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Medienwandel/Medienwechsel in der Editionswissenschaft
ISBN: 3110300265 9783110300260 9783110300260 3110300265 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin: de Gruyter,

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Editing --- Digital media --- Musicology

Science editors' handbook
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9780905988115 Year: 2013 Publisher: Cornwall : European Association of Science Editors (EASE),

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The EASE Science Editors' Handbook is an invaluable resource for anyone working in the field of editing either in print, or digitally. It covers a wide range of subjects, including all aspects of copy editing and running a journal. It provides examples of good practice, plus hints and tips that can help to solve problems and support good decisions.In September 2013, EASE published the Second Edition. This features 56 chapters written by 40 international authors with experience in all areas of science editing and publishing. Of the 56 chapters, 23 are completely new and all the others have been extensively revised and updated.The Handbook is divided into the following six sections:Editing: provides guidelines on copy-editing, working with tables and graphics, setting out lists, and standards for using numerals, symbols, references and indexing.Nomenclature and terminology: features guidelines for non-specialists including anatomical, bacteriological, mineralogy, algae and plants, and biological and chemical nomenclature.Policies and processes: covers the organisational issues that editors and publishers need to consider, from how to establish a new journal to how to establish effective working practices for processing manuscripts. It also covers the creation of policies to ensure ethical and efficient editorial systems, and how to ensure the journal provides sufficient guidance and support for authors.Peer review: addresses an essential part of scientific publishing, looking at good practice and providing guidelines on managing peer review systems and developing suitable systems to meet the expectations of authors and readers.Ethics: reviews one of the hot topics of publishing, and provides good practice guidelines for dealing with ethical problems.Publishing and promoting: looks at the publishing issues that editors as well as their publishers need to consider. It explains developments such as DOIs and open access publishing, and provides guidance on legal issues and publishing different types of content in suitable formats and with effective presentation.

Synchronisierung der Künste
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3846751022 Year: 2013 Publisher: München : Wilhelm Fink Verlag,

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Wenn Montage als ein Vorgang der Synchronisierung begriffen wird, rücken die Verfahren und Techniken der Kohärenzherstellung ins Blickfeld: Wie werden die einzelnen medialen Ebenen zu einer Einheit synchronisiert? Traditionell wurde diese Frage in Bezug auf die Montage und ihre Effekte gestellt und an dieser Ebene setzt der Band an. ›Montage‹ wird über die rhetorische Adressierung hinaus aber auch in einem erweiterten Sinne verstanden, der nicht auf den produktionsästhetischen Aspekt begrenzt ist: Als performativ versteht der Band Montage im Sinne einer Persuasion, einer ›Nahelegung‹, einer ›Attrahierung‹. Seine Beiträge nehmen die synästhetischen und persuasiven Effekte der kinematographischen Montage auf und erweitern sie auf Verfahren, Techniken und Effekte der Synchronisierung in anderen Kunstformen hin.

Théorie du montage : énergie, forces et fluides
ISBN: 9782200287221 2200287224 Year: 2013 Publisher: Paris : Armand Colin,

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From dissertation to book
ISBN: 9780226062044 Year: 2013 Publisher: Chicago, Ill. University of Chicago Press

