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The Oxford handbook of psychological situations
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780190848903 0190848901 9780190263348 0190263342 Year: 2017 Publisher: [New York, NY] Oxford University Press

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Even as the acknowledgment that “behavior is a function of an interaction between the person and situation” has attained the status of a truism in psychology, the study of situations has lagged far behind the study of persons. This imbalance has begun to be remedied in recent years, with the development of assessment instruments and new theoretical perspectives for understanding situations. More and more papers are being published, symposia and even entire conferences are being devoted to the interplay of persons and situations, and research is progressing rapidly. This handbook offers an extensive review of the research on psychological situations, providing a one-stop source for readings on the state of the art of theory, methods, findings, and applications in this burgeoning field. The handbook chapters are written by experts in their respective research areas and are conveniently organized along these themes. Bringing together historical reviews, theoretical pieces, methodological descriptions, and empirical applications, this volume is the definitive, go-to source for a psychology of situations.

Television's moment : sitcom audiences and the sixties cultural revolution
ISBN: 9781785335051 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York (N.Y.) : Berghahn books,

Begriffliche Situationsanalyse aus Videodaten bei unvollständiger und fehlerhafter Information
ISBN: 1000066975 3731506440 Year: 2017 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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This work addresses the automatic detection of complex situations in image sequences in the video surveillance context. There are difficulties when dealing with data from natural environments. This work expands the formalism of FMTHL and SGTs to deal with erroneous, missing, and noisy data and complexity, demonstrates the robustness of situational recognition in natural scenarios, and expands generic applicability beyond discourse boundaries.

The Oxford handbook of women and the economy
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780190628987 0190628987 9780190628963 0190628960 0190628979 0190878266 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York Oxford University Press

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The transformation of women's lives in the past century is among the most significant and far-reaching social and economic phenomena, affecting not only women, but also their partners and children. This Handbook provides the first comprehensive collection of essays that addresses these issues, using the powerful framework of economics. The essays are divided into three broad sections-marriage and fertility; the labor market; and special topics and policy issues. Separate and special attention is given to developed and developing economies, because the constraints women face and the key policy issues vary by level of development. While the primary focus is economics, where appropriate, the essays incorporate the newest interdisciplinary research about gender from biology and other disciplines.

Changing names and gendering identity : social organisation in contemporary Britain
ISBN: 9781472477705 Year: 2017 Publisher: London ; New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis,

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CogSIMA : 2017 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management : 27-31 March 2017.
ISBN: 1509063803 1509063811 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York : IEEE,

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L'impact de l'arrivée d'Uber sur la rentabilité de l'industrie du taxi, étude de la Région Bruxelles-Capitale
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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All around the world, new companies are creating and joining a new economic model. The activity of these companies is based on their platforms. Through these, the potential customers and sellers are connected. This model is called « sharing economy ». The sharing is not a new idea, but sell through the disposal technology widens the scale. This model does not change what we consume, but the way we consume (Petit, 2016). The studies show that this phenomenon will take more and more scale in the coming years.&#13;&#13;In the light of this phenomenon dimension, it pushes aside the traditional companies. Indeed, it leaves nobody indifferent. Generally, the sharing economy companies do not follow the current regulations. It is the case of the company « Uber ». It is a platform which gets in touch people who want a race and people who propose transports. Uber attacks an ancestral sector, which operates with national regulations. The Brussels-Capital Region did not escape this phenomenon. Nowadays, more than 500 vehicles from Uber circulate in the capital streets. This company is, all around the world and including in Brussels, hauled before the court for unfair competition. Uber, which is not respecting the regulations, would allow to propose taxi industry similar services, at unbeatable prices. Monopolizing a part, at least, of the demand, this company arrival would damage the financial health of the sector companies.&#13;&#13;With this report, entitled « The impact of the Uber arrival on the profitability of the taxi industry, study of the Brussels-Capital Region », we would like to highlight the reasons of the sharing economy appearance, the stake that it represents for the future, an understanding of the Uber functioning and its implications in the taxi industry. Then, an financial health analysis of the sector will be made trough major actors interviews and taxi industry companies financial statement analysis. The objective of the research is to compare the theoretical and practical results and provide a clarification of the situation of the Belgium market.

