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Co-metabolische degradatie van pesticiden door methanotrofen
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Door het stijgend gebruik aan pesticiden werden in de loop der jaren bepaalde methoden en systemen ontwikkeld om de vervuiling van pesticiden tegen te gaan. Een van deze manieren zijn de bioremediatiesystemen. Deze werden ontwikkeld om puntverliezen, die een hoge concentratie aan pesticiden bevatten, op te vangen. In deze systemen werd getracht om een verwijdering van de pesticide uit het water te bekomen door sorptie op de biomix of de biodegradatie. De verwijdering in deze bioremediatiesystemen verloopt niet altijd zoals gewenst. Dit komt omdat de verwijdering van de pesticide grotendeels gebaseerd is op reversibele sorptie of omdat de degradatie van de pesticide niet of nauwelijks optreedt. Om deze redenen wordt vandaag de dag onderzoek gericht naar mogelijke methoden om deze bioremediatiesystemen te verbeteren. Eén hiervan is de inoculatie met bepaalde micro-organismen.In deze thesis werd onderzocht of methanotrofen kunnen gebruikt worden voor de degradatie van bepaalde pesticiden, zodat deze als inoculum zouden kunnen dienen voor de bioremediatiesystemen. De keuze voor het gebruik van de methanotrofen is te wijten aan de aspecificiteit van het methaan monooxygenase. Hierbij werden verschillende mengculturen, opgegroeid in kopervrij nitrate mineraal salt medium, gebruikt om zo de expressie van sMMO te stimuleren. Met een van deze mengculturen werd mogelijke co-metabolische degradatie van 15 pesticiden gescreend. Hierbij werden drie co-metabolische degradeerbare pesticiden bekomen. Met name benalaxyl, metazachloor en chloorprofam. Benalaxyl werd voor 66,09% gedegradeerd in 10 dagen. De metazachloorconcentratie was na 10 dagen niet meer meetbaar. De chloorprofamconcentratie werd verminderd met 33,10 % na 10 dagen. Vervolgens werd de metazachloorconcentratie opgedreven, om zo mogelijk inhibitie waar te nemen. Bij een concentratie van 2,5 mg/l metazachloor werd echter geen inhibitie op de methanotrofen waargenomen. Daarnaast werd de methaanconsumptie opgevolgd bij verschillende metazachloorconcentraties. Hierbij is een duidelijk evenredig verband waar te nemen tussen de KM van methaan en de concentratie aan metazachloor.Als laatste werd nagegaan of methanotrofen kunnen gebruikt worden bij de degradatie in een watersedimentmilieu, daar het belangrijk is om de degradatiecapaciteit van de methantrofen te kennen in dit soort milieu. Hierbij is duidelijk dat na de sorptie-effecten de metazachloorconcentratie blijft dalen tot 32,40% van de resterende concentratie na sorptie. Dit zou te wijten zijn aan de degradatie ten gevolge van de methanotrofen. Dit onderzoek toont aan dat methanotrofen de capaciteit hebben voor de degradatie van pesticiden zonder daar veel groeihinder bij te ondervinden. Dit onderzoek was evenwel een “proof of principle”. Voor de implementatie van methanotrofen in bioremediatie zou verder onderzoek nodig zijn.?

Environmental Issues in China Today : A View from Japan
ISBN: 9784431541202 Year: 2013 Publisher: Tokyo Springer Japan

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Environmental Issues in China Today : A View from Japan
ISBN: 9784431541202 Year: 2013 Publisher: Tokyo Springer Japan

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Economic development and environmental issues in China are attracting more and more attention internationally as the country’s large population and vast demands for food, energy, water, minerals, and other resources play an increasingly important role in deciding the fate of the world. There is great interest in learning more about environmental issues in China, but it is not easy to obtain accurate, relevant information because the issues are diverse and are complex phenomena resulting from the interconnections among natural resource constraints and political, social, and institutional systems. This book originally was published in Japanese with the aim of providing Japanese readers with a holistic picture of what was taking place in China with respect to its air, water, energy, and land. The author then prepared an English edition of the same material to use as a book of readings for the Global Environmental Leaders Program at Nagoya University, where he taught many students from Asia and Europe. The book covers the most important environmental issues in China—climatic change, water, air, energy, and resources—together with ongoing policy responses, based on the author’s active involvement in a number of study projects and international cooperation projects in that country. This volume will help readers to understand the causes and results of environmental problems in China and will encourage them to think more deeply about the environmental implications of the country’s rapid economic growth.

