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La dystonie du musicien : manuel pratique à l'usage des musiciens et de leurs thérapeutes
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 12718726 ISBN: 9782952761697 Year: 2013 Publisher: Montauban : Alexitère,

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New Challenges in Communication with Cancer Patients
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781461433699 Year: 2013 Publisher: Boston, MA Springer US

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The relationship between oncologists and their cancer patients is rapidly evolving. Oncologists and other cancer professionals master new anticancer and supportive treatment options, while working under increasing economic pressure and time constraints, and are often unprepared to deal with all the challenges of their new position in a therapeutic relationship with cancer patients and families. Good communication is as essential as are modern laboratory tests and sophisticated diagnostics to achieve the best clinical results. This book updates the evolution of truth-telling and communication patterns worldwide and offers insights into the recent trends and emerging challenges in communication with cancer patients and families. New Challenges in Communication with Cancer Patients is an invaluable resource to medical professionals, educators and patients in establishing a strong and effective partnership built on trust and mutual understanding.

Vergleichsuntersuchung der Gesetzgebung, Ausbildung und Berufsethik für Gerichtsdolmetscher in Gent und Nordrhein-Westfalen
Authors: ---
Year: 2013

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Quality Assurance in Medical Education : A Practical Guide
ISBN: 9780857297136 Year: 2013 Publisher: London Springer

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Medical schools across the globe are increasingly being challenged to adopt best practice in training future doctors. Increased accountability as well as rapidly advancing educational and health care developments call for increased sophistication on the part of health educators.   Quality Assurance in Medical Education: A Practical Guide is an easy-to-read, practical guide for any medical school preparing for accreditation or institutional review.  It contains guidance on the use of internationally accepted standards with a particular focus on what external accrediting bodies look for both before and during their site visit.  This book will be particularly helpful to faculties engaged in medical curriculum reform or renewal and those embarking on development of a new curriculum or part thereof, where compliance with internationally accepted standards is paramount.   This book will appeal to medical school faculties as well as faculties from other health professions schools and post graduate programs who are preparing for either high stakes accreditation or internal review.  It will also appeal to agencies responsible for accrediting medical schools who wish to become more familiar with the international standards.

Success in Academic Surgery: Developing a Career in Surgical Education
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781447146919 Year: 2013 Publisher: London Springer

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Success in Academic Surgery:  Developing a Career in Surgical Education is a unique and portable handbook that offers careers advice and guidance to medical students, surgical residents, young faculty and others considering a career within surgical education. Surgical education is a rapidly expanding area of surgical research and career interest, and as the  Association for Academic Surgery (AAS) fall courses ( and international courses offer more and more specialty tracking there is a greater need for an accompanying textbook to supplement the material presented in the courses. Success in Academic Surgery:  Developing a Career in Surgical Education expands on some of the important issues related to surgical education highlighted in the AAS courses by addressing key areas such as how to acquire the skills necessary for success in this field, how to develop a research program in surgical education as well as offering guidance on applying for research grants, among other things.

Syndrome-based Approach to Diagnosis : A Practical Guide
ISBN: 9781447147336 Year: 2013 Publisher: London Springer

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Many young, inexperienced doctors, have difficultly pinpointing a diagnosis: Is it a condition to which certain diseases could belong, or a disease definable in line with certain criteria?  How can I apply my basic knowledge of diseases to a real patient? How can I find the correct diagnosis for a disease that I am seeing for the very first time?   The traditional diagnostic pathways conveyed by current methods of teaching, from visual identification of the disease, knowledge of diseases, understanding of symptoms or patterns to diagnosis, leave certain diagnostic questions unanswered, especially on first experience of such a clinical pattern.  Syndrome-based Approach to Diagnosis: A Practical Guide offers lecturers an alternative training concept in their teaching, which provides students with a model for self-study as well as the educational tools for learning how to think in clinical terms. It also includes a basic structured program for internal medicine at a glance in the form of decision trees that cover all major internal medicine fields.  This training concept is suitable as: ·  A self-assessment test ·  A study program (self study and case-based study) ·  A basic program covering all the major teaching objectives in a clinical discipline ·  A guideline and educational framework for differential diagnosis ·  A collection of individual therapeutic options (with presentation of clinical cases) This book is a comprehensive educational tool ideal for medical professionals and those working within medical education.

Medical Ethics Education: An Interdisciplinary and Social Theoretical Perspective
ISBN: 9783319004853 Year: 2013 Publisher: Heidelberg Springer International Publishing

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There is a diversity of ‘ethical practices’ within medicine as an institutionalised profession as well as a need for ethical specialists both in practice as well as in institutionalised roles. This Brief offers a social perspective on medical ethics education. It discusses a range of concepts relevant to educational theory and thus provides a basic illumination of the subject. Recent research in the sociology of medical education and the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu are covered. In the end, the themes of Bourdieuan Social Theory, socio-cultural apprenticeships and the ‘characterological turn’ in medical education are draw together the context of medical ethics education.

Il senso ritrovato
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788847028326 Year: 2013 Publisher: Milano Springer

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Stiamo vivendo una crisi sistemica, epocale, che non riguarda solo l’economia e la finanza, ma anche l’ecosistema, il nostro mondo di valori e la cultura su cui si è basata finora la nostra vita su questo pianeta. Di fronte a una crisi di queste proporzioni, occorre mettere in discussione il paradigma in base al quale si è organizzata la nostra società. Il modello di sviluppo, ormai accettato a livello globale, non si sta rivelando sostenibile e necessita di essere rapidamente rivisto. La crescita economica illimitata e il deterioramento conseguente dell’ambiente richiedono politiche eco-compatibili, che non mettano a repentaglio la nostra sopravvivenza. Questo libro è scritto da diversi autori molto conosciuti nei loro rispettivi campi: filosofia, economia, biologia, medicina, mondo dei media e della comunicazione. Il filo conduttore del volume è l’informazione che ha originato l’Universo e ha permesso la nascita della vita sulla Terra, un’unità organica, un flusso di dati che è a rischio ogni volta che gli uomini pensano esclusivamente a soddisfare i propri interessi.

ISBN: 9789046553688 Year: 2013 Volume: 3005 Publisher: Mechelen Kluwer

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De tewerkstelling van jongeren en werklozen kan worden gecombineerd met hun opleiding of beroepsvervolmaking. In een aantal opleidingsvormen zijn er voor de werkgever bijzondere tegemoetkomingen voorzien op het vlak van het uit te keren loon (of vergoeding) en/of op het vlak van socialezekerheidslasten. De auteur geeft een overzicht van deze opleidingsvormen

Coachen op de vijf rollen van de leraar
ISBN: 9789065085283 9065085289 Year: 2013 Publisher: Amersfoort CPS

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Het coachen van docenten is een vak apart met in de praktijk wisselend succes. Coachen op Contact is een praktische steun voor coaches die docenten begeleiden in de eerste vijf maanden van hun loopbaan. Dit boek geeft zowel de coach als de docent houvast door onderscheid te maken tussen zes rollen: die van gastheer, presentator, didacticus, pedagoog, afsluiter en coach. Per rol wordt beeldend beschreven wat effectief gedrag is en wat niet. De gedragsindicatoren ondersteunen de diagnose. De docent beseft beter wat hij goed doet en wat nog niet, de coach leert per rol coachen op gedragsverandering, compdetentieontwikkeling en overtuigingen. (Bron: covertekst)

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