analysis --- sotsiaalne analüüs --- social research --- kërkim social --- društveno istraživanje --- sotsiaalne uuring --- sociální výzkum --- ricerca sociale --- gesellschaftliche Analyse --- recherche sociale --- szociális elemzés --- sociálny výskum --- cercetare socială --- szociális kutatás --- investigação social --- investigación social --- sociální rozbor --- socialiniai tyrimai --- társadalomkutatás --- social forskning --- společenský výzkum --- společenský rozbor --- yhteiskuntaa koskeva tutkimus --- sociālā pētniecība --- analýza společnosti --- poliittinen ideologia --- politična ideologija --- politinė ideologija --- politische Ideologie --- ideologia politica --- ideologia política --- ideologji politike --- ideología política --- politická ideologie --- politická ideológia --- ideologie politică --- politieke ideologie --- πολιτική ιδεολογία --- политичка идеологија --- ideologia polityczna --- political ideology --- политическа идеология --- politikai ideológia --- politička ideologija --- politiskā ideoloģija --- idé-eolaíocht pholaitiúil --- politisk ideologi --- poliitiline ideoloogia --- ideolġija politika --- dottrina politica --- politiskā doktrīna --- политичка доктрина --- politická doktrína --- politische Doktrin --- politička doktrina --- doctrină politică --- politieke leer --- politické smýšlení --- doutrina política --- politický názor --- politische Auffassung --- politikai tan --- politikai doktrína --- politické přesvědčení --- poliittinen doktriini --- poliitiline doktriin --- πολιτική θεωρία --- doctrina política --- politisk doktrin --- politinė doktrina --- politieke doctrine --- politische Lehre --- credo politico --- doctrine politique --- political doctrine --- doktrinë politike --- εξτρεμισμός --- extremism --- ekstremizmas --- ekstrēmisms --- extremismus --- Extremismus --- extremisme --- ekstremizëm --- extremismo --- szélsőség --- ekstremizam --- estremismo --- extrémizmus --- екстремизам --- estremiżmu --- ekstremisme --- ekstremizem --- antoisceachas --- äärisuuntaus --- екстремизъм --- ekstremizm --- äärmuslus --- ekstremism --- fanatism --- φανατισμός --- fanatizëm --- фундаментализам --- fanatismus --- fundamentalismus --- vallási fanatizmus --- fanatismo --- фанатизам --- fanatizmus --- fanatismi --- fanaticism --- kiihkomielisyys --- fanatisme --- fanātisms --- fanatizmas --- Fanatismus --- fanatizam --- az európai építmény története --- history of Europe --- historia Europy --- geschiedenis van Europa --- dějiny evropského integračního procesu --- storia dell'Europa --- ιστορία της Ευρώπης --- EF's historie --- историја на Европа --- storja tal-Ewropa --- dejiny Európy --- Eiropas vēsture --- Geschichte des europäischen Einigungswerks --- istoria Europei --- historia de Europa --- zgodovina Evrope --- история на европейското обединение --- EG:s historia --- povijest europskih integracija --- história da Europa --- Europos istorija --- histori e Europës --- историја Европе --- Euroopa ajalugu --- Euroopan historia --- Schuman-planen --- Eiropas Kopienu vēsture --- dejiny EU --- Schumani plaan --- plan Schuman --- histoire des CE --- Declaração Schuman --- Geschichte der EG --- history of the European Communities --- déclaration Schuman --- Schuman-erklæringen --- Declaración Schuman --- povijest EZ-a --- Šumano deklaracija --- Schumanova deklarácia --- Schumanverklaring --- geschiedenis van de EG --- Plano Schuman --- Schuman plan --- plani Shuman --- az Európai Közösségek története --- Schuman-Plan --- Schuman Declaration --- História da CE --- Schuman-terv --- Európa története --- Schuman-Erklärung --- Europos Bendrijų istorija --- Šūmaņa plāns --- povijest EU-a --- ιστορία των ΕΚ --- Σχέδιο Schuman --- piano Schuman --- историја на европските интеграции --- Schumanin suunnitelma --- Schumani deklaratsioon --- Шуманов план --- dějiny Evropských společenství --- declarația schuman --- az EK története --- Schumanplan --- historia de la CE --- storia delle Comunità europee --- istoria comunității europeene --- Schumanov plán --- historia europea --- Euroopan yhteisöjen historia --- histori e Komuniteteve Europiane --- az EU története --- dějiny Evropské unie --- Schumanov plan --- Euroopa ühenduste ajalugu --- историја на ЕУ --- planul schuman --- Šūmaņa deklarācija --- historia de la UE --- Schuman-nyilatkozat --- Schumanova deklaracija --- dichiarazione Schuman --- Schumanova deklarace --- Schumanův plán --- Deklarata e Shumanit --- Διακήρυξη Schuman --- Schumanin julistus --- Šumano planas --- economische en sociale geschiedenis --- Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Religious studies --- Polemology --- Fanaticism --- Religious fanaticism --- Short stories, Dutch --- History. --- stair na hEorpa --- Extrémisme --- Idéologie politique

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