Biotechnology for Environmental Management and Resource Recovery
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788132208761 Year: 2013 Publisher: India Springer India

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Various types of secondary agriculture and forestry wastes represent valuable resource materials for developing alternate energy as biofuels and other value added products such as sugars, phenols, furans, organic acids, enzymes and digestible animal feed etc. However, if not managed properly, waste material and environmental contaminants generated by various industries such as food and feed, pulp and paper and textile may lead to severe environmental pollution. The energy, food and feed demand necessitate developing simple and economically viable technologies for environmental management and resource recovery.  Microorganisms and their enzymes contribute significantly in utilization of plant residues, resource recovery and eventually in pollution mitigation. “Biotechnology for Environmental Management and Resource Recovery” presents a comprehensive review of selected research topics in a compendium of 16 chapters related to environmental pollution control and developing biotechnologies in agro-ecosystem management and bioconversion of agro-residues (lignocellulosics) into biofuels, animal feed and paper etc. This book provides a valuable resource for reference and text material to graduate and postgraduate students, researchers, scientists working in the area of microbiology, biotechnology, and environmental science and engineering.

Mountain Weather Research and Forecasting : Recent Progress and Current Challenges
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789400740983 Year: 2013 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer Netherlands

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  This book provides readers with a broad understanding of the fundamental principles driving atmospheric flow over complex terrain and provides historical context for recent developments and future direction for researchers and forecasters. The topics in this book are expanded from those presented at the Mountain Weather Workshop, which took place in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, August 5-8, 2008. The inspiration for the workshop came from the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Mountain Meteorology Committee and was designed to bridge the gap between the research and forecasting communities by providing a forum for extended discussion and joint education. For academic researchers, this book provides some insight into issues important to the forecasting community. For the forecasting community, this book provides training on fundamentals of atmospheric processes over mountainous regions, which are notoriously difficult to predict. The book also helps to provide a better understanding of current research and forecast challenges, including the latest contributions and advancements to the field. The book begins with an overview of mountain weather and forecasting challenges specific to complex terrain, followed by chapters that focus on diurnal mountain/valley flows that develop under calm conditions and dynamically-driven winds under strong forcing. The focus then shifts to other phenomena specific to mountain regions: Alpine foehn, boundary layer and air quality issues, orographic precipitation processes, and microphysics parameterizations. Having covered the major physical processes, the book shifts to observation and modelling techniques used in mountain regions, including model configuration and parameterizations such as turbulence, and model applications in operational forecasting. The book concludes with a discussion of the current state of research and forecasting in complex terrain, including a vision of how to bridge the gap in the future.   Fotini (Tina) Katopodes Chow  is an associate professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. Her current research interests are in performing large-eddy simulations of atmospheric boundary layer flows, with a focus on flow over complex terrain and development and testing of new turbulence models and boundary conditions. She and her students have worked on applications to mountain meteorology, urban dispersion, wind energy, and land-atmosphere coupling, among others.  She received an NSF CAREER award in 2007 and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) in 2011. Stephan F. J. De Wekker  is an associate professor in Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia. His research focuses on the investigation of atmospheric boundary layer processes over complex terrain using a combination of field studies, data analysis, and numerical modeling techniques. He seeks to apply his expertise to problems in a multi-disciplinary context such as found at the interface with ecology, air quality, and hydrology.  He received an NSF CAREER award in 2012. Bradley J. Snyder  is currently Head of Science Transfer and Training at the Pacific Storm Prediction Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is responsible for coordinating forecaster training and acts as liaison between operations and research groups. His focus is on mountain and marine meteorology.  He worked as an operational forecaster for 15 years at various locations across Canada and has undertaken research in radar, lightning, and air quality meteorology. He has also been involved in field studies, including forecasting during the Mesoscale Alpine Programme. .

Earth System Monitoring : Selected Entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology
ISBN: 9781461456841 Year: 2013 Publisher: New York, NY Springer

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Modern Earth System Monitoring represents a fundamental change in the way scientists study the Earth System.  In Oceanography, for the past two centuries, ships have provided the platforms for observing.  Expeditions on the continents and Earth’s poles are land-based analogues. Fundamental understanding of current systems, climate, natural hazards, and ecosystems has been greatly advanced. While these approaches have been remarkably successful, the need to establish measurements over time can only be made using Earth observations and observatories with exacting standards and continuous data.  The 19 peer-reviewed contributions in this volume provide early insights into this emerging view of Earth in both space and time in which change is a critical component of our growing understanding. Presents 19 authoritative, peer-reviewed entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology Covers a wide range of data collection platforms, including satellite remote sensing, aerial surveys, and land- and ocean-based monitoring stations Features a glossary of key terms and a concise definition of the subject for each contribution Written for an audience of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as professionals in academia, industry, and government.

