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Herausforderungen einer globalen Wirtschaftsethik
ISBN: 3959353014 Year: 2015 Publisher: Hamburg, Germany : disserta Verlag,

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Crisis of the wasteful nation
ISBN: 9780226197937 022619793X 9780226197760 022619776X Year: 2015 Publisher: Chicago

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Long before people were "going green" and toting reusable bags, the Progressive generation of the early 1900s was calling for the conservation of resources, sustainable foresting practices, and restrictions on hunting. Industrial commodities such as wood, water, soil, coal, and oil, as well as improvements in human health and the protection of "nature" in an aesthetic sense, were collectively seen for the first time as central to the country's economic well-being, moral integrity, and international power. One of the key drivers in the rise of the conservation movement was Theodore Roosevelt, who, even as he slaughtered animals as a hunter, fought to protect the country's natural resources. In Crisis of the Wasteful Nation, Ian Tyrrell gives us a cohesive picture of Roosevelt's engagement with the natural world along with a compelling portrait of how Americans used, wasted, and worried about natural resources in a time of burgeoning empire. Countering traditional narratives that cast conservation as a purely domestic issue, Tyrrell shows that the movement had global significance, playing a key role in domestic security and in defining American interests around the world. Tyrrell goes beyond Roosevelt to encompass other conservation advocates and policy makers, particularly those engaged with shaping the nation's economic and social policies-policies built on an understanding of the importance of crucial natural resources. Crisis of the Wasteful Nation is a sweeping transnational work that blends environmental, economic, and imperial history into a cohesive tale of America's fraught relationships with raw materials, other countries, and the animal kingdom.

Ireland under austerity
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1784997129 9781784997120 9780719091988 1784996505 Year: 2015 Publisher: Manchester

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Once held up as a 'poster child' for the benefits of untrammeled capitalist globalisation, the Irish Republic has more recently come to represent a cautionary tale for those tempted to tread the same neoliberal path. The crash in the world economy had especially grave repercussions for Ireland, as it only narrowly escaped bankruptcy by negotiating emergency loans at punitive rates from the IMF, EU and ECB. A series of austerity measures introduced by successive Irish governments and overseen by the institutions of global finance has seen the country endure what some consider the most substantial 'adjustment' ever experienced in a developed society during peacetime. In this collection of essays, a range of academics, economists and political commentators delineate the reactionary course that Ireland has followed since the ignominious demise of the Celtic Tiger. A central thread that runs through the book is that the forces of neoliberalism have employed the economic crisis they caused to advance policies that are in their own very narrow interests. The host of regressive measures imposed since the onset of global recession has fundamentally restructured Irish society and will continue to do so long after public anger recedes and the national humiliation of the 'bailout' fades from memory. Ireland Under Austerity provides a critical and engaging account of what has happened to a society that in recent years has, more than most, mapped out the pernicious cycle of boom and bust that remains an essential hallmark of contemporary capitalism.

Nu het gouden kalf verdronken is : van hebzucht naar altruïsme als hoeksteen voor een Nieuwe Monetaire Wereldorde
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789046607510 9046607518 Year: 2015 Publisher: Antwerpen Apeldoorn Maklu

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Al ruim dertig jaar bepaalt het neoliberale gedachtegoed wereldwijd de sociaaleconomische ordening. Tal van sociale correctiemechanismen die in de loop van de vorige eeuw moeizaam waren bereikt om de blinde toepassing van de vrije marktmechanismen toch enigszins te temperen, gingen daarbij op de schop.Het proces van almaar toenemende liberalisering van de wereldeconomie heeft geleid tot nefaste gevolgen voor de mensheid en onze planeet. Staten, ondernemingen en particulieren blijven hun toevlucht zoeken in systemen van schuldfinanciering, gebaseerd op de neoliberale mythe dat problemen niet aangepakt dienen te worden. 'De onzichtbare hand die de vrije marktwerking aanstuurt, zal ze immers ooit wel vanzelf oplossen'.Het is stilaan overduidelijk dat het neoliberale gedachtegoed heeft gefaald en bovenal vorm heeft gegeven aan een manifest onrechtvaardige wereld. Toch blijven tal van landen en supranationale organisaties, zoals het Internationaal Monetair Fonds en de Europese Unie, zonder noemenswaardig debat het pad van het neoliberalisme volgen.Waarom blijft de wereldeconomie, zelfs na de zware financiële crisis van 2008, overgeleverd aan de neoliberale waanzin? En wat is een mogelijk alternatief? (Bron: covertekst)


