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Du cosmos
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Bruxelles: École de recherche graphique,

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La vulgarisation scientifique agit comme reformulation d'une réponse scientifique complexe à un public - un geste de traduction nécessaire afin de permettre à tout un chacun une explication valable aux phénomènes desquels l'être humain est témoin quotidiennement, parfois sans les comprendre. La vulgarisation scientifique comporte toutefois bien des paradoxes et des contradictions, lui donnant ainsi un caractère ambigu de par les enjeux éthiques, politiques et sociologiques qu'elle implique. D'autre part, les éditions de vulgarisation scientifique agissent, elles, comme agent de transmission et de diffusion d'un savoir détenu par les figures du monde scientifique vers un public non expérimenté. Cette transmission est aussi la base des enjeux éditoriaux.



L'édition d'éducation face aux défis du numérique
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782765415701 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris : Editions du Cercle de la Librairie,

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Cet ouvrage analyse les enjeux de l'édition d'éducation (scolaire et parascolaire) à l'heure du numérique.

Quantum Gravity in the First Half of the Twentieth Century: A Sourcebook
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Edition Open Access

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This volume collects the earliest contributions to what is now known as quantum gravity research: the attempt to bring together quantum theory and the general theory of relativity. Covering the period from 1916-1950, it shows the beginnings of an unsolved problem that still remains as such today. The original sources are interspersed with historical essays, which together provide the first scholarly historical overview of quantum gravity in the first half of the twentieth Century. The combination of historical analysis and original sources make this a volume of interest to historians, philosophers, and physicists alike. - Edition Open Sources (EOS) pioneers a new paradigm in publishing, devoted to open access and high-quality peer review. This collaborative scholarly endeavor publishes academic editions of primary sources in the history of science in online, digital, and print formats. EOS publications present new editions of original sources with facsimile reproductions, in part also with translations, and with an introduction to the authors and the context in which they worked. The sources are typically historical books, manuscripts, documents or other material that is otherwise difficult to access. EOS a collaboration be-tween the University of Oklahoma Libraries, the Department for the History of Science of the University of Oklahoma and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin.

Theory, Practice, and Nature In-between: Antonio Vallisneri's 'Primi Itineris Specimen'
Year: 2018 Publisher: Edition Open Access

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In the summer of 1704, Antonio Vallisneri (1661–1730), the preeminent Italian physician and natural philosopher of his time, traveled with a “daring soul” and “trembling feet” across the “silent horrors” of the northern Apennines: down the hills south of Reggio Emilia to northern Tuscany and the western edge of his native land, the Province of Garfagnana. He then wrote a report of this adventure, the Primi Itineris per Montes Specimen Physico-Medicum (“Physico-medical example of a first journey through the mountains"), and sent it to the Royal Society of London, hoping for its publication in Philosophical Transactions. Unfortunately this did not happen and the manuscript disappeared from sight. The original draft, however, survived in the State Archive of the Italian city of Reggio Emilia where it was found in 2009. With its exceptional array of geological, medical, geographical, technical, ethnographic, and historical data, the Primi Itineris Specimen is one of the earliest and most well-documented attempts to define a systematic approach to field research. Its frantically reworked pages and anxious marginal notes offer a new and precious opportunity to understand why and how experimental data and theories in the early modern period interacted and shaped the development of many crucial debates. These include the discovering of deep-time, the comprehension of geological phenomena (such as the hydrologic cycle and the origin of mountains and fossils), the perception of man’s place in nature, the constant search for new therapeutics, the tormented and charming relation between science and religion.

Theory, Practice, and Nature In-between: Antonio Vallisneri's 'Primi Itineris Specimen'
Year: 2018 Publisher: Edition Open Access

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In the summer of 1704, Antonio Vallisneri (1661–1730), the preeminent Italian physician and natural philosopher of his time, traveled with a “daring soul” and “trembling feet” across the “silent horrors” of the northern Apennines: down the hills south of Reggio Emilia to northern Tuscany and the western edge of his native land, the Province of Garfagnana. He then wrote a report of this adventure, the Primi Itineris per Montes Specimen Physico-Medicum (“Physico-medical example of a first journey through the mountains"), and sent it to the Royal Society of London, hoping for its publication in Philosophical Transactions. Unfortunately this did not happen and the manuscript disappeared from sight. The original draft, however, survived in the State Archive of the Italian city of Reggio Emilia where it was found in 2009. With its exceptional array of geological, medical, geographical, technical, ethnographic, and historical data, the Primi Itineris Specimen is one of the earliest and most well-documented attempts to define a systematic approach to field research. Its frantically reworked pages and anxious marginal notes offer a new and precious opportunity to understand why and how experimental data and theories in the early modern period interacted and shaped the development of many crucial debates. These include the discovering of deep-time, the comprehension of geological phenomena (such as the hydrologic cycle and the origin of mountains and fossils), the perception of man’s place in nature, the constant search for new therapeutics, the tormented and charming relation between science and religion.