Anthropologie d’une catastrophe : Les coulées de boue de 1999 au Venezuela
ISBN: 2878547292 2878544153 9782878544152 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris : Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle,

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Le 15 décembre 1999, de puissantes inondations s’abattent sur le Venezuela. Elles provoquent des coulées de boue meurtrières dans une grande partie de l’état côtier et urbain de Vargas. à partir d’une enquête ethnographique qui débute quelques mois après l’événement, au moment de l’intervention des acteurs humanitaires, et se poursuit jusqu’en 2005 au cours de la reconstruction de la région, cet ouvrage porte un regard anthropologique sur cette catastrophe « naturelle ». Il s’agit ici de saisir, au-delà du compte-rendu rapide, global, inquiet et désabusé que les médias nous offrent de ces crises, tout ce qui se produit dans les failles et dans les fissures de cette catastrophe. Il s’agit également de comprendre comment un ensemble de phénomènes physiques (pluies, coulées de boue, glissements de terrain, chutes de pierres…) devient un événement social : La Tragedia. Dans cette perspective, la catastrophe est appréhendée non comme une donnée, mais comme une construction. En analysant comment se déclinent les différentes phases de l’urgence (survie, secours, assistance) puis de la reconstruction, en s’interrogeant sur les multiples façons de donner du sens au désastre et en replaçant l’événement dans une perspective historique à long terme, l’auteur élabore une réflexion sur la façon dont les sociétés contemporaines affrontent et dénouent de telles tragédies.

Urg' psychiatrie : toutes les situations d'urgence psychiatrique en poche !
Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 21063966 ISBN: 9782718414416 2718414413 Year: 2017 Publisher: Montrouge : Arnette - Editions John Libbey Eurotext,

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Quatrième de couverture : "Les auteurs respectivement médecins urgentistes et médecins psychiatres ont mis en commun leur savoir-faire pour vous proposer un guide entièrement mis à jour qui s'adresse aux personnels des urgences, qu'ils soient urgentistes ou psychiatres. Sous forme de fiches toujours claires, il aborde toutes tes situations d'urgence psychiatrique par des "conduites à tenir" diagnostiques et thérapeutiques codifiées, axées sur les dernières recommandations d'experts. Il traite toutes les situations d'urgences psychiatriques aiguës (agitation, psychoses aiguës, états dépressifs sévères, etc.), les pathologies addictives (alcool, drogues, etc.), les intoxications aiguës avec la prise en charge des suicidants, la psychiatrie de catastrophe (CUMP, états de stress post-traumatiques, etc.). Il couvre également les situations psychiatriques d'urgence selon le terrain (pédopsychiatrie, personnes âgées, grossesse, etc.). Enfin, chaque situation clinique comporte en annexe des échelles d'évaluation validées avec leur grille de cotation permettant de les utiliser efficacement en urgence et respecte la classification internationale DSM-5. Un utile glossaire permet aux lecteurs d'avoir toujours une définition claire des termes psychiatriques. Ce guide de poche est un véritable outil d'aide à la décision qui renforce le self-control du soignant face aux situations difficiles. Il intéressera tous les acteurs des urgences psychiatriques : urgentistes, psychiatres, psychologues, étudiants hospitaliers, infirmiers et infirmières organisateurs de l'accueil, infirmiers et infirmières d'urgence, aides-soignant(e)s, assistant(e)s sociaux/les, médecins du travail."

Collective efficacy : how educators' beliefs impact student learning
ISBN: 9781506356495 Year: 2017 Publisher: Thousand Oaks Corwin

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Is your school climate promoting meaningful change? Recent research suggests that Collective Efficacy (CE) is the number one factor influencing student achievement.CE - the belief that, through collective actions, educators can influence student outcomes and improve student learning- is changing the educational ecosystem. A faculty with high Collective Efficacy show greater effort and persistence, willingness to try new teaching approaches, and attend more closely to struggling students? needs. This book presents practical strategies and tools for increasing student achievement by sharing:- Rationale and sources for establishing CE- Conditions and leadership practices for CE to flourish- Professional learning structures/protocols that promote CEIf educators' realities are filtered through the belief that they can do very little to influence student achievement, then it is likely these beliefs will manifest in their practice. Help teachers develop mastery and CE by employing these key strategies.(

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