Crise boursière (2008) --- Crise de 2008 --- Crise des subprimes (2007) --- Crise financière (2008) --- Crise financière et économique (2007-2009) --- Crise financière mondiale (2008-2009) --- Crise économique (2007-2009) --- Crise économique (2008) --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- Economic policy --- Economisch beleid --- Economische politiek --- Financiële wereldcrisis (2008-2009) --- Global Economic Crisis (2008-2009) --- Global Financial Crisis (2008-2009) --- Krach boursier (2008) --- National planning --- Politiek [Economische ] --- Politique économique --- State planning --- Subprime Mortgage Crisis (2008-2009) --- Subprimes [Crise des ] (2007) --- Coinage, International --- International finance --- International economic relations --- Globalization --- Neoliberalism --- Système monétaire international --- Finances internationales --- Relations économiques internationales --- Mondialisation --- Néo-libéralisme --- Neoliberalisme --- economische crisis --- politieke filosofie --- BPB1508 --- crise economique --- politique economique --- Libéralisme économique --- Marché libre --- Économie internationale --- 338.97 --- 32 --- economisch beleid --- Economisch liberalisme --- Vrije markt --- Internationale economie --- Système monétaire international --- Relations économiques internationales --- Néo-libéralisme --- Political aspects --- hospodársky liberalizmus --- ekonominis liberalizmas --- liberismo economico --- economisch liberalisme --- икономически либерализъм --- liberaliżmu ekonomiku --- ekonomiskais liberālisms --- gospodarski liberalizem --- hospodářský liberalismus --- gazdasági liberalizmus --- ekonomisk liberalism --- økonomisk liberalisme --- majanduslik liberalism --- liberalismo económico --- taloudellinen liberalismi --- Wirtschaftsliberalismus --- economic liberalism --- liberalizm gospodarczy --- економски либерализам --- liberalism economic --- liberalizëm ekonomik --- οικονομικός φιλελευθερισμός --- ekonomski liberalizam --- gospodarski liberalizam --- liberális gazdaságpolitika --- liberální ekonomie --- слободна конкуренција на пазарот --- neoliberismo economico --- слободни пазарни односи --- ekonomický liberalismus --- volné tržní vztahy --- пазарен либерализам --- либерална економија --- svobodné hospodářství --- liberismo --- international økonomi --- maailmamajandus --- svjetska ekonomija --- svetovno gospodarstvo --- ekonomi botërore --- internationell ekonomi --- internationale Wirtschaft --- διεθνής οικονομία --- svetové hospodárstvo --- economía internacional --- pasaules ekonomika --- ekonomija dinjija --- economie mondială --- internationale economie --- světová ekonomika --- международна икономика --- светска економија --- economia internazionale --- világgazdaság --- world economy --- kansainvälinen talous --- pasaulio ekonomika --- светска привреда --- gospodarka światowa --- economia internacional --- economía mundial --- economia mundial --- economie internațională --- παγκόσμια οικονομία --- économie mondiale --- wereldeconomie --- global ekonomi --- globalna ekonomija --- ekonomi ndërkombëtare --- světové hospodářství --- глобална економија --- rahvusvaheline majandus --- starptautiskā ekonomika --- svjetsko gospodarstvo --- nemzetközi gazdaság --- mezinárodní hospodářství --- verdensøkonomi --- globální ekonomika --- economia mondiale --- tarptautinė ekonomika --- Weltwirtschaft --- världsekonomi --- medzinárodné hospodárstvo --- international economy --- меѓународна економија --- otvoreno tržište --- freier Devisenmarkt --- свободен валутен пазар --- treg i hapur --- suq miftuħ --- отворен пазар --- mercado libre --- mercado livre --- frit marked --- open market --- mercato libero --- volný trh --- voľný trh --- öppen marknad --- brīvais tirgus --- atviroji rinka --- prosti trg --- отворено тржиште --- vabaturg --- ελεύθερη αγορά --- vrije markt --- piață deschisă --- vapaat markkinat --- szabadpiac --- rynek walutowy wolny --- mercato parallelo --- mercato libero dei cambi --- mercato libero delle divise --- Libéralisme économique --- Marché libre --- Économie internationale --- geilleagar an domhain --- margadh oscailte --- liobrálachas eacnamaíoch --- Monetaire politiek. --- Neoliberalisme.

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