Quantum Gravity in the First Half of the Twentieth Century: A Sourcebook
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Edition Open Access

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This volume collects the earliest contributions to what is now known as quantum gravity research: the attempt to bring together quantum theory and the general theory of relativity. Covering the period from 1916-1950, it shows the beginnings of an unsolved problem that still remains as such today. The original sources are interspersed with historical essays, which together provide the first scholarly historical overview of quantum gravity in the first half of the twentieth Century. The combination of historical analysis and original sources make this a volume of interest to historians, philosophers, and physicists alike. - Edition Open Sources (EOS) pioneers a new paradigm in publishing, devoted to open access and high-quality peer review. This collaborative scholarly endeavor publishes academic editions of primary sources in the history of science in online, digital, and print formats. EOS publications present new editions of original sources with facsimile reproductions, in part also with translations, and with an introduction to the authors and the context in which they worked. The sources are typically historical books, manuscripts, documents or other material that is otherwise difficult to access. EOS a collaboration be-tween the University of Oklahoma Libraries, the Department for the History of Science of the University of Oklahoma and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin.

Livre numérique : état des lieux, perspectives et enjeux
ISBN: 9782765415589 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris : Editions du Cercle de la Librairie,

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Ces dernières années, les acteurs du livre numérique ont réalisé un considérable travail de fond pour préciser, consolider et maîtriser leur développement. Leurs efforts commencent à porter leurs fruits. Point d'étape inédit par son ampleur, cet ouvrage se veut une invitation à la réflexion et à l'approfondissement sur tout ce qui touche au numérique pour l'édition. Il revient sur les événements importants, dans les champs technologiques, juridiques, commerciaux et structurels. Il questionne l'écosystème du numérique : la place du livre dans l'espace de l'écran, l'environnement concurrentiel, le parcours client, les formats alternatifs et, enfin, les enjeux générationnels. L'objectif est de dépasser les raccourcis et les idées reçues.

L'édition à l'ère numérique
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782707199355 2707199354 Year: 2018 Volume: 706 Publisher: Paris : La Découverte,

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Le numérique est en train de remodeler l'ensemble du processus de production du savoir, de validation des contenus et de diffusion des connaissances. En cause : l'émergence de nouveaux outils et de nouvelles pratiques d'écriture et de lecture, mais aussi un changement plus global que l'on pourrait qualifier de culturel. Les éditeurs ont posé en termes tantôt apocalyptiques tantôt technophiles un grand nombre de questions, notamment sur l'avenir du livre, les modes d'accès à la connaissance, la légitimation des contenus en ligne et les droits d'auteur. Cet ouvrage propose un état des lieux de l'impact effectif des mutations technologiques sur l'édition, à partir de trois fonctions principales des instances éditoriales : la production des contenus, leur circulation et leur légitimation. Cet ouvrage combine une approche académique de compréhension des modèles, une observation empirique des pratiques et usages et une analyse des logiques stratégiques déployées dans ce secteur .

Theory, Practice, and Nature In-between: Antonio Vallisneri's 'Primi Itineris Specimen'
Year: 2018 Publisher: Edition Open Access

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In the summer of 1704, Antonio Vallisneri (1661–1730), the preeminent Italian physician and natural philosopher of his time, traveled with a “daring soul” and “trembling feet” across the “silent horrors” of the northern Apennines: down the hills south of Reggio Emilia to northern Tuscany and the western edge of his native land, the Province of Garfagnana. He then wrote a report of this adventure, the Primi Itineris per Montes Specimen Physico-Medicum (“Physico-medical example of a first journey through the mountains"), and sent it to the Royal Society of London, hoping for its publication in Philosophical Transactions. Unfortunately this did not happen and the manuscript disappeared from sight. The original draft, however, survived in the State Archive of the Italian city of Reggio Emilia where it was found in 2009. With its exceptional array of geological, medical, geographical, technical, ethnographic, and historical data, the Primi Itineris Specimen is one of the earliest and most well-documented attempts to define a systematic approach to field research. Its frantically reworked pages and anxious marginal notes offer a new and precious opportunity to understand why and how experimental data and theories in the early modern period interacted and shaped the development of many crucial debates. These include the discovering of deep-time, the comprehension of geological phenomena (such as the hydrologic cycle and the origin of mountains and fossils), the perception of man’s place in nature, the constant search for new therapeutics, the tormented and charming relation between science and religion.

Quantum Gravity in the First Half of the Twentieth Century: A Sourcebook
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Edition Open Access

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This volume collects the earliest contributions to what is now known as quantum gravity research: the attempt to bring together quantum theory and the general theory of relativity. Covering the period from 1916-1950, it shows the beginnings of an unsolved problem that still remains as such today. The original sources are interspersed with historical essays, which together provide the first scholarly historical overview of quantum gravity in the first half of the twentieth Century. The combination of historical analysis and original sources make this a volume of interest to historians, philosophers, and physicists alike. - Edition Open Sources (EOS) pioneers a new paradigm in publishing, devoted to open access and high-quality peer review. This collaborative scholarly endeavor publishes academic editions of primary sources in the history of science in online, digital, and print formats. EOS publications present new editions of original sources with facsimile reproductions, in part also with translations, and with an introduction to the authors and the context in which they worked. The sources are typically historical books, manuscripts, documents or other material that is otherwise difficult to access. EOS a collaboration be-tween the University of Oklahoma Libraries, the Department for the History of Science of the University of Oklahoma and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin.

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