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Machine Translation Friend or Foe?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Doelstellingen: In de laatste jaren is de kwaliteit van machinevertaling sterk toegenomen. Uit de literatuur blijkt dat het post-editen van machinevertaalde teksten tot stijgingen in productiviteit zou kunnen leiden ten opzichte van het traditionele vertaalproces, zonder automatisch te moeten inboeten in kwaliteit. In deze masterproef worden de twee vertaalprocessen met elkaar vergeleken voor de vertaling algemene teksten vanuit het Engels naar het Nederlands. De vergelijking omvat onder meer de parameters productiviteit, kwaliteit, revisiegeneigdheid en consultatie van externe bronnen. Middelen of methode: In het kader van deze masterproef werd een experiment gehouden waarbij zestien studenten van de master in het vertalen gevraagd werden één manuele vertaaltaak en één post-editingtaak af te leggen in de PET-omgeving (W. Aziz et al., 2012). De participanten werden verdeeld over vier groepen zodat de vier teksten betrokken bij het experiment voldoende werden vertaald en gepost-edit. De PET post-editing tool werd geconfigureerd om, naast de standaard indicatoren als tijd en aantal revisies, tevens te peilen naar het gebruik van externe bronnen en de inschatting van de moeilijkheidsgraad voor manuele vertaling en de MT kwaliteit voor post-editing. De verzamelde data werd vervolgens bestudeerd op taakniveau (gemiddeldes per taak) en de twee vertaalaanpakken werden met elkaar vergeleken voor alle vier teksten betrokken in het onderzoek. Resultaten: De resultaten van het onderzoek tonen een productiviteitsstijging voor alle teksten bij post-editing (tussen 10% en 45%) zonder dat de kwaliteit daalt. Voor de helft van de teksten werd tevens een hogere kwaliteit van het eindproduct gevonden. Aan de andere kant werd gevonden dat de revisiegeneigdheid lager is dan bij het traditionele proces en dat er minder externe bronnen worden geraadpleegd. Er moet opgemerkt worden dat de resultaten enkel gelden voor de condities van dit experiment: Engels naar Nederlands, algemene teksten, vertaalstudenten.

Bad data handbook
ISBN: 9781449321888 1449321887 Year: 2013 Publisher: Beijing ; Farnham : O'Reilly,

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Welcome to data science's dirty secret: real-world data is messy. Data scientists must spend a good deal of time playing software developer, writing code to clean up data before they can actually do anything constructive with it. It's a necessary evil, but you can still make the most of it. This practical book walks you through several real-world examples to demonstrate the theory and practice behind working with and cleaning up dirty data. No one tool solves all of the problems well. Wise data scientists learn many tools and learn where each one shines. To that end, this book takes a polyglot approach: most examples will involve R and Python, but expect the occasional smattering of Groovy and sed/awk fun.

Early music editing : principles, historiography, future directions : conference, The Netherlands, Utrecht University, July 3-5, 2008
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782503551517 2503551513 Year: 2013 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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Is editing music a fallacy? It may appear so when consulting the Oxford English Dictionary, which defines editing as "to prepare an edition (of a literary work or works by an earlier author), " or "to prepare, set in order for publication (literary material which is wholly or in part the work of others)." Of course, the parentheses readily allow the musicologist to construct a broadened definition of editing, tacitly declaring music to be akin to literature; but doing so causes a number of other discomforts, for music, while certainly not inimical to words, simply cannot be equated with literature tout court. Even so, the OED mercilessly insists on the origins of the term within the realm of literary text production. Furthermore, as if adding insult to injury, a secondary definition of editing offered by the OED - "to prepare a film for the cinema or recordings for broadcasting, etc.

Polishing Your Prose
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0231532016 9780231532013 Year: 2013 Publisher: New York Columbia University Press

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This singular book illustrates how to edit a piece of prose to enhance its clarity of thought and felicity of style. The authors first present ten principles of effective composition, and then scrutinize three extended paragraphs, suggesting with remarkable specificity how to improve them. The volume also offers challenging practice questions, as well as two finished essays, one serious and one humorous, that demonstrate how attention to sound mechanics need not result in mechanical writing.Steven M. Cahn & Victor L. Cahn help readers deploy a host of corrective strategies, such a

Keepers of the code
ISBN: 1442663464 9781442663466 9781442645714 1442645717 9781442613966 1442613963 1442663472 Year: 2013 Publisher: Toronto Buffalo University of Toronto Press

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Robert Lecker explores the ways in which these anthologies contributed to the formation of a Canadian literary canon, the extent to which this canon was tied to an ideal of English-Canadian nationalism, and the material conditions accounting for the anthologies' production.

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