Fluid Dynamics in Physics, Engineering and Environmental Applications
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783642277238 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer

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The book contains invited lectures and selected contributions presented at the Enzo Levi and XVII Annual Meeting of the Fluid Dynamic Division of the Mexican Physical Society in 2011. It is aimed to fourth year undergraduate and graduate students, and scientists in the field of physics, engineering and chemistry that have interest in Fluid Dynamics from the experimental and theoretical point of view. The invited lectures are introductory and avoid the use of complicate mathematics.  The other selected contributions are also adequate to fourth year undergraduate and graduate students.  The Fluid Dynamics applications include multiphase flow, convection, diffusion, heat transfer, rheology, granular material, viscous flow, porous media flow, geophysics and astrophysics. The material contained in the book includes recent advances in experimental and theoretical fluid dynamics and is adequate for both teaching and research.

Sustainability Appraisal: Quantitative Methods and Mathematical Techniques for Environmental Performance Evaluation
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783642320811 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer

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One of the most important issues in developing sustainable management strategies and incorporating ecodesigns in production, manufacturing and operations management is the assessment of the sustainability of business operations and organizations’ overall environmental performance. The book presents the results of recent studies on sustainability assessment. It provides a solid reference for researchers in academia and industrial practitioners on the state-of-the-art in sustainability appraisal including the development and application of sustainability indices, quantitative methods, models and frameworks for the evaluation of current and future welfare outcomes, recommendations on data collection and processing for the evaluation of organizations’ environmental performance, and eco-efficiency approaches leading to business process re-engineering.

Earth Observation of Global Changes (EOGC)
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783642327148 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer

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This book provides a collection of selected articles that have been submitted to the Earth Observation and Global Changes (EOGC2011) Conference. All articles have been carefully reviewed by an international board of top-level experts. The book covers a wide variety of topics including Physical Geodesy, Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, High-Resolution and Fast-Revisiting Remote Sensing Satellite Systems, Global Change & Change Detection, Spatial Modelling, GIS & Geovisualization. The articles document concrete results of current studies related to Earth Sciences.  The book is intended for researchers and experts working in the area of Spatial Data Analysis, Environmental Monitoring/Analysis, Global Change Monitoring and related fields.

Environmental Geoinformatics : Monitoring and Management
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783642340857 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer

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There is no doubt that today, perhaps more than ever before, humanity faces a myriad of complex and demanding challenges. These include natural resource depletion and environmental degradation, food and water insecurity, energy shortages, diminishing biodiversity, increasing losses from natural disasters, and climate change with its associated potentially devastating consequences, such as rising sea levels. These human-induced and natural impacts on the environment need to be well understood in order to develop informed policies, decisions, and remedial measures to mitigate current and future negative impacts. To achieve this, continuous monitoring and management of the environment to acquire data that can be soundly and rigorously analyzed to provide information about its current state and changing patterns, and thereby allow predictions of possible future impacts, are essential. Developing pragmatic and sustainable solutions to address these and many other similar challenges requires the use of geodata and the application of geoinformatics. This book presents the concepts and applications of geoinformatics, a multidisciplinary field that has at its core different technologies that support the acquisition, analysis and visualization of geodata for environmental monitoring and management. We depart from the 4D to the 5D data paradigm, which defines geodata accurately, consistently, rapidly and completely, in order to be useful without any restrictions in space, time or scale to represent a truly global dimension of the digital Earth. The book also features the state-of-the-art discussion of Web-GIS. The concepts and applications of geoinformatics presented in this book will be of benefit to decision-makers across a wide range of fields, including those at environmental agencies, in the emergency services, public health and epidemiology, crime mapping, environmental management agencies, tourist industry, market analysis and e-commerce, or mineral exploration, among many others. The title and subtitle of this textbook convey a distinct message. Monitoring -the passive part in the subtitle - refers to observation and data acquisition, whereas management - the active component - stands for operation and performance. The topic is our environment, which is intimately related to geoinformatics. The overall message is: all the mentioned elements do interact and must not be separated.  Hans-Peter B ahr, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.h.c., Